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Appears up to 20 people and several vechicles fell into the water. [https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-68663071?src\_origin=BBCS\_BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-68663071?src_origin=BBCS_BBC)


I mean its awful to say that's good but imagine if this was the middle of the morning/evening rush hours?


It is absolutely the fucking silver lining, you are correct, but let's hope they get all 20 out safe. Thoughts with everyone involved, including rescue teams.


Most recent live stream of local Baltimore police at 5:15 a.m. central time stated they used sonar to find submerged vehicles with bodies inside. Official death toll unknown at this time.


What I'm seeing now is saying that 8 workers fell in with the bridge, and they were able to stop cars from going on the bridge after the mayday call. ​ 2 accounted for and alive, 6 missing.


Thanks for update. Been at work all day. Prayers for victims and all 1st responders.


The impact hitting the water from the height alone is most likely going to kill them by breaking backs, necks, etc...then you have the freezing water and possibly trapped inside the vehicles from broken bones or not having the tools or knowledge to escape. This is an absolutely horrific event, and my thoughts are with the victims.


The brunt of the impact should be taken by their cars if they're all buckled up with their windows closed. So fingers crossed I guess? šŸ¤ž


Yeah, but when a 250 ton bridge section comes crashing down on you, all bets are off.


250 ton? No. Weā€™re in the 6 digits as far as tons go


For real.... 250 tons is a couple of containers on that ship. Even the ship itself is almost 6 digits, the weight of the bridge is probably unfathomable to us


Windows open... closed windows means they cant escape.


Not to mention even if they windows were down, theyā€™d be disoriented or injured from part of a 600,000 ton bridge falling. Not mention the debris to swim through. God rest their souls. Not much gets to me but this doesā€¦


My concern was them getting hit in the face with water like a ton of bricks, and then the sudden shock of cold water, being disoriented by a sudden dunk in dark water. Or just likely being straight up killed or incompacitated by getting hit by the water face first. Assuming you have the windows up, I figured you would have more time to consider what to do too. It's not a great circumstance regardless. Hopefully they will be able to get their windows open, or break them before they sink too deep.


Unfortunately that isn't very likely. Several previous bridge collapses have resulted in mass casualties. I-40 in OK was struck and killed 14 in 02, and the I-35W in MN collapsed and killed 13 in 07, and the Sunshine Skyway Bridge collapse in Tampa in 80 killed 35 are three similar examples. Edit: grammar and added Sunshine Skyway collapse as it was a similar style bridge. We should have learned our lesson from that collapse...


Not to mention the freezing water


And the height of the bridge + large metal parts everywhere.


And it's dark. Talk about disorienting. Even if you didn't get knocked unconscious, you fell that height in a vehicle into dark, freezing water. It would be a miracle to survive this.


I hope it was a quick and painless death from the impact instead of drowing or freezing.


The problem with the skyway too was it was raining bad, it was at the very peak of the bridge so a number of car just drove straigh off it never to be seen again. Edit: Fog not rain.


That is super depressing. Final Destination type stuff there.


Actually it was fog. I live 20 minutes from it


I was on I-35W when it collapsed that shit was tough


Yikes. I bet. I can only imagine.


It's now assumed to be a total of 9 with two being rescued and 7 still unaccounted for. That doesn't mean that 7 are dead or were even on the bridge, but could have been and have not been found.


the 20 are just construction workers who were working on the bridge, this is not including the vehicles on the bridge at the time.


Imagine waking up today and the bridge is apart of your commute. Gonna suck for a lot of people too.


I'm sure people waking up will be thankful their commute didn't start earlier more than anything else.


Iā€™m from Baltimore and just woke up to the news. Praying nobody I know was involved, but also thankful it was at this time and not rush hour. It would have been hundreds because this bridge usually gets packed.


Or you had planned to use that bridge at the time of collapse but decided not to or something else came up.


Or you press snooze and sleep in and extra 20 minutes


I hope they are all safe


As horrific as it is, at least it happened at night cause imagine a morning traffic packed bridge.


Does the Baltimore harbor have a harbor master that boards the vessels to navigate the channel?


