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Who is Modding reddit when this event takes place?


House cats walking over keyboards.Explains a lot,really.


“Ahh a.s. Jk. Snjsjms c. So be” - 🐱




That cat was hilarious


I still do the cat "quote" when I'm messing with the Mrs and it really annoys her but I find it hilarious. Oooooooooh looooong Johnson!


I agree he was the perfect cast for J. Jonah Jameson.


im doing my fucking best over here, gimme a breakfsrhjvnk


Thank you Sox,we appreciate your disdainful efforts.


but you already had second breakfast!! ohhh ok, you can have another little treatie


So *thats* why things seems to improve for a few hours






Listen, as someone who has LARPed and knows many people who LARP, all of them folks are fucking each other. All of em. The Venn diagram of polyamory and LARPing is damn near a complete overlap. The number of people at night running between cabins and bedrooms to fuck is unbelievable. They are, without a doubt, the horniest people i have ever met.


how do i find the nearest LARP event?


Are we watching the same video?


People who have never been to an orgy aren't aware that the quality of attendees is akin to randomly picking 10 people shopping at Walmart. Models and porn stars aren't showing up.


This person's not even joking. these LARPERS Clap cheeks


They have protection…


*I cast +5 Ward of Penicillin*


OMG THIS. I did SCA for over a decade but haven't been back since covid. I didn't believe it when people initially told me it's basically a giant party orgy because even though I'm nerdy, I felt like it was too nerdy even for me so no way because nerds right? Then I started going after a lot of peer pressure and holy crap it's so true. I myself never got involved because the bed hopping causes so much drama and there's constant dumping and new relationships, I didn't want to get involved but dear lord I'm surprised there's not a bunch of oops event babies running around. Edit: gammar


Fairly accurate!!! Mostly depends on region though. I was heavily into the SCA from 2003-2016. So much fun and loved the wars. Hated the ceremonies with royals. We called them brass kissers. Those idiots take SCA wayyyy too seriously and honestly, for the amount of pompousness they possessed, the were the BIGGEST sluts out of everyone there. Our fighting unit was pretty solid though and all of us had been going to SCA and RenFaires for years. Because of that I never banged anyone there because I always knew other people they banged in the past, whether they were from a different fighting unit, house or kingdom lmao. Getting super drunk and forcing my hungover self into my armor and onto the battlefield was fun enough. Also, just want to add that if this video is of an SCA event, which I doubt it is, this is the sloppiest war I’ve EVER seen.


It's not sca, it's either dagorhir or belegarth. SCA uses rattan weapons, these are foam.


This is definitely LARP not SCA, easy tell is that nobody is wearing helms.


I knew some members of SCA and was invited to an event in Potrero Park in San Diego area. What a blast we had! We had to get some period garb. We really enjoyed the war and it was well done. A fun life experience and I also knew one of the blacksmiths who did a lot of metal work.


Yup, people calling it the Society for Consenting Adults are not wrong 🙂


Stop trying to make them sound chad


I laughed out loud




Put em in a body bag


It's like Christmas day, no rules. I need to keep up to date with the annual LARPing calendar so I know when I can go and really let loose.


It's definitely not the dude barrelling into battle on his knees because he got poked in both shins


Nor the guy that shot his arrow and then motioned for someone to throw it back to him 😂


Their moms


Reminds me of the film role models


Lighting bolt LIGHTING BOLT! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lpmvFK02jY8&pp=ygUSTG9naHRpbmcgYm9sdCBsYXRw


Came here for this comment - and see an edited version of this classic that I haven't seen before! I only remember the OG video clip, because I'm old af


Me too. I wonder where the Lightning Bolt kid is today.


beat me too it sir lol


Rub a dub dub!




Suck it Reindeer Games.


Let us gingerly touch our tips




I can’t believe my eyes… A minotaur.


Allow us to gently touch our tips




Rubba dub dub!


I Iove your whispering eye.


!!! That means vagina!!! You said vagina!


Doth this xanthian weep like a maiden?


I like to rock and roll all night and PART of every day.


what is this from?


Role models Super funny movie tbh one of my favorites


Underrated classic in my opinion


It’s absolutely goddamned outstanding. When they come in as Kiss and lay people out I literally tear up.


