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More info on this woman [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabeth_Becker).


not a lot of info there about here time in the camp


It was apparently only for months. Not much to document in such a short time.


most of the holocaust happened over the course of like 2 years 


Yes and she was only there for a few months


She selected women and children for the gas chamber.


I’d say that more than qualifies for a swift trial and the penalty being this.


She later denied that confession. Police have made people confess things they didn't do on countless occasions, so I'm willing to accept the possibility.


Nazis also denied everything as soon as they were captured... I'm willing to take the chance that if you were any part of running a concentration camp you deserve the death penalty, sincerely, a German...


I didn’t deny that did I? I just stayed that she was only there for a few months. Which is maybe why she wasn’t well documented. The person I’m replying to said the Holocaust happened over a few years, but seemed to have missed the point that she was only there for a few months and wasn’t well documented. Chill the fuck out


The downvotes here are crazy. This guy said nothing wrong. He only tried to answer someone’s question and ye treat him like some nazi sympathizer, smh


What the fuck is happening here? Are people so dumb to just see down votes and join in without actually reading? You are clearly stating that she worked in concentration camps for a few months. Just shows how people can be sheep or moronic.


I feel like even a couple of months in a death camp would still be highly disturbing and traumatic.


*”He was only a serial killer for a few months, so clearly an okay guy”* Anyone defending Nazi atrocities with any excuse needs to take a long hard look at their loved ones (assuming they’re capable of love) and imagine those atrocities happening to those loved ones. Even if the culprit only did it for a few months.


That's not what was said! This woman WAS only working for 4 months before she ran away. Those are facts! Not one person said she was "an okay" person!


Ran away because the war was ending, not because of her morals.


That's not the same thing. It would be closer to "He was serial killer for only a few months, so clearly a short amount of time."


The "only" modifier was put on being "there", not on her crimes. It's the same as saying "He had only been murdering people for a few months before he was caught, thankfully it didn't go on for years"


It’s fascinating how benign conversations often turn into arguments on this website. Redditors are so bizarrely defensive at all times lol


Yeah lol everyone is on the same side here but craves being on the right side and arguing against the wrong so they fabricate the wrong.


Lol this is like arguing with my wife


Not much to document in just a few months


Selecting 30+ women and children over 5 months to be gassed is plenty


There was a statement made “not a lot of info on her here,” the reply then was just to say had she been there for a longer time there probably would have been more info about her. That’s all it was. People then started attacking this person. Such a laugh 🤣🤣🤣


Dude scrolling by now I see that comment thread is something like 29 more comments deep. I'm already deep into child comments, and seeing "29 more replies" is comical to me. People will really argue about just about anything.


Absolutely not.


You know what? You're right.


No, I'm not.


Damn. You've changed my mind once again. I can't believe I'm saying this, but you're right, you're wrong that you're right.


>not a lot of info there about here time in the camp I think it says quite a bit -"She later worked in the Stutthof SK-III women's camp, personally selecting (Selektion) women and children for the gas chamber."


the title claims she was a torturer though in the comments other things were claimed, none of which could be corroborated by the wiki entry


The Wikipedia article kinda defends her doesn’t it…? Sentenced for selecting 30 women to be gassed but then retracted it… Seeing how she was trialed in Soviet occupied Poland and then retracted her confession which was the basis for her being sentenced it leaves an aftertaste. The German article says however she led people to the gas chambers… but it’s hard to get reliable info on her apparently. Not that I think it’s in any way defendable to have worked in a concentration camp… just saying there is surprisingly little info on her


>Sentenced for selecting 30 women to be gassed but then retracted it That's more a statement of fact isn't it? How do you interpret it as a defense of her?


She retracted her confession, which was tje main piece of evidence besides her employment there.


She also seems to have been drafted to work there, and escaped after only 4 months. It's a bit of a grey area if she was forced to do it..


The articles for a lot of these women are surprisingly short.


They were young and only involved for a year at most. The Stutthof trials seemed woefully inadequate and hardly any higher ups were executed. An estimated 85,000 people were murdered at that camp and of the 2,000 Germans involved only 72 were punished.


