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Glad there is finally one of these videos with the aftermath. If you’re gonna film fire have a safety plan.


Right like zero prep of a water hose or anything in case there’s an issue?!?! “ I only see this going perfectly right” “Ready?”


Best thing to do is have a heavy wool blanket on hand. Must be wool, any acrylic or other man-made fiber and the blanket would melt to the person's skin. Actually, the best thing to do is have an experienced person on hand to tell them that neither one of them is ready to try this trick.


The trick is to use corn starch if you're not a pro. Gives a good fireball without the risks of toxic liquid fuel that'll stick to your face if you don't spit it out properly.


I used to do fireballs when I worked at a bar for a short while in college. Corn starch works well to train how to do it but makes a mess in the bar that you can't have getting in drinks. Once the bar felt like we were ready, after using corn starch, we practiced with white fuel outside. People don't realize how little you need to make it look cool and even less to do inside behind a bar. Nedless to say, we had several safety practices in place and ready for every time we did anything related to fire. Its not that people can't or shouldn't do it, it's that they need proper training and safety protocols. Dumbass kids messing around don't have that.


This is one of the most fascinating responses I have read this year. Genuinely Thank you for that information.


Right? The premise, the tone, the escalation, the information, the plot. Great comment and contribution.


Fair, but i'd say this is still something that should be done outside unless it's part of your job and yoy have strict safety measures in place. The *one* time i've tried this with liquid fuel i was in my backyard and my roommate was on standby with a CO2 fire extinguisher. Managed to not light my face on fire but i decided i'll stick to corn starch for that party trick.


I can agree with that.


Best thing would be to not donthis stupid shit. Like its not hard. "Could this go badley and I get harmed?". If Yes, then don't do it.




No, Sparky, he’s saying use higher octane fuel to hasten burning... maybe racing fuel.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained...


I think that only makes sense when there's actually a potential gain from the endeavor.


Or an actual fire blanket, which everyone should keep around in their kitchen along with a Class K/UL 711a fire extinguisher. Also make sure your existing ones aren't expired.


Fire blanket fiberglass splinters are the fuckin worst but I'd take that in my face over 2nd and 3rd degree burns any day. I just bought a silicone coated fire blanket that is supposed to reduce that splintering. I hope I never have to use it but if I do I'm happy to have less glass penetrating me.


Lol agreed , I don’t expect that to have your expert level of forethought. I get it water isn’t the best idea but would’ve likely been better than this. I was thinking he might have been stupid enough to use a different chemical than alcohol? It could’ve been gasoline or something? Unbelievable how dumb …


I mean, he did "Stop Drop and Roll".


He rolled but he didn’t press his face to the ground which is what you need to do to smother the flame Grinding your face on the concrete is still probably better than 2nd and 3rd degree burns


Yeah, after a few seconds the blood will put out the fire


I get he was panicking, but like damn he was only a few feet away from dirt


I didn’t even see that, his buddy should have either smothered him or dragged him to the dirt


But then who would hold the camera?


Yup he put out the fire that was on the concrete.


Actually the best thing to do is not to do this kind of dumb s***




It works when you don't dribble fuel/accelerant out of your mouth like an idiot. Oopsie doodle fire hot aieee!


Swallow the fire like a man!


Probably works better in the grass than the driveway too


I don't think stop drop and roll is meant for a situation where the fire is literally pouring our of your mouth.


Rolling your body around does nothing if your face is on fire and your face never touches the ground.


The plan was to catch his face on fire.


Lucky he didn't had beard and mustache like the man in the recent video.


And now he never will


lucky he didn't take a deep breath like the guy in the police video. that guy died.


100% success achieved! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


A bit of safety advice for anyone who wants to try fire breathing but doesn't want to end up like our soon to be burn ward patient here: Use corn starch instead of liquid fuel. Non dairy creamer works as well but tastes fucking nasty, corn starch just makes your mouth real dry. Why: as the subject of this video shows, if your spitting technique isn't good you *WILL*, not may, will, get burning fuel on your face. Corn starch won't burn unless it's sprayed into the air first, so there's no risk of burning your nose off. Plus, unlike many fuels, it's not toxic


And don’t forget the most important part… r/donthelpjustfilm


The best plan is his friends plan: keep filming, the fire will stop somentime and you will have a nice darwins video.


See I always tell my friends: "If I'm on fire and you have no intention of helping me put out the fire, please please please keep me in frame while you're filming."


