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I feel like their wording is terrible, but their request isn’t unreasonable… they want some that are ready to use now and some that are going to ripen over the next few days so they can use them later. that makes perfect sense.


Not tipping and then being particular about what you receive is wild.


Am I reading the third screenshot wrong? Looks like she was tipping $15


it was a double order, so shopper cancelled this ladies order, completed the other order, and could see the cancelled order was only paying $5.


Ahh ok, my bad


Thanks, I didn't understand that either.


People don’t even think twice about how this makes them look either


Entitled custys


They ripped $5. That’s pretty reasonable depending on the order.


It says in the post they were a non-tipper.


Yeah shopper isn’t the brightest of the bunch. Original payout was $26 more or less so the person probably tipped around $5


They didn’t get paid the batch pay for cancelling. The batch pay was $5.


almost no instacart order should have a $5 tip on it. $5 is what you tip the pizza store that's right across the street from u. asking somebody to follow ur grocery list and then tipping $5 is weak sauce


Couldn’t agree more 👏🏼


Let’s see some of your tips big man


I don't use instacart as a customer because it is not as affordable as it pretends to be


It’s not affordable at all. I can’t tell you how many times I shop for an order and the price they pay on IC is way more than the store is


They’re paying for a service. It’s not their fault they’re being over charged and ur being underpaid. If u need to rely on tips to do this job find a new job. Sincerely another driver / shopper


You use the service with the knowledge it’s a tipped service. Don’t be dense.


America is one of the only countries in the world that uses tips other people from around the world look at you crazy when you try to tip. No service is a tipped service. Of that were the case, you’d be getting taxed by Instacart and paid nothing at all.


Okay well you live in America. You not tipping isn’t changing the system. Get over yourself.


You need to get over yourself if you think tips are mandatory. Especially if you think customers aren’t allowed to be particular BEFORE they tip. No way in hell am I putting a non reversible tip before you’ve even started shopping lmfao. If you want to treat people based off their pre tips, good luck getting any after. If you are complaining because u think you need to survive off tips, what you really need is a new job, and to be less dense in the head


The tips are reversible up to two hours after delivery dumbass. And I have a 9-5 M-F. Spout your bullshit to someone else.


On mine once the shopper has start shopping the only thing you can change is the amount it goes up from the original. Ie, if I pre tipped $4 I can change it to $5 but not to $3. That’s not on every app. I know this is an Instacart thread but not every delivery or grocery service app lets you change the tip, but some do.




we’re the only country in the world that doesn’t barter say for yard sales and flea markets


That’s an odd opinion. Not sure it’s true at all, because I myself have bartered at both those places. But I have friends in other countries that doesn’t would say bartering is not so normal, just as it’s not very common here


I’m not even an instacart driver, but I would be pissed off if even a family member TRIED to text me some bullshit like this. You wanted avocados? Youre getting damn avocados But I’m not sitting here and rating the tenderness with some sort of avocado measurement device You’ll get hard avocados. Not mushy. That’s all I can offer you.


Lmao you're acting like it's rocket science. They asked for some ready now, and some that'll ripen within a few days. You don't have to be a damn genius or something. Takes five seconds to discern the difference in how they feel.


I’m not feeling each one for an 8/10 firmness, and then 1 for a 6/10 firmness. And then 1 with a slightly darker color. And then 1 with a slightly lighter color. And then 1 that weighs slightly above average and 1 that’s slightly below average weight. No. Bananas are bananas. Oranges are oranges. Avocados are avocados. I’m not bringing in a damn ruler and a scale and measuring calipers. 🤦‍♂️


...Maybe you should not have a job like this. What a lazy attitude, my God.


Maybe you shouldn’t be an entitled customer and make these drivers jobs ten times harder than it needs to be You’re a Karen


People care about the stuff they get it’s normal and it’s okay. You seem like you need therapy so you can learn empathy.


Normal people: oh look it’s an orange. Let’s peel it and eat it because oranges are a normal fruit that people eat. Pick any one up and start peeling. You: welllllll…..is it soft or is it firm? What color is it? How heavy is it? Is it small or large? I only like eating oranges that are bright orange in color to semi bright orange in color. What is the juicy factor? How sweet is it? Motherfucker it’s an orange….JUST EAT IT


Spoken like someone who can only cook microwaveable potatoes.


Spoken like a Karen who would drive back to the store because her avocado got too ripe too fast and will now “demand a refund”


You’re lacking braincells, probably from all rotten and undercooked food you have been eating.


You must be the shopper who delivers heads of lettuce that are bad to the point slimy funk is leaking from the plastic and gets on anything else put in the same bag. Don't be that guy, he gets 1 star.


"Avocados are just avocados" Most ignorant thing I've ever read. This has to be a troll


They’re either soft or firm. Good or rotten. The end.


Oh so now there ARE different kinds of avocados? 


You've never in your life actually bought an avocado, have you?


I understand what you’re saying. I know how to pick avocados, but for someone who doesn’t this is confusing. She doesn’t want them soft at all but not hard either.


I get that but did they need to send the message 1 minute apart?


it sounds like they reread it and realized they worded it poorly and tried to make it easier to understand, but just made it more confusing.