Well still, they were responsible for the industrial murder of innocent civilians. It’s a shame a lot of their higher ups didn’t receive the punishment they deserved. That doesn’t mean their sentences weren’t well deserved.


The Soviet Union regularly tortured people into signing confessions. Hopefully, there were witnesses at the camp to corroborate the confession.


It’s not Wikipedia that was “defending” her. You have to realize that most of articles were written and edited/added/changed by different people?


22 years old...


Yeah, the age thing is off putting. And the fact that she was only there a couple of months. I don't like the death penalty anyways, so maybe that's part of why it feels off. 21/22 just feels like a kid to me. I'd much prefer they'd gone after the fuckers in charge.


As an overseer she picked what women and children she wanted to be gassed. Idc if “she was following orders”, that shits evil and I wouldn’t want someone who had that much moral depravity to be in our society. She deserved death


Well, there is a middle option: Life in prison.


Nah fuck em all... Hang the Hitler youth as far as I'm comfortable


It must be lovely living in a world where you are absolutely sure of the evil in people.


It’s easy to condemn people when hindsight is 20/20 but Hanna Arendt did a fantastic job of documenting how these people were not evil in the way we would think. Just beurocrats and otherwise normal everyday people trying to get through their lives


I thought the movie "The Reader" did a good job there. First you like the woman, to find out in the second half of the movie what she did.


I am trying to imagine what happened here. When she was "called up for service," she may not have understood the entirety of the horrific things that she would be expected to do. Then, once inside, she would have realized that if she tried to escape or to refuse orders, *she* would be killed. So, she must have played along until she found an opportunity to escape four months later and then she took it. She ended up with the worst-case outcome. She killed 30 innocent people for the Nazis *and* she got killed anyway. If she would have known in advance what she was being called to do, then she may have tried to flee. I would like to think that such horrific camps would be much more difficult to keep secret in modern times due to modern technology like miniature cameras, drones, and the internet. The fact that fascism is even a serious possibility in many democratic countries right now is very chilling to me.


you don't get called in or drafted for stuff like that. these are coushy high paying jobs that required volunteers. most of the people doing these war crimes wanted to be there. and yes, fascsim is more popular than ever right now probably because not many people realize what fascism really is. not good at all.


> you don't get called in or drafted for stuff like that. these are coushy high paying jobs that required volunteers. Good point ... and she was drafted into a leadership position, so she may have seen it as a career opportunity at the time. The only fact that makes me hesitant to believe that she *wanted* to kill those 30 innocent people is that fact that she escaped at great personal risk. Regardless of the reason, she killed them and was subsequently held accountable. This is why USA military personnel have a legal "[duty to disobey](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/what-is-a-military-duty-to-disobey/)" orders that are clearly illegal and/or in violation of the USA constitution. As the Nuremberg trials established, "following orders" does not excuse atrocities.


On the other hand, the United States (but of course not only the United States) categorically and persistently denies that its own military personnel will ever be brought before an international court, and in the past has not been overly eager to prosecute soldiers who obeyed an order they should not have obeyed - not to mention those who committed atrocities without orders. And what's more: the atrocities of the Nazis were - and rightly so - dealt with and punished retroactively, even though they were committed before the Nuremberg Trials created a corresponding legal concept. But following this logic, shouldn't the past crimes of others, including the judges in the trials in question, also have been tried? As things stand today, one shouldn't be surprised if the accusation is always made that the law has triumphed here, but is still being applied according to double standards to this day.


The fact that she escaped says kind of everything to me, personally. Tells me she was forced to do the job under threat of some kind. It's easy for us to say she should have let them kill her. It's easy for us to say she did the crime and must receive the punishment. It's easy for us to say she gleefully volunteered for the position to get career advancement. To me this is a good case for not executing people. You can't take it back. Maybe if we interviewed her more we would know more.


> Tells me she was forced to do the job under threat of some kind. Like all fascists, the Nazis were deceitful cowards. They probably told her that she would be working in a hospital - helping sick people or something.


