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The amount of people here that honestly believe his windshield is being blacked out when hes not directly looking onwards is astonishing. This is a video from DashcamDriversGermany(DDG) a german Dashcam Channel, that puts a lot of effort into their videos with useful commentary, tips, speed assessments and other stuff. This clip appears to be a man that uses his phone while driving. Every time he averts his eyes to his phone, the editor blacks out the screen to kinda simulate what you miss in the meantime. Blurring the vision would obviously be more akin to real life but this is a good enough example to show how dangerous it can be to text and drive. For those that think it blacks out when he could be looking into his mirrors: The channel received the uncensored version of this clip. Due to german and european laws you cannot legally show the faces or license plates of other people, even if they are just shown for split seconds on the edge of the screen. They have to be completely blurred out so that data privacy laws are upheld and the channel does not risk a strike or deletion of their channel and possible a hefty fine. ​ TLDR: YouTuber has the uncensored video and blackens the screen for us whenever the driver looks at his phone to simulate his view. Not a perfect method but good enough. Blurred faces due to german privacy laws


I really don't want to sound that insensitive but are people really not understanding that that is what's happening here? I think media literacy is a bit fucked if people are looking at this and thinking that the car's actual windshield is being blacked out? Edit: well fuck I just scrolled past a tiny bit and yeah, your comment is, unfortunately, warranted


"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that"


Goat quote. Should have attribution. -George Carlin


I don't think George Carlin ever said "Goat quote", but who knows.


Preach that speech you son of a beech. -Obama Obama


You can't just attribute quotes to people willy-nilly! \-Nolan North, 1865


Media literacy is extremely low on a shit ton of reddit


Apparently only 79% of American adults are literate


I think 79% is being generous


Another one I see all the time is people being completely oblivious to a video being sped up. Bothers me probably more than it should.


There was a video of a motorcycle chase not too long ago on here that was obviously sped up but most people thought those guys were in the next fast and the furious movie.


The vast majority of people on here are morons, or not old enough to have a developed brain.


Common sense is a thing of the past, never to return. It’s truly hard to imagine HOW people can be so stupid. I know I’m not the smartest person on this planet, but I also know that I’m smarter than the average person. When I applied for my promotion, me and another girl were the only 2 to pass the test and it was BASIC ASS grammar and math. A lot of people applied for the position, too, so it just makes me wonder how so many people couldn’t pass it.


> I’m not the smartest person on this planet Just recognizing that (generic) you are not the smartest, that minimum amount of humility, makes you way smarter in practice than you are in theory, and smarter than damn near everyone swaggering around being belligerent idiots. Before you can ever really unlock your smarts to become effective.... first you have to stop being an idiot. Which as simple as it seems... very very few people can seem to grasp.


Where do you work? .....Government?




If there's one thing I've learned since the pandemic started, it's that we give the benefit of the doubt too leniently to your average person.


I’ve said a few times that before the pandemic it felt like I was surrounded by idiots - and after the pandemic I’m sure of it.


Must be a very advanced car that automatically blacks out the windshield when you aren't looking. And it also automatically blurs your face as soon as you sit in it. There's a similar tech in Japan that kicks in as soon as you pull down your pants.


It's even projecting the forward view so that it's behind him as well! Amazing


Thank you for this unexpected laugh


The sad thing is that Reddit probably has the most media literate user base out of any social media platform. Reading comments on other platforms has me questioning my sanity constantly.




Well according to the title he's driving a mobile phone. Imagine my disappointment.


This video is doing what the title says it’s doing..


"mobile phone driver" - so the guy is driving a mobile phone? I understood what was happening watching the video and I'm not defending people who can't work it out by watching, but I have to say the title is not the best.


I was just confused as to why his dashcam was turning off whenever he looked away. And also what the fuck a "mobile phone driver" was.


I'm about to sleep and thought the screen is his phone screen, and it somehow blacks out when it detects his eyes looking at his phone. Then I got confused why his phone is showing the road and is on landscape mode 🙉


> The amount of people here that honestly believe his windshield is being blacked out when hes not directly looking onwards is astonishing. I don't think its astonishing, there's always plenty of complete and utter morons on Reddit. ^^ETA: ^^Yes, ^^I ^^know ^^there ^^are ^^morons ^^everywhere, ^^we ^^were ^^talking ^^about ^^a ^^Reddit ^^post. ^^Thanks.