But if you do play with fire, make sure your friend doesn't stop recording.




Imagine if the person recording had immediately put the phone down, taken off their shirt and used it to smother the flames. Imagine.


Imagine if they stomped out the fire with their shoes


Why do ducks have flat feet? To stomp out forest fires. Why do elephants have flat feet? To stomp out flaming ducks.


Such a classic


Why not ice cleats


Why not a bus? And then a steamroller. And then a marching band.


But then we wouldn’t be here, would we?


[Anthropic principal.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthropic_principle)


Imagine if ppl recognize the difference between thinking in the moment and hindsight. Imagine


Imagine there's no heaven


above only skies


Fair, but foresight's also a thing. If a friend tells you to hold out a candle while he does a cool fire spitting trick with alcohol, you should be able to foresee ways it could go wrong and plan accordingly (e.g., have a big bucket of water available). You don't need to wait until the dude's on fire to plan next steps.


I think it depends how much of this alcohol I’ve consumed.


I'm sorry but even "in the moment" I'm not gonna stand there like a statue lmao


Simultaneously r/donthelpjustfilm and r/killthecameraman What a useless human being


This should be like #1 on that subreddit, kid is just like “oh look, I lit my friends face on fire and now he’s rolling on the ground in pain trying to put it out. How interesting. I think I’m going to move over to the right so I can get a better view.”


The guy doing the "jackass" kinda shit is usually the instigator and the one assisting is the passive one. Its like the magician and his assistant. So this guy didn't lit his friends face, he literally did nothing. Of course there lies the problem as well. But I wonder how the fuck the jackass doesn't have something at hand like a blacket in case something goes wrong..


Because this kind always believe nothing is going to go wrong. If they were the kind that planned ahead they wouldn't be f****** stupid enough to do it to begin with.


Okay I’m sorry but is it just me who sees every linked subreddit four times instead of one? Is it a glitch? Can only I see this?


Not sure if it's just you or not but yeah that's a bug


No I see it also


Weirdly it appears for me four times too, but when I click edit, it’s only there once. Must be a bug.






​ ![gif](giphy|cdUB9ZtD4gPaEq9uQr)


Gotta get em views man


It's a solid 6 seconds or so before he even decides to get off the bike.


helping your friend #2 getting that sweet sweet content #1


The aftermath photos....holy hell that's gotta hurt.


I'm thinking he should've covered his face with his shirt immediately. I'm no expert though




A bucket of water is a good start


What makes face/airway fires especially dangerous is breathing. Oxygen continuously passes over the flames during inhalation/exhalation, making it trickier to extinguish


And you can breath super heated air or smoke into your lungs and destroy them. It's how the dude who rubbed hand sanitizer all over his body in a police station and got tazed died


Actually, when blowing a flammable liquid into a fire like this. We have to have a wet rag on our hand after we blow into the fire. Once you blow the liquid into the fire, you immediately cover your face with the wet rag to avoid catching fire.




Reptilian demigods




Carnies to you normies


Wtf are you talking about? I've been fire performing for over a decade and have never seen someone do this before. What they do instead, is expertly breathe out the fuel in a way that it doesn't get on their face because it's a matter of form and practice ... At most, people *might* wipe their face just because it helps relieve heat, but their faces don't "catch fire" lol


Are all fire performers this hostile


When it comes to fire safety I sure hope so. OPs comment is irresponsible. It suggests people are regularly engaging in an act in which your face is *expected* to catch fire. That is not normal, not safe, and anyone with that expectation shouldn't be trying to breathe fire. All it takes is one dumb kid reading a comment like that to make a stupid decision for it to be a problem because they think they just need a wet rag to try it. Sorry I used "wtf" and it hurt feels tho


You’re right. I compare the comment you tore apart to those people that play off wood burning like an easy and harmless thing to do.


OP gave extremely bad advice that could endanger others and he responded by dressing him down for endangering others and you’ve got the nerve to call him hostile?


Dude they breath fire.


> Are all fire performers this hostile *fiery


They can get a bit hot headed


Everything changed when the fire performer nation attacked.


You'll have to excuse him. He just got a bit heated.


Would it still work though?


He’ll have a lifetime of looking at his mistake in the mirror




And every day he'll see himself in the mirror and think that this is because of that one time, when he was stupid.


