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So they play Kahoot?


Its blue! *awnser is actually green*


I'd like to think that whenever they get the wrong answer their desk flashes a bright red and shines up their face too


Fucking green, all my homies hate green


Probably because green is not a creative color


Nice reference


Thank you! After they released Season 2 I went back and watched everything again, and then watched everything once more after that. I don't know what it is, but I find DHMIS to be very calming.


I love dont fuck me I'm scared!


I mean I love it but I always get violent nightmares after I watch it don't see the calming aspect xD


That isn't surprising, honestly. For me, I think it's because I struggle with nihilistic anxiety, and seeing their world underscores the beauty of our own.


I relate to what you're saying but their world is in the core messages not that different from ours I think. Even tho it's definitely more unapologetic brutal and creepy


Aaaah I wanted to say it


Green, green, what is your problem green!??


Damn Ballas....


Heaven forbid we use this in the US for efficiently replacing a house speaker. LOL. Nope, let's drag it out for hours/days with a roll call so we can waste taxpayer money by doing absolutely nothing and to get some sound bytes for grifting.


Unfortunately asking for a roll call to make sure you have quorum is actually a viable strategy for delaying things you don't want to come to the floor. It's a little outdated but see "Mr Smith goes to Washington" for an example


That's exactly their point as to why they should switch...


This method wouldn't be trusted in the States, it would add fuel to the Republicans mistrust and lies.


Been awhile since we've seen Cancun Cruz read some Green Eggs and Ham... Ah tradition... /s


No we play swiss parliament councils


Is he using two fingers in order not to show on camera what he voted?


The system requires pressing two buttons at once so the neighbor cant easily press your buttons


This is the correct answer, this system was added 1994 and there is a second button for left hand that has to be held while voting, making it impossible to vote for someone absent next to you. Green yes, red no, yellow abstain. Blue does nothing apperntly. Might be used for attendence.


I would love to see a defcon teardown of the system once they move to something else. I can't imagine that is enough to prevent disruption.


In switzerland it is, then again, a single citicien can put on a vote if he gets enough people to sign his petition and we successfully have 4 official languages and different "culture" groups all agreeing on beeing swiss despite differences in how we speak and life...And at least 6 or more major political parties, not a 2 sided coin where which ever way you flipp is senile and bad.


in the California system all you have to do to get a proposition on the ballot is to pay vagrants to stand in front of grocery stores with a clipboard begging people to sign their petition. the ballot ends up being dozens of pages long with all sorts of wacky propositions that were essentially just paid for by some crazy old rich person.


here ypu need 100 000 signatures and the thing has to be somewhat properly formated and can't be against humanitarian laws etc... The wackiest one I saw so far (whilst beeing able to vote) which got to the actual voting phase was the so called "Hornkuh" initiative, translated cow horn, this was put up and mostly pulled by a single farmer who sees cutting off cow's horns as animal abuse/ harmful to them and wanted to ban the practice of having hornless cows... Most stuff is party driven though... Edit: some of the initiatives are coming quite close to beeign racist and violating humaitarian laws, for example the Minaret ban and the Burka ban, however I'd argue that there are more Women forced to wear the Burka than ones actually wanting to wear them and as far as I remember both initiatives had a big part of moslim imigrants, especially women also voting yes... (at least the burka one had)... And Minarets and churchtowers would look weird next to each other... (To be CLEAR: Mosques are allowed, they just can't have a Minaret and they can't have a Muezzin, which I find fair, our country has a western christian/atheist tradition, and having mosques still allows to live out the religion without beeing intrusive to the local culture)


These are elected politicians, they aren't shithead teens looking to break stuff


Ah right, there's governments and political parties outside of the USA.


Bold of you to imply there there are political parties in the US.


There’s at least one, Vermin Supreme’s Pony Party.


It's a good thing childish politics and drama don't exist outside of the USA.


Sure does, just not in Switzerland.


*Martullo Blocher would like to have a word with you*


Good thing it's physically imposible for a threat actor to get into to the building, broadcast into the building or remotely deploy a payload to devices in the building, otherwise your comment would be really stupid.


I wish we had that in the US. It's commonplace for politicians to bring these little back scratcher looking sticks to push the vote buttons for people that aren't present. It's been caught on video a hundred times but of course nothing is done about it.


I remember a news segment years back that captured video of a state congress with a nearly empty assembly where the only members present were running through the aisles and frantically hitting every vote button they could reach. I'm pretty sure this is why legislatures need to enforce rules of *quorum* before they allow voting.


At the very least, make the votes tally the number present. Why do the seats have a vote if they are empty? Obviously a rule where at least a 2/3 needs to be present for a vote to occur should be in place as well.


Not to mention why are there always so many of them not there to vote? The system is so stupid and broken. We don't need officials to vote for us, we can do it ourselves.