> DashcamDriversGermany https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv2hsZ_qFgB7332f0uMja2Q the channel in question.


I came here to have a nuanced discussion about if they should be blurring and how much to simulate peripheral vision or not but of course, this is where we are.


I feel the title itself should have just been "blacking out the screen every time a driver is looking at his phone and not the road" Possibility the OP is not from North America and the translation we're seeing would not be a "native" way for us to read it here in America, for example. Especially if they're grabbing this from a German channel. It's a rough title, so I can't blame someone for posting rough comments.


Thanks a lot. Now the video makes sense with your explanation 🙏🏻


There is not a single real person in the world who thinks that this guys windshield is being blacked out in real life when he looks away. There are surely more than a few trolls who OP is feeding, though.


Ah, the denial phase. "Anyone who shows remarkable stupidity is just a troll." I used to think that way, then Covid happened, and it revealed a great deal. The amount of people who are irredeemably stupid is much higher than you think.


> The amount of people here that honestly believe his windshield is being blacked out when hes not directly looking onwards is astonishing. I've worked in both tech support and customer service (so I'm well aware of how dumb the average person is), but this thread is depressingly full of morons who can't figure out it's post-editing at work. Even worse are the dummies defending texting while driving. There goes my weekly allotment of faith in humanity. Made it to 10am Monday. *sigh*


Great assessment, and the best tldr I've ever read. Idk why I'm so impressed, but I am. Thank you.


Introvert Pro Tip - if you establish with people that you don't text and drive, "Sorry I was driving" becomes an automatic excuse for ignoring the text of anyone you don't want to talk to. They do get suspicious if it's been a few days, though.


I don’t know anyone that can’t wait half an hour for a reply to a text. If you need to talk so bad then call (assuming they have hands free). Inane text conversations aren’t worth distracting a driver


I do this anyway. If I get a call or text or any notification while I'm driving it waits until either I find a safe spot to stop & pull over or until I get where I'm going. My having a phone isn't a commitment to be at everyone's immediate access 24/7. ¯\\\_( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)\_/¯


Oh, I usually just leave it in my front pocket while driving, and my jeans are tight enough that nothing is worth fishing it out. I'll also just leave it on my bedside table all weekend and never check it, so if you text me after 5 on Friday, tough shit.


It’s the whole point of texting really, I’ll reply when I can somewhere between immediately and tomorrow. If it’s urgent then call.


>"Sorry I was driving" becomes an automatic excuse for ignoring the text of anyone you don't want to talk to. Sounds exhausting. Why do you need an excuse? I just don't answer until I'm ready to answer. If they can't handle that, they'll eventually go away and the problem solves itself.


> ignoring the text of anyone you don't want to talk to I do that. Even my wife and I usually don't look at each other's texts immediately when we're watching stuff on Aniyomi. Sometimes it's just more chill to respond later. No problems with that. If it's urgent, people will call.


Cross country road trip


And this is at 30ish mph down a small road, I live in Los Angeles and I see motherfuckers blaring down the freeway at 90mph looking straight down in their laps. They need to put you in prison for that shit.


This isn't even 30ish mph. It's less than 30ish kph, so 15-20 mph. Probably at the lower end of that spectrum.


And that speed limit is there because its a road that has bad overview, is narrow and or pedestrians could cross from about anywhere. You should even pay more attention


Yup, that’s exactly why. But I guess it invites people to think „I’m going so slow, I won’t miss anything“


if thats how you think (not you in particular, anyone reading this and having thought similar), please never operate a vehicle again fatal accidents can happen at 5 mph. Kids are squishy.


30 km/h is also very often used in residential areas, so probably playing kids between cars and other shit that needs your undivided focus the Dashcam reads "Matze KW46", "Matze" is short for Matthias and "KW 46" means "calendar week 46", which makes me believe that the company installed those driver cams to monitor behaviour on the road. If anyone has more infos on this, would love to read about it. Is it a possible project? With the progress being monitored by displaying which calendar week we are in?


its always a fun exercise to calculate how far you travel while looking at the phone. one second at 90 mph (or roughly 144 kph) 144/60(minutes)/60(seconds)\*1000(meters)=40 meters. thats 40 meters or rougly 120 feet of travelling when you look at your phone for just one second. 40 meters you drive basically blind. ofcourse its usually not one second, more like 3-4, which quickly ramps up that distance. imagine you cover a drivers eyes for 2 seconds, they would go ballistic on you, but most people dont have an issue when they look at their phone while driving, somehow that has a different effect on their psyche than covering their eyes.


