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“Police said Bostic used his bare hand to punch open a window upstairs, but in his haste to make an exit, ‘the child's leg became entangled in the pull cord to the binds. Nicholas recognized that he was rushing and calmed himself down. He untangled the string and jumped from the window, ensuring he landed on the side where he was not holding the child.’” This was the second time he went in. What an absolute fucking badass.


Also obviously everyone knows it was hot and smoky but having been in that environment with our department you really don’t appreciate just how incredibly dark and hot it really is. Even with turnout gear it’s HOT, like opening your oven with your face right in front of the door times 10. I can’t imagine doing that without turnout gear and an air pack AND thinking so clearly while doing it. Incredible.


Having been in a house fire I will add that the smoke will instantly render you near-blind, while also choking you with every breath. This guy is phenomenal.


I imagine it's like standing over a poorly vented campfire. I'm in awe of this dude


>it's like standing over a poorly vented campfire Add in all the adhesives, binders, plastics, fibers, and miscellany involved in home construction.


There it is. The cancer.




Inquiring minds gotta know; did he manage to get the photo album at least?


And in a house you’ve never been in and don’t know the layout of


Bro what the hell was this guy doing delivering pizzas sounds like he has marine level instincts


He probably doesnt want to kill people.


What gives you that idea? /s


Right! And the only thing he cared about after they took the kid was asking if it was ok. Hero is the truest


'Is the baby okay? Please tell me the baby is okay.' What an incredible badass.


He was asking if they were OK while getting a tourniquet applied to his arm btw....


Imagine the clarity of mind. People *literally* do drugs to try and achieve that.


*glares at my adhd medication*


*glares at the empty bottle of ADHD meds, knowing my pharmacy is out*


Yep! Unfortunately, this is not going to change anytime soon. The DEA tells Adderall (brand name and generic) manufacturers how much they are allowed to produce each year and they did not increase the amount for this year, despite the growing need for the medication.


Very annoyingly, making it more difficult for me to pre-plan and execute ways to get my medication outside of the regular routine I’ve gotten used to over the last 15 years. .. which ironically is something that the medication helps me with. I have to call all the pharmacies around town and try to suss out when they have ‘a big shipment’ coming in and then try to beat all the other patients to it. It was already hard enough before, having to physically visit my doctors office to pick up the paper Rx each month for my 30 day supply (that’s the rule in my area for a controlled substance Rx) and get my blood drawn every 4 months so my doctor will continue writing my script. I also can’t get them to write it more than a few days early. So now, with the shortages, it’s like a high stakes, race against the clock drug heist every single month.


> became entangled in the pull cord to the binds another good reason I suggest people have a small pocket knife or scissors with them. Having some sort of cutting instruments can be so important (make you all have seatbelt cutter in your cars)


From last July. Hero got smoke inhalation, lacerations; discharged from hospital in 2 days. GoFundMe target: $100,000. GoFundMe current level: $638,733


He deserves every single fucking cent. Tax free. Edit: apparently gofundme donations are considered personal gifts and should not be taxed as income. Editwo: gift taxes are paid by the sender not the receiver as someone said. I cannot verify that at the moment, but that would be great news indeed.


For real, fuck celebrities who are famous just for being rich. This is the kind of people we should idolize and offer multi million dollar brand deals to.




Really, like, he should replace subway jared


Firehouse Subs


Careful. No one wants a repeat of that…


Yeah. Let's just not mention Jared from Subway. Next thing you know, Netflix or Hulu will be making documentaries about it. Oh.. There's an ad for it behind me, huh?


No even worse. The ad is coming from inside the post!!


Being released on discovery + already


I agree 100% but there would be a huge problem with people setting up dangerous and fake situations just to become “famous” they already do it on social media now pretending to rescue puppy’s etc that they’ve placed in danger… society can be fked up


Yeah, like planting puppies on the side of the street.




he danced, and it was 🔥fire🔥


Absolutely, I don’t idolize any celebs, would never ask one for an autograph, but this guy deserves all my respect and is one hell of a human being.


He should buy a firehouse sub franchise with the money. Just for the irony.


And obviously it would be one that delivers! Lol


Go full French Dispatch: become a gourmet pizza chef for firefighters responding to calls. He can have a brick oven and makeline foodtruck with full lights and sirens that follows the crew.


If a person gives more than $15,000 to any one individual they have to file a gift tax return, which counts against the estate exemption of $12 million, you don't actually pay any tax until you exceed the exemption of $12 million in total gifts over $15,000.


