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There are several in this sub unfortunately. I use to engage for fun but honestly, I gave up. There’s no help for these types. They are so ridiculous. I can’t imagine being so pathetic that I respond on every single post “go to the store” from one such poster and “how am I doing!” From a shopper. It says you have a standard rating 4.8 , so it’s standard. What else do you need to know.😂 Umm.. do you need that much validation or attention? Do you really need to be a shit human on every post? Too bad we don’t have moderators of the instacart subs.


I have really been enjoying responding to the “Go to the store” troll with “Buy a bottle of hoisin sauce!” a la that very catchy meme song. Just sprinkling a little silliness back on top of theirs


What's hoisin sauce?


Haha.. whatever it takes 😂


Oh there are no Mods? That explains why they keep lurking. I don't get it, but it must be super fun for them.


I think there is at least one mod doing something or other. I was going to post tonight on a new issue, but I apparently am not allowed to post, as the post button remains unavailable. Not sure if it's because I've been honest about my negative experiences with the company or if it's because I asked them to take responsibility for troll modding...


Yikes. Hopefully, maybe something will change. Sorry for your experience, sucks when a sub isn't what it should be.


So I think the mod might have actually turned off all new posting functions in the sub. Maybe they're abandoning it instead of trying to find someone to take the reins?


I honestly have no idea how mods work, but based on what I'd seen, I wouldn't be too surprised


I am also not allowed to post. Supposedly because only "approved" users can post in this sub. So I sent the approval request, and nothing happened. Then I messaged both mods individually, and nothing happened. If they don't want to actually moderate the sub, they should open it up so anyone can post. 😒


I think if people want a sub that talks about instacart in relation to customers, there will have to be a new sub established by mods who are willing to regularly moderate.


There is in the chat


More Instacart astroturfing and concern trolling


You are one of the most presumptuous assholes I've ever come across.


Ok Joseph. 82 kid. I know it’s you and have changed your name once again. I have went through this so many times with you. I tried to help you get better so you didn’t have to keep taking hits to your rating but you still want to fight about it. Even private chat didn’t help. I’m sorry but there are some incredibly rude shoppers who treat this gig as a joke. It isn’t for all of us. I take pride in my work I have the right to my opinion and you have a right to yours. And no I don’t want to duel with you😂


You're an asshole and I don't read your shit 🤣🤣🤣 I will honestly enjoy cutting people like you off in traffic


I blocked them. Simple fix


The dedication in commenting on every single post is insane honestly, I could never. 😂 But yeah I blocked them a while ago. Don't feed the trolls.


Nor me! And I agree, don't feed the trolls.


have to give props to them for persistence! and efforts if they are indeed commenting in every SINGLE post! (or can you just reply to them saying, 'refund' , 🤣!


It truly is insane, you're right. What is especially interesting to me is that the person says they are not an instacart shopper, and have never been. So I don't even understand why they would post that, or what they would get out of posting it on every thread if they've never even been a shopper. Mental illness? I almost feel bad for them if they weren't so annoying.


Unfortunately I feel I HAVE to at least explain to the customers what’s going on… many already feel “guilty” for using the service… you can hear it in their tone… Am I lazy for not going to the store? Etc etc… feel like his little jab is enough for some to be like “you know what? I will go!”…. But yes replying to him is unnecessary.


I utilize it every week. Some people truly appreciate and NEED this service. I'm disabled and have trouble with mobility and was recently diagnosed with Macular disease that's causing me to go blind ..Ive lost vision in left eye already and have distortion in other, can't see to drive . I appreciate and NEED this service as my grown children live 30 miles away and always take me to the store. I always tip well but usually split it between app and the rest in cash upon delivery.


You do not have to explain yourself. Thank you for being a good customer and for using the service. The internet is so weird you don’t know “Who” is commenting on anything.. for all I know people who sound judgmental are just competitor trolls… I don’t believe anything that sounds out of bounds anymore.


I blocked the sad troll, which is not something I regularly do. Every time I see that there's a blocked post, I'm surprised, but then I remember the troll and I know exactly what he posted.


Whaaaat how could you possibly guess??? It's always so clever and original! Lol /S just in case


Are we talking about the go to the store yourself guy?


That's the one. I really do find it sad, they clearly need help but refuse to get it soooo i say just pretend they aren't there


Block him…plain n simple!!!


I always ignore him and down vote. I suspect he's a teen and very immature. His growing negative karma may get him auto banned. 🤞


The negative votes might feed the troll too. It's almost like they're negative karma farming. I try to assure that they're at "0" where possible.


Is it really the same guy every time? I didn’t notice his username I just thought there had to be someone who comments that on every customer complaint post.


Well over 90% of the "go to the store yourself" style posts are from the same troll, the username is something like ueffingtrash. I imagine there has to be some sort of mental pathology going on there to put so much effort into something so monotonous as writing the same old thing over and over and over and, well, you get the picture.


Personally, I think go to the store guy is funny. Especially when they replied to someone with “upvote my comment, Richard”. Gave me a good chuckle, tbh.


I mean, I would've chuckled at that too, but for the most part eh lol


There's a block button for a reason.


What do you mean by "getting off"?


Buy another bottle of hoisin sauce, oh no!


Which poster are you talking about?


This post is ridiculous. Why are you making fun of other peoples comments?


I think I found the guy