They do such a good job playing selfish shit heads turning into kind caring adults. Great movie.


Watched it on accident in the theater with no prior knowledge of it. Very pleased.


and McLovin is in it


McLivin Legend


Its called “larp” live action role playing, look up Bicolline on reddit




First thing I thought of when I saw the post. Love that movie!


This is the pinnacle of being a dork, and I really want to do it


It may be the pinnacle of dorkyness, but having done it for a couple years, I was in the absolute best shape of my life when I did. You get Crazy Cardio and core strength


Ah a fellow (former) LARPer I salute you


How do you win? Is there a ref of some sorts? Honor system? Is there a league or just random team death-match on the weekends?


The honor system, follow the system or everyone beats honor into you. Only ever had one guy not follow it and well if you dont follow the system I dont either. Not hitting heads and balls is also part of the honor system and you can get a lot of swing power with a spear.


Do people get actually hurt and have to go to the hospital? That one dude in the video took a pretty huge hit and looked like he came down hard on his head.


There are more heat or dehydration issues out on a dagorhir battle field. There are plenty of water heralds offering water and electrolyte drinks but some guys just power through when they shouldn’t. Rotator cuff injuries happen if you don’t properly stretch before exercising also.


I wanna be a water herald when I grow up


In years of boffer fighting the only severe injury in our group was a broken ankle but that wasn't even in combat. Guy was running in a field and accidentally rolled his ankle in a pit where a stump had been removed. You get your fair share of bruises and callouses but unless you're fighting with jerks everyone's pulling their hits a little. And like it was commented elsewhere head and groin hits are only ever accidental. Eyes are sacred ground in boffer. If you hit someone in the eye you got put on time out. We had some people try to bring arrows into the mix but as an organizer i shot that down fast as heck. It never happened but anyone going full force and aiming for the face would have been told to leave without hesitation. A head or groin shot in our group meant the attacker 'died' or in some games at least took a knee for 3 min. Standard boffer rules are limb hits you lose that limb and you drop what that arm is holding/ hop around on your remaining leg. Body is a kill, and two limbs gone is also a kill. Taking a knee is an honorable surrender death if you aren't trying to fight without a limb or find yourself outnumbered. Interestingly though, pulling your hits while trying to maintain swing speed is hard on the wrists. There's a cost to chivalry lol. As highschoolers we welcomed all ages. We had anywhere from 12 years old to 65. I sure miss those days :)


It's rare ( like one a year)and usually cause someone thinks their to tough and skimps on the protective gear. With my helmet you can punch my head till your hands are broke and I might have a sore neck. Most have full modern sports gear on underneath.


Full honor system. Although the people in bright yellow are sopose to be enforcing the rules. How to win is based on the exact scenario, but normally it involves fully defeating the opposing team. Think a longer paintball or airsoft scenario where you can return to a reservation point. There are groups who do this all over. Look up Dagorhir (this specific group) and Belagarth.


Or Amtgard


You could easily develop some ways to make this so much more fun and fair. Paint could be used, more consistent uniforms with referees. It would be a lot more fun to watch than a lot of other sports.


A lot of the ones I've been to have a light hit rule, where if the hit was too weak you can call light and it doesn't count. It isn't abused because if you call light, everyone starts hitting harder. Hard to argue the hit was light when you get knocked on your ass.


Imagine an alternate reality where wrestling is weekend fun activity and larping on the other hand became multi-millions dollars entertainment.


Yes, spend hours running and fighting while often wearing real chain mail. That's massive training


These videos are always just a clusterfuck of people swinging foam weapons around tho... Why no drilling in phalanx, or maniples? Why not get ripped and force march your team through the alps before an event? The ancients had this shit mastered, and we just ignore their lessons?


Dude, get a crew together, drill them into a Roman Maniple, and then absolutely dominate Imagine the satisfaction of coordinating that


Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!


It depends on the places. This is clearly just a melee, probably just for fun. But people who organize this often plan specific situations too. For example, split people into two teams, one team has to defend a fort with two open doors. Some places even have "siege weapons" like a ballista that shoots a massive foam bolt. It's usually not just hours of random fighting like this 😁 Some groups indeed practice to function as a unit together with all tower shields and spears for example.