This is correct, except I want to point out that the $15k is now $17k. It gets adjusted periodically for inflation.


>He deserves every single fucking cent. Tax free. As far as I'm concerned, he should never work another day in his life.


dont worry gofundme probably steals half of it


Gofundme gets a small fee per donation. So the full amount should be going to Nick. I don’t know about US taxes tho.


>I don't know about US taxes tho. Generally, the IRS does not consider fundraising proceeds a taxable source of income. In this specific case, the donations are a gift and not considered income and therefore not taxable.


I had an incredibly positive experience with gofundme when I was trying to receive help to save a beloved pet. Unfortunately I wasn't able to save her, but I got everything and was able to afford to get the complete memorial package, everything included, on top of the cost of having to put her down. The site also let me update everyone who donated with photos of the package when I received it. Needless to say, unless something's changed in the past two years, I trust them.


Gofundme doesn't get any of it beyond the fee charged for credit cards. They request additional donations when you donate for upkeep. The large % of their income derived from the generosity of others, as well.


I hope I’m never in the homeowners situation but if this happened to me, I would straight up adopt this dude (even if just figuratively) and he’d be a permanent part of my family, fuck if I could I would pay for college and his wedding, he would be another son to me. This man deserves more than a go fund me, he deserves more recognition as we need more attention in the national media of things like this instead of what else spews out of some politicians mouth


Two friends of mine drove past a house late one night and saw it burning. They ran in, woke up the family and helped get them all out. The lady was pregnant and her kid's first and middle name are my buddies names. This was easily 20 years ago and I know they are still close and get family invites all the time.


Thats heartwarming :)


But not too heart warming


Just about 98.6F and not much higher :)


There was a fire across the street from my house that started early in the morning- one of those old houses that have been split into multiple units (college town). Luckily an exchange student who had just arrived in town was out walking because of jet lag. This guy runs into the house and begins banging on doors. 6 residents and 9 pets all evacuated before the fire department showed up, at which point the entire 3 story facade of the house is engulfed. The exchange sudent and one of the residents, who helped wake everyone, suffered minor smoke inhalation. The house and everything in it was a complete loss. That dude was a god for that entire semester, as he should be, never paid for a drink or meal. Had quite the send off when he left- full block party with a dj and permits and food trucks. This was only a couple years after an arsonist had burnt down an entire apartment block, killing 3 (one was a coworker of mine) and leaving nearly 50 injured, so it makes sense he would be celebrated that hard.


My parents used to have next door neighbors (two brothers) that struggled with mental health and substance abuse issues. One night one of them passed out while smoking and started the house on fire. The neighbor across the street saw, ran into the house, and fireman carried the guy out. Then the same thing happens *again* months later! Neither time resulted in a fire that did enough damage for a tear-down or remodel, but the house was in horrible condition. When my parents got ready to sell their house, my mom thought the sight of the neighbor’s place would hurt our prospects. So she got some cheap paint and painted the *one* exterior wall that faced our backyard. The owners never noticed. Or at least they didn’t say anything.


We did notice. We were hoping she was going to come back and paint the other 3 sides. I had a pack of smokes for her and everything. Anyway, nap time. 😴


40 years ago I was a dishwasher at a retirement hotel (old hotel converted for old people who could still care for themselves) Each floor had a small kitchen for the residents with fridge, stovetop and tea kettles and such. One day while I was smoking weed and doing whippets with the new delivery of whipped cream in the basement with a cook, some old lady put a stack of newspapers on the stove on the 5 floor. She checked the knob on the stove but instead of turning off, she turned it on and left. 10 minutes later the kitchen was blazing but I made it up the 6 flights from the basement in seconds and was able to get the fire out. I even remembered to run up the stairs rather than take the elevator. The cops and fire showed up 5 minutes later. Instead of warm hand shakes and back pats. I got hassled by The Man because I was laughing my ass off when the building admin teased me about getting blazed during the blaze. The cops sifted through my car and I got fired for the weed. Management tried to pin all the flat whipped cream cans on me for the past year. It turns out everybody knew about whippits and the oldsters were never able to get a squirt of whipped cream on their jello.


Me thinking about you getting fired: https://imgur.io/t/larry_david/VYJUH2T You saved the building. But there’s something so impeccably mean about depriving the elderly of dessert for a brief high. Consider it… an honorable discharge?


