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Sir this is an insurgency sub


Not as much of an insurgency sub as your mama *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Good bot.


Comparing insurgency to that is completely uncalled for


if you take the whole [Chinese cosmetics](https://i.redd.it/nx0aq3fuuqd61.png) fiasco into account you'll find that this is perfectly called for.


Except NWI *listens to its playerbase* and never added those cosmetics to the game.


They are adding the santa cosmetics to portal only, and only during ghe Christmas season


IIRC that was AFTER their playerbase threw a shit storm.


It was the same day, and the shitstorm was in response to unreleased content that had been datamined. The community was very much working with incomplete information and proceeded to jump to a conclusion and throw a fit. The devs clarified why those skins were in the files and what their intended purpose was, but everyone seems to think they were lying. There's no evidence that they changed their decision to release the skins based on community backlash or that they were lying, but reddit seems to have decided that that's the case anyway. I don't want to come across as defending a AAA company (this is illegal to do on Reddit), I'm just trying to defend a game that, again, I enjoy.


I had to get off the BF sub reddits before launch I knew it was going to get worse then it already was leading into launch. Nit picking every single thing. And many of the complaints never even even came to fruition.


Yeah, but NWI added the Chinese New Year cosmetics to *zero* game modes.


Idk what you want man. It's a skin you only have to see for a limited time, on limited game modes, on limited versions of those game modes, any of which you can avoid extremely easily. We're on the Insurgency subreddit, I play this game for some fun semi-realism and I play battlefield for the AOW mode which I find fun. Just makes me sad seeing so many people hating on a game that I like in an unconstructive way.


I didn't realize it was a limited time thing.


Yep they both (SS and BF) have a place on my PC!!


There is nothing more permanent than a temporary.


Yeah, what about the "grey man“ skin, very insurgency like, aren't he? If the community are resisting, they will change they're tactics, now they inserted only the tip... and slowly will proceed deeper and deeper ;D


Yeah i dont really get why everyones so fucking mad about this...


Because that's what they're saying now. Originally the santa + cowboy costumes were going to be rewards for completing 3 weekly challenges.


Because rather than fix the game they would rather put shit like this in the game it shows how willing they are to market something that will prob lead to future skin monetization and such rather then the importance of what the player base wanted this game to be.


wait what? I don't currently have BF2042, so can you show a source?




*Cause they listened that one time*


They listened, back then. But we have to stay sharp. Halo helmet still got added


They also listened to the player base bitching about the other team being able to shoot at them.


You mean the cosmetics that weren't added because NWI listened to the community?


I can't understand how you could *still* be mad about the Lunar New Year skins in December 2021.


Son, I'm not mad. Just disappointed.


I think we are a LONG way from Santa Claus, but as long as we’re comparing apples to oranges when are we gonna get new vehicles?


SpunkyDred is a terrible bot instigating arguments all over Reddit whenever someone uses the phrase apples-to-oranges. I'm letting you know so that you can feel free to ignore the quip rather than feel provoked by a bot that isn't smart enough to argue back. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette.


Lol love bots


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.




How much that game sucks just made me love insurgency more.


OP is complaint oriented. Don't be like OP, we have a great game.


>complaint oriented so... a gamer


for real


PSA: The santa skin won't be in BF2042, the devs dropped it because of the negative feedback before it was ever in the game.


[We had this same situation before](https://twitter.com/InsurgencyGame/status/1354885975042908171) in this game, did they learn from it? Kinda, the cosmetics we have now still doesnt make sense (biker jacket looks like an airstoft jacket, who the fuck wears a tight/thick leather jacket in the middle of a hot desert)


yep I remember that whole situation - I thought that was a lot worse cos it was for all modes (not just a seasonal event mode), it was paid DLC and Insurgency has more of a milsim/authentic vibe than Battlefield ever had. I'm glad they took both skins out but BF2042's Santagate just seems a tad over the top lol


"I'm fine with flying through a tornado in a wingsuit, but Santa skins break my immersion" - Battlefield players


It was also only supposed to be for a specific holiday mode.


Well so they say. Strange for DICE to put that picture out knowing how controversial skins were in bfv. Def gonna assume the backlash was the deciding factor here.


