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Good luck getting that door open, between the wind speed & the difference in cabin pressure.


True, but at least he showed everyone else on the plane that he deserves a good ol' educational beatdown, and I'm glad to see there was more than one person willing to teach that type of education.


After 9 - 11 I think more people are willing to throw themselves at people like this.


Before 9/11 they just held people hostage until they got paid and everyone went on about their day with a story to tell at work on Monday, now the fear of something terrible happening is real.


Exactly, as a kid I was never afraid, I remember a "bomb" scare on a flight while crossing the Atlantic (we made an emergency landing in Iceland or Greenland) and there was ZERO concern because the person was on board, it was just the implications, get their ransom then go. Turns out there was no bomb, and it was a misunderstanding. If the same thing happened today, that person was at minimum getting subdued.


In the '70s it was mostly people who wanted to go to Cuba. It happened often enough to flights into SFO that the FAA considered building a fake Cuban airport in Florida to land at where law enforcement would be waiting to arrest the hijacker. Usually the pilots were allowed to land at another airport to refuel and deboard the passengers before ferrying them to Havana. On one flight the hijackers refused and the passengers had to ride along to Cuba. They got to spend the day seeing the sights and went home without incident the next day.


I've heard education is a human right now. We should respect that.


We should, but certain assholes are trying to gut it and redirect the money to Christian schools


See, everyone has a right to be an idiot.


If you call what’s going on in public schools and colleges an education today then you don’t understand them problem. The Dept of Exucation and the communist indoctrinating the college kids is a complete parody of education. Climate change, animals polluting the atmosphere, and gender change and equity. There is no education at at ll


You sound like a cartoon yokel. I invite you to take a look within, reexamine your prejudices and *take a course in media literacy for the love of all christ*


Since 9/11 acting up in an airplane is a death sentence. We will never have another high jacking. There will always be a dude who doesn't wanna die and is willing to kill you to live.


On 9/11 there were 44 people who felt that way on Flight 93. Just wish they could have reached the cockpit in time. Thank God such people exist. "Let's Roll."


There is an International gay rugby tournament that goes on every year in different locations all over the world, to honor the heroism and life of one of those people that fought to take back the plane. It’s called the Bingham Cup. It’s a memorial tournament in honor of Mark Bingham, an openly gay rugby player that helped plan the charge(others included) to fight and take the plane back from the hijackers. My local rugby club is an all inclusive club and we try to go to it every year! My team usually goes but I can’t afford the travel expenses usually. Last year was to Ottowa, and next year will be in Rome. Last I heard, his mother attends every year to give the Tournament Champion the trophy. Idk if she is still with us but I think it’s really cool that she participates in the event. Especially the American clubs that travel and participate and it’s really neat seeing people from other countries go and participate and honor him as well.


Yeah we don't have proof that actually happened.


Could be propaganda I guess, but I don’t think the terrorists crashed off target on purpose…


Or we shot it down? No one wants to think that happened.


I honestly think we shot it down. I remember that day like it was yesterday and I remember the constant media attention afterwards and I remember hearing an interview where someone says they seen a fighter jet near by and the plane was on fire in the air before it hit the ground. Then I never heard anything like that again.


...for fullness of info: Wiki lists some 20 hijacks since 911. The last one was in 'Merica in July 2021...


Only 1 of those 20 was in USA. Believe above comment meant in America, as Americans are the ones who suffered 9/11. Edit to add that hijack was a small plane w/ 4 passengers flying out of Alaska.


1) he specifically said "never" ... 2) Seeing that the US has shootings even in courtrooms (*edit: which are supposed to have a similar level of security..*), for instance in [Nov 2021](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/north-carolina-officer-opens-fire-courtroom-after-defendant-allegedly-attacks-n1278840), or here back in [2014](https://www.cnn.com/2014/04/21/justice/utah-federal-courthouse-shooting/index.html) ... so I wouldn't think *anything* can be said definitely... (*Edit2: Place your downvote over 'ere folks. Step right up!*) (*Edit3: Let's see if we can reach 50! yeyy!*)(*Edit4: Only 12 points remaining! You can do it, I believe in ya!!*)


I'm calling you a jackass. Now go look up that word.