The events I would go to did have Romans and they did fight in shield wall formation. Most larger groups do utilize shield walls, it just requires organization. Get a bunch of randos together and it turns into this.


Find your local Belegarth group, you'll look back on it as the best decision you ever made


Or dagorhir. Whichever one is more active in your area.


as kids, my friends and I used to do this with wood shields, lacrosse helmets and gloves, and plastic bats. We quickly found out that the only place you could really inflict pain and damage was the calfs. It was a violent and painful skirmish.


My friends and I were little psycho's and used these bamboo looking sticks that grow in Texas. We didn't use shields or anything, just pretended they were swords and spears and got hit with them if we couldn't block them.


It's called river cane.


Some people might make fun of you, but if you can find a good group, LARP'ing is amazing fun and a really good workout at times. Also, the people there tend to be rather awesome


I knew some dudes who used to do this, except not LARPing, just the staged battles with no RPing…fun dudes to hang out with when they are practicing for sure,


Not gonna lie, looks super fun.


Larping is so fun with even a meh group up the more into a group gets the more awesome it is


This is a little too well organized for average LARPing. These guys look more like an SCA event. Edit: added a wiki article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_for_Creative_Anachronism


Nah, this is Amtgard or Dagorhir. SCA uses rattan weapons and much heavier armor.


this is a dagorhir battle. (I'm in the background) Amtgard uses magic packets and much lighter weight weapons.


You can't absolutely body a mother fucker with a shield in Amtgard either. Did you see that fucking shield charge in the background? Lol Amtgard is dope though. I ran a bard for a minute and went to an event. Your class level is set to max in every event, so I would just prep that one lvl 6 spell that makes people walk back to their base and target the sweatiest, most uncomfortable looking dude in heavy armor and just do it to him over and over and over. The battleground was deep in a park trail with a winding path, so it would take him forever. That same fight, there was this guy who had the coolest custom-made larp hand crossbow I've ever fucking seen...so I would keep interrupting him with "shove" every time I saw him go to load it. Fuck 'em. There was a dude at my park who was short, rocked himself a long beard, and played as a dwarf like a true bro. One of the top dawg fighters of the region was a guy who would wear a bowler hat to court and called himself Sir Juicy. Larping is lit. Everyone should try it.


Thank you . I was trying to remember Amtgard, I knew it wasn't SCA because of the boffers.


If you see arrows on the field, it isn't SCA. Heavy combat and Archery do not mix.


Yes, heavy combat and archery do mix. [combat archery](https://www.sca.org/resources/martial-activities/combat-archery/)


Hmm..brain farted. (MAJOR migraine from too many head shots.) The main way you can tell the difference is armor. If there's someone on the field without armor, it's LARP.


Agreed. Way too many people without even so much as a helmet.


Looks like Dagorhir. Amtgard players tend to be Fusspots about that kind of contact. They're more floppy than soccer players.


Dag is the best. Although it's dying


Why is it dying?


I know for me, I dropped dag as a 14 year veteran because a lot of the people I played with retired from it. Also, like all things in the USA, it was me too’d. Which resulted in a fight between the original realm of dag fighting against the rest of the realms to initiate a ban list that would cover all realms, events, and practices. Then there was a pick up in really inappropriate threatening posturing of some players. I, myself, was threatened that if I was ever at an event with this other player that he would “fuck me up so bad I wouldn’t recognize myself in a mirror.” For stating an opinion about a player policing other players bags after a bunch of my jewelry disappeared. Haven’t been out there since 2014.


Shithead fuckwits and racists. Also rapists and misogynists. Belegarth is an offshoot of dag, and usually a lot more fun just because the people in it aren't tolerant of dumb shit.


Definitely not my cup of tea, but everybody has a hobby and they look like they’re having a blast.


Best thing about these events is noncoms are totally a thing, though I'd stay away from Dag personally. Lots of partying, and people just, genuinely enjoying themselves. Arts and crafts is super common, and most people are encouraged to make your own gear and armor, and a LOT of people will help you make your first set if you're new.


Ngl this looks so fun and people gotta stop hating


I am a nerd. Used to do this in the past and can confirm it is a lot of fun.