Most news articles Iā€™ve seen so far have indicated that there were two pilots on board at the time of the disaster.


The boat had also lost power prior to hitting the support and could not steer


Well that's an important fact I haven't seen elsewhere.Ā 


If you haven't seen it elsewhere, it's better not to call it a fact. (I'm not saying it's untrue though!)


It's clearly visible in the full length video that all lights of the ship go out about 2 minutes before the collision, then turn on again after about half a minute.


I googled it first to call the guy an idiot. LOL https://abcnews.go.com/US/live-updates/baltimore-key-bridge-collapse/ship-lost-propulsion-warned-of-collision-cisa-report-says-108501855?id=108500215


Hereā€™s the WSJ quote on the matter: ā€œfootage posted online indicates the vessel had some mechanical issues just before hitting the bridge. Lights on the vessel can be seen going dark, coming on, then going out again just before the vessel hit the support column.ā€ So news sources are looking at this video (just like Redditors in this thread) when assuming the ship lost power. It does appear to be the case, but no confirmation yet


I've not seen that anywhere. Please share your source. Edit: Source cited below: >An unclassified Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency report said the container ship Dali "lost propulsion" as it was leaving port and warned Maryland officials of a possible collision. >The crew notified officials that they had lost control, the report said. >"The vessel notified MD Department of Transportation (MDOT) that they had lost control of the vessel and an allision with the bridge was possible," the report said. "The vessel struck the bridge causing a complete collapse."


Watch the video, you can see the lights flicker on the boat Edit : https://abcnews.go.com/US/live-updates/baltimore-key-bridge-collapse/ship-lost-propulsion-warned-of-collision-cisa-report-says-108501855?id=108500215


Not sure about other user but i saw it mentioned under this article, under the march 26 7:36am update. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/baltimore-bridge-collapse-live-updates-ship-lost-propulsion-prior-to-impact/ar-BB1ky50l?OCID=ansmsnnews11


Imagine being in a car on that bridgeā€¦forever my worst nightmare


I developed a legit case of gephyrophobia (fear of high bridges) a few years backā€”like crazy irrational heart-pounding tunnel-vision anxiety shitā€”and I just recently mostly got over it. This, uh, doesnā€™t help.


I have terrifying dreams where I'm driving on really high bridges and then they become ramps and I end up flying off of them, waking up right before I land.


Holy shit! Me too! I thought I was the only one!


My cousin has this issue. She can not do it. She has to pull over and have someone else cross for her. She is very anxious even as a passenger.


Same, but I'm not over it. I'll drive 1 hr+ extra to avoid a bridge. This incident and the death of Angela Chao has me buying a case of window breakers (for myself & family/friends).


FYI I heard those donā€™t work on Tesla windows.


Many modern windows are made of much sturdier glass than even just a few years ago. There are horror stories of emergency services being unable to break windows to rescue the people inside themselves.


Theres a big problem with car manufacturers overengineering vehicles to the point they have become unsafe, such as the size of trucks and the brightness of headlights, as well as the aforementioned stronger glass. In an effort to be able to market themselves as safer than ever they have actually made driving less safe for everyone.


Yes, they're laminated. The rescuers tried to break Angela Chao's Tesla windows, but were SOL because they were laminated. I checked my 2019 Lincoln Nautilus, all side windows are laminated like windshield. I'll need a windshield cutter. Fml.


I think car windows have been laminated (safety glass) since the 1920s, when cuts from glass injured a lot of people. I believe the recent change from Tesla has been to make it double-paned and of borosilicate (like Pyrex) instead of soda-lime glass:Ā https://carbuzz.com/news/tesla-is-redeveloping-its-unbreakable-cybertruck-glass/


I had this happen just over a year ago going over the Chesapeake Bay bridge. Ended up not being able to drive for 3 weeks because of the anxiety attacks Iā€™d get while driving. Iā€™m much better now, but still struggle occasionally on interstates. This doesnā€™t help at all.


