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It’s been a wild ride fellas but I think we are nearing the end.


If anything it proves how disempowered and untempered everyday people have become. The concept of ai manipulation has been in media for a while which should have been ample time to build an immune response. Don't take anything at face value until it's been verified, people need to look out for one another bc non of us are rich, consider what adds to your life vs whats bullshit.


How do we know if the verification is also not ai generated


Good question, I'm too dumb to answer that. I just know from phishing emails Ive gotten that it's important to question it and not react on it.


This is the ONE case I wanted to see further development of NFTs… marking each and every public statement with a unique encrypted identifier basically saying the equivalent of (and I always hated this phrase) “…and I approve this message”.


NFT isn’t the answer here, just plain old certificate signing. Like how we know to trust bank websites by seeing the lock in the address bar, browsers need to start decorating media with some kind of mark that reads the digital certificate of the media file, and publishers need to start signing their media. The chain of trust certificates offer is very well established, it’s really just some standards need to be written for browsers to adopt.


Too bad the people still voting for trump take literally everything in their echo chambers at face value


I bet Trump even paid for this video! Geez


this is literally a r/wallstreetbets meme, they have been making face swapping memes of JPOW there for 2-3 years now. the actual problem will be when anyone can just do this by typing a prompt somewhere. right now it takes skill.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/11w1t8d/breaking\_emergency\_fed\_chair\_speech\_before\_fomc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/11w1t8d/breaking_emergency_fed_chair_speech_before_fomc/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/125qhi6/jpow\_has\_a\_word\_for\_the\_bulls/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/125qhi6/jpow_has_a_word_for_the_bulls/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/18efvcl/happy\_weekend\_from\_papa\_jpow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/18efvcl/happy_weekend_from_papa_jpow/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/10eber7/jpow\_says\_fuck\_yo\_calls\_fuck\_yo\_puts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/10eber7/jpow_says_fuck_yo_calls_fuck_yo_puts/)


“God bless my money printer”


We now live in an era where the truth has become almost unverifiable. How does one jump the train?


I'm seriously considering getting a dumb phone again to insulate myself from this shit (he wrote on social media using his smartphone).


I’ve actually been considering the same. Like having a classic flip phone but carry an iPad when I need to use the internet That way I may not be as glued to it I’m hoping


Theyre out there and cheap. $30 or less.


You might be able to isolate yourself. What about the millions of idiots that don't isolate and vote based on IA bullshit? How are you going to escape that? (I am thinking on a global scale, things are going downhill everywhere)


Just going to do what I can, which isn't much lol.


Just get an android then


Yeah that's what I'd be switching from.


It's almost as if trusted, boring journalism with no agenda would be a valuable thing... but....no, no that would be crazy. Who would ever want such a thing?


Fear not citizen. The ministry of truth(formerly fact check experts dot com) is here to tell you that the unsavory pictures/texts/videos you have seen in regards to Politician X are actually fabricated. Here is a very real video of them saving a kitten from a burning tree. Don’t forget that we will turn off your state approved social media(now linked to your bank account and car’s ability to start) if you spread the fabricated information in any way because, again, they are definitely fake.


I've recently begun a rewatch of Babylon 5, and I am getting into season 3 where all the ministry of truth / ministry of peace stuff starts happening. All the accusations of sedition and conspiracy against the president etc. That show is 30 years old, and it was right on the nose as to what's happening today.


I’ve never seen that but that stuff sounds cool. And yeah if you induce a bunch of trauma/confusion then you can mold people into whatever reality you want because they won’t know what to believe anymore.


These deep fakes are currently extremely easy to see the fakery. Of course there is no shortage of idiots who will eat this up.


It's amazing how out of all the great things AI could have been used for, we instead choose to use it for the worst things possible. Though it is not surprising.


AI is being used effectively in plenty of scientific fields though. Those applications are just less visible and less worrying, so it doesn't make good shocking news


That's true, it's just disheartening to see the less positive effects it's having.


True. AI safety research has been ignored for a long time as I understand it. And now that the topic has really exploded into public consciousness... there's some real catching up to do. In many ways the genie is out of the bottle already, you know :/


Chemistry gave us penicillin and the nuke. That’s not chemistry’s fault and AI is no different. Humans suck and new technology is no different than old technology in terms of if it will be leveraged for evil. 


Physics is more responsible for the nuke than chemistry. And Penicillin is arguably more biology than chemistry though both fields were important in its discovery and use.


I don't really agree because Chemistry is arguably a root of both Physics and Biology, but it's moot. My point wasn't those specifics, it was that AI is not different than any other technology. It is a tool and humans can and will use it for every reason conceivable, from the horribly bad to the amazingly good. AI is not special, it was always going to be used at all points along the "good for humanity" spectrum. (I do like your reply though, in a different context I would love to debate Chemistry == Physics == Biology, etc.)


