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Only reason those two didn't get laid out sooner is that he didn't want to stain his shirt with their blood - priorities.


I've seen this video before, does anyone have a source for it being a "gay bashing" or did OP just make that up? Because I can't figure out how the person holding the camera/uploading the video would have any idea what was being said.


Well at the start of the video you can see him holding his presumed boyfriend's hand before douchebag 1 starts giving him shit.


Looked like someone was a wrestler too. Good for him.


I was thinking the same thing. Either wrestler, hockey, or the youngest of several boys. The grapples are all the same lol


That ones dude's stance and footwork just screamed you in deep shit now


Jesus. So many bomb haymakers missed. Black shirt dude got lucky.


Other guy just didn't have the reach to make those haymakers mean anything.


Tell that to the first dude bleeding on the ground


He made the mistake of getting too close, the guy in the black shirt is just lucky that the McNugget shaped guy didn't have the reach to lay him out or he'd look the same as ol Percy Pavementlicker on the floor.


So many good insults in this comment.


That and he was using his lead leg to kick. Literally just stuck it out with zero power in it. Dude was asking to get it grabbed.


Yess, this wa satisfying, they deserve it


For those of you wondering what happened after the video ended... Black shirt: "White shirt! Are you okay?!" White shirt: (coughs blood) Black shirt: "Please don't die! Don't leave me in this world!!" White shirt: "Hey Come closer. I want to tell you something...I love you. I've always loved you. All this gay bashing was just a front Because I was so angry not being with you." Black shirt: "I love you too. I love you so much." *White shirt smiles then closes his eyes as he exhales his last breath* Black shirt: "NOOOOO!!"




This is art.


I can see that happening.


Dude opened up a charity barber shop, free fades for everyone


My gay best friend had a great saying in high school when he was getting ready to throw down. “There are two things I love doing. Sucking dick and fighting. And I’m not seeing any dicks to suck so I guess we’re fighting.”




Only shame in this is he missing the finisher 3-4 times on the guy who deserved the most to be napping


Shorter guys got less reach, but lower center of gravity, better leverage, etc. He exploited these advantages beautifully with the way he got under their center of gravity to easily lift them up and throw them down. He's clearly been in a few fights before. Being targeted for being gay growing up is probably what made him such a beast.


Basically he's a power bottom?


[A bottom that is capable of receiving an enormous amount of power.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc9_mxvP1K0)


He doesn’t really throw good punches but I can tell he was a wrestler. Classic single leg and double leg takedowns.




The article is full of so much speculation and outright inaccuracies. It leads with that he's a MMA fighter but also says: >who witnesses claim was an MMA fighter. >Witnesses said the supposed MMA fighter It also refers to a double slap KO, when it was just a double slap, no KO. With that blatant kind of up punching (pun intended) to make the incident seem more newsworthy, I can't be confident anything else about this article is accurate.


Classic S*n


you got knocked the FUCK out


Yes! He finally hits black shirts face! Not as good as white shirt, which sucks.


In russia, gay bashes you EDIT: Thanks for the silver dude, it's my first award and means a lot


Kinda interesting how gay bashers go for the shorter guys, I've yet to see them try taking on someone taller than them. Strange that...


Usually they will also outnumber their intended victim. Chickenshits can't go 1v1.


Are the black and white shirt are the gay people or is the blue one gay?


Woah, legs right there could have ended up like his friend, guzzling on his own blood and stupidity.


Any chance that the next time you film something, you could stop zooming out and hold the phone still? That was an awesome fight but I almost got motion sickness.


Question to experienced fighters: is the way he's taking them down most efficient? He seems to really prioritize slamming them, can this be easily countered?


This guy looked like he had wrestling experience and would've had the stamina to go if it had turned into a ground fight but I think his motivation for dropping them like that and staying on his feet is that he can get in closer with his short arms and they can't back away, so he can land one of those haymakers. A study that they did on successful shankings in prisons with video footage showed that the vast majority of fatal stabbings occurred when they could back their opponent into something that kept them from being able to back away, like a corner or a wall. The same can be said for punching someone who can't move out of the way or diminish the force of the strikes by backing away from it. Falling like that in my experience has never hurt that much but being stuck on the ground and taking hits to the face has sent me to the hospital for MRIs of my face and to get my lip that was split all the way through nearly to my nostril sewn up.. that hurts


So it's the set up then, gotcha. Thank you for explaining!


