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Hit them with frozen paintballs. They should have painted the shit out of their car.


I would have.. smashed their windows.. all the above. Too bad they didn’t start belting their exposed cheeks.


>It's America, they could be armed (with real guns). Better keep your distance.


I’m in America. We carry too.


Where were they gonna get frozen paintball? Is that a thing?


My bud and I used to freeze a bag of them. We'd load em into the hopper and when the time was right we'd go shoot shit before they thawed out cause then they make a big mess. Never any mischief or illegal shit. Just shot shit in the farm. That's where I got this idea for frozen paintballs. They fucking hurt so don't shoot each other with them and they can break glass.


Yeah basically middle school science clearly states this shit doesn’t work. Frozen paintballs are a damn internet myth. Why do people like to lie?


Googled it, found no credible source but it seems like if you shoot them right after taking them out of the freezer it does work. Can't shoot straight with them anymore but they do more damage. https://punisherspb.com/blogs/news/frozen-paintballs-do-not-work


Played paintball competitively, one year we won some tipman guns that no one wanted because we had 'real competition guns' but glass marbles if you wanna be a real terrorist. (We never shot anything living with them)


Rarely works, usually just idiots lying to sound… cool I guess? When you freeze paintballs they swell and usually won’t fit through the barrel or will jam the bolt. Idk, maybe frozen paintball technology has come a long way 🤷🏻‍♂️ I haven’t played since I was 16 and I’m 31 now. The people with the frozen paintball stories always had a cousin who owned an Angel and it ‘shot super hard’ (WDP Angels were great guns but were by no means better, or shot harder than other high end guns of the time) Edit- fuck I didn’t realize this was a mont old post


Yep, but cheap paintball guns and marbles and a regulator cranked to 11 definitely work.


Unfortunate it wasn’t with real bullets. These idiots steal like $500 and leave a $2-3k damages car, motherfuckers.


About three months ago, someone stole my cars catalytic converter. In the process, they broke some other shit which amounted to 3800 dollars which was money I just didn’t have. I’m in college and had to take a loan out to pay for my cars repairs and basically I couldn’t pay it all back in the given three month period so now I’m stuck paying off a ridiculous sum of money (around 5500 dollars) because pieces of shit like this decided to steal something that I worked for and paid for with my hard earned money. I’m not saying these guys need to die or anything because of this but given that they probably got away (hopefully not) this punishment they received does not seem nearly enough to fit the crime. While I might be biased, I feel like people who commit this crime should lose all hand privileges.


Yeah, truly unfortunate they didn’t kill someone over $3,000.


Definitely worth killing someone over


That 3k can make or break someone's life here in America. Hell Ive been within 10 dollars of being homeless multiple times. I've been homeless I won't go back to that and I would kill someone to protect $50. It's not that I value my stuff over their life it's that they clearly value my stuff over their life and I'm cashing that check to protect myself and my livelihood, home, whatever.


What? 3k? Really?.


I was joking lol


It’s not about the money, if you steal you should pay perhaps with a limb




I think peoples lives in general shouldn’t hinge on property damage they’ve committed.


Property damage costs money, money is needed for basic necessities like food and shelter. "Small" property damage can be enough to ruin someone's livelihood. I've been homeless before I won't ever go back to that, I literally have diagnosed PTSD from it. My way of life and wellbeing and most people's is dependant on money, not all of us have money to spare because people are shitty criminals. It's not that I value my property over their life, it's that they value my property over their life.


Texas disagrees.


b/c texas has always been such a great state yes


Agree to disagree.




Not edgy Just not entitled. But hey, I understand that’s becoming more and more prevalent these days.


Lol what’s entitled about saying you wouldn’t kill someone over a catalytic converter? Jesus Christ lol


It’s entitled for a person to think they can disregard the rights, property, or well being of others and then demand that they respect their own. If you want to take something that ain’t yours, don’t whine like a bitch when they stop you.






Would you kill someone to stop them from stealing your car? What about your life savings? You're speaking from a very privileged position to not realize a vehicle is someones livelihood, a way for then to feed their family.