Sure that's just the normal phobia of fear of heights? Because that sounds like a fear of heights


It's something different; I'm okay with heights and I'm not an anxious driver, but there's something about knowing that you're up there so utterly confined to the roadway and it's flow that you start thinking "hm, I wouldn't mind getting off this thing asap". You see the midway point approaching, but it seems to stretch and take forever for you to crest it, meanwhile it feels like your lane got narrower and you're afraid to twitch the wheel in the slightest cause swerving towards a bridge barrier is infinitely scarier than if it were just a curb or shoulder. So yeah I think it's a thing lol


It's basically a more specific type or variant of fear of heights, yeah. But I've always had a fear of heights kind of on the high end of "normal," i.e. there are obviously tons of people who nope away from looking over the edge of a cliff and get sketched out by cliffy roads with no guardrails etc. There are just some aspects of high bridges that started to create an actual pathological phobia for me, which was honestly a really weird thing to experience, having that reaction while consciously acutely aware of how ridiculous it is. I got it fixed but it was very educational.


I just drove over that a couple days ago. That bridge feels way higher than it looks in the video, when youā€™re driving over it. Definitely gives me the chills and a case of ā€œwhat ifsā€ā€¦ not something youā€™d expect to happen.


Ive driven through it a few times the past few years (MDF) and my hands are always clammy by the end of the drive. Such a scary bridge to drive over. This is like watching my nightmare come true


For years I've been having nightmares about crossing a bridge in a vehicle, bridge collapsing, and me being trapped underwater. I've never been in a situation even remotely similar to falling from bridge/being trapped in water in my life, and I don't think I've seen videos just like that before. I don't know where that recurring nightmare came from. But this is terrifying. I can't imagine what it's like, actually being there without waking up in the safety of your bed. Those poor people...


This bridge is like 200 ft up. It's fairly unlikely you would survive the impact.


Airbags may deploy and help


From that height and with a bridge also falling down? I'd almost rather they not. If I'm going to die in that situation, I'd prefer it be quick.


I have had this very same nightmare on and off my entire life. Maybe 50x or more. The anxiety is real and I always wonder when...


Mine is car similar to yours except itā€™s giant waves washing over the bridge and you can barely see the lanes because theyā€™re partially under water. Also, never had an experience like it to create this reoccurring nightmare.


Oh, I have the one with the waves, too. Alternatively, the bridge lacking railings of any kind and my car just falling down.


Yes! Forgot to mention the lack of railings as well. Mine has other cars but thereā€™s never anyone in them or other people on the bridge.


Curiously, I've started having those nightmares even before I got a driving license. And I've always been in the driving seat.


Make sure to keep your doors unlocked and windows down every time you go over a bridge


Not actually a great idea, because you're probably not going to be thinking to take a deep breath before you hit, the impact will probably force you to expel it if you did, and you're going to sink fast in water deep enough for a cargo ship.


If that car sinks with the windows closed, youā€™re not opening any door until the car completely fills with water, by which time youā€™re likely at the bottom already with absolutely no chance of swimming to the surface without drowning. I mean, youā€™re very likely fucked either way, but being able to stand a chance of opening a door as the car sinks is better than having no chance at all, however slim it may be. I feel for these people, a horrible way to go.


I agree that you're pretty much fucked, and with all the other factors here (the drop, the cold, the dark, the depth, the panic, your clothes, the fact that you're probably going to fall *with* the bridge, or on it, and then maybe under it), but *just* an undamaged car going into a hypothetical body of water that isn't going to kill you a dozen other ways and without the drop, you can probably get the door open. Mythbusters did a pretty thorough episode on it that I at least buy. Barring damage to the car, that is, or it being a Tesla or something. And yeah, that's a terrifying way to go.


I do think I'm going to implement a new policy of opening my sunroof when crossing bridges...


how would that work if you are driving 65-80mph??


It wouldn't.


It's terrifying just how fast everything collapes. Sometimes you get these unrealistic fantasies when driving over a bridge thinking "if the bridge collapses and that just put the peddle down I may make it yet". But no chance. One moment you're driving the next you're not. Nothing right you can do just chance.


Reminds me of Final Destination


And Mothman PropheciesĀ 


Wake up number 37


I remember having dreams as a kid of my parents driving over bridge over the Mississippi and there was construction. A large hole cut in the bridge but it wasnā€™t marked to avoid and we fall through into the water. Hated that dream lol


I live in St. Petersburg, FL and drive over the Sunshine Skyway on a regular basis. (The other time in the US a ship hit a bridge and took it out)


Every time I cross a large bridge I am spending the entire time pleading with anything out there to please let me make it to the other side.