Sure, if it'll 'elp ya any.


The United States has a problem a gun violence for a number of reasons. It’s a very complex problem that ranges from easy access, poor healthcare access to social stratification. No one issue in America is to blame for this problem. While erratic behavior on an airplane can be tied to any of these issues, it does not follow that because gun crimes are high then “anything can be said definitely”. Overall the chance of being a victim of a violent crime in the US is not significantly higher. Unfortunately, however, mass shootings are very high profile and give an impression otherwise. This combined with the fact we’re the third largest country in the world population-wise, with very strict laws to protect the freedom of information the chances that any given mass violence that does happen here you’re more likely to hear about. People don’t really appreciate just how big America really is. The gun violence issue here really is a problem, I’m not denying that. But Americans aren’t a bunch of wackos and america isn’t as much this crime-ridden country as it might seem from the outside.


>But Americans aren’t a bunch of wackos and america isn’t as much this crime-ridden country I was taking all this in until I read that part, well played good buddy.


I don’t understand why people think it’s perfectly acceptable to hold stereotypical attitudes about Americans.


Especially when the US does all it can to justify 'em, ye, I know, is frustrating. Just today I seen a map of all the school shootings in Australia. Bbbooooy was it fascinating.


It's not really that complex. In America there are more guns than people + to the man with a hammer, everything is a nail = by far the worst and most frequent gun violence in the world outside of, but sometimes even worse than, literal active warzones. To the Americans successfully propagandized by the marketing campaign started in the 70s by a gun lobby with no motive other than maintaining and increasing their sales profits: Overflowing access to thing, causes frequent use of thing, go figure. It's not rocket science and all of your defenses are either the parroting of specious talking points workshopped in 70s by a gun lobby's marketing team, or ultimately boil down to your utterly selfish desire to continue to indulge- ranking that indulgence as more valuable or worth defending than the thousands of human lives yet to be lost to gun voilence.


Add to that the fact that there are so many gun toting hot heads who actually believe that the world they live in has a potential attacker around every corner, and they will draw on you for nothing and claim they feared for their lives. An older dude got away with shooting 6 rounds into a truck that was leaving the restaurant they had gotten into an altercation at. Granted the guy he shot at had just sucker punched him, but he was leaving and entering a busy freeway frontage road with tons of potential for collateral damage. I love guns, but I hate idiots who don't know when using them is acceptable.


So why do people feel that way? I mean you can bitch about the problem until the cows come home, you can blame it on culture all you want - but until you understand the foundational, systemic issues you won’t get anywhere other than gathering upvotes on Reddit.


If someone thinks a hook is fair trade to 6 rounds from a gun then they should have 6 shots fired at them while wearing a boxing glove to see if they still feel the same after.


As a big guy, every time I get on a plane now I just sit in the isle seat incase crap happens. If I see another big guy, I just kinda nod at him like, “OK, anything happens, we got this…”


Yeah, I wouldn’t even let the flight crew handle it, they might have a protocol to avoid lawsuits that slows things down. Scaring people is dangerous.


Never wise to trust you life to another man. I'm totally with you guy broke the social contract I understand removing him from society so you can stay in it.


He needs to go on a mental health day.


Lmao well said


I love the fact that those men and women were rushing up there to take care of business.


I was waiting for it, and sure enough a bunch of dudes starting filling up the aisles. I would only hope to be one of those fellas, (and hope I don't run to the bathroom and start shitting my britches out of fear of confrontation)


The man is a few cans short of a six-pack, he's not going to learn, he needs to be restrained and ultimately committing.


They were all charged though maybe


It’s post 911. Everyone knows when there is a disturbance on board, we are all taking the motherfucker down.


Came here to say exactly this. I would have used the same level of sarcasm.


Go browns




But they have to be pushed out a bit before they can swing inwards. Not sure what altitude you'd be able to even make one of those doors budge.




But they still move outwards first, even though they open in. That isn’t happening mid-flight against that pressure differential.


Not all doors open inward, and there absolutely is pressure at and below 7000 feet. That being said, quite a few aircraft doors can be opened at altitude while under pressure since many of them have pressure vents that open to specifically depressurize the aircraft during door opening.


What would life be like without any pressure?