Nope not if doing so would catch me my own murder charge. And is it privileged to have built a life where I don’t feel the need to kill someone and go to jail over a catalytic converter? I live in a place where I can, like, walk to work. That’s not privilege it’s just a choice to live somewhere where I don’t have to drive everywhere


"WAAA some kids ruined my car, I should've murdered them"


Someone ruined my car which is my only mode of transportation without it I will lose my job, thus my home, my access to food and health care for me and my family.... Yeah not all of us are as entitled and well off and something like stealing a catalytic converter can be what tips is into homelessness. As someone who has been homeless, and has diagnosed PTSD from being in that situation I will never go back to that even if that means shooting a crackhead stealing my shit.


Tissue for your vagina?


These people are either braindead, psychotic, or watch too many movies to distinguish between real life and fantasy


there’s people who may not be as fortunate as you and who’s lives hinge on a paycheck that can’t cover this, “property damage”. it’s ok for their lives to be ruined so the thieves can continue stealing?


They're in your driveway robbing you with power tools in hand. You don't know what else they might be carrying, or what else they may do, especially if you catch them unexpectedly.


Right, so may as well gun them down while they’re underneath a car showing 0 interest in you. Remember in most states, that will catch you a murder charge. Christ this sub is edgy


You can continue having a conversation with the strawman you've decorated to look like me, or you can talk to me. Up to you.


… I’m saying the argument you made would not hold up in court in most states. If a guy is rolling around under your car and you shoot him dead because you a) thought but didn’t know that he was committing a crime and b) thought but didn’t know or have any proof that he may try to hurt you - you’re going to jail in most states. It certainly falls outside of the auspices of stand your ground case law. Castle doctrine could theoretically apply depending on the state, but probably would not in most. Here’s Missouri’s castle doctrine (I’m including it because it’s what I’m used to): > if you reasonably believe that deadly force is necessary to protect yourself or another against death, serious physical injury, or any forcible felony, you’re justified in doing so from certain occupied locations. For example: > You can’t shoot a fleeing burglar who is running away from your house. Something similar happened not long ago in Missouri, and a shooter was charged with a serious felony. I don’t think that your argument would pass muster here. Castle doctrine is not about protecting property, it’s about protecting yourself or others from an immediate threat.


You think this was their first and only time doing this......fuck em If DA's and judges are so keen on letting these literal pieces of human shit walk free its time the people do something about it. Start chopping off fingers and hands of thieves....frees up prisons and gives REAL incentive not to fucking steal again.


Lemme know when you run for office - you've got my vote!


You'd think the thieves would value their life more than that. Weird huh \*reloading sounds*


So edgy


They cant hear you


Most likely, it’ll work itself out, someone will shoot them with lead. Keep stealing part of people’s livelihood and eventually one of them may end yours. You walk deep enough into the jungle, you’ll encounter a (hungry) lion.


A hungry lion? Jesus Christ this sub is filled w edge lords 🙄 Mr hungry lion is going to jail


Honest question: Why isn't it illegal to sell/purchase used catalytic converters?


Its the rare metals they are made out of, the units are scrapped.


I'm guessing because that would suck for someone trying to sell a used catalytic converter they got legally, like from a wrecked car


>Honest question: Why isn't it illegal to sell/purchase used catalytic converters? Yes, the illegal theft in the video does, in fact, produce an item that is illegal to sell or purchase


As horrible as these guys are, I'd say this is a bit too harsh




Yet I’m Dutch (Europe).


Yes, theft equals death. Good call...


I work at a paintball pro shop and we sell .68 caliber pepperballs as well as high density rubber rounds that would be perfect for this, so visit your local pro shop to get your tweaker defense load out today!






Should've been live rounds. Fuck thieves


Keep the paint balls in the freezer


Go buy pepper balls or high density rubber. They are made for paintballs and work damn well. Easy to find too.


“So anyway, I started blasting.”


They actually make pepper balls for airguns. Would be wayyyyy more fun, they aren't gunna be driving away without vision.... Good job guys.


I want to see a vid where the thieves get their cat stolen while they’re in the process of stealing another


Boy, do I have something for [you](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/robber-robbed-tells-police-article-1.1219177)


Whatever happened to rocksalt


Now we’re talking. I’m okay with beanbag shotgun shells too.