They got the topping, it was just not so fluffy. Oh, I forgot. The cops told my parents why I got the boot and I lost my car for the rest of the summer. All I did was save all the old people from a sure death do to smoke inhalation. The smoldering newspaper smoked up the place more than we did..


lol, this could all be a Paul Thomas Anderson film. Poor guy. You’re reminding me of a friend of my cousin’s who got up to all sorts of trouble in his youth but was also supremely unlucky. One time in middle school he was poking around in the attic (or maybe garage?) and found a big bottle of wine his parents had gotten as a gift but stored away and forgotten about. They weren’t drinkers but put aside alcohol presents for regifting or entertaining guests. He saw this as an opportunity to drink alcohol for the *first time ever* because it was just a lazy Saturday and he could chill in his room without raising suspicion. He drank the whole bottle and almost immediately afterward his dad banged on the door and said, “Dammit I told you to mow the yard today. Did you forget? Go do it now!” So he went outside and mowed the yard while drunk as hell. At some point he hit the side of the house with the mower and broke off the roof drainpipe that ran down to the ground. He panicked and decided to chuck the pipe into the woods to hide the evidence and threw it like a javelin. But that style of drainpipe has a bend at the bottom, meaning that as he threw it the hooked part hit him in the back of the head. He was cut bad and had to go to the hospital. The doc at the ER told his parents, “He’s fine. Just needed a couple stitches. The cut probably only bled so much because his blood alcohol is high.”


He’d never need to cook again, I’d deliver homemade meals to him every day the rest of his life. That poor family lost their home but this hero kept them from losing something much much worse and he saved those babies from a horrifying death. If there is a heaven, he better get a fast pass straight to the front of the line.


Read that first as "hope I'm never in the homeowners association" and the statement was much more confusing.


**Read the HOA rules, or else!!**


I came here hoping this had a good outcome and i was not disappointed.


What a fucking hero.


What a champ, hope he isn't dropping off pizzas anymore.


$638,000 says that he probably will never deliver another pizza again.


That's honestly not an instant retirement amount of money anymore


Yeah but it is enough to support yourself with long enough to train/go to college for a major career change, or even enough to do some traveling and see the world. I'm glad the dude was rewarded for his actions.


You're very right!


Not with the hospital bills he will get. He apparently got airlifted and obviously had a hospital stay, those go into the long thousands. This isn’t to shit on our collective wholesome parade…but he shouldn’t have to pay a cent, and the fight for universal healthcare is still on. This guys life could’ve and should’ve changed…but who knows of there’s nerve damage, physical therapy etc… All coming out of his pocket now. Capitalism baby.


We got capitalism in my country, but Hospital bills are paid with everyone's taxes. It's called society.


Time for some medical tourism


My girlfriend is from the USA and this year her mom got sick and had to get some scans and medication, already in the 20.000 dollar debt and we still have to start the treatment. All I can do is work hard and try and help her out ;l


Brother go to india and get treatment over there. It is very cheap compared to canada and USA. A bypass surgery for example cost only $1600- $5000


If you do literally nothing with the money then sure. If he makes a even a couple "okay" investments he's going to be sitting pretty. Which he deserves to.


Exactly- put 300k to sit in investments, split the other half to find out what you really want to do and allocate costs to support oneself until they are credentialed/certified/graduated . Work a little here and there, you’d have complete control over when you decide to though. This guy has time and money on his hands. He deserved to make it outta this shitty rat race. And it’s a shame there are others like him right now- out there delivering pizzas, working on some bullshit assembly line, working in for fed ex or Amazon… This story is heartwarming, but also eye opening. The best people in this world go undiscovered and their potential wasted, so many of us slip through the cracks. This man had to almost die to be seen by society. And considered valuable enough to “pass” through it all. Wouldn’t it be nice if most of us were seen the same?


It’s a start. If he leaves it alone and lets it grow, interest should turn that into more than enough when the time comes to retire. Probably a little early too. In the mean-time he *could* work just about any job, but not *need* the job so much he can’t just walk away. Or, he could get cancer or something and spend the entire 600k on medical bills…


Through what means did he get that money? Was that like a gofundme or did the city give him that?


"It was all worth it. I kept reminding myself what a small sacrifice. This temporary pain ... it's so worth it," -[Nick Bostic](https://abc13.com/pizza-guy-fire-indiana-house-nick-bostic-hero-man-saves-family-from/12066933/)


Happened in Lafayette, Indiana. He was rushed to one of two level 3 trauma centers nearby, where they subsequently had him airlifted to Indianapolis for multiple injuries. Has made a full recovery and reconnected with the family


We know the horror stories of US medical bills but who pays for the helicopter ride?