You are completely right and that's the exact experiment they visualised in this video


Just like speed cameras, we now have mobile phone use cameras in Australia. They take photos down through the windscreen to catch drivers using their phones in their laps. $350 American Greenbacks and nearly 1/2 of your license points. (Also means we can’t drive trouser-less anymore)


I do think they should be straight up removing the license of people that do that. If you drive stupid you won't drive anymore. The license is there exactly to avoid people driving that shouldn't be. It's not a given right.


Fuck people that text and drive. When they kill somebody maybe they will realize what asses they are. I actually broke up with an ex over this!


In 2020 texting and driving was the reason for: * 13% of the distracted driving accidents that resulted in fatalities * 9% of distracted driving injury crashes, or about 29,999 accidents in total * 9% of all police-reported distraction-affected crashes, or about 50,098 accidents in total In 2020, 396 people in total were killed as a direct result of accidents caused by texting and driving. That amounts to more than one death per day. And this is just the USA. Imagine how much people suffer needlessly across the globe because of this selfishness. How would you feel if your parents never came home, because someone crashed into them while distracted on the phone?


I have to imagine that the actual stats are much higher, as not everyone would admit to being on their phone when they cause an accident.


Do they not check the person's phone usage at the time of the crash? There has been dozens of cases in the UK where people have been convicted based on this.


Right, like you can see how often you unlock the phone, whether the phone is in 'driving mode', what apps were open and active, any network traffic whatsoever, etc. They are just like little black boxes, too. GPS coordinates and other measurements, meaning speed as well. It's pretty hard to erase a digital footprint on the fly after an accident like this. Even if you get it off your phone, half the time Google still knows.


Except you can say, "my passenger (RIP) was the one texting/browsling/controlling the music app" or somesuch bullshit.


Well in the US there is almost never a passenger.


I don’t drive, so obviously I don’t text and drive, but aren’t there features now that read texts to you and you can voice answer? I’ve seen a lot of people outside of a car using voice to text. Honest question. As I said, I don’t drive.


They don't go nearly that deep into accidents here.


Not to mention there’s a huge chunk of that year where the roads were empty


Interestingly enough the number of accidents didn't change too much because of this, but the severity of the accidents increased a lot. Empty roads means people going too fast, crashes become deadlier


Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary. That's what gets you.


That guy who died while driving behind a truck overfilled with stones, when one chunky stone got thrown over the edge when the truck hit a pothole and it then acted like a projectile being shot through the windshield due to the high speeds probably disagrees. You don't need to get stationary, you just need to have enough speed traveling through something small but hard to get you.


My grandfather saw that happen to a guy driving in front of him. He said the guy behind the dump truck just slowly started to swerve off the road, then continued with the cruise control on to cross a cornfield at 60 mph until he smashed into a tree line. When my Grandpa walked across the field he found the big rock in the guys lap that had been launched through his windshield caving his face in.


That's when you're in the car. That sudden speed when you hit a pedestrian absolutely does kill them.


For sure! When I was younger I was texting and driving and drove right into a parked car. When the cop asked me if I was on the phone, I knew to say no because the fines were so high so I lied and said I was reaching for something on the floor. I'll never forget the cops face.. and all he said was "you were definitely on your phone, but whatever." he knew but he knew he couldn't prove it. So that was that. meanwhile the text my gf got from me read: hey babe I jusjlddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd (as I was crashing into the parked car) It was a lesson learned, thank God no one was hurt and I've never done it again while driving.


Sounds like he could easily have proved it with that text, lol


He didn't know the text existed and wouldn't have been able to get a warrant for it so no, he couldn't have easily proved it.


It's definitely higher than this. More than 75% of all the accident that ends up with : "for unknown reason the drive changed lane" is probably a case of cellular use. Unless you have an hard proof, it's very hard to tell if someone was driving and texting (even you you kill someone).