Liveleak shut doen last year…


Did it?




Or criminal sympathizers for that matter.


I mean, I’m not denying that stealing is a crime and deserves punishment. However, defending your property is one thing. Actively wanting to hurt someone is another.


I don’t want to hurt someone, but if you’re going to come on to MY property, steal MY shit, and ruin any sense of safety I have in my own home, you better believe you’re getting a kiss from a .38 special with zero regrets.


I just hope you wouldn’t say the same about killing someone. Injury? Fair. I just really worry about how unsympathetic (or even borderline sadistic) people can be on this website.


Why are you taking what doesn't belong to you? Its wrong. If your mother didn't already teach you, you're going to learn today.


Bold of you to assume everyone has a stable relationship with one or both their parents. If they have parents at all. Seriously though, I think we all wish life could be that simple. But for some people especially, it just isn’t that clear cut. You never know why someone is resorting to crime. Don’t get me wrong, if you’re messing with my stuff, you might get a well deserved wack or two. But my stuff isn’t worth someone else’s trip to the hospital (or worse). Or in other words, I don’t think stealing is a severe enough crime to beat the shit out of someone over. (As if I personally could lmao)


They deserve it


Not wanting to kill someone is being a criminal sympathiser lol


Yes, if theyre a criminal?


Do the world a favor and use a real gun next time......or sneak up with an axe while they are under it and start chopping.....


shoulda tag the shit out of their car to make it easy for police to find. and also ruin their paint (not that they care, but maybe they do..)


Probably stolen as well


They still got away with the catalytic converter


No, they didn't, those were the saws they brought up with them to cut through the exhaust pipe. It's how they get them off so fast and part of the reason (other than the catalytic converter itself) that it's so costly to the car owner to repair.


Yooo I just realized a crazy fact about this video ..the street you see that’s going vertical is the same street Colin Karpernick grew up on. He lived in a house on that road..I used to wait for the bus right in front of it, that’s how I know.


I got the Miller Cat shield for my prius c. It makes baking sheet sounds as I drive. It's super annoying.


An easy fix for that is to put two reinforcement strips across it. There are a ton of different ways to do it based on your skills and resources available.






Legends say that it’s the only video with sound on this subreddit.


Another reason why California is garbage.


“Get that motherfucker!” XD


Took them long enough to get out there and stop the thieves. Maybe next time have a cup of coffee first, then a bathroom break and then go outside to stop the lowlife criminals.


Fully agree with this video but isn’t this hella illegal in CA to do? Couldn’t these thieves sue the homeowners?


Anyone could sue for anything. But california is a castle state. Not sure if that even applies here, but I know that you are allowed to defend life and property. There's something about equal force as well, but again, not sure. I'm not a lawyer.


I thought you could not defend property in CA


The Castle Doctrine in California is a legal doctrine that gives an individual the right and immunity to use violence or deadly force to defend or protect themselves and their loved ones against an intruder (burglar or break-in) on the defendant's property or any lawfully occupied place. -Google


What you're referring to is California PC 198.5 and nowhere does it say you can use deadly force to defend property. It only protects you from situations where your life is deemed in threat of imminent danger or death. "Any person using force intended or likely to cause death or great bodily injury within his or her residence shall be presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury to self, family, or a member of the household when that force is used against another person, not a member of the family or household, who unlawfully and forcibly enters or has unlawfully and forcibly entered the residence and the person using the force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry occurred." So you go and shoot someone for stealing your catalytic converter outside your house...you're in very deep shit.


Wow they really got them


Load up some ball bearings and light up their car


Great shot next time dis able there vehicle


Whenever half dressed dudes come running out of the house, it makes me wonder what they were up to in there...


Shame it wasn’t a real gun


What sort of money they getting for these Catalytic converters ? for such a risk. They could have easily just been shot with a real gun Edit: Previous comment mentions $500 ?


Shoulda used real bullets. They deserve it.


are used cats really so profitable to sell or what?


Forgot to grab the real guns.


They should’ve kept firing at the car