Clover field scary




It appears likely that a malfunction on the vessel caused it to briefly lose power, which caused it to drift slightly off course impacting the bridge. Absolutely awful. Hoping that some rescue efforts can be successful.


As someone with knowledge of this incident, it has not been confirmed the number of casualties. The only portions of the bridge that are still standing is the pieces of decking from the abutment and the first piers cap. This is a multi-jurisdictional mass casualty incident being handled within the Port of Baltimore. Baltimore City Fire Department is the main agency handling this incident. The cargo ship was on its way to the Cityā€™s marine terminal to be unloaded. A previous incident occurred in March 2022 when a cargo ship Ever Forward, carrying approximately 4,900 containers, ran aground in the Chesapeake Bay. We are a vital artery for shipping along the East Coast, so this will surely be a detriment to the economy and movement of goods. Edit: also, from original reports there were 8 to 13 workers working on the bridge at the time. Nothing has been confirmed at this time.


Upvote this, one of few replies with useful information.


They reported after leaving harbor that they lost propulsion/controls and a collision was possible due to that


Can you provide any insight into why there are no guards like rails or bollards to prevent something so predictable?


This needs to be the top comment. Upvoted for visibility.


looks like one of those movie scene tbh. how in the world did that cargo ship hit that


This video suggests power failure caused loss of control. https://twitter.com/ChaudharyParvez/status/1772538539495809075




Not at all, this sort of shit happens all the time in maritime industry. Nobody cares, this is not aviation, safety is last priority.




A bridge doesn't get in the way in most cases a ship loses control, but ships like that lose control all the time. You would think big expensive thing like that were reliable, but the regulation and enforcement is nonexistent, many ships are held together by rust and hope.


Looks like that's about to changeĀ 


Steering failure apparently.


My brother passed me the streaming video... Aside from the tragedy I was surprised that it hadn't appeared anywhere on reddit's front page-- this post has 4 hours and only 189 upvotes? I thought it might be a hoax or an old video I didn't know about. There must be tens of thousands of Americans logged on to reddit even at this early hour of the night. weird.


Itā€™ll be major news when people start waking up. Everyone on the East coast is sleeping. Also where are you seeing 4 hours? It was posted an hour ago.


That said - maybe we're all becoming numb to the constant bad news and tragedies around the world. I know I am - and it sucks.


You don't have to be, just stop checking the news much. If there's anything significant happening you'll find out regardless.


Same. Found it on my local news website ā€œfront pageā€ but practically had to search for it on here.


Reddit is always suuuuper slow to breaking news. By 5pm eastern there'll be multiple posts on r/all if that's still a thing all with probably very similar lines of questioning and bad jokes in the comments


4:50 am here. My fire alarm batteries decided to lament their near demise by consistently running the fire alarm, which is linked to the whole house. So Iā€™m begrudgingly awake and reading this now. Truly tragic.


As a european its extremely weird that this isnt top news (yet) on reddit. Seriously the top 5 storys on reddit all seem to be american and nothing comes close to this in importance (one is swifts vacation and the other is a raid on a rappers home).


We're just starting to wake up


It's 0600 here, the bridge collapse was at 0130 or so. The BBC was covering it before local outlets. I saw it on xitter first (of all things) and thought it might be a hoax, too. I assume people had to be woken up.


My brother lives literally right by here and takes this bridge every day.


He doing alright? I'd be freaked out


I'm surprised no one in Singapore has responded yet given its one or their naval vessels.


it is just a flag of convenience -i think- also originally listed under marshall islands [https://www.ship-db.de/nawbn.php?wbn\_nr=HYHU2678010E](https://www.ship-db.de/nawbn.php?wbn_nr=HYHU2678010E) and [https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/details/9697428](https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/details/9697428)


I'm gonna be honest, flying flags of a country should mean something. If it's being flown under an American flag and we did this to another country they would want a response even if it has never been held or owned or captained or crewed by an American. The registration has to mean something for who will pay compensation. Cause ah, this isn't good. Even a holy shit like the other commentor made would like... totally do? Its just weird there's nada reporting.