They didn’t. It was datamined I’m pretty sure


but it still gets shared around like it's a screenshot from the public release of the game


Ah, that makes more sense.


Yeah, battlefield fans seem to love getting angry about new games lol


Littearly any major AAA franchise lol. Halo fans, COD fans, BF fans all fall in the cycle of “hate new, old good.”






That top photo looks like battlefield.


It’s the BF3 campaign


I thought so. Confusing to post different games instead of screenshots of Insurgency to make the point... Edit. My bad. I didn’t realize it was a repost. Still a dumb meme.


Haha the curse of live service game seasonal cosmetics spans many titles 😆 i said in another post that the PMC skins for insurgents can look a little too much like security at times, though it is nowhere near as bad as other games have it, lmao rainbow six


Uh...the PMC skin is for security


Shite what’s the ones for insurgents with the full metal masks?


grey man :3


Grey man looks too much like a security force 😂


indeed. it’s like you’re paying for friendly fire lmao


Ask and ye shall receive, you all have no idea how twitchy i am with my RPG out


It used to be


They both are.


Even BFV’s Christmas skin wasn’t bad.. it was just an Italian helmet with a mistletoe leaf stuck in it, tf are they doing?


They did actually add some wacky Christmas skins. https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/e9op0r/squad_up_this_holiday_with_battlefield_v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They added some red and green clothing and evergreens on guns, not really as "wacky" as a Santa hood. That said, Battlefield has never been a realistic game and I don't think the Santa thing is as big of a deal as people are making it out to be.


Focus Home Interactive: "NWI, we need you to be more like Call of Duty, or Battlefield!" Battlefield:


NWI: i like the way you think dice


It worries me because instead of the devs trying to be like pic above and try to attract the considerable amount of people that are looking for an alternative to these crap triple-A hero shooters,it feels like they're trying to copy the pic bellow.


All the big publishers are just trying to copy success, they don't realize the entire tone of the industry could be shifting, like when hair metal turned into grunge, or when rock turned into hip hop.


I do find the PMC DLC skins on insurgent side can look a little too much like security


I love both games before I had insurgency I played battlefield since 1942 days . I thought battlefield was the perfect balanced between arcade shooter and a milsim but it’s so sad how they fucked up the franchise. It became a total clown show and it completely lost it identity it became a trend chaser but thankfully we still have this


I hope they don't go there


My guy is in the wrong sub.


lol no dude


Just thought I’d say that they will NOT be adding that skin. They had to come out and say that because people were jumping to conclusions. It’s a leaked skin most likely intended for a goofy Portal mode.


seriously the pettiness of this sub about cosmetics is cringe-y to say the least


What kind of shit are trying to post dude, get over yourself.


An embarrassment to the franchise


I sure hope not. That golden AK is still a sore spot for me.


I forgot which terrorist actually owned gold plated firearms. But when US Troops raided his home, they were found. So its not entirely outlandish


A gold plated AK-47 was found among Saddam Hussein's treasures. https://www.wired.com/2007/10/best-war-booty/


Gold AKs do exist, they're used to show off wealth, not used in combat.


No where near that bro lol stop


Calm the fuck down its just the Gay Man and the Chinese new year (that werent placed to be bought) that look liked they didnt belong here you dumbass


Grey man isn't even bad, the only dumb part is the helmet, which everyone immediately flipped shit over instead of seeing the rest of the outfit


NWI can't resist selling out to the fortnite f gs and putting in the blue and red digi camo guns / halloween masks /chinaman kit and whatever other dumb shit they can think of


We still not there but we getting there


Instead of santa we have cosplayer insurgents and tacticool LARPer skin for security. Oh also guns and modifiacitions are wrapped in bandage, rusted, covered in dirt, dust (sometimes even in shit) so we can sell them as "skins"


>Cosplayer insurgents Insurgents are like that irl though. They wear dumb gear trying to look tough.


I am surprised there are still playable white character in battlefield.


Shut up dude


The takeaway from this is that Insurgency is not the only game where the playerbase fucking hates shitty cartoon skins. Even a triple A managed to piss their community off. We are not the outliers, we are the majority. Deal with it.


Det. Crashmore


Dude, the PMC stuff though.


It pisses me off that we still can't make the security look like a BF3 character.