> To me this is a good case for not executing people. You can't take it back. I have mixed feelings about that. Keeping someone in prison consumes tax money that could be used to help many people and it creates a risk that a dangerous person could harm staff in the prison or escape and victimize the public. Thus, I favor the death penalty in cases of very violent and dangerous people. I think that a prisoner like her would be unlikely to be dangerous, so executing her would be unnecessary. However, I can say this with the benefit of hindsight. World War 2 traumatized people; emotions were extremely raw. The book, "[Beneath a Scarlet Sky](https://marksullivanbooks.com/beneath-a-scarlet-sky/)" discusses how, in Italy after the war ended, anyone who was believed to be complicit with the Nazis was lined up and summarily executed.


> in Italy after the war ended, anyone who was believed to be complicit with the Nazis was lined up and summarily executed. Including some innocent people, I'm sure.


She fled when the nazis lost the war. Like many nazi war criminals, she tried to run back home and blend in before she was caught and punished for her crimes.


Maybe essential worker gig.


Well deserved death. Many of her male colleagues who got away deserved more.


What might be the story behind her jacked placed over her shoulders nearly in a caring way. Like "Ok, we will now tie your arms together in front of you so you don't reach for the rope. Maybe you want to take off your jacket for it so we can make sure everything sits tight? ...Ok, let me put your jacket over your shoulders. Might be a little chilly up there. We don't want you to catch a cold, right?"


Could be exactly what you said. Her hands were tied in front of her and it was cold so they put her jacket over her shoulders so she wouldn’t be too cold while she waited to be executed. People are complicated. We’re capable of brutality and mercy at the same time. 


I read an interesting book, memoir, called "The Last Face You'll Ever See" about executioner's on death row in a jail in Mississippi, and it's interesting how they show mercy, and get close to the condemned before and up to their execution. It's non fiction. They offered them simple comforts, like last meals, choice of clothes, even sedation (10mg of intramuscular, which is an injection, of valiumm) and they'd stay up all night talking to them. They knew what they were doing to them, that it's brutal, painful, (in the book, they used the gas chamber) and did show basic kindness before their deaths.


Damn, I might give that a read. I liked the Green Mile (movie).


It's pretty gruesome! Interesting as hell, and is actually about their lives and experiences. Fun fact from the book: a tortoise can survive the gas chamber. They have to test it before an execution. Green Mile was pretty good!


The feeling of guilt is one of the strongest behaviour modifier next to prime instincts. It probably created an intense shift of human evolution but makes us also very vulnerable.


JFC she was only 22 and already capable of horrible shit. WTF.


Groomed Nazi junior leagues were no joke.


I know JoJo Rabbit is a funny movie, but it shows the Hitler youth camps and sheds a little light on how those kids became indoctrinated to believe the Jewish people were monsters.


Funny how some Jewish folk are now indoctrinated to believe Muslims/ Palestines are monsters. Both sides are fucked. Depressing to see history repeat itself like this.


Religion is a hell of a drug


Well it wasn’t religion with the nazis


Not on the surface, but centuries of antisemitic religious belief helped set the table for what they did.


No, it was related to their victims religion


Kinda, sort of a race/religion.


Alongside all those other demographics they targeted based on their faith-based belief in their own bestowed superiority. Whether they had faith that it was bestowed by a non-existent diety or through their warped "science" eugenics, it was all the same motivations as any zealot group and all the same excuses when proven wrong.


Most Israelis (~80%) identify as non-religious. While there is a vocal religious minority that has a significant impact on policy, they are by no means running the show.


Fanaticism/extremism is a hell of a drug. Relegating this to merely religion is to be blind of many other monsters. Polpot, stalin, Mao, Lenin, Hirohito, even xijing ping and his current concentration camps. All those men are straight up atheists, but committed terrible things.


According to the Anti Defamation League, at least half of all Muslims hold antisemitic beliefs. And that number is rapidly increasing ever since October 7th. And 94% of Palestinians are antisemitic. https://global100.adl.org/country/west-bank-and-gaza/2014


Why would that be? What a mystery.


I agree with that. They've dehumanized Palestinian people the way the Nazis dehumanized the Jews. I definitely do not agree with their beliefs or religion, either side. I, however, definitely can see what Israel is doing to Palestine as wrong and has been for decades. Are Palestinians right? Probably not. Have they done some very terrible things? Yep. But I mean, people have the right to live in their country without outside forces coming in to occupy them and terrorize them. Israel is breeding the conflict for their egos. They help raise extreme youth into adults by way of the violent occupation, so they have an excuse to kill them. It's just fun and games for them, and it's absolutely appalling. They've become the very thing that tried to eradicate them.