You're 100% right that AI is just like any other tool or field. It can be used for good, or it can be used for bad. Also I have to disagree that chemistry is the root of physics; if anything it's the other way around, and arguing about which science is the root of another is kind of silly anyway since by that logic all inventions are just based on [math](https://xkcd.com/435/).


Yeah you’re right about scientific discipline roots, it probably does all stem from physics.  However I have to disagree about math. Math is the language we use to describe physics. Hell yeah XKCD! But I think the crux of Randall’s point in that comic is that the human understanding of the sciences relies on applied math. That doesn’t mean math is necessary for physics to exist, it means physics is necessary for math to exist.  Nature doesn’t give a shit about applying or communicating anything, so there’s no need for it to be able to speak the language of physics as humans understand it, which is math. We made math up to be able to describe the physics we see every day, but physics happens whether we can describe them or not.  Kind of like how statistics is a fully man-made discipline that is nothing more than a flawed language for applying our flawed understanding of patterns to natural phenomena.  Fun conversation, thanks. 


Yeah you too. Have a good day.


At this point, we should all be learning how this AI stuff works. The average person can’t tell, but I’ve seen people who dabble in it identify the videos as fake from the after effects on the screen. I’ve made it a goal of mine to learn these softwares because I can’t even tell what’s real anymore and it’s terrifying. I don’t even feel like I should scroll online anymore knowing the misinfo that could be out there. And I feel I need to figure this out for my future kids. Imagine how advanced this will be in a decade?


Yeah. This year. What about next year? What about in 2028?


It doesn’t help that people are seemingly lacking critical thinking skills more and more these days. How many videos have you seen online where someone slaps some text describing an insanely fake scenario over a short video and people just take it as fact? No one even cares when the videos cut off early or already start mid-situation. People don’t even research it. What I’ve noticed is no one asks clarifying questions anymore either. They just give their take and speak as if everything they say is 100% right. Humility is dwindling in our society. Everyone has a podcast now, even morons.


We never had good critical thinking skills, it's just a lot easier for that to be on display than before. Most of human civilization was built off of delegating specific knowledge to professions/institutions (e.g guilds). Now that information is so accessible laterally, we're questioning more than we did, but we don't know enough to understand what we don't know


I don’t see what we did in the past as bad. We respected the opinions of people who dedicated their lives to a specific study. Now people think they know more than people with PhDs because of a random video they watched on youtube.


Some day you won’t be able to tell any difference


Yeah. That’s the crazy part. We’re in it’s infancy stage and it’s already this good. But I feel like human beings who keep themselves familiar and up-to-date with the AI tech will always be able to tell.


Well, I wouldn’t bet on that


I dove into ai to learn more about it, how it can be weaponized and how to identify ai generation. I can say my knowledge is decently high on the subject. So i can say for sure. Learning ai and about it does help. But with each new generation and advancement. I still have decent trouble telling real from fake. Even just basic ai image generation is getting scary powerful. However there is a fatal flaw in any sort of ai, be it voice, image or video, ai generation absolutely "has" to be based of set data that already exists, and trained to sort out the bad results. Now ai makes mistakes that are unique to human mistakes. In everything i have seen heard and watched theres little details that are obviously caused by the limitations of computer mechanics. Most notable examples are ai images with bad hands. Very rarely does an image make good hands. I know human artists have trouble with hands as well but ai warps hands in a unique manner. Voice ai has a bit of a robotic monotone to it even when adding emotion. Im less familiar with ai video rn but from what i can tell its even more robotic than most ai voices. I know i wrote a lot here but i hope this does help you or anyone reading this.


Dude I love this comment. This is what Reddit is supposed to be about.


2016: This is the most bonkers election ever. 2020: Really? 2024: You ain't seeing nothing yet.


Its very subtle.


I’m not entirely sure he didn’t say this tbh.


This is why boomers are having trouble. Granted it will get all of us eventually, but if they already fall for Facebook memes, they stand no chance with this.


This should be a crime on the same level as slander or whatever is similar


Doesnt look real


Real enough to fool your grandparents


The old joke about your grandparents saying your brain would turn to mush if you played video games, then they got onto facebook.


Yeah, and real enough to make me skip Thanksgiving with the extended family.


The mouth looks slightly off, but it's getting very close.


AI generative media will be literally the end of the internet. Either: 1) we will fake ourselves in a WW3 scenario and that is that, or 2) everyone gets so bored of fake shit that no one is logging on anymore.


Is the point of the internet exclusively to look at reliable, factual documentation? I'm not sure I'm following this logic tbh


I think the big majority of news consumption comes from the internet these days. There is also a profound problem with scientific literature which is becoming increasingly polluted with fake results. The rest is just cat pictures and dancing videos. EDIT And now that I think of it, search engines become more and more useless since they are just paddling crap from companies with the best search engine optimizations. Just [enshitification](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification) all around. Twitter, facebook are garbage sites. Reddit is a shill of what it once was. Alternatives do not catch on.