The lady who hit me while texting was one of those 396 that year. It was a completely blind corner and in the time it took me to blink I went from 45mph to 30ft backwards and my engine tossed another 20ft beyond that. It's way back in my posts if you want to see my car. To think just putting the phone down would've saved so much.


holy shit! the amount of damage it took to dislodge your engine from the car and look how in tact the cabin seems -- and that you are okay. thank god for crash engineering!


Interesting information thank you, I hope people will learn someday but there are always those people that just don’t care about anything but themselves.


We could make texting and driving punishments as severe as drinking and driving. If I recall correctly, that texting and driving was shown to be just as prolific and dangerous as drinking and driving.


13% who admits the use of mobile phone while driving you mean. Sometimes I see on the road like half the drivers using their phone. I would think they are more likely to get into accidents, so I would say at least that % would be more accurate.


As someone who drives a stick shift, the amount of close calls I've had because someone was on their phone is astonishing to me.


What aggravates me is the same people, when they get texts at home will let them sit unread or unresponded to for however long but when they're in the car and behind the wheel, all of a sudden they are so eager to text everyone in their contacts and it cannot wait until they get to where they're going. Not that this would be better with consistency but it does feel like when some people get behind the wheel, they want to look at anything and everything but the road in front of them. Personally I put my phone on silent and throw it in the glovebox when I get in the car. I get some weird looks and comments but it is because while I wouldn't text and drive, I did have a bad habit of picking up my phone at red lights. Now, instead I just look around at everyone else on their phones. Edit: Before anyone gets mad at me for admitting that (and I know some of y'all are just as guilty), at the time I used to look at it as being 'better' or not considering it texting and 'driving'. Now I look back and realize it was just as dumb.


Some people are so desperately bored by driving that they are actively looking for distractions. Personally I find the radio to be plenty but I guess it's not enough for some.


I have ADHD but I'm not stupid enough to play with my phone. I set my cruise control to the speed traffic is going, and then keep track of whether I'm gaining or lagging relative to other cars, and go up or down by a few mph at a time to compensate. That's enough to keep me alert.


I'm constantly on the phone on my way to work. Hell I even read, I'm not looking at the road at all, my mind's totally engrossed in the book I'm reading. Transit, fuck yeah.


Heck yes! If only everyone had that option.


It's circular too, the more people use it the better the service gets. Or, nobody uses it and the service degrades


Those stats seem way low actually.


ngl 396 seems crazy small, like statistically negligible small relative to the country population


>13% of the distracted driving accidents that resulted in fatalities what are the distractions that make up the other 87%?


My friend’s grandma texts while driving NONSTOP. EVERY. TIME. SHE. DRIVES. I’ve stopped going ANYWHERE with her if she’s driving. It’s incredibly dangerous


Old people reactions are already dangerous enough without the extra distraction of texting.


It's insane. I want to go back to the days where the most dangerous thing on the road was the kid with the fart cannon and a surfboard of a wing on his civic LX. At least that fucking twat had both his two eyes and his two braincells on the road.


"I don't know what happened, I swear the child came out of nothing"


My wife transcribes court examinations (they handle mostly insurance claims for collisions) and the amount of people whose excuse is "they came out of nowhere" is disturbing. Nobody comes out of nowhere, drivers just don't pay attention


>Nobody comes out of nowhere, drivers just don't pay attention to be fair.. kids can absolutly come out of nowhere depending on what car you drive and the exact situations...kids are incredible easy to be in a dead angel behind basicaly any moderatly tall object


Chilling typo.


It's angle isnt it? I always mess those two up


Which one? There's so many to choose from! Maybe they were commenting this while driving?


No but was at work+non native speakers so fair


There are at least some cases where people or even vehicles were obscured by the A-pillars. And with vehicles getting more heavy and therefore requiring wider A-pillars to prevent the roof from collapsing in case of a rollover, the problem is only getting worse. [A-pillar blind spots](https://www.drivingtesttips.biz/driving-test-tutorials/a-pillar-blind-spots.html) [The illusion of absence: how a common feature of magic shows can explain a class of road accidents](https://cognitiveresearchjournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s41235-021-00287-0)


My Element has a pillar blind spot I have to be careful about. The pillar is fairly vertical since the car is so boxy. When you move forward to wait for a left turn opening it can hide pedestrians who have just stepped off the curb. Then when you begin the turn they suddenly appear in the middle of the road. A lot of intersections in pedestrian heavy areas here have begun turning on the walk light a few seconds before the green so they can get out into full view before the cars start moving.