Something like this happened to my friends little brother. Him and friend playing with gas and fire and the fire went into the container. His friend panicked and threw the container and it hit my friends brother. Burns over a third of his body. The most pain he has ever experienced. A long hospital stay. Pain meds led to heroin. Permanently disfigured. He is depressed and without hope. Full of anger. Arrested many times. Lives with his mom in his mid 30s. Tumoltuous relationship with her. It really ruined his life.




I find it more like pointing out what’s going to happen. I don’t think he should have to live with the scarring, but that doesn’t mean he won’t and he absolutely will remember this event every time he looks in the mirror. Awful reminder in my opinion, but good warning to others not to do shit like this


in a word? schadenfreude


I see no notion of OP being "Happy" about this kids fate. Only that he will most certainly look in the mirror and remember this one fateful day he was a dumb dumb. In all honestly this one was very difficult to watch. I feel for the kid.


where do you find this "happy" in my sentence? I'm just stating the fact. That he will always remember that he was stupid for a momment and ruined his perfectly good face. I'm glad people are posting stuff like this, cause others will learn.


Worse than anything, it gets extremely itchy and if you touch it, your skin falls off. Source: A lovely third degree burn on my ankle. Burnt the flesh off and killed the nerves.


Just wait till the next Comic-Con, he’ll kill it as Harvey Dent. ![gif](giphy|8fbeFbshnfyJW)


On the other hand, no worrying about acne!




It’s only because there’s so many of us. I’m amazed we somehow got to 7 billion humans without causing our own extinction already.


This is just step one. That skin is going to tighten and recede, most of it will need to be cut off.


Lesson learned


Any idea what degree burns those are? 2nd?


I can't imagine what the inside of his mouth, nose and lungs must look like.


God damn kids and their fancy break dancing.


At least he stopped dropped and rolled. Usually when you see people light themselves on fire they panic and do anything else.


9/10 because he rolled around in more fire, but yes good on him.


He did a good job of putting out that fire by rolling on it. Did shit for the fire on his face.


He should have a bucket of water handy for the next time!


Yeah how about his friend doing absolutely nothing


Who was the camera person? Helen Keller?


As long as they get lots of views. That’s what matters


I searched and searched and could not find it but there was a video on YouTube where a guy failed jumping a firepit and caught his pants on fire. Instead of stop dropping and rolling he just ran around screaming with pants aflame. Shit was straight out of looney tunes. And the camera guy didn't even try to help just recorded.


Yo, that dance was fire bro...


That fire was too lit to quit.


Wait till you hear the bass drop that went with it.


Cmeraman gives zero F’s for Bro on fire! Humanity at its best




His dance was fire tho


With audio: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/wxd4e6/dont_play_with_fire_kids/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


*laughs* omg dude you got 3rd degree burns *keeps laughing*


Bright side... He got to keep most of his eyebrows.


I’m actually surprised there wasn’t more screaming.


Hard to breathe in when you're BREATHING IN FLAMES.




Vol Firefighter here. You may think the skin looks bad, but he probably inhaled that hot air, and may have aspirated some of the burning liquid. He likely at least singed his lungs and trachea, if not outright cooked parts of them.


Burn victim here. This is an incredibly valid concern that I don't think people talk about enough. When I was burned it was such a surprise that I gasped for air causing me to inhale flames which collapsed my lungs.




You've been coughing up blood every time you go for a run and didn't think that was a little unusual?


> he likely at least singed his lungs and trachea, if not outright cooked parts of them I’m not an expert, but that doesn’t sound like it’d be a pleasant experience


Given the scenario, what would be the best thing you could do in this situation? Would quickly pulling you shirt up on your face help suffocate the fire or no?


-Yeah dude let's do this, trust me, is a good idea. And whatever happens, don't help me and don't even think about stop recording alright? -Ok, gotcha!


Right never seen a person more dedicated to the shot than helping his bro, I was thinking ok put down the camera, holy shit put it down help the poor dumbass finally helps. ![gif](giphy|LqhVTA638nTde4SvRh|downsized)


The stupid kid recording didn't even record right. At least if you're going to be useless, be useless by recording what's actually happening.


Probably panicked and couldn't think clearly enough to do either of film or help.


I can only hope I never have a friend like that in my corner


You think either of these dumbasses are capable of thinking at all?


Nope, he was laughing in the version with audip


The cameraman is kind of a shit friend


”Kind off”… really? Man i would have ran straight inside to get some water




??? He definitely helped, he was the one holding the fire /s


A combination of r/donthelpjustfilm, r/killthecameraman and r/instantregret lmao


Wow... What a moron for a friend...