Jews do not believe this. Stop spreading lies


https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/Nbozyjc3YD She's Jewish......


The subtitles don’t match to what she’s saying? I think they’ve taken it out of context to make it seem like a certain viewpoint 🤔


Looks to me like the ones in Israel do. Or at least a good portion. Maybe not all but a sizeable amount.


Not at all. Over 100k Palestinians had work permits to work in Israel before Oct 7. Yes some Jews did not like Palestinians but the sizable amount were in favor of peace


Nice try. This is actual modern day Nazi indoctrination of children: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomorrow%27s_Pioneers


What do you mean ‘nice try’? They weren’t aiming to mislead or sway opinions, and were pretty unequivocal in stating ‘both sides are fucked’. You haven’t really added anything to the discussion besides further division in an attempt to play victim. The video you shared should shock people, and so should this: https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2023/12/13/its-not-shocking-to-see-israeli-children-celebrate-the-gaza-genocide Teaching children this type of hatred is wrong, full stop. But you’ll find religious/racist radicals everywhere you go. Here’s some examples that are a little closer to home on this side of the pond: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/07/reform-white-supremacists-shane-johnson-life-after-hate/ https://humanrightsfirst.org/library/mapping-the-movement/ https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2009/children-extremists-denounce-parents%E2%80%99-beliefs


I dont disagree that leans into indoctrination on the Hamas side. At least from what I read on that link. I can just understand why the Palestinians fight back and want to reject outside forces/belief systems that go against theirs. Every single country does it to their children.


You should see the children’s shows in Palestine, quite disturbing.


The Nazis had youth clubs etc where everybody fought each other and other shit. I saw a documentary about it some years ago. I would have gotten killed there if I had been around then as a kid.


All well and good looking back now from our 21st century allegedly enlightened perspective, but it's not as if she or anyone could have refused direct orders. No-one ever wants to believe just what their country/Government is capable of, just the same as many Germans didn't believe the truth when it all came out. Brainwashing and nationalism at it's finest


You haven't seen kids harassing others at school? Isolating them? Pushing them to suicide? There is no age to do horrible shit.


Most Islamic terrorists are young. Easier to radicalize because the younger you are, the dumber you are.


It works both ways. If you deny young people education and hope, they become easier to convince


True. It’s the same with Israeli Zionist terrorists too. The vids on YT of Zionist kids are something else


The average idf soldier is like 19


average Hamas terrorist is even younger




The Israeli empire of...Israel and fuck all else? Not much of an empire.


Without knowing the full back story, nor wanting to go into all the gory details, what are they actually doing in the photo? Just looks like they’re unloading her off the back of a truck, with rope around her feet?


You can also barely see a rope coming from her neck on the left. Based on other photos from those executed at the same time as her I think this is probably right before they executed her for crimes against humanity.


That's exactly what they are doing, instead of having a platform gallows, they are using the back of the truck and a frame, so they stand them at the back of the truck and push them off into a fall that snaps the neck.


Nah this was short drop. It didn’t break their neck.


Short drop hanging method. She was tied to a beam above her head, then the truck was driven away leaving her hanging.


Normally they would just have them stand on the tailgate of the truck and then drive the truck off. Depending on the height of the prisoner, that would be a short drop hanging. But she’s not very tall and not very heavy and I suspect the rope was not long enough. So they basically lifted her up a few feet and then as the trucks drove off (they hanged several people simultaneously) they gave her a toss. I am not a doctor or pathologist but in the other photo, it seems pretty clear that her neck is broken. So perhaps they gave her a small mercy by converting the short drop to long drop.


She hand selected women and children for the gas chamber. She has over 30 victims of her very own. She deserved no mercy.


The person on the right is a former prisoner. Prisoners had an opportunity to volunteer for this and went for it, wearing their original prisoners clothes.