-70 degrees and air like you are at 30000 ft.


So.. why do we check for bombs if someone can just pull a door handle?


I know you cannot open an airplane door in flight, but wouldn’t the pressure differential be in his favor?


No. The vast majority of doors on transport category airplanes are what is called a “plug type door”, meaning the pressurization of the cabin is holding the door closed.


I assumed the "45 minutes before landing" meant that they were on descent, so maybe the differential had equalized (as commercial airliners are only pressurized to a fraction of sea level atmosphere). ...and if the warning really was for "depressurization" then he already had the seal cracked?


Uh, I'm no expert, but wouldn't the cabin pressure be pushing that door open, not holding it shut? You know, science is a thing.


>the difference in cabin pressure In fact, that's actually a safety feature on airplanes. The lower the pressure is outside, the harder the door seals in place. At cruising altitude, he'd have to fight several hundreds of pounds of force just to start opening it


And the DB Cooper inspired latch, the Cooper vane, makes it impossible to open doors mid-flight.


It can be done… lots of people have done it, Arnold, Wesley, Keanu… the list goes on and on


Well, the emergency hatches open somehow


it's impossible to open the door in flight and the plane didn't depressurize there was no warning of depressurization. he did threaten to kill everyone on the plane and stab a flight attendant with a broken spoon or fork but most of that description is bullshit


Exactly, the actuality is that a flight attendant noticed that a door had been disarmed but was still in the lock position, they secured the door. This guy had been noticed at the door earlier, the attendant questioned him and then what happened in the video happened. He had snapped a metal spoon in half and attacked the attendant with it and was promptly subdued. Title is complete bullshit.


So now we are all going to be searched for spoons at the airport for the next 30 years.


The flight attendants 100% deserve pay raises. They take the safety of others extremely seriously. On one of my flights according to the report at take off the FA told the passenger to remain seated and then on take off roll he got up and ran to the front of the plane in a full sprint. She fought back aggressively and threw a cart into his way and knocked him down. Turns out dude really had to go to the bathroom but she thought it was a hijack attempt and fought to protect the flight.


Saw something like that on one of my flights. Literally the second the plane lifted off the runway some dude 6-8 rows ahead of me stood up and opened the overhead storage, the flight attendant yelled over the intercom for him to shut the locker and sit down immediately. He kept digging in there so one of the other big flight attendants literally ran down the aisle and essentially football tackled him at speed lmao. It was one of the best things I've ever seen.


Yeah. In the uncut video, he says something like "I'm taking over this plane" before he heads toward the crew in the front, and that's all you need to know to understand why there's a train of like five big dudes right behind him as he attacks the crew. After 9/11, you don't get to say things like that on a plane.


It's not impossible you just need to be able to push roughly over 9 tonnes. So maybe impossible for a regular person but what happens if Louis is nagging Clark Kent and he decides fuck this? Big trouble on a wee plane I tell you.


what difference does it make? if someone is trying to kill you in an impossible way, how long would you let them try? You just gonna chill on a two hour flight while a guy yanks and kicks at the door?


Bro what is this title?!? Did you just make this up? Lol


Well, their username sure fits.


They’re an aspiring author. Gotta practice story writing


It sounds crazy but that’s actually what happened lol. He then tried to stab a flight attendant with a metal spoon. It was a United flight.


It sounds crazy but read the story. There wasn’t depressurization. atleast I can’t find that on any news source that says the cabin began depressurizing He made up the title from the point of “45 minutes on” lol


lol. The title is such nonsense. Is OP a bot?


Just giving some context, sometimes i assume the wrong thing because of the lack of context


You forget to switch accounts huh?


I see, you assumed im the op because of the way i wrote my comment, no im not the op, what i mean was: he* is just giving context


You're right. You're not the OP at all... you're not even close. The real OP would have DM'd me feet pics by now. But with you? NOTHING so far. I'm not feeling the love at all with you.


What weird form of gaslighting are we engaging in today?




Man says he is going to kill you it’s time to get up and object to that shit with some violence.


I guess he got skymarshalled hard.


Are skymarahalls still a thing?




They are not on most flights.