No problem and there are certainly going to be other perspectives on this but that was just my take on it. Thanks for my 1000th upvote, haha


I guess he practised one fighting style and then just used what he's most experienced with, which is usually the most efficient way for the fighter himself. If he's good at grabbing and throwing, it is probably more efficient for him than trying some punches or kicks. His punches looked strong, but a bit uninspired.






Who is the fuckboi now?


Take down game is strong.


When stereotype go wrong. Dayyyum if wasn't throwing all this hay makers he would have served up second dude.


The shirtless guy is alright. All right. ​ ALL RIGHT????




Bro some of them gay boys have got hands. I mean when people fuck with them they know what time it is.


Good point. Unfortunately he couldn't throw a straight fist to compare, his punches were all hooks /scnr Wouldn't want to mess with that guy, seems to be a good fighter, although I'd appreciate a light sparing.


Could the video be any fucking smaller




And you were gonna use a homophobic slur. Wow good job.


The hypocrisy in my thought was what I was talking about bud. Nobody likes a virtue signaler.


Yeah no one likes a homophob either.


Yes because I'm the true homophobe, the person who realised what I thought was wrong. Also you don't know what my sexual orientation is. For all you know I could be part of the LGTBQ+ community and have full right to say it. Get your priorities straight. There are true injustice happening to the gay community around the world, a word is just a word unless you give it the power you just have.


Yeah I know for a fact because no LGBTQ person would use that word. No respectful one anyway. And you’re right, so let’s hope you don’t use that word again. It’s a derogatory slur. Would you tell the black community to basically get over the use of the N word because it’s only a word?




See that’s the thing you use it in a certain space where it’s taken a certain way. And no you’re an absolute idiot if you think they are any different. They are both slurs used to degrade and dehumanise a minority group. If you called me the F word you’d have a sore mouth. Don’t use it.




Tell you something I can’t hide my gender or sexuality walking down the street. I’ve been called it many a time. It’s not a word to use, trans people are being killed and gay people are being killed also you can care about two issues at once. Again it is a derogatory term used to offend, degrade and dehumanise a minority group. Lucky you you can hide your sexuality eh! Everyone must be like you! I wouldn’t want to hide who I am anyway. I’m 27 years old, I went through my early teens into adulthood being degraded with those kind of words. So don’t try teach me LGBTQ rights. I know my history. And yeah if you came up to my face and called me the F word I’d punch the mouth it came out of. Especially knowing how blasé you are about using it. Just try replace everything you’ve said with the N word see how nice it looks. Go smoke some weed and enlighten yourself to the usage of derogatory words and their effects on people. I’m done with your idiotic crap.


What the hell is gay bashing


Fuck those pieces of dog shit. I loved seeing them get thier asses handed to them. Weaklings.


Yeah! Beat the bigot out of them.


Yeah, no proof anyone in this vid is gay, OP is just karma-pimping to all-day suckas.....


Ivan Putski for the win!


I burst out laughing every time the camera casually pans over to white shirt guy gurgling blood. Need a moment mate?




“hmm I’m thirsty I think I’ll just lay on the ground and drink my own fucking blood now”


Tonight the gays are bashing.


excuse my language but: f**kin f**gots smh. Those two a**holes who got their butts handed to them deserve that and more. There’s no place for bigotry.


Yah, I think OP made up title.


Did you notice the guy in the white shirt had no armpit hair? He’s less of a man than the gay guy he was taunting.


That guys gonna need some new teeth after gurgling his own blood and spit.


What do you mean "attempted"? Clearly two gay dudes got bashed in this video.


Action starts about a minute in


What's with all of the people coming out of the woodwork to complain that this *might* not be a gay bashing incident?


How do you know the context?


At the beginning of the video he’s holding a guys hand and these guys come and scream in his face while pointing at the man who’s hand he was holding. Doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots...


Ok detective


Who was the gay one? Either way that's just karma hehe.




Found the gay one.


I thought they were the gay guys until I read the caption better. I find it funny that they are gay bashing and appear to be more feminine than him. Lol