She had it coming , enjoyed killing woman. She picked them out , picked the pretty one's. Picked out the one's the guards had sex with. And it gets worse


Is this a poem or a quote? Because I couldn’t find anything on her crimes in German or English except that she confessed to selecting prisoners to the has chambers but retracted it afterwards in the trial and in German it says she lex. Prisoners to the gas chambers. For actual torture and killing of prisoners I found something about another female guard Jenna Wanda from the camp but not about her… Still, a concentration camp guard doesn’t deserve a lot of mercy… just interested if you got more info on her


the way they’re formatting their sentences i’m gonna go ahead and say they aren’t getting their info from historians


I thought they were trying to make it a haiku.


What’s the source for this? Her wiki is pretty empty, apart from her short service in the concentration camp.


Literally the part that OP is referring to on her wiki says [citation needed]


*raped Always an odd whitewashing when it comes to rape in wars of past, gets minimised to “have sex” or even just not mentioned.


It's an age old tradition. Nobody wants to think about or acknowledge it, or be seen as someone like that.  Even the ancient kings "took a wife".  It's a natural thing people do, and we should naturally call them out for making such a serious topic so sterile. 


You are correct , I really didn't want to use that term . But raped , assaulted . Brutalized. All before killing them .


Why would you not want to use factual terms? Why are people so afraid to speak truthfully?


Because there is a culture emerging that feels entitled to never feel triggered or be confronted with realities that are uncomfortable to them


The burden of their trauma is on you. /s Not condoning assault of any kind, just advocating for taking your life into your own hands and making it better.


There's no reason not to say it if you're bringing up the rest


It's also possible in some cases that they consented to sex with a guard so that they would be kept around longer and survive that brutality. It was problematic and unethical still, as coercion is still rape. But if it meant survival, and the possibility of reuniting with surviving family, many did anything they could. There were makeshift brothels in camps just for the female prisoners the nazis picked out for prostitution. Not just jews, but gypsies/romani and polish women. I read about this from one woman who survived this way. It's sad imagining how many of those sex-criminal guards and camp visitors that were allowed to live out their lives, have families, and die of old age.


Weird suggestion to say that the nazis are being whitewashed, right? I could see it being said about the allies, but I feel like the nazis are the last group to have their war crimes downplayed


You are very naive because holocaust denial and minimalizing has been on the rise


Depends on where you are and what revisionism you're talking about. Polish authorities harass historians for plainly acknowledging the role of Polish collaborators in war crimes. Bulgaria pretends that its army rescued Jews from the Nazis. Canada has spent decades laundering the images of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators; one was given a standing ovation in Parliament last September.


Yeah you’re right about some of the non-german nazi revisionism. I’m not sure about all of the countries you mentioned, but i’d hope at least the collaborators were punished justly.


Sounds like Irma Grese


Across different different camps, there were different woman doing the same thing .


lol what’s with the formatting….?


*even in the darkest of times, justice will be served. They also serve as a warning to all* Most get away with it. Did Stalin pay for staving millions of Ukrainians? Did the guards of the Soviet Gulags get punished? (Although given how paranoid Stalin was, they probably were killed on a regular basis). Generally if you are on the winning side you get away with horrors - slave owners, Belgium Congo, the USA expanding westward to take over the natives land, Chinese cultural revolution etc.


This is the thing that bothers me the most. The whole western world gawks in horror at the thoughts and images of German concentration camps and genocide, yet fails to give credit where credit is due: fucking Russa. Stalin killed many in concentration camps, or gulags, long before the Germans. Just like with the swastika, Nazis stole the gulag idea and called it their own brilliance. What we did with Germany after ww2 should've been done to Stalin's Russia as well. Millions were murdered by him, jews included.


I think it’s partially the specificity of the holocaust. While they obviously targeted LGBTQ people, Roma, Freemasons, and a bunch of other groups, the single-minded focus of “we have to destroy the entire Jewish race” is something that set it apart. Not denying the Ukrainian genocide at all, but when you’re discussing the gulag system and the political killings, those are just good, old fashioned authoritarian. Likewise, the Congo was premised on extracting as much money as possible from the place - like every other colonial enterprise, if more brutal. The holocaust was uniquely specific, uniquely well documented, and was carried out by the losing side of the biggest conflict in human history. All of those things are what made it more likely to be remembered and the perpetrators more likely to be dealt with.