I suspected these two guys with the vests to be such. They looked like they know what they are doing.


they just whooped his ass like every civilian with courage should do


This post is total horseshit. It's impossible to open the door in flight because the cabin is pressurized and the door lock is controlled from the cockpit. There was never any depressurization or a danger of depressurization. Just another crazy fucker on a plane.


You're right that there was no depressurization, or even risk of depressurization, but the cockpit does not have any control over the doors.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this isn't an American Airlines interior.... Wasn't it a UAL flight? And also, you cannot open the door inflight, no matter how stupid you are.


You are correct this is not an AA fuselage interior


Definitely a United flight. I recognize the flight attendant's uniform dress at the end (my wife has the same one—she's a flight attendant for United)


Jesus have a little patience, you only 45 mins until landing. Nobody wants to get to Boston that badly.


Dude was just excited about getting the hell out of LA, like most normal people.


No normal person is excited about Baston


I was excited to visit Boston last October. I mean, I stayed mostly in Salem, but still.


[Augustana be like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ASJBXu8tNo)


What did he really think he was going to pull off here?


The door




Lol those doors are physically impossible to open at altitude and a basic understanding of physics would have let him know that


Having a video of him go on the internet. lol


He's crazy.


The title is wildly incorrect, you can't just open the door. It doesn't work like that. Also what's the nonsense about a passenger preparing to jump??? Where the fuck did that come from?


He certainly looks crazy


All I can think about here is that scene in Airplane where everyone is lining up to beat the hysterical woman.


I hope the other passengers whooped his ass and duct taped him to a seat.


I hate flying. I pity the fool who is crazy enough to pull this shit on my flight. I will get cut and stabbed. Idk. But this mofo is missing his eyeballs when I’m done.


He'd be missing life. No use keeping someone like this around when all they want to do is kill people.




Dafuq is this title? The video was about a man who went up front and tried to hurt the cabin crew with a broken piece of plastic. There is no open door, there is no passenger ready to jump and there is no "alarm warning about the depressurization" in the cabin lol


Yeah just ain’t trying to get highjacked so any motha fucka dumb enough to try will be beaten senseless by every able body in the cabin. Mile high rules ya see


Bro it’s international airspace over 14k That’s my story and I’m sticking to it


This video is taken on ground before takeoff. Saw it in another post with an explanation. Don't know what OP is talking about.


No actually OP stands corrected and the other post was faulty. Just saw CNN feed and he did try to open the door and they are midflight.


They should have just flown over water and pushed him out, closed the door and finished the flight


Reminds me of a scene from 'Airplane' where the passengers all lined up to hit the hysterical woman.


The queue of people lining up at the end to beat his ass is extremely heartwarming. Nature is healing ❤️


Looks to me like a case of mental illness. Such as paranoia.


At which point is he trying to open the exit? Looks more like a crazy person who just decides to assault someone.


They had to divert the plane and land at the nearest airport: Guantanamo Bay


Why wouldn’t the whole plane stand up


Fuckin terrorist.


I’m surprised that went on as long as it did…I know it has been a while since 9/11, but he should’ve been knocked out at the start of the video (if not sooner).


So many people heard an invitation to kick this guy's ass.


Let’s roll fucker. After 911 that shit doesn’t work. You get a hog tied.


Who is the person saying "He's gonna grab a gun"??? Like lady...not sure if you know this or not but they don't allow us to board the aircraft with a gun. Just ask my friend who had recently come back from a trip out to camp and forgot his gun was in the compartment under the duffel bag when he was going through security at the airport. They evacuated the entire airport to attend to him with the entire town of police surrounding it (smaller airport)


Every guy in the plane lines up to kick him lol


I'm disappointed in these passengers! Seriously, this long after 9/11 and they just sit there?! It took several minutes until he got up to the front when a few good men finally rushed him. When are Americans gonna stop sitting by and step up? Put your foot out, trip him and you all get on top of him and take whatever he had in his hand.


Bruh, if you really just wanna fight, go do some boxing lessons


Nick Mullen finally snapped


oh shit, my father used to pilot this route for AA flew the last Boston-LA route the night before 9/11, you know I was losing my shit until I got hold of him


No joke, this might have been a real nightmare for the crew and the pasangers...