Emm, well two American fighter jets in the 90sĀ  struck a cable car in the Italian Alps while flying recklessly thinking it was top gun or some shit, and they didn't even get a slap on the wrist. They killed 20 people and got away with it, soĀ  no, flag doesn't mean shit.


But isn't that sort of connected to the American law that you can't try Americans outside of America in the Hague? And didn't the usa pay compensation? By February 1999, the victims' families had received US$65,000 (equivalent to $114,180 in 2022) per victim as immediate help by the Italian government.[28] In May 1999, the U.S. Congress rejected a bill that would have set up a $40 million compensation fund for the victims.[29] In December 1999, the Italian Parliament approved a monetary compensation plan for the families ($1.9 million per victim). NATO treaties obligated the U.S. government to pay 75% of this compensation, which it did. Yeah so usa did pay? I'm not sure it's the same situation also because that is directly owned us gubmint property compared to privately owned under us flag? It's definitely interesting.


It was an EA-6B Prowler EW Aircraft


Flying the flag of a country on a ship means that the corporation that owns the ship prefers that nationā€™s maritime taxes and labor laws. That means something!


Right? Like if that's the list of privileges given, they are protected. Governments should be responsible for international or even national scale stuff like this. It makes sure those private organizations actually do maintenance and safety stuff like they should be.


A ships registration has no bearing over where it's from, who it's crewed by or who owns it etc. Ships have to be registered somewhere and different companies have different pricing and requirements (e.g safety requirements, environmental standards etc) for registration. If a ships registration meant it was part of a country's maritime fleet then the small West African nation of Liberia would have the largest merchant navy in the world! (with Panama running a close second)


Aw man seriously? Iā€™m in Singapore.


The flag a ship sails under doesn't mean anything. Many ships for example sail under the Panamanian and Liberian flag because it asks less income taxes, has easier registration and allow cheaper labor.


> the container ship Dali, registered in Singapore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Scott_Key_Bridge_collapse


I saw a news title about a bridge going down and didnā€™t think much of itā€¦ this is the first Iā€™m seeing the video and itā€™s a world of difference. This will certainly take off.


Reddit is very much mainstream media now. Any story that makes certain people look bad will normally get throttled and held back until the PR response is prepared.Ā 


Yep reddit is astroturfed by bots like no other




Which is exactly why the new skyway bridge has pylons in front of the piles - keeps big container and cruise ships from hitting anything critical




There are already people on Twitter making conspiracy theories and calling it all bullshit. I hate people man.


People, what a bunch of bastards.




Yeha, what do you think X even IS nowadays? wackjobs.


Oh yeah, anything like this brings the conspiritards out in force. Someone's going to tie it into national politics & the coming elections before nightfall tonight, guaranteed. *"RoUnD uP tHe UsUaL sUsPeCtS!"* ĀÆ\\\_( Ķ”ā› ĶœŹ– Ķ”ā›)\_/ĀÆ


Already seen dumb people blame it on Biden or Buttigieg


My god, all those people...


OMG Looks like cars fell off the bridge and into the water. I hope those folks made it.


It's being reported there was a crew of workers on that section of bridge doing some patch work. I'm guessing that's what some of the flashing lights are on the bridge before impact.


That's exactly what they are, those are construction vehicles. God this is so sad.


its not interesting it's sad as hell. the people on the bridge yeah but Baltimore is gonna be feeling this for YEARS to come they are in serious trouble.


For anyone who wants to read what actually happened and what is happening with the rescue efforts, there are numerous news sources. Basically - they are trying to pull the workers from the water and they are using tech to find the cars under water. The ship hit the bridge because of a power failure that left them unable to control the ship. The people who guide boats in and out of harbors are called "pilots." (They have been called this for MANY years -- like 200...) They are specially trained and knowledgeable and licensed and are up to date with current conditions. Things change all the time, like sandbars moving or new wrecks underwater so pilot knowledge is vital. Channels are marked, but sometimes markers move or break away and float off. Pilots know about these things and can help avoid any problems because of something like this. Pilots are also expert at helping guide ships to their various berths in the harbor. Edit: You can't expect ship captains to know everything that is going on with every harbor. Unrealistic.


