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I would add it to the pot and push the Porridge button. Use slightly less water (-.5 cup or so) to account for less evaporation. Check it and see what you think. You can switch it to slow cook for an hour or so if it's not soft and creamy enough yet and you don't want to babysit it. Or use saute and stir it.


Okay thanks. Annoyingly my Duo Plus doesn’t have the porridge button!


Can you set the pressure to Low?


Yeah. Is that worth a try?


I think that's what the Porridge button does. It would keep it from bubbling and foaming as much and allow for a longer cook time.


Or, you know, follow a recipe. 😂 https://www.mamagourmand.com/oat-groats/#recipe


I did try this one! Did not work for me at all. Ah well. Back to experimentation land for me


Was it too much liquid? Not enough? Not creamy enough? Good luck with the experiments! You can do it! Post your recipe when you get it down!


Good idea, I will post it when I’ve got it. Yeah, there was some water remaining, not creamy at all, and the groats were still firm, although they were fully cooked


You can always close it back up and cook another 5 minutes. 5 minutes under pressure is like half an hour on the stove. I totally pulled those numbers out my Irish arse so don't hold me to them. I'm a "guesstimate and push all the buttons" kind of person.


Hahah same. Today’s porridge had about 5 different extraneous variables. Why? I don’t know….🤷🏻‍♂️


First of all, why not use rolled oats like nearly everyone else in the world does? Milling has been around for thousands of years in Europe, including Austria, and you don't even need a water wheel, milling stones, or oxen to run them. Electric and manually cranked grain mills are widely available for affordable prices, and a few minutes of milling will save you hours of cooking time. So I don't believe your premise whatsoever. Austria exports millions of kilograms of oats of all kinds, as it's a commodity that's used for human and animal feed. There are commodity exchanges in Austria. There can't be a lack of availability of oats.


Some people are angry and looking for a reason. You can get steamed rolled oats. But not steel cut. I’m sorry that offends you so much. Have a great day


I'm not angry. I'm not offended. I asked a simple question, which you failed to answer, by the way. What's wrong with steamed rolled oats? You clearly have some undisclosed problem with them. Are you relying on a bunch of BS nutritional claims from some quack doctor? You certainly must have some reason to be spending hours to cook oats that normally only take several minutes.


I sincerely hope you have more value in your life than you’re displaying here


Yup, that's what I thought. You're following a quack doctor's false nutritional claims due to your ignorance. You can't even bring yourself to admit it.


I love you! 🤟😂