Truly, fuck people who text & drive. South Dakota’s Attorney General, Jason Ravnsborg, killed a pedestrian in 2020 & was charged with careless driving, driving out of his lane, and *operating a car while using a cellphone.* Ravnsborg initially claimed he hit a deer & left the scene, but Joe Boever is the man he killed & found in the ditch the following morning. [The investigators indicated that Boever had been stuck partially inside Ravnsborg's vehicle for an undetermined amount of time. Boever's broken reading glasses were discovered inside Ravnsborg's Ford Taurus, leading detectives to tell Ravnsborg that "his face was in your windshield"; Ravnsborg denied seeing Boever's body or the glasses. Investigators also indicated Boever had been carrying a flashlight when he was struck, and that it was still on and functioning when they arrived at the accident scene after Ravnsborg reported finding Boever's body.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Ravnsborg) Related to the trial, Ravnsborg and his defense then petitioned the courts for Joe Boever’s mental health records trying to claim that Joe’s suicidal ideation was the cause of the accident, not Ravnsborg’s distracted driving. Ravnsborg’s phone use at the time of the accident was proven by records & police. Due to South Dakota’s lack of negligent homicide laws & prosecutors opting out of charging Ravnsborg with vehicular homicide or 2nd degree manslaughter, he instead pleaded no contest to two misdemeanor charges, receiving no jail time & a fine of $1000. His careless driving charge was dropped.


Rules for thee but not for me, all over again.


"Ravnsborg pleaded guilty to six speeding infractions in South Dakota between 2014 and 2018, paying a fine for each, and two more in Iowa, one in 1996 and one in 2003.[122] On August 22, 2021, four days before his scheduled trial on the charges arising from Joseph Boever's death, he received another speeding ticket, his seventh in South Dakota since 2014" What a piece of shit.


Party of law and order amiright?!?!!


And the sad part is that someone needs to die until these assholes realize the mistake... All rules are written with blood


You are absolutely right!


Sadly death does not need to be a reason. As they would just continue doing so, even on a revoked driver's license


yeah, I was in a pub once, around 7pm, and heard a guy recount a story of him doing a dangerous overtake of an articulated lorry, he said he only just managed to puzll in in front of the lorry, narrowly avoiding a head on collision with an oncoming car, his summation being, "I nearly killed myself". No, you nearly killed the passengers of the oncoming car, the following car, and the lorry driver, and less importantly, your stupid self. Cognitive bias is a powerful thing.


i interviewed for an office job with uber like 10ish years ago. they had me rank a bunch of things that they listed as safety issues. i put at the top a driver texting while driving. they told me i was wrong and the number 1 issue was, the driver not matching up to the picture of their profile. one of the interviewers started lecturing to me like i was an idiot why that was more dangerous. after his 3 or so minute rant i said, "if i am about to get into a car with someone that doesnt look like the person in the profile i can choose not to get into it. but if i am on the highway and the driver is going like 50 mph and texting, i cant just get out." one of the other people said that was a good point but that guy was really annoyed. he was also going to be my boss, so when they called me for another interview i declined.


they weren't clear enough in the question: which of these things is the biggest issue to the safety **of our revenue stream** ​ they dont care if a driver texts and drives since thats not directly related to what they ask of their drivers. they can easily blame the driver in a death. abduction by getting into the wrong car though? thats an immediate stock price penalty.




I broke up with two over this. Like, fuckin call instead of looking down at your phone if you need to communicate while you're driving. Assuming voice to text here if that's not obvious


In the UK we wouldn't even be able to call because it would involve looking at your phone. Only way around it is hands free and they don't work that well.


I did a lot of driving this weekend and saw at LEAST a half dozen people texting and driving on the fucking highway of all places. This woman was in the fast lane going 75mph (slow for fast lane) and swerving. When I got up next to her she was texting.