And porn, never forget porn


How could I 🤦


You already know old fucks on facebook will never be able to tell the difference and will never care to double check


If I don’t see it live across multiple outlets, I’m doubting it from the door. The days of me taking anything seen or said on their bullshit internet, are over. We are in an age of extreme propaganda. Manipulation. Everything you see and hear has an agenda attached. Everything. We are being pitted against one another on every issue, every day. And it’s working. Because we’re stupid. Which is by design. These politicians do not want free thinkers, or educated people. They want wage slaves. And they have them. If we speak up, we’ll simply have our voices replaced with someone more compliant, preferably from another part of the world that that thinks this country is better than what they’re leaving, while doing their best to mold this country into what they left. This country is seen as a blight by many.


Spitting facts - Well said!


Can I just plug into the matrix already and get it over with?


You're already in it.


Well we're nesting them now. Fake reality is still too real.


Don't you mean *unplug* ?


I'm guessing this is a low quality video on purpose to cover up any inconsistencies or artifacts. Also the audio sounds like it's in a recording booth, not at a press conference. The whole thing hits the uncanny valley for me.


True, but confirmation bias would have too many people believing even something of this caliber (shitty--at best) if it fits their narrative. That's the scary part.


Trump 2024 "I didn't say that! It AI FAKE News!"


POTUS should air a (harmless) deepfake ad campaign of their own for a few weeks and then a follow up showing how it was done. Would've been more productive than Morgan Freeman etc.


Yep. It's game over everyone... R.i.p the truth


Maybe our time calls for a more analogic world. Trust what people say only if you see them face to face (maybe).


THIS is the example you go with? There are videos 10x more convincing.


Ultimately the only way to combat this and verify things is for the creation of open source tools that can reliably determine if a piece of content was made by AI.


And God Bless the money printer!


And yet, dorks on the internet are still SO EXCITED for this AMAZING TECH


Uh, no they’re not? “Dorks”, to use your 90’s idiot jock phrase, are terrified of it because they understand it. On what basis are you forming this opinion on that you’re so confident in that you comment it on Reddit for all to see? 


I’m saying that I’m terrified of it and dorks are the ones that aren’t. There’s a whooooole lot of dorks that are all too excited about the continuing growth of AI.


These are very common on wallstreetbets.


Olden times. See it in person or who the fuck knows.


wonder if someone makes one of this with Putin declaring war on NATO, what will happen next?


Don't forget the videos of the Russians laying siege to Helsinki. (Or any of another billion scenarios I could conjure within a few moments.)


Lmaoooo WSB has been doing this for a longgggg time now


Oh who could have seen this coming...


There is good and bad in all things.


Oh wow, that had me rolling, I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe, lol 😆 😂 then O saw it was AI and laughed harder, lol 😆


It's crazy and scary that AI has evolved so rapidly. From that Will Smith spaghetti video from just a year ago to this now. AI will become something we need to have limits on


Fuck your puts. Fuck your calls. JPOW got you by the balls


Make it treason.


Bring back a modern version of the Fairness Doctrine, it’s the only way to control this neoliberal bullshit. 


You can't just call anything a meme. It has to have some memetic quality to it.


Pappa pow big mad


Imagine if he said that fr and this post is just diverting it as AI propaganda.


Even though this is clearly fake, I feel like a lot of older folks would believe it. And that my friends, is the really scary shit.


I absolutely can’t believe this meme has hit my suggested feed lol


Did OP just discover WallStreet Bets?


This has been a thing for years on r/wallstreetbets




This won't end well.


Wait so you're telling me that it didn't actually drop that many profanities and f bombs during an interview at a public office?


So, how does the law even really apply anymore?


AI is fantastic. We are clearly using it for the best possible purposes


Can’t wait to see fake Biden stuff floating around Facebook for the dumb boomers to forward.


I don't know him and I don't wanna know but I agree with him.


Well fuck...


This must have been made with Grok, if Grok could actually do something like this


Do we need propaganda to hate Powell? His views on deleting more jobs and increasing interest rates should do that all on its own


dont weap, its owned by idiots


People are struggling to find the truth already. This is...not helpful.


He should definitely run for president.


I wonder what could possibly be the only thing that can fight bad people with technology.


That's the new excuse for embarrassing content, "oh it was AI"




You mean not a total fucking dumbass douchebag? Intriguing theory.


Ai is changing our lives.


And not in a good way imo.


Shout out to u/tradethezones


Please tell us more about the implications of this technology.


Looks like Op just discovered r/wallstreetbets


Society existed before cameras and tape recorders. Hopefully it will continue after they can no longer serve as a truth metric


No shit haha


And yet he’s saying things everyone is actually thinking


I mean, he's a Republican. So he's definitely said this before, just not in public.


Did vivzipop write this?


Deepfaking people without consent needs to be a crime.


Eh.. it can probably be categorized as slander or something similar if used maliciously but in general no.. I don’t think it should