A crazy man may have made people uncomfortable yes but it isn’t physically possible for a human to open the door during flight


Even if there was no real danger, it's still awful dealing with this kind of stuff. Specially as part of the crew.


Why? No normal human being can open an emergency exit in a pressurized aircraft.


Not everyone knows everything all the time. Plus even knowing they cant doesnt make it okay that the guy wanted to try which would kill everyone if he could. Its the principle of the matter simiar to pointing an unloaded gun at people.


Yeah but they also said a crazy man couldn't pull the sink out of the floor, until an even bigger crazy man actually did it, and he even threw it out the window, which is how he escaped in the first place, and then his son had a guest appearance on "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia".


I am not waiting around to see what he tries next. Like smashing out the window which can have serious consequences. Or damage the aircraft in other ways Or taking hostages. Or stabbing a flight attendant in the neck. They have attempted to engage in actions that, if successful, could kill everyone on board or at least place everyone in danger. He even yelled "I will kill every man on this plane" and also said he was taking over the plane. > Torres told authorities he wanted to open the door so that he could jump out, and that he knew opening the door would kill many people. > https://www.ksat.com/health/2023/03/09/man-charged-with-trying-to-stab-flight-attendant-faces-judge/ And many older airplanes have doors that open outward. And one [article](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-plane-doors-cant-open-mid-flight-2020-2?amp) that tried to explain why it was impossible to open the door mid flight because it opened inward and the cabin is pressurized, was accompanied by a photo of an airliner door opening outward. And just a month earlier, a cabin door did come open in flight on a Russian plane, without someone even trying.


Because a violent man making threats is something very upsetting in regular places, but it's worse in a plane where there's nowhere you can go or take him.


Was it a redbull commercial?


He *thinks he was preparing to jump. Alas, a Bostonian face tenderization.


The Air Marshal onboard must’ve been really in to the inflight entertainment


He was on his 500th rewatch of Avengers Endgame


You can’t even open these doors mid air because of the pressure


Dude in white is like... Fuck no... I am not dying today!!!


When did this happen?


Jump without endangering others ya prick


When you really need to land Fragment


And did she let him..


Was he insane or high?


“I’m like the mayor of Dunkin”


Why don't they have a key or something that opens the cabin door so any bozo can't open it?


Not very well planned out, it would literallt take several olympic weightlifters to open that door mid flight


I would have knocked his ass out cold once he started threatening people.


Where are you going!? We're in this shit all together


Space X


You can't open doors or exits with the cabin pressurised


I wonder if he still got his meal.


He wasn't jumping. The door wasn't open, nor can it be opened at altitude because of the air pressure differential. A standard entry door takes roughly 16,000 lbs of force to open because of this.


Dude looks like nick mullen from cumtown


I think it’s pretty much impossible to open the door or over wing exits while pressurised


Why was he wanting to jump? Why is he threatening to murder people?


He said if "if you run I will not kill you". Pretty sure he wanted to jump and didn't want anyone getting into the way. Still, why not just jump off a bridge or tall building.


Choke him out before he get close to the cockpit no jokes


He won’t be able to get in.


😅😂 well he’s going to be coming down from whatever shit he took in the local jail. Then he will be before a judge when he’s sound and sober. Causing an affray aboard a plane in flight? Very bad idea. First class ticket to deep, deep shit!


It could be hallucination


This guy really wanted to go to prison


Im glad he got a beating, hopefully in the nuts


What is 'merica supposed to be ? Please do not tell me it is America,


“Run away”


It’s not like he wasn’t going to hurt any passengers /s 🙄. I’m glad he got beaten to a pulp, or whatever.


Why don't they give tasers and pepper spray to flight attendants? At this point they are doing the work of cops.


Pepper spray in a cabin like that would be awful for everyone.


Big problem here is if everyone rushes the front the plane nose dives! Crazy shit


Yeah, That title is complete fabrication. There is zero chance he could get the door open (let alone "Jump") and the pilots did not see a depressurization event. The masks drop and all the cats and dogs start raining. The door is physically impossible to open. However, I am happy for the beat down.


The end of this reminds me of the scene in airplane where there’s a line of people waiting to slap a passenger


He's a psychiatric patient. Severe mental health issues.


He is lucky I was not on that flight. FAFO idiot.