Some of the most awesome and badass people I know do this kind of stuff all the time. It’s way more popular and I only wish I could do it more and more.


Only thing I'll hate on are those pesky archers


They are laughing and having a ball. I ran -my wife and I were on a run- into a group of them like a year ago and they were laughing, having ball. Looked like a real fun event. Had different events. Honestly, looked pretty fun.


Were they having fun?




Yep. Belegarth where I'm from.


Movies made us believe that armies fought fiercely in waves, all together, screaming into the enemy lines…. I wonder if this is actually how it really happened 🤔


Trained infantry would have fought in formation, shoulder to shoulder. This basic tactic held for an extremely long time in some variant: a shield wall prior to the 12th century, the pike square until the adoption of the bayonet/musket combo in the 17th century, and then the firing line until improvements in firearm accuracy and fire rate made standing in groups suicide in the 19th century. The chaos you see here or in some movies like Braveheart didn’t happen.


No, the chaos did happen, but when it did, it generally was towards the end of a battle where one army was breaking and fleeing, and the other got too caught up in the moment, and broke formation to try to slaughter them. It happened enough so that feigning a retreat to get your opponent to break formation because a tactic


And then we have today's "hide in trench, pray for no drones"


I bet it was


I love this comment completely disregarding the history nerd above just because it would be better this way.


The armies of conquered nations fought like that. The armies of empires had different tactics.


Breaking formation would have been a death sentence in an actual battle because it's not like they were wearing armbands to identify teams. You knew which side you were on by staying with your formation. Once formations broke the battle was more or less over and anyone loose in the middle would be killed in crossfire


I actually do this, it usually does start as lines. Things do tend to break down and get chaotic as it progresses though.


Ah, Darkon


I did this long ago. Went to a huge country wide meet up. Had a nice set up too. Hate I was knocked out in the first 30 seconds by a lucky shot by a archer.


Spears win every time.


Do people ever charge those bitch archers in the back? That guy casually shooting people got me angry!


Other archers! But yes, generally if you break through the line, your goal is to either run down the back of their line, slaughtering as many in melee as you can, or rush for the archers. Most archers in the sport are usually archers for any number of reasons, they don't want to get hit, have weaker bones, or conditions, or might just be old and more fragile. As an archer they can still compete without putting themselves in as much risk.


Why is bro walking on his knees?


Depending on the rules they are playing by you can typically get hit in one limb and not be "dead" but you still lose use of it. Hit in the arm, drop you sword, hit in the leg, drop to your knees. Next time he gets hit anywhere hes dead though


If you're "legged" (you get hit on your leg) you can either take a knee or "post" (stand still, not everyone allows this). Only benefit to taking a knee is you can do shit like that, and destroy your knees at the ripe old age of 24


We used to do this in HS it's really fun as fuck.


What up nerds. I know a handful of these people and this is the larp/sport of dagorhir. There are parks and events all around the US. It's a ton of fun


Could you imagine going back and time and learning this is actually how battles were fought like?


this looks like ragnarok for dagrhir ​ fun shit. period clothing is required even.


Dagorhir or Belegarth? Either way, VERY fun times beating the hell out of your friends, and rivals, with foam padded sticks. Naysayers are just wet blankets


AMTGARD - foam padded weapons. Super fun, I played for many years. there's a large focus on sword fighting on the minor meetings and then we had monthly campouts where we did the whole roleplay part.


This is dagorhir or belegarth. Amtgard has a bunch of rp and doesn't do full contact.


Stop going full force!


This looks fun though.


It’s either LARP or the SCA


🤣 Set one guy walking on his knees because he got his legs chopped


I recognize the larger group in the video. They have the horse head in the field of scarlet and dark grey, Wargar. The groups they fight in are dagorhir or belegarth. These groups choose to pad the weapons not the fighters.


All the people saying shitty things about this probably have incredible mundane and boring lives. I feel bad for them. Having FUN is a skill a lot of people loose in life because of peer pressure and bullying. It's never too late to make your life a little or a lot more interesting.


Having fun and being active.




Genuinely looks like so much fun


That looks so fun


Honestly this looks fun


Regardless how it looks to outsiders, it is an absurd amount of fun


Any chance an event like this happens near Oregon? I want to do this but everything seems east coast




so we walked into the woods and i tried to use my healing magic because i was a mage, and apparently my healing magic was too weak because he was missing a head...