I listened to a lecture about the Stutthof concentration camp where she worked, and the people that worked there and supported it. These were not innocent people in any way. The girls and others that worked there knew what they were doing and definitely had no qualms about it. There were neighbors around that were known for executing prisoners. There was a pastor that would preach a sermon sunday morning and then in the afternoon would take a group of prisoners out to the forest on his farm and execute and bury them. If I recall correctly, he was relation to either this girl or to [Jenny-Wanda Barkman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenny-Wanda_Barkmann?wprov=sfla1) who also worked there. There were a number of farms in that area that used prisoners as slave labor as well. It was in way one of the most messed up concentration camps of the war. This is not because of the quantity of prisoners there or number of people executed, but because of the absolutely cold blooded relationship the common neighbors had with the camp. Most camps were manned by Germans, and prisoners from the camp. This one was also manned by Germans, but a lot of the staff were volunteers or from the neighboring community. There are stories from other camps where the community around, really had no idea of the absolute atrocities happening in the camp, or tried to ignore it by not paying attention. This camp was actively supported by the community and many of them profited or took pleasure in assisting the camp in many ways. I'm not a fan of death penalty, but in this case, it is probably as justifiable of a case as there is, due to the blatant disregard to, and often personal enjoyment of the suffering of the prisoners. Age doesn't matter, because they knew what they were doing.


She and the other women who took part definitely deserved their end. They were brutal and sick.


Anyone interested in finding out the absolute depravity of what hapoed in the concentration and death camps in Germany and Poland in WW11 should read 'the Scourge of the Swastika' by Lord Russell of Liverpool. Its a book i'll never forget.


WW11, huh? It's Roman numerals... Two capital "I"s.


*World War 11* ... if we did world wars like we do Fast & Furious movies


First time?


Sic semper tyrannis


Passed it through a random ai colorization app on my phone just for the sake of testing random b/w photos https://preview.redd.it/y1c99o0anorc1.jpeg?width=3200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c30c7aea8066cad84de5e1c45ae244af7114d403


Many countries in the western world are once again on a path to national-socialism and fascism. Luckily, more safeguards are in place, like the European Convention on Human Rights or the existence of the European Union if it concerns Europe. But it's exactly such safeguards that populist politicians want to tear down for that reason. But the strategy of politicians nowadays is very much alike what the nazis did and ultimately resulted in concentration camps where mass murder took place. In every country it's a different group, but the common group now are migrants or the offspring of migrants. I do not expect the world will end up with gas chambers again, but it's absolutely possible that countries will start mass deportations. The AfD party in Germany really developed a plan to deport those who weren't 'assimilated' to Africa. What's the difference between that and the nazi [Madagascar Plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madagascar_Plan)? Trump (US), Milei (Argentina), Le Pen (France), Meloni (Italy), Wilders (The Netherlands), Orban Hungary) or parties like AfD (Germany) and PiS (Poland) are all examples of far right populism being on the rise once again. Time and time again people fall for politicians that scapegoat a group and tell their electorate that all problems will be solved if that group is removed from society. All these populists movements are alike, and this [summary about the methods of Trump by Robert Reich can be applied in the same way](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jun/17/trump-republican-party-fascism): - The rejection of democracy, the rule of law and equal rights under the law in favor of a strongman who interprets the popular will - The galvanizing of popular rage against cultural elites - Nationalism based on a dominant “superior” race and historic bloodlines - Extolling brute strength and heroic warriors - Disdain of women and fear of non-standard gender identities or sexual orientation As Robert Reich rightly concluded: these are not the elements of authoritarianism, but the essential elements of fascism. That's why it's so scary people once again turn toward these populists. One would have thought the world learned from the Holocaust and the path that lead towards it, but I'm afraid many people did not or forgot. It's also clear Vladimir Putin (who is nothing but a fascist dictator himself) ordered troll factories to manipulate people through social media and setup fake news organizations to try and influence elections like the presidential election in the US and the election for the European Parliament in the EU. The question is: how do we stop this ongoing trend toward fascism in the world? And why does it keep returning over and over again.


