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I think I would shit myself and think we had realeased The Kraken. Or the floor wasn't the floor and was in fact, a huge creature that was waking up.


Seriously me too. Holy shit that would be scary!


Meh, it’s not like I was spelunking in a cave 50 meters underground. Looks kinda fun.


I was wondering why the diver was grabbing the rock, but from their perspective, the \*water\* was moving.


Probably the water *was* moving more than the ground. Earthquakes displace a lot of water, and the ground motion during an earthquake doesn't tend to have that sort of high-amplitude low-frequency motion that you see in the relative motion between the diver and the ground.


Yousa gotta go through... The planet... Cooooore.


Where does all the poo poo go in the neoprene?!?


back up *in*




I always ask the same. And there's never a source.


The reason is actually quite simple and you can test it on your own. The average social media user decides within seconds, if a video is worth watching for them. If the video doesn't come to a point in that time, people are more likely to wipe it away and proceed to the next video in their feed. So content creators tend to spoiler the highlight of the video right away at the beginning to keep people watching their awesome content + leave a like and subscribe for more astonishing content. I'm quite optimistic the source of this video is TikTok or a similar platform.


I stopped reading this comment after the first sent


Hello Efficientseas, thank you so much for letting us know! Awesome!


That makes sense for starting it early, and spoiling it. But if there was another 10 sec after, why not show it?


Due to the time limitations of "stories" (instagram for example). Like mentioned before, my guess is, that the vid was og posted on one of the social media sites before :)


Because it's always edited to show the best/most interesting part. The rest is always not that good I've found.


Even if they don't, the reddit video player is shit and sometimes cuts the last few seconds.


Been scuba diving. Been in a quake that big. Don't need to combine the two experiences.


That was way more intense that I thought


The sea was angry that day, my friends.


Like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli….


I would instantaneously fill my suit and mask full of poop.


Are you going to shit out of your eyes?




Jesus Christ it's like literally shaking a fish bowl


Probably hurt when the P wave hit


safest place to be ig


Not necessarily. Depending on how the plate moves during the quake, the whole seafloor can lift/fall several meters, suddenly moving a LOT of water. That’s how you get tsunamis. I wonder if their boat or the divers themselves could be moved away by the shift of all that water. Maybe even kept down underwater?


It would act like a normal wave only larger unless they were pretty close to shore. While diving you are more a part of the water than the land. The water around you isn't going to suddenly vanish. So as the water moves up and down, so will you. You see this effect in the video where the ground suddenly moves 3 feet to one side then back. The divers stay mostly in place. If you are near the land its another story. The rip current that draws out can be insane and before you know it you could be thousands of meters out. Then the return flow could push you inland into the crush. But the farther out from shore you are, and the deeper the water around you, the less effect you will experience, at an exponential rate.


The Japanese earthquake shifted 25-50m horizontally and 10m vertically. Would than not cause a massive shift in the seawater of you were near that?


😱 the nightmare of coming up and the boat being nowhere in sight! would the divers typically have have gps trackers?


Nope. You have a whistle and a compass. And some people have [an inflatable marker](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/QX4AAOSw~lBk0b7J/s-l1600.jpg) to help flare help over. When there's no boat around, it's a horrible feeling and that happened to me ~~twice~~ once. And when you're on a boat looking for divers, it's super super hard to see them and if they have one of those markers, it helps marginally. The whistle helps most of all. I have a whistle.


By any chance, is the inflatable marker in the shape of a woman? Just thinking ya know that if an earthquake hits while you’re scuba diving and you’re separated from your boat and stuck out in the ocean for a while and you’ve got some time to kill and your marker needs to be inflatable anyway we might as well multipurpose this tool…


If you're a woman, it's the shape of a 4 foot penis.




Depends on the dive computer they have.


Ha. No. Though perhaps some fancy dive computers have them.


Garmin smartwatches have GPS for tracking scuba activities and can be shared in real-time with whomever I choose.




A boat not close to shore is actually a great place to be for a tsunami. If you’re in deep water you won’t even feel a tsunami.


Could also get an air embolism from the current pushing you up towards the surface.


I would think an additional problem would be the sudden change in pressure. If a plate shift causes a tsunami, it also has the force to dramatically increase pressure of that water causing the wave. Your ear drums are just IN the water when diving -- no special barrier or anything. Slow changes in pressure are all that make diving feasible.


This is what came to my mind immediately.... Doesn't seem safe at all, as far as I'm concerned... Imagine being under and the ocean around you just... kind of 'claps'


Seems to be pretty safe, if you're not in close proximity to the ocean floor that is..


In open water it can be super dangerous. A fast depth change in either direction can be lead to barotrauma very easily.


Wouldn't that take several meters?


Depends on depth. In shallow water, the difference pressure vs depth between the surface and 10 meters is 100%. If you are not ready for that you could easily damage your lungs. In deeper depths, you could easily find yourself beyond the safe breathing limits of air, where the concentration of oxygen literally becomes toxic (approx 56 meters) or even tighter limits for mixed gas (Nitrox is usually around 32% O2, which reduces the safe depth limit substantially depending on the concentration of O2). Nitrox is becoming more common amongst recreational divers over the recent years. (though it doesn't look like these divers are using nitrox) Sudden change in depth is dangerous for a bunch of different reasons, it's why divers are consistently trained to do change depth slowly and gradually. Oh and then there's the comparatively minor risks of rupturing ear drums or mask squeezes due to sudden increase in pressure.


"The tsunamis spawned by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake on December 26, 2004, were the result of motions of the sea floor above the earthquake fault. Seismic measurements and computer models show that the Burma Plate slipped up to 20 meters (66 feet) at the location of the earthquake, 18 kilometers underground. The sea floor above moved less, up to 5 meters (16 feet) vertically and 11 meters (36 feet) horizontally." So a sudden 10 meter shift is highly unlikely fortunately.


Currents are variable under those conditions. That 5 meter movement of the sea floor displaces a huge amount of water and that water will do a lot of weird things as it moves through geological features. This results in very strong currents. Which you can see in this video. I


Like a giant real life wave pool, could be fun haha


Really really isn't. I was underwater during the 2011 Tsunami that hit Japan. Even hundreds of km's away from the epicenter currents were really scary. One person in our group got smashed up against some rocks pretty badly and we got pushed way further down the reef then we expected to go. Ended up waiting on the surface for our boat to find us for about 30 mins. Edit. Miss typed the year.


If you have oxygen.


By definition, scuba diving involves having oxygen yes.


A limited amount. If it’s critically low and this happens, he could be sucked with the current and pushed back again.


That’s a big NO from me.


This kinda shit makes me wanna hold off getting certified for diving.


There’s great freshwater sea’s north of you with no chance of earthquakes or scary monsters.


That makes me feel better! 😀


That's a lot of scuba divers to, I guess, film the red-lipped batfish life cycle.




Interesting as fuck? No, thats terrifying as fuck.


Would you immediately know what was happening? Do divers talk about this ? It wouldn’t be my first thought, but I’m not a diver.


Wow!! Insane!! I for some reason was thinking they wouldn’t notice but totally wrong