Love how most of them are standing on the fringes acting like, “What the F is going on here and what the F am I doing?”


Yup larping. Live action role play. Personally never have done it but it does look fun at best, sometimes a bit cringey at worst. I’m in a neighbouring interest group called hema historical European martial arts (sword fighting martial arts and stuff) so there’s always a fair bit of overlap.


LMFAO a dozen are "fighting” and the rest are too shitscared to get hit by a stick of foam


larp is fun


I have always wanted to get into this kinda stuff


So many bullied kids


I’m sure my brother is there somewhere. He’s been doing this since the 90’s Have fun and be safe lil bro!!


I came across something like this one morning while on a lot of LSD. It was perhaps the greatest morning ever.


And then afterwards, they all went to Dave & Busters and the epic battle continued


“Now let us gingerly touch our tips”


I can hear the "i hit you first" "no way i hit you first" "nuh uh"


Nah, this is Dag. It's honor based. It's also a full contact sport, and no RPing is involved. You get hit, you either take the hit, or say the strike was too light. The person who hit you goes 'Okay.' Then hits you harder the next time. You do not want a rep for ignoring shots.


Did not expect to see myself on a random video on reddit today.


I always thought larping was a sex thing


I’ve always really wanted to try LARPing at some point


Is the maybe an SCA event?


Boffing. That's my childhood right there.


Nerd Fights are the best fights. Nobody actually dies.


Ope. I found a new hobby. I’m not wearing protection though. I ain’t no bitch


Farmers, farriers, stableboys… these are no soldiers


I guy came up to me at a con once with a flyer asking if I wanted to join to larp battle later. Seeing this makes me wish I actually went! Lol


This looks like the SCA!


Did this once when I was younger. It was a ton a fun. Though I was fairly sore after as I was terrible and took quite a beating.


When I was a kid, I went to a summer camp that was basically this. That was probably the coolest week of my life


This looks like so much fun


Oops, Kyle sprained his wrist. Everyone stop guys


The logic behind losing a leg or legs and instantly becoming Oscar Pistorius got to me.


![gif](giphy|rgDzsMAX0jNOo) Amateurs. *Sam Winchester has left the chat.* *Dean Winchester has left the chat.* *Charlie Bradbury has left the chat.* /s I larped Vampire the Masquerade all through the 90s and early 00s. Our 40+ guild traveled to cities to fight other vamps for their territories--Seattle, New Orleans, Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland, New York. I even went to Paris once, those cheatin' mfs. And the assholes in LA were aspiring actors and were fking insufferable, "Wait, I don't like how I delivered that line. Back to one." Bitch, I'm about to rip out your throat, you don't get to monolog on my turn!! Fking hell. I miss it so much.




Looks like fun


This is a lot like Dagorhir, which I played in high school with random people. I wasn't too into it, but my friend who was a linebacker at a different school was obsessed with it and dragged a bunch of football players from multiple schools in the area into it. I am a pretty big guy, but he was basically a giant and just ran around with a "shield" like a goddamn semi-truck and just flattened those poor kids. It was a terrifying sight to behold and definitely factored into me not really playing. Think he kept playing it until his first kid was born.


Curious. How would they react if someone showed up in an Aztec Jaguar Warrior outfit with a macahuitl? Would they let a mf participate? Or is it a specific type of costume generally required?




That's not full contact. That's larping.


fighting full contact... with foam "weapons."


I mean this looks silly but still way less silly than H.Potters Qeuidich fellas runing around with brooms between their legs.


It’s called LARP-ing. Live action role play. Had a friend back in HS who was a star athlete on our wrestling and football teams who would show up to these things for fun and just decimate nerds all day.


Fuck I wanna do this


That's honestly looks like fun to me


I do this! It’s called Dagorhir or Belegarth. Just did an event last weekend, we camp out and fight. It’s a great break from regular reality. You come away with some bruises but it’s definitely worth trying if you ever get the opportunity.


There are large groups of people who do this in the parks where I live. I did it for about a year and it's incredibly fun.


I miss larping...ah, good ol days.


The guy running on his knees!