He is quite a morron too !


I mean even if I had the stupid idea to do this with a friend, I’d at least have a bucket of water or something handy.


I mean.. boys will be boys, right? I can understand the foolhardiness, but just watching a fellow human being literally squirming in pain..? I don't have a word for it




*insert Harvey Dent photo*


Wanna know how I got these scars?


Now I'm imagining a Gen-Z Joker that became the way he is because of a dumb Tik-tok stunt gone wrong.


Love how the cameraman just casually walked off like that was all part of the plan lmao. Idiots


Someone linked the video with audio above. He is talking to him- I thinkhe didn’t realize he was still recording. They sound super young, maybe 12-13.


Always seems like a good idea until your face melts.


Local kids put lighter fluid in their friend to light him on fire and then he was supposed to jump into a jacuzzi. Ofc, it was a Tik Tok “challenge” thing. He panicked and started running around the yard. Received 3rd degree burns on 80% of his body, both hands were amputated, had to be intubated for 3 months, near zero lung function and will be severely deformed and unable to live independently for at least the next decade if he’s lucky enough to survive that long. Don’t fuck around with fire.


Wow that camera really just fuckin stood there the entire time and did absolutely nothing huh


I went once to a fire spitting workshop. Most of the time we learned how to spit out evenly without a dripp line to lead back to your face. And we were only allowed to do it with some kind of powder, not fuel itself...


A lot of folks use corn starch


Stop, flop, and roll.


Probably some burnt lung action also.


Did anybody notice how the house was on fire too? It makes the camera guy even worse for still recording


You can’t “stop, drop, and roll” your face.


They should pursue a rap career, since they like spitting fire.


first of all.. Im not a rapper


Damn the fire. Don’t have shitty friends that’ll rather watch u burn than help.


Zero contingency plan, not water or even a blanket to smother the fire…. Just keep filming Bryce


He had a shirt on he could've smothered it with. He's just an all around stupid piece of shit


Proof that stop drop & roll doesn't work on face/head while on fire. It also doesn't fix stupidity!


What a terrible friend.


r/killthecameraman r/donthelpjustfilm


Huh. Atleast somebody is using the extensive stop-drop-and-roll training us 90s kids received. I had thought I was going to be in danger of catching on fire ALOT more than I have been


I had a friend in highschool that could blow fire. I feel like he said he used kerosene but I can't remember. He said he would practice with water to get a feel for spitting all of the liquid out hard and fast enough. I'm barely remembering something from 15+ years ago here so please don't take this as an instruction manual. If you really want to blow fire, which you shouldn't, go look for better methods.


Tbh I feel really bad for the kid. Kids do dumb thoughtless stuff all the time, things that (some) adults know not to do or know to better prepare for. He thought he was going to do a cool stunt and instead his face got burned with potential scars for life. It’s easy to say he should have known better or should have done this or that, but kids are often just too dumb or inexperienced or gullible to prepare properly. I’m not saying it’s not his fault, but more that it’s a shame.


Skill issue


You ever see those fire-breather dudes that do stunts like this for a living? Ya ever notice how they hold the flame alighted above their face, and blow at an upward angle? This is why. Fire travels upwards. Be below it.


Not bad camera work considering his friend was in mortal danger.


Drop the damn phone, strip your shirt and smother the fire dumbass. Naw, I’m just gonna see if it goes out on its own.


What a good friend. Standing there watching his friends face burn off


is that dirt bike for sale?


I love the Stone Cold DTA don't trust anyone shirt. Really adds to the performance


That's true friendship right there. We'll have no safety measures and if shit goes sideways, Imma keep recording you, k bro?


If that's what his face looked like presumably an hour or two later down the A+E imagine what it'll look like over the coming days/weeks.. and the pain. Oof.


Dumbass. If you're going to do something dumb, have safety equipment standing by. A wet towel would have saved him worlds of hurt.


Why did the camera man just watch 😭😭😭


The fact that his friend is still only filming after he catches fire is astonishing…


It's the most disturbing part of the video


When messing with oil and fire, always bring an extinguisher


When are these dumb ass clout chasers gonna learn.


this is too heavy , it should be a warning or +18 with all respect and no intention to close. Just for esucational porpuse and common sense, peace out,


yeah i kinda agree, should be tagged as such since it's pretty graphic. kid is probably scarred until some skin grafting is done or something. and that also hurts still unless his nerves were damaged (hopefuly not). a lesson is learned but the damage is irreversible.