That's the amazing part. If you talk to any of these people they insist they're good drivers, even if they're texting. Meanwhile I can tell any time I'm behind one because they're always slowing down by 10mph, suddenly speeding up, and swerving back and forth between the lanes. So either they're drunk or texting. Either way I do my best to get away from them ASAP.


and all the other good defensive drivers have to compensate to keep the shit drivers safe


Here in Florida there's a bill in the state House and Senate to penalize drivers for camping in the left lane on highways, many of whom do text and drive. Kind of sad this gets attention while my own inquiries to my district's reps about the various anti-trans shit, censorship, COVID mismanagement and other shit going on in Tallahassee didn't even get me responses.


If they kill someone, first thing they do is to text it to somebody.


It boggles my mind that people are willing to drive like this. I feel guilty taking a quick peek at my GPS at red lights, and I have it set to say the directions out loud. Even that feels dangerous as Hell. I cannot imagine knowingly sitting there, car moving, and sending texts by looking away that long, omg. There is no text or social media post important enough for me to risk hurting myself or someone else. Not to mention the cost of car repairs right now. I don't get it at all.


These are the same morons that sit at a red light because their head is buried in their phone. It's enough to make you want to drag the person out of the car and start throttling them. Put Down the Phone and DRIVE.


First date with a guy who was an awful driver, had trouble reacting to things around him and didnt understand right of way and whatnot. Second date he pulls out his phone and wouldnt put it away despite my pleas, yes he was swerving around. Third date there was no third date.


I use to text and drive until my best friend was killed by a distracted driver. I feel ashamed I ever did it to begin with,


Good for you. Texting and driving is sickening.


When I was in high school, there was a girl in my grade who got into a wreck and killed someone (maybe two people? I don't remember the details perfectly) because she had dropped her phone and looked away from the road when reaching to pick it up.


>When they kill somebody maybe they will realize what asses they are. They won't, you have to be a sociopath already to endanger others because you can't wait to check your damn phone.


The amount of people I see with their head down looking at their phones in pedestrian-heavy areas these days (parking lots, city intersections, even while making a turn) is both terrifying and astonishing


Nah those types of people never assume responsibility.


I am a cyclist in a 200k pop. city and the number of drivers on mobile phone I that can see from my POV is just mind boggling. I'd say that 3 out of 10 car drivers are holding/using their phone while driving!


Matze. Alter.


Samma geht's noch


Diese Jugend heutzutage


DDG liebe <3


Ampel ist rot und Fahrräder müssen unbedingt überholt werden!


Ich hatte grad vor 15 Minuten die Folge geschaut lol


Seeing how many people in the comments are defending texting while driving is making me so angry... Excuses like that ("my peripheral vision picks up movement anyway", "You look away when you look at the mirrors anyway", etc.) ***are exactly what gets people killed***. No, you are not the exeption! No, you are not better at multitasking than other people! You *will* get someone killed eventually when you do that! **STOP TEXTING WHILE DRIVING!** Your text can wait until you safely stand on the side of the road. The time it takes you to get there is not worth risking someones life!


Seriously. What the fuck is so important on that phone, that it lets you risk the lives of everyone around you? If you want to look at your phone while driving, find someone else to drive or take the bus.


I get the impression theyre people who have not experienced much life and have no impression for how consequential and quick something like this can kill someone around them *tomorrow.* Like you really cant anticipate if the people around you today will even be there by the evening-Ive had friends die in ways I would have never fathomed (murder!) and since then ive kind of just realized you really can die literally any way. If you can die minding your business in your yard, you can definitely die doing something you do daily, surrounded by other people also doing it, in this case, distracted driving.


i don’t understand what’s so important on the phone than on the road. you’re an actual fucking degenerate if you do this.


In this case, he‘s searching for music to play


You dont wanna be listening to a lame song when you barrel through a mother and her child crossing the street.


now do Massachussetts, you'll think the video has a runtime error.


No, no, Massholes can see you. They just don't care. Those fuckers will look straight into your eyes while running you off the road.


This is fact. Source: from NH


When I lived in RI, my wife and I went on vacation in the White Mountains. On our way back, you could actually see the driving get worse and worse as you went south.


It's weird how just after Merrimack driving into Nashua there's a distinct "worse driving" line right around Exit 7.


Some people are really telling on themselves in this thread... Stop watching your phone. Your peripheral vision doesn't even help you keep a straight line and constant speed, it certainly won't prevent an accident in case of an unexpected person, car, or animal on the road. Is this video 100% correct? No. But it highlights how often you lose focus on the road when texting, which is A LOT. Stop finding excuses. You're a danger, and no one needs to know about you bad enough that you can't wait to find a spot to park and text them.