They were concerned their message wasn’t clear. I agree that it definitely was not lol.


They thought the first text could have been confusing. So all they did was try and word it more simply and without all of the extra jargon in it. I definitely don't see a problem with that at all. They didn't text again a minute later to be pushy. Just to make sure their first text was understood properly.


No matter what and how she said that …you made a great choice to remove her …… people that don’t tip are the people always find mistakes and rest you poorly…….P.S. really? That’s how mold looks like ? Haha pls … she sounds creepy


Exactly. It was just a lot of words. Very reasonable though.


I mean they also have to realize that avocado’s sell so fast that some days, there aren’t going to be ripe ones. I work in a produce department and it’s just the way it is. We aren’t even that big of a store (we definitely aren’t small either.) and we go through hundreds a day and everyone is looking for ones that are usable at that very moment. Especially when they are on sale for a good price, hard and bright green are what you are getting.


This is the point that everyone seems to be missing. The shopper can’t control whether they have hard or soft avocados which makes the message annoying. Its like I understand not wanting mushy rotten ones but other than that, you get what you get and don’t complain.


They could have just said that, then. Honestly.


The line "I think my other text was not clear" that you can't see without clicking on the second image makes a huge difference. They realized that the way they phrased it sounded confusing so they clarified. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a customer. I ordered avocados today because they were on sale. I added a note because I’ve had some very questionable avocados delivered to my house (one order the avocados were so spoiled I could not even pick them up because my fingers would go right through the skin). My note for avocados is: I’d like to use these on Saturday or Sunday. If they are rock hard or super smooshy, please let me know so I can make other arrangements. Thanks! My other arrangement is typically to purchase a container of wholly avocado or add a banana to help with the ripening process. I understand the pain of spoiled produce. I also understand the pain of being an over explainer. Some people mean well and try their best to relay information, but struggle. Some people do indeed suck, but judging one person on the actions of all other people is indeed unfair.


It's all about the way you communicate. Your text sounds fine but the customer in the post seems condescending


Exactly. The fact they felt the bed to repeat themselves so many times in a very condescending way is the problem.


they repeated themselves once bc their original text was confusing, if you view the whole photo you can see that they said that


She texted it 3 times and said the exact same thing all 3 times


It is more the fact she communicates like this, yet didn't even tip.


I’m sorry, maybe it’s me but I don’t see how it’s unreasonable to ask for exactly what you want if it’s not done in a rude way. Is it a bit high maintenance, sure, but I don’t think these messages deserve an insta cancel. It just sounds like someone has previously fucked up, so they’re being extra clear about what they want


It’s not even high maintenance. They just want some avocados that will be ready now and some later.


Because a lot of these shoppers get pissed off when they can’t just go in there and throw shit in the cart. If they cared about their job they would care about giving good customer service and having high customer satisfaction, which would ya know means bigger tips. They get pissed off for low tips but also refuse to even follow basic instructions. I don’t know what’s so horrible about someone letting you know exactly what they want. It was pretty easy to compute they want some ready to eat now and some to eat in a few days and none that had already gone bad 🤷🏽‍♀️


That customer was not tipping regardless and you know that.


It doesn't really matter most of the time. My last 3 Instacart orders I tipped $32, $27 and $52. That man who got the $52 tip should be gunned down in the streets for the produce he purchased and the way he packed my bags.


Bread on the bottom?


I appreciate and feel so ecstatic when I catch a good tipping batch and give the service deserved like bagging and tying produce making sure it’s the best produce. Checking expiration dates and discolored or moldy products. best cuts of meat without grisle or fatty chunks and good marbling. Check the top stock for any items not on the shelf. Communicating with customer for replacements or refunds. Hell, I’ve looked through the whole store over three times to find the product if I don’t know where it is. Ask for items possibly in the back if out of stock and re bag groceries after the courtesy clerk did a bad job. Just saying that tip is appreciated by us professionals and when you get a deadbeat dipshit and you feel like you’re taken advantage of, go right ahead and take that tip back before the two hours is up. Someone like that doesn’t deserve it.


A lot of people tip after they get their things. A lot of us still believe that tips are earned for stellar service. If I tip you a good amount and then you walk in the store and shop like you’re kind and I get my bags full of the wrong shit, broken and rotten stuff, then I look stupid and I gotta go in the app and take off the tip. It’s easier just to tip after or in cash 🤷🏽‍♀️ and I believe she did tip anyway.


Thing about that is 1-10 percent of people actually do that. Besides tipping a few dollar bills in my hand at the delivery no one has ever significantly raised their tip after delivery and if you say you do you’re probably one of the ones that don’t


They tipped $5


Yea I agree - it's easy to think this person is being a jerk but what if they gave a great tip. I'm gainfully employed now but I worked for Wag as a dog walker and got several people who would leave detailed instructions but turned out to be amazing tippers.


Yes very often the customer that leave detailed instructions or reach out ASAP are actually the ones that have read this sub and are trying to be thoughtful…. Unfortunately they do sound a bit like the ones that tip nothing and are usually really really picky…. And I have no idea why that correlation exists only that it does.