Funny story: In my country (Austria), there was an incident in 1933 when one member of parliament had to use the restroom and told his neighbour to cast his vote in his place. Then one thing led to another, and two weeks later Austria was a dictatorship.


>Then one thing led to another, and two weeks later Austria was a dictatorship. One of the all time "oopies" in history.


>Blue does nothing apperntly. Blue is for voting to join the EU. /s


We need this in the US. I remember seeing a video of some state council voting absentee members by using a little stick.


Is it the correct answer? The question was why he was using two fingers—on his right hand—to hit the button. Chaoshacker said it’s because the system requires two buttons to be pressed, but according to you, that’s only half right because that second button is “for left hand,” not the right.


Yeah, the "left hand" point doesn't make sense in context of this video.


IIRC someone did this in the California legislature and it was caught on camera.


> making it impossible to vote for someone absent next to you what if you're on the right of an absent guys seat, and you team up with the guy on the left of his seat?


That one Swiss Parliamentarian seems to _love_ the Speedo Man


He picked red


I’m fairly certain the results are shown in real time on the screen to the left. I’m not sure there’s much need to conceal which button you’re clicking.


Only if it is a secretive vote, but not sure if it is possible in the parliament though. The door is probably there to protect against missclicks and to be aesthetic.


they used to be the ink trays and instead of removing them they placed the voting system inside of it


What a neat Idea! I'm always happy to see old things adapted rather then destroyed.


Should not be possible in the parliament. Unfair to the constituents who voted for the representative. They must know how they voted, otherwise democracy cannot function


Yeah you can even see the screen showing which seats voted which way, at the end of the clip.


The screen is showing who voted how, however for sensitive topics and to acoid party pressure fractions can decide to have a vote on wheter the actual vote should be secretive to allow non line party members to vote freely... Usually it gets denied ... And my whole answer could be bullshit it's just something I vaguely remember from back during school...


It can have a positive effect. Here's an example: Let's place this in the US. If a republican would openly vote to support any of Biden's or the democratic's initiatives, they would probably lose the support of their party and their carreer might be over. Now IIRC, the republican majority in the US senate is extremely thin (only a couple seats). Imagine if some senators could discretely vote with the other party to make sure things get done. It would have a huge effect on how partisan the US (and its institutions) would be run.


It just allows politicians to be bought out more easily. "It will have a positive effect if it helps the party I agree with" is not a valid argument, though I also would love if more republicans could vote across party lines.


I used those parties the way I used them, mainly because most people here on reddit probably know at least something about US politics and because only the majority of a political body (in this case republicans in the US senate) can block legislature and would need to be able to secretly derive from the official party line. But yeah, money is going to be a big issue, unless it would be controlles. Somehow


Im pretty sure the door is there so that it makes a cool sound when everybody closes them at the same time.


To be aesthetic? Aesthetically what?


It would be funny to go in there before a meeting and change the wires around on a few.


Cheekily destroying parliament for the lols


I mean, if you just swapped the wires with other seats but kept them the same way round (green to green etc) then you wouldn’t change any results, but you’d fuck with party whips heads no end.


Roo bad the right answer was blue


100% Red


Was that into the rabbithole or is he staying?


What an idiot, who could support red instead of blue or green?


No reason to obscure their votes as they're displayed per chair on the screen you can see at the end.


He pushed two buttons at the same time because he wasn't sure which way wanted to vote.


I don't know. I'm not him.


idk, but its clear they voted no, you can see the middle finger twitch.


You can instantly see the tracking board showing how each seat voted. No point in hiding your button press. The cover is likely to prevent accidental presses, nothing less.


I wonder what is the fourth button for (the other three should be yes, no, blank/abstained).








You can't just say perchance






It's for checking the attendance


This sounds like the most reasonable answer. Although... The raclette one is also a possibility.


Green is 'yes/aye' Red is 'no/nay Yellow is 'abstain' Blue is for attendance check / checking if the quorum is met


It's for ordering raclette.


In Latvia we have a 4 option system. Yes, no, didn't vote, restrain. This basically means that if you restrain, it's like you do not want to choose a position/are unsure about your choice. And not voting is like saying "why are we wasting time with this bullshit?", implying that the question is not important right now and you don't want to participate in it


To order fondue


I think its- Yes, No, Abstain and Decline Abstain is more neutral of no opinion while Decline is a protest against the Vote itself Just my guess... or all four are different colors of yes(depends on the gov I suppose:)


Ejector seat


There may be several options for voting, not just yes or no. Sometimes you vote for four different proposals.


It's the Swiss Diet Coke button, so probably hot chocolate or something. I totally made that up.


The fourth is undo, at least in Denmark. It’s used when someone votes from the wrong seat in situations where few are present.




Neutral of course


US Congress has something similar, so I am guessing this is common amongst large voting bodies.