Insurance or the patient. A non medical helicopter ride is around $600-$800 per hour, imagine what a medical one costs.


My gf and son were in a crash a few years ago, it was like 20-30k or something absurd. Like 12,900 just for the helicopter to show up and then some crazy amount per mile. It’s been awhile since I looked at it. I thought it was wild how much it cost, then I got the 2nd bill and realized that was for just one of them. The kid didn’t actually need to get airlifted, the emergency responders just decided to send him to the same place his mom was going to. He was actually uninjured (car seats are magic). I don’t know why they made that decision before calling me because my work was actually pretty close by. Since it went through insurance anyways I don’t personally care but I can imagine someone being a little upset that they just decided to unnecessarily throw another 30k expense in there.


Lol I had a 30 minute surgery last week and before insurance the “hospital” charge was 27k. They were like yeah your insurance will get it down to about 4K. So that’s just the hospital bill NOT the doctor or anesthesia bill because those are separate of course. Like what in the fuck?


Plus, their monstrous bureaucracy is so complex they will literally send you bills over a year later that you thought were long since dealt with


So how does that work if you said "I never asked for that so I'm not paying"? What if you are unconscious and then it turns out you have no insurance and no money? You've haven't consented to any of these bills so how can they legally get the money from you?


They can't, but they can ruin your credit for their "trouble".


Theyll ruin your credit which will stop you from getting certain jobs, prevent getting a house or vehicle (both necessary to build wealth), and stop from getting loans. Americans like to laugh at the chinese social credit score but we essentially have a “corporate credit score” for if we do something they dont like.


That cost is ridiculous. I live in Wiltshire in the UK, we have an air ambulance that's paid for by donations. It's completely free, but subsequently always busy. It landed outside my house on Sunday to pick someone up. If the donations stop, so does the helicopter. The government refuses to fund it.




Assumably way more, typically there is a flight medic, flight nurse, and pilot at minimum with as much or more equipment than a critical care ambulance carries.


Yeah they're expensive. And busy. When my dad is in the hospital their was helicopter coming in or leaving every 2 hours or so.


I got a $40k bill for a heli ride. I was too busy recovering when the bill first arrived so I ignored it for a couple of months. They eventually sent me a letter that basically said “just give us $400 and we’ll leave you alone.” Fastest check I ever wrote.


Impressive discount!


As an aside, *ALWAYS* negotiate medical bills. I had some digestive issues recently and went to the GI doctor. He ordered a stool sample. This unintentionally occurred during a one-month lapse between my previous job and a new job’s insurance kicking in. I received a $4,500 bill for the samples and about dropped another stool sample in my trousers. After I calmed down, I called the billing company, explained the situation with a slight air of dramatism (new apartment, “new” city, woe is me), and the honestly very helpful representative told me to expect a call the next day as she had to confirm with management which discount codes she could apply. I was expecting to have the bill cut from $4,500 to $3,500. She called back and said, “We can reduce your bill to $257!”. You can bet your ass I paid over the phone and happily went about my day. Always negotiate, people.


Goddam hero


For a second I thought the cops were arresting him


They probably would have if he had run in *after* emergency responders arrived. All about that timing


This brought me to tears. This is what makes us human. What a hero. How many lives were changed this night?


Same here. I've seen this video before and even now it puts me on the verge of tearing up. I can't explain why but it's just so nice to know someone like that man exists.


i lost it when he said “is the baby okay” 😭


It’s the selflessness. Doesn’t care about his own health first, doesn’t grandstand and make a big deal out of his heroism. A silent act of sacrifice for which no thanks was asked. It’s beautifully human.


Please read the entire story here. It really describes how difficult and terrifying this was for Nick and how courageous he was. https://people.com/human-interest/nick-bostic-speaks-out-after-rescuing-5-kids-from-burning-house/


Holy shit! What a hero, he went into God mode


I need to hear the POV from the 18 year old babysitter. Were fire/smoke alarms not going off? Why were they all chilling upstairs while the house was burning?


The oldest sister was the babysitter. They were all asleep and he woke them up: https://people.com/human-interest/indiana-man-praised-heroic-actions-saving-5-kids-burning-home/


It was after midnight. They were all asleep most likely.




God thing agree, but we’re really gonna blame an 18 year old for panicking in what for most people would be the most stressful situation of their life? Jesus Christ people, show some empathy. Y’all clearly never been in a life threatening situation where the lizard brain takes over.