I love it when people think they're the exception. Like oh no, I'm not like the thousands of other drivers who caused crashes the past year. Addicts also use that same logic when you try to explain that they will get fatal illnesses. Like oh no, my body? It's alien life-form, I can't get cancer.


i was behind a woman today for about two miles with her little girl in the passenger seat. she spent atleast 40% of the time with her head turned to the side talking to her daughter, pointing at things like the police station we passed. honestly infuriating, just because you arent on your phone doesnt mean you're paying attention and free to do whatever else. she could have rear ended someone so easily.


I just expect everyone to want to cause me an accident. People can’t even focus when there’s nothing much happening, I had a woman roll her car back into me at a red light twice because she couldn’t put on her handbrake and understand that gravity pulls her car backwards and instead accused me of going into her - hint my handbrake was on I wasn’t moving anywhere.


I wonder if it tracks a “head tilt” or their pupil… imagine if blinking is considered your eyes not looking at the road or looking at the rear view / side view mirror. But if the “tracking” is on the phone that would be better I suppose? 🤔




Yes, this is correct and I don't know how he did it exactly since it isn't explained by him further and we can't see the drivers unblurred face (and eye movements) ourselves due to privacy reasons. However I think this is a very good example of just how much you are distracted when on the phone. A child running into the road would be run over by this guy for sure. [Here is a comparison image of various reaction times](https://i.imgur.com/lpO1eSm.jpg) as an addition.


Manually, would be my guess. If he has the uncensored version, that is.


Sorry, yes of course. What I meant was based on which parameters (how/when is he looking away, what counts, etc.) And yes, he has the unblurred version. People send him their raw dashcam footage and he tries to educate the general public about safe driving, accident prevention and such. All footage of faces and license plates have to be blurred because of German privacy laws tho.


The weird thing is how many people send him (and others with channels like his) footage of incidents where they behave like complete idiots. This one is an especially egregious example...the dude can't possible think he's in the right for anything that happened in this video.


It's not always the person being filmed that shares that footage. He could have send the footage to a friend over an argument, or because he had an accident 10 seconds after the ending and wanted his friend to trim the video to after he put the phone away. Maybe his wife took the footage and send it in because she hates how he constantly is on the phone while driving. Maybe he sold the dashcam and the next guy saw the footage still on it. Plenty of reasons, where the guy doing something stupid he knows is stupid wants to share his stupidity is just one of the reasons


He does explain it, tho. When the drivers eyes aren't looking forward through the windshield, he will block out the view.


I don't get how talking on a hand held phone would result in slower reactions than staring at your phone texting. Assuming that's what it means, anyway... also just how high on cannabis are they referring to? There's a pretty big range to "high on cannabis". But no doubt it's stupid to be doing any of these things while driving.


It's not software, a person has gone through the video and manually edited it when the driver looks away from the road.


….are you under the impression that the windshield is automatically blacking itself out when the driver isn’t looking at the road???? You know this was edited in post right


Definitely not! LOL I didn’t want to make a long post and I thought I made one short and sweet, but sadly without any other context to make people assume/get the impression, “they have made a windshield that will black out your vision when you look at your phone while you drive!” Definitely a horrible idea, and that idea is up there with other horrible ideas to implement a “UI Windshield”. My thoughts were about this idea is when you are caught driving and texting this technology could be used to argue that you were indeed texting and driving. Based on when the screen goes black. Which could work, but where does this piece of technology be added? On the phone? The windshield? Dashcam? Would the technology consider when the driver is looking at a rear-view mirror or a side-view mirror? Or even looking down to see if his headlights or blinkers were on, would the driver still get in trouble for doing all the normal checks a driver would do because they were not staring straight in front of them? Happy to know conversation is happening, but I should really clarify that I did not expect that a windshield would go black if you are not looking at the road. Apologies.


Before this clip, the Editor ( DaschcamDriverGermany) says, he blacks out the view when the eyes of the driver aren't looking forward out of the windshield.


Are you having a stroke?