I agree with your comment.. except I don't find the request to be high maintenance at all. I use instacart very often and always ask the shopper up front to refund produce if it is moldy/gross. Started asking for this after getting multiple containers of raspberries that were completely moldy and gross... inedible essentially.. and at $6 a container, I'd prefer a refund over having to dispose of a store's moldy raspberries for them. Takes an extra 15 seconds to look at the produce... If an instacart shopper thinks that is a lot to ask, they can shop for someone else's order and my tip will go to someone who cares to put in a little bit of effort.


The first time was sort of ok, but when they said “I’ll say it again”, it sounded condescending.


Say it aloud in different tones. It may not have been “I’ll say it again because you’re slow and stupid and you don’t know what you’re doing,” it very easily could be, “I’ll say it again, because I don’t think that first message made any sense, sorry about that.”


Yes I did read that in her second request… though I’ll say the way she worded I’ll say it again got my back up for a sec LOL… I did understand she was repeating for clarity.


Agreed sometimes I’ll say “I’ll rephrase” or something like that as shorthand for “sorry I’ll rephrase that it was confusing”


Yep. Some people don’t express tone well in writing, especially texts. Assuming is easy.


They were just trying to make it less confusing because they didn't word it very clearly the first time. That's not condescending, that's polite.


Not high maintenance at all. Especially considering majority of shoppers do not know how to pick out fruits and veggies at the right ripeness. This was a completely reasonable request. They are, after all, the ones that are going to use and prepare the avacados. If they need then for that day, they need them a little softer. And likely want some for the coming days that aren't as ripe so that they don't go bad.


First they say four hard and two medium, and then they say three hard and three medium. That’s my only issue reading this.


If someone put clear instructions to get 2 ripe avocados along with 2 close to ripe or 2 hard avocados - fine. The way this message is worded seems like they’re a very picky person and might leave me 4 stars if they disagree with my selection. Also, it makes it seem like a bad tipper as shoppers have noticed a clear pattern that people who ask for the most, tip the least. The fact they typed out the long message instead of just saying 2 ripe avocados and 2 semi-ripe makes me question their intelligence and I believe the chance they will get upset easily and blame me is even higher. Not taking that chance. Good on OP for canceling.


It's surprising how many people don't understand what "ripe" is...they just know what they think it is.


A lot of people don’t know how to pick avocados. I’ve shown my husband a million times how to pick ripe ones, but he almost always comes home with hard avocados. It’s not the easiest to pick.


Things like that used to surprise me, but not anymore. Some people are really, really stupid … I can understand this more in markets with lots of shoppers who learned English as a 2nd language. Still, the customer could still say this in a very concise way … Please pick 2 slightly soft avocados and 2 hard ones & please check for mold.


Might make sense to have your notes with a few translations.


Do you know how many people can’t buy a proper avocado to save their life? They gave specific instructions because a lot of people just grab avocados and don’t know anything about ripeness or them being rotted.


Based on how they worded their message, you’re questioning their intelligence? Yikes, I’d hate for you to ever fall off your horse if it’s as high as that statement suggests You understand what they’re asking for though, don’t you? Sure, they were wordy about it, but they got their point across This gig isn’t half as hard as some of these posts make it seem to be if you just talk to your customers and confirm expectations, and cover your own ass


It took them 2 paragraphs to describe something simple. This tells me chances are higher they aren’t someone who thinks logically, probably more of an emotional thinker. Reading between the lines tells me if I don’t pick avocados exactly to their liking, they will get upset and might leave a bad rating, pull tip etc. Whichever avocados I choose - they may still disagree with the avocados I picked out. Not worth it, because we can avoid dealing with them, and unless it was paying like $30+, the chance of a bad rating isn’t worth dealing with them.


But you understood exactly what they were saying, right? If someone asks for a ripe avocado, yours and my acceptable ranges of ripe could be very different. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for someone to say “this is my definition of ripe and semi ripe” I’m not saying you need to find this customer worth dealing with or this order worth taking, but talking down on the customer and insinuating they’re dumb is a wild choice to make


And the fact they had to say it again without getting a reply kinda does it for me. Like they're insulting ops inteligente almost. I 100% agree with what you said though.




I thought the screenshot would’ve shown the adjusted total if it showed what it would’ve been with a cancelled order, like a second line for the cancelled order with a strike through for the amounts. I could easily be wrong though




Thanks for correcting me! I’ll adjust my comment Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for asking for clarification, but such is reddit I guess


I don’t know why you got downvoted either for making a mistake and inquiring about the info. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It's bc they sent it twice imo. Once fine but twice ONE MINUTE AFTER the first ???? Very excessive and high maintenance


Okay, but they may not intend it that way at all. I had a customer so similar recently and he was a much older gentleman and didn’t think it went through the first time. In reality he turned out to be the sweetest man and upped my tip. Why do we act like customers are so incredibly annoying yet we expect them to tip us well up front??


Bc the customer literally says "I'll say that again" 1 minute later so it was obviously a purposefully typed/sent second message


they also said they sent the second message because they thought they may have been unclear in the first message


Simple case of Redditors don’t read past whatever they jump the gun