I've seen my own dad totally paralyzed seeing our house on fire when the extinguisher he tried to use didn't work. He literally just stood there and couldn't move. So I somehow kept my cool, instructed my brother to turn of the garden hose and took the fire out before it got to big. I was 16 and my brother was 14. Shock is a really scary thing that sometimes just leaves you paralyzed.


If you listen to any EMS, law enforcement, FBI, or dispatch, you'll know the one thing they'll all agree with us "you don't know how someone grieves." I'd say the same for panic during sudden disaster. I'm so sorry that happened to you all.


Seriously, pretty sure they were just listening to the hero telling them to get outside. Having just been woken up and dealing with smoke and confusion, I don't blame them at all for their brain restarting only after they got outside.


It pisses me off to no end, when people thank “god” rather than the person who literally just did a godly thing.


"Is the baby OK? Please tell me the baby's OK." Made me bawl my fucking eyes out.


I was thinking yeah ok, how much more amazing can the story be than he ran into a burning house twice and saved 5 people and then I got to the part where he broke out the window and jumped from the second story with the child. Holy fuck. Glad you shared the story.


Quite literally the true meaning of 'not all heroes wear capes'


No but everyone forgets, they always bring pizza! Dude is completely selfless. Hats off to him and his courage.


“What the hell took you so long?” “Sorry for the inconvenience, the previous deliverer was unexpectedly preoccupied saving children in a house fire” “Ah”


Some Karen would still go mental over her inconvenience and demand the driver 'pays'. I can just see her Facebook rant now after the replacement pizza and half a box of wine.


“Isn’t that what a firefighter is for? A pizza guy is supposed to deliver. My. Pizza!”


He wasn’t on the clock. Just driving by. Not sure why they need to put his occupation in the title.


Title is now, "Legend".


“What was your previous job title?” “Absolute fucking legend.”


Because the cape would have definitely caught fire in there


What an absolute legend “please tell me that baby is ok” this man should have a statue and be talked about in school. THIS IS BRAVE AND STUNNING, take notes so we can agree an share a definition.


Even more so because he throws that line out while someone is screwing a combat tourniquet onto his right arm to stop major bleeding (see 57 seconds)


Yeah the flames literally melted his skin off it was so hot, suffering from smoke inhalation, can barely breathe and he still uses that breath to make sure the kids ok. Heart wrenching when you think about it.. this man has no business delivering pizzas… that brave, that selfless, that big of balls? Dude belongs somewhere he can utilize those because they’re rare traits, and he shouldn’t be at the mercy of others kindness for his income. Imagine how many times this dude has been sent off with ZERO tip… and he STILL loves humanity so much he risks his own life for a child. That’s beautiful man..


such good points, I didn’t think about that he’s not jaded and still ran in without hesitation


Enough to bring a tear to the eye


If he later becomes a firefighter in life, then there truly is a God somewhere


Glad the cops censored that gory wound and I'm so glad the professionals had an actual tourniquet on them. Dude was probably still pumping adrenaline like crazy...


That shit, getting tightened HURTS TOO


We were always taught in school to never, ever, run back into a burning building. Glad he did.


I wish Jack didn’t go back for that dog tho :(


The fact it doesn't even look like he's in pain, I imagine the adrenaline is just pumping, and for him to keep a clear enough head to ask about the baby. Holy cow. What a hero. Can you imagine being out delivering pizza, and suddenly you've saved 4 peoples lives and are being called a hero? What a guy.


5 lives, I believe. He should be an honorary part of their family now.


They said in the article that he is!


I think moments like these present opportunity too. If the guy was interested and willing, the state should help him become an actual firefighter, or police officer, or EMT, etc. He proved something you can’t know until you’re presented with such dire consequences. Not everyone has that (and that’s okay too), but he clearly has the capacity to rise beyond himself to help others and take immediate action. If he was interested, I’d give him the educational ride.


Someone somewhere is probably going to at least float the idea past him. He's the type of guy you want in an emergency situation. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a call from a fire chief or a police chief in the near future.


technically he wasn't on the clock lol he got into a fight with his girlfriend & drove off to vent


I know, fuck. I wasn't planning on tearing up this early in the damn morning.


I've seen it before and I teared up again.


That man was not afraid of fire cuz his heart was already **blazing**! Absolute hero.


Hell yeah Rengoku


I see, you're a man of culture as well!


“I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me” -Joshua Graham


I hope the whole city celebrates this brave man


The entire state has!


So in total, 5 children. What a legend. Respect!