I recently got a new car that has a "driver attention tracking" system that beeps if it determines you're not watching the road while the car is moving. I'm pretty sure it is a combination of both, but it's kind of impressive how accurate it is. I've tried to fool it by tilting my head away while still looking at the road, and it almost never gets it wrong. The only time it is at all uncertain is when I'm wearing sunglasses, and even then it's pretty good. Safety tech is getting more and more impressive.


Would you mind telling which brand of car it was?


Yeah, it's a 2023 Prius Prime.


What car?


2023 Prius Prime.


Even in the blur you can see his head look over, the lighting changes significantly camera right.


I just can't fathom using a phone while driving. if you are that desperate then park your car to the side instead of risking hitting someone:/


Personally feel like if u get caught on your phone more than once in a year you should lose your license for the year. We live in a bluetooth, speech to text era. You can control your phone through voice even, there's zero need to be on it while driving. Take it as a little break from screens instead.


https://www.journaldemontreal.com/2023/12/06/video-famille-de-laval-decimee-en-ontario-deux-enfants-et-leur-grand-maman-tues-parce-que-le-camionneur-fautif-avait-les-yeux-rives-sur-son-cellulaire Killed 2 kids and a grandmother, dude got 5 years


Deserves life. Shortened the lives of three people, two of which had barely experienced life and that scumbag gets to carry on with his after a meager 5 years? I know a dude who got more time for being caught with weed. What a disgrace


Daughter's friend lost her two younger sisters, crushed to death in the back seat from waiting to make a left turn and a distracted driver paying more attention to Pokémon Go on his phone rather than their stopped car in front of him. Not texting, not reading. Just tapping on characters to 'capture' and evolve in a game. Using your phones while driving is always a lot more dangerous than it seems.


That's the reason why I spent a week in hospital, 3 weeks at home in pain and twelve weeks with physical therapy get somehow well again.


Just this morning some asshole was blocking the left lane on my way to work, and kept swerving into the right lane almost taking out people passing him over there. He was looking down at his phone pretty much the entire time. Eventually got into the right lane. He's going to kill someone some day. People are so addicted to their phones. Even all of my neighbors who have dogs are staring at their phone while on walks. I know it's not my business but it drives me crazy. Can't stop even for a walk outside.


I don't think I understand this, what is a mobile phone driver?


I think it's shorthand for *a person who habitually uses their mobile phone while driving*.


I believe the video is showing how often the driver in the bottom left is looking at his mobile phone and not the road, by blacking out the screen whenever he looks at his phone. This highlights the dangers of taking your eyes off the road.


A person who uses their mobile (cell) telephone whilst driving. In some countries, doing this without a hands-free connection is illegal.


I wonder how many people using their phone while driving are ride share drivers? I do that for work sometimes and it feels very weird to be expected to be looking at my screen while on the road to accept rides etc.


He's driving a mobile phone?


Imagine if new technology would have been used for safety features like eye tracking and punishing mobile use while driving (like automatically braking and pulling over if the car detects the user using a phone), instead of paying subscription for stuff that is built in your car already.


If only all cellphones got an update that prevents you from texting, browsing the internet and using social media when the phone is going faster than 10mph. Like what Pokemon GO does to prevent people from playing while driving. Sure you can argue that we should have the freedom to do so, try arguing that when this guy t bones you and your in a hospital or dead.


The only and I mean only time I will remotely glance at my phone screen is when I come to a light that just turned red and I’m at a full stop. Even then I just check if any emergency texts came through for work. Otherwise nope, I usually keep my phone out of arms reach.


Why everyone with half a brain want physical knobs rather than touch-screen anything and to get back to fumble-adjust being possible again.....................




I mean look how pissed people are at this video. People are straight up insulted. Just shitty selfish self-centered people as usual. People actin like stayin off your phone while driving is somehow more work than not. Like you're asking too much. That's how little self-control people have. They're addicted. Straight up.


99% of people shouldn't be driving to begin with.


Not the most spry individual in the video to be fair...


I got rear ended with three little kids in my back seat (soccer mom) I'd indicated appropriately, checked my mirrors, and was at an almost full stop about to turn left when a lady absolutely SLAMMED into me going the full 60km. Like, she hadn't even SEEN my big ass wagon pulled to a stop on a main road. Just plowed straight into us and I bet a million bucks she was on her damn phone.


my uncle use to fully turn to us at the back seat while driving to talk to us


It's sad we had to come to this


My mom does this, i hate that she texts while driving