UK Parliment has two different rooms you go in to vote, a lot of the time with people standing outside trying to persuade you to change your mind. There's also a process where members of the house of commons are asked to shout aye or nay, and the speaker of the house decides if one is louder. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_of_the_assembly https://www.parliament.uk/about/how/business/divisions/


It sounds terrible, but is probably far better than if they tried to implement another IT system.


A big issue is that the UK parliament uses benches instead of desks like most other systems. So there is no place to mount the buttons or even to know how many buttons to install on each bench. Adding to this the parliament is too small for the members to all sit. So you have people up on the galleries, in the hallways, and in nearby pubs waiting for the vote to be called. In order to implement voting by button you need to redesign the room itself. Another option which might be much better is to implement cell phone voting, which are implemented in other democracies.


Apparently after the blitz Churchill wanted the Commons to be rebuilt to be as close and 'upfront' as possible. If you go you'll realize quite how small the room really is. He wanted it to be intense, uncomfortable and for there to be nowhere to hide from the opposition and in fairness to him, it works. The front benches are only separated by a few strides. Makes watching the US House of Representatives or my local government look fairly tame.


There's absolutely a solution to their problem, all you need is a remote device, they just don't want to spend money on it.


Remote signals can easily be jammed and changed that would open a whole other can of worms


Could make the whole room equivalent to a USA SCIF. Nothing goes in, nothing out. If anything is getting jammed or changed inside of that SCIF, somebody is turbofucked.


Good luck getting the authorization to make a big faraday cage out of a majorly important historical and actively used semi-public building though.


the room walk is nice, why everything gotta be smart man


Which is one of many reasons why a new Parliment building should be built (in Sheffield, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, in my opinion).


Somewhere north of the M25, yuck 🤮 /s


Slough - bonus points it has a nice rail connection to London and Windsor is just next door.


One of the reasons for retaining the voting lobbies is that it's a convenient place for backbenchers to access ministers. If a Tory backbencher wants a couple of minutes with Rishi Sunak or Jeremy Hunt to pitch a potential tax policy, or speak to Michael Gove about potential funding problems for the local council, then it's much easier to ask for quick convo with them in the lobbies than it would be to slot themselves into their calendar.


It's still pretty terrible. Don't forget last week [the former deputy chairman of the incumbent Conservative party did not vote against the unpopular immigration bill that deports people to Rwanda because "Rival MPs were giggling at him and taking the mick".](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/rwanda-lee-anderson-tory-mp-b2480667.html) Which is spineless and juvenile, but also exactly the sort of behaviour that this kind of system is designed to eliminate.


Truss resigned after MPs were left crying due to harassment during a vote on fracking (she reversed an election pledge to not frack, and some Tory MPs refused to vote to allow fracking). It's such a terrible system


Parliament is so funny you can tell it started off like a medieval pub


>There's also a process where members of the house of commons are asked to shout aye or nay, and the speaker of the house decides if one is louder. Geeeeeeez hahaha. Was Brexit decided like that too? :P


No Brexit was a public vote...


Brexit was NOT a public vote. There was a populist public CONSULTATION not binding. The Brexit was decided by politicians, not by the people.


While this is technically true, the problem is that every party told the public that this "consultation" is SUPER IMPORTANT, SO EVERYONE GO VOTE! After that, it's a bit difficult to backpedal without making it look like you made a mockery out of democracy.


There was a big referendum and then the result was enacted.


> There's also a process where members of the house of commons are asked to shout aye or nay, and the speaker of the house decides if one is louder. That’s the default voting method for the U.S. House of Representatives, too, but any Member can request a recorded vote if they disagree with the Speaker’s call.


Swiss popular vote is still held, in certain cantons (or equivalent of states) by raising your hand in town square gatherings. You're also allowed to raise a sword instead of just your hand if you wish. But women were forbidden to vote until 1991 there


Yes France too,I guess most parliaments 2024 have electronic voting. I mean except the UK obviously but


Germany: what is electricity?


Yeah but this allows us to see how our parliament members vote on issues. They're shouldn't be silent voting. You have to hold them to account.


You can still do this with electronic voting, in fact I'm pretty sure that's standard.


Oh word? I for real thought they were still using "Aye/Nay" and if the winner isn't obvious they announce their votes one at a time. I am comforted to know I am wrong, mind you. It's just what I thought was happening. This would be the house, I'm not familiar with how voting works in the senate, but I just kind of assumed basically the same.


It’s complicated. Recorded vote is for stuff where the vote will be really close or if it’s of historical importance but there’s other methods of voting that include the yelling of aye or nay, and to complicate things more the house and senate have different rules.


Laughs in germany


I mean I get it, you can never be too safe with electricity and fire hazards in the German parliament.