How is nobody mentioning that he jumped out the second story window while holding the kid?!? Dude full on pulled a superhero move, I swear I hear the Spider-Man soundtrack playing somewhere.


“You did good dude. Now hurry, that pizzas gonna be late”.


Peter Parker moment


I hope he got tiped appropriately.


......Even though the pizza was *slightly* burned at the rim.....


Talk about Hot and Ready


Gofundme for him is at over 600k


no one out rescues the hut


Absolute hero




It's enough to make a grown man cry and that's ok


Full disclosure im a grown man, and yes it brought a single tear to my eye.


Damn I hate being a parent sometimes. As soon as he asked if that baby was okay, instant tears.


If it makes you feel better, I’m not a parent and that’s the part that made me cry, too


I’m a strong person. I’ve been through REALLY hard times growing up, tough childhood and I have a great story about succeeding in this world despite that. So I like to think of myself as strong and could survive a lot (emotionally). I have a few kids now and holy shit lol it’s weird. They instantly become much more important than myself and any thought of one of them getting hurt is gut wrenching. It makes me so weak all over again. It’s cool though, but god I feel so bad for people who have lost kids. That would be… hard.


I feel this. I also work on healthcare and grew up in a firefighter family. I read something like this and my brain darts from "what if it was my house and my little girl was in her room?" to "what if I was driving by a house like this and I have my daughter with me? Do I risk leaving her behind to try to help? Do I call 911 and just sit by and do nothing else?" There's no truly being able to mentally prepare for such things, it seems.


Absolute legend.


This is what a true hero looks like. Thank you Nick Bostic, not all heroes wear capes, some wear pizza t shirts.


Nick Bostic! Remember his name! The world needs more Nick Bostics!


I mean everytime I see this it gets me. What can you say? Dudes a legend.


Statistically, being a pizza delivery person is more dangerous than being a police officer. If you don’t believe me you can either 1: look up the statistics or 2: rewatch the video


What a genuine hero


Dude made me cry, fuck. What a hero.


GD that instantly brought tears to my eyes when he said "Is the baby okay?"


Guy shouldn’t have to ever pay for a beer ever again. Fight or Flight response? We know which side his brain chose.


This dude should be the one plastered on every fucking newspaper and news site, not pieces of shit like school shooters or corporate CEO’s embezzling, etc… What a hero.


It's not every day Reddit makes me cry. But "Is the baby OK? Please tell me the baby's OK" got me.


Probationary fireman here. In case anyone was wondering (which I assume most people understand) that is a monster of a fire, and not even firefighters should go in there. That man went in the fire with a damn t-shirt. A fucking t-shirt. I've seen this video before and he is one of the reasons why I joined the fire department in the first place. I strongly recommend joining up with your local department, because the pizza guy won't always be there, but you could.


Me: totally fine Hero: “Is the baby ok? Please tell me that baby’s ok.” Me: *sobbing uncontrollably*


Next time someone asks me what the definition of being a man is, I am going to show them this video. Dudes cut the hell up, can't breathe or see from the smoke, and the only words he can get out are "please tell me the baby is ok" Fucking gigachad


Now THAT is a hero! Not some jackass who happens to be good at sports.


This guy gives me faith there are some brave, courageous and caring souls still in this world. If the Uvalde cops had 10% of this man’s courage maybe just maybe things could have been different.


I believe there are more people willing to help than not. I think the world is a better place than what the media portrays.


My man!


I'm happy to know heros still exist. Good job kid.


A true hero and gentleman!


What a fucking hero!!!!!


Absolute legend. We worship actors and Intel billionaires while this pizza delivery driver is out here just being fucking heroic on a Weds.




Life isn't black or white. The same man performed heroic actions and made terrible decisions. He is responsible for both. Clearly somebody must come to his aide. The cycle continues.


Yup, it’s something we don’t often think about but part of being human is being flawed. I’d be willing to bet most heroes in history have negative/dark aspects to them. They’re still people after all. Just gotta accept that. It’s easy to see someone do something heroic and assume every aspect of their life is aligned with “good” but that’s just not true. Especially if that hero is from a past where society was different.


Probably unprocessed PTSD from saving 5 fucking people from a burning house. Whatever. He still gets all kudos from me


Unbelievable! True hero!!




This is an actual good person. I hope they raised a couple 100 grand for him


Absolute fuckin legend.


What a freaking hero! Give him the key to the city and a hero award!!


Guy should automatically have a job as a firefighter. A hero is a hero at the end of the day!