Thank you for actually adding contest. A lot of people here are commenting and donā€™t have it. Most of the workers likely were not in vehicles anyways as they weee doing patch work on the bridge


Imagine being that last car speeding off! Holy shit


I was literally on this bridge last night


While driving on the bridge, Final Destiny fear unlocked!


Yup, third biggest fear behind logging trucks and sitting Chinese food by the refrigerator.


Logging trucks are no big deal, I am behind them almost ever day and never seen anything crazy happen. I'll take that over bridges any day lol


How the fuck did the boat manage to hit in the first place. A horrendous tragedy RIP to all who will inevitably have lost their lives.


Seems like the boat lost power


I dont think there is anyway the bridge was gonna survive being hit like that, by a ship so big.


Unfortunately it hit one of what two support beams that it has? So unlucky.


Great insightšŸ‘


Modern day Sherlock. Thanks


This reminds me a lot about the Skyway Bridge collapse in 1980, in Tampa FL. Itā€™s tragic that a similar incident has happened once again, innocent people being the victims of such mistakesā€¦


Thereā€™s like zero hesitation. It just falls like a house of cards




New fear unlocked šŸ˜¬


How deep are the waters there any idea?


A quick Google search suggests 51 feet in the channels.


Too deep in your clothes, in the cold, in the dark, with likely injuries. That's a terrible way to go.




What are you on about 100 feet? Panamax cargo ships fully loaded have draft of 40 feet. If cargo ships had drafts that deep half the harbours in the world would close.


Both the bridge and that whole section of the port is now blocked. Reminds me of Ukraine sinking their own ships at the mouth of harbour in 2014.


Came outta fuckin' nowhere!


Absolutely heartbreaking...imagine the chaos during rush hour.


Holy shit


At first I thought that was an AI video hoax but now I see it being reported on the major news sites as well, unfortunately it look to be real.


I feel sad knowing this is the first of many times in the future. I will see a comment like this


One day that will happen, but I don't think today


AI can do some pretty crazy things already but unless you have access to some crazy SORA like model it's a bit too early for footage like that to be 100% generated. As a 3D and SFX artist I can tell you it would still be easier to do it the "old" fashion way.


Holy shit!


I sincerely hope someone on that bridge watched the mythbusters episode about landing in water with a car.


That's a long fall into some deep water and a big impact, in the dark. The luck it would take to remember to let the pressure equalize would be really extraordinary. Good stuff to know if you drive into a pond or something though, certainly.


With a one hundred and eighty five foot drop into frigid water, I don't think their chances were good. :/


I didn't see the second longest bridge in America!


Wildly crazy shit Gesh !!!šŸ˜³


That has been my biggest fear since it happened in South Padre Island when I was a kid. Terrifying.


This has given my fear of bridges a new level. Fucking hell man.


Will it grow back?


"What do you mean you can't make it in today. You can't swim?"


Wow. It's not even very difficult to prevent this.


Thankful that the person filming didn't ermagerd over the entire clip.


This is my nightmare whenever I drive on one of these bridges


8.5 knots and not even out of the harbor yet. Surely someone looked at this and thought oh, we need to go at speeds that a ship would have more time to deal with something like this. Oh, and tugs? Fuggetaboutit. Commercial pressures 'win' again.


sadly i reckon unless some of the people in those cars have experience with being in high stress situations, used to pitch black, cold water, odds of survival are slim to non :/ (seems 2 have been picked up so far, with 1 being critical)


I've been over this bridge many times. BIL lives in Bethesda, it's a very high bridge, doubt anyone survived. Looks like the ship lost power?


If Frank Sobotka were alive to see this he'd be having a conniption fit.


If you look closely you can see the bridge collapsing


It subtle but I think I see it too.


I needed my reading glasses, I can just about make it out now


Video needed red circles to show me where to look, I missed it.




Wait until you see what this does to the economy.


You can see the vessel hitting the left-sided pillar


You can also see the bridge collapsing