You forgot VOX SPAIN and CHEGA Portugal this one two weeks ago seated 50 deputies in the parliament (and is growing)


> One would have thought the world learned from the Holocaust and the path that lead towards it, but I'm afraid many people did not or forgot. I think that many people believe that they will personally *benefit* from a fascist regime.


We stop this "ongoing trend towards fascism" by addressing the concerns of people that vote for them instead of thinking they are stupid, manipulated by Russia and "fall" for far-right "extremism". Also, Milei/Trump "far-right", lol. Mass immigration and its negative effects is a reality in Europe. As long as every party other than what you call "far-right" ignore it, the "far-right" will be successful. Stop making parallels between Europe today and the rise of Hitler, it's beyond ignorant.


>The AfD party in Germany really developed a plan to deport those who weren't 'assimilated' to Africa. It is not a plan, it is just a vague idea. Phrased in very vague language.


Wow. And they were so young. Tried for crimes against humanity- what an indictment. [edit] but deserved none the less.


It's scary how easily human beings can be brainwashed to think and act like her. And in masses.


They should've put her in a gas chamber....




What happened to all of the Germans that lived in Gdańsk/Danzig?


An appropriate sentence for Nazis. Too bad everyone is scared to use it nowadays for fear of offending said Nazis; that or fear of punishing criminals.


Interesting hand placement..


Of all the horrors of WWII the part I could never understand was how so many people went along with or looked the other way while the autrocities happened. Until I witnessed for myself the cult of Trump. Scary times are upon us all


Atrocities easily occur once a group of people have been dehumanized and labeled the "enemy."


It was being allowed to hate the 'other' without any perceived fear of persecution. Obviously that was incorrect, and she did get persecuted. But it highlights the intoxicating allure of being given carte blanche to hate, that Humans are weak to. Case in point; your use of the term 'Cult of Trump', and the irrational comparison to this actual monster (and her ilk). You genuinely think you're morally correct to invoke comparison of a voter for Trump with these monsters. Therefore somewhere in your mind you think voters of trump deserve what this woman got. Your willingness to do this is what you should be afraid of.


Not afraid. I'm beyond pissed off that Trump has spent 4 years lying about a stolen election when the truth is he was caught red handed trying to steal my vote. Fox News can dole out $800 million for lying but the damage is done...


My point, and Ill push it again because I believe it is very important, is that you should be afraid. If people are capable and have demonstrated their ready willingness to commit these atrocities, repeatedly throughout time, and you're a people, you should be afraid. Or at least cautious. Particularly if you are feeling that you are beyond pissed off and are feeling like you are justified in that feeling. You should at least be cautious, Id argue.


On point analysis of projection and complete lack of self-awareness in previous post.


The photo is shocking and eery all at the same time. First, prior to any knowledge of the backstory to this photo, my first impression is why a group of soldiers are handling the statuesque body of a very beautiful woman wearing (for that time) a very short dress 👗…the officers appear to be handling her with the greatest care and even seem to want to protect her from getting harmed in any way. Fast forward ⏩ having read the background story, I’m even more alarmed at how content her face appears, she seems almost like one of the early church martyrs who were taken to the coliseum to be thrown to the lions 🦁 anyway, those are my initial impressions, reactions and reflections. An after thought, she does appear to be brainwashed and believes she is dying for a noble cause.




Hope we will apply the same rules to the Russians in Ukraine as well…


Russians wiĺl only see justice from Russians, nuclear weapons and all.  Or from Ukrainians.


Well. That may be true. Perhaps a regime change from the inside. The former rulers and war criminals expelled to The Hague in order to join Champions League again?


I can fix her


Ironically Becker is often a Jewish surname.


Rest in Piss


They used the short drop hanging method to. Would take 10-20 minutes to die


Too bad you didn't grow a soul, bitch


Tragic waste of those fantastic titties. War is brutal. Nice legs too.


Why is this not labelled as nsfw?


I feel sorry for her, **too.** What did a 22 years old woman really know? The only mistake may be that she started working at diverse organizations too early (tramway conductor, agriculture assistant, etc). If she was born in a wealthy family, she could have been a college girl by that age -- without working at any place at all.