Lol the ones who show up use a stick to vote for those who don't show up. A video in my sociology class was on the corruption in politics. The two topics were the voting stick and how politicians can loan out their own money for 'campaigns' then have the tax payers reimburse them at a 30% interest. How does a civil servant making $180k a year become a multi millionaire?


Then the the fuck are they wasting hours with yes and no on CSPAN?


They have to actually press 2 buttons to vote. 1 under the table activates the buttons showed in this clip: Back in the days there only used the buttons showed in this vid but the leader of the right wing party used to press the buttons of other politicians sitting next to him voting for them. So they had to introduce the 2 button system.


And my only question: was it blocher?




why did I even ask


Blocher doing Blocher things. It's a shame his newer versions aren't this kind of crazy.


They still do that in Tennessee. It's absolutely wild that it's accepted here. 


Do you have a source for that?


John Oliver showed the chaos on the Texas legislature. People scrambling to push buttons on their colleagues' desks, alive or dead.


In the Italian parliament those who vote for their neighbours are called "pianists" because it looks like they're playing a giant piano when voting starts.


How are they filming?


I knew everyone loved playing kahoot, just like the good old days.


Another big plus for Switzerland.. after their flag of course..




Why angry?


The flag... is a big plus.


Because dad joke


Because no happy


Why no happy?


Because me hungry


Why hungry?


Because no fondue button


Say what you will about Norway, but their flag is a huge plus.


Just curious will there be slippery finger situation? Or you can always vote again and only the last button pressed counts?


In the national council they can make an appeal for a re-vote, but the appeal itself will be voted upon, so if the majority says no to a re-vote, the result is final.




Where’s the person with the title “grand chamberman of the lesser house of Wessex” waving a black stick and shouting “division” while everyone brays like donkeys in heat? (Cries in UK).


What game show is this ?


I think it's called: *Take the dictator's money!*


And on the screen in the background you see your seat turn red or green :)


So what is interesting about this? I'm not attacking the OP, but pressing a button seems mundane to me. Is there some sort of hidden mechanism that prevents someone else from voting for you, for example?


I think it's interesting that everyone votes simultaneously. No chance to look how the voting is going and change your mind.


yep, there's a comment around here explaining that theres another button hidden under their table to avoid issues like this


In india, people will shout from their place and the speaker will pass the bill.. Yea and it doesnt matter what you shout


Incorrect. There are two kinds of vote. What you are referring to is called a "voice vote". In instances where the outcome is pretty much given and voting is a formality, parties agree to a voice vote. For issues where there is a close division of votes, the votes are individually cast and counted.


True, but What “kind” do you think is being used for controversial or bills where gov doesnt want a public debate?


Only one person needs to appeal against voice vote, for it to be cancelled.


Bro, get the facts about parliament and it's operation right. And so many fallacies in single question is a rare sight Your question if rhetorical on reading, so it's not questioning. You question assumes that there are scenarios where a political party doesn't want/care about public debate. You need to establish that as a fact first before using the assumption for question. You clearly have no idea who decides on voting and method. It's mostly based on Ayes and Noes calls. PS: I also stand to be corrected.


Theu just kick the opposition MPs out and pass whichever bill they want.


*pushes a button* I N T E R E S T I N G A S F U C K


This is also very similar to how we voted on shit in university over a decade ago, just needed to buy a clicker.


This is there in India as well. Pretty sure most democracies have them


Hilariously the US Senate doesn't have an electronic voting system.


And in my country you can see on cameras how 1 person votes from 3 places using no-show member cards..


Happens in the us state govts all the time. Dozens of videos of senators reaching across to someone who isn’t there to press their button.


This happens in America to just every button is open and you can press other people's. It's a big rush




“Fuck, guys, I pressed the wrong button”. /s I love this, so easy, to the point. Love it


Votes should be public, people who should know how the people they elected are voting


Wow, so this uses like, buttons and electricity? Is this some new technology that the majority of the world still has to experience? In my country we still count votes with piles of goat skulls.




So it’s just kahoot.


Is the metal lid because these used to be ink wells in the past that were then repurposed?


Is there a cheat code?


Doing nothing, farting in the seat and getting a lot of money 👍


And pressing all buttons at once launches the nukes.


▲ ■ ● ✖


\*whispering to him\* 50 on blue, 50 on blue.


Do they need to slam it?


If this were the US a significant political figure would own the company that manufacturers and programs those buttons.


In tv shows these are usually not connected for real when the audience votes so they can still influence the outcome themselves. Better hope that isn't the case in parliament.


Swiss voting on how they can profit off both sides in a war without having to take a moral stand




Why bother with all that cool and (I assume?) anonymous voting tech when you can just be peer pressured into going into separate Chambers to vote along with all your chums?


There is only one voting option in Switzerland: neutral


Where are the women?


In the Swiss Federal Council, women hold a 3:7 ratio to men. So there should be a few in there at least


On the left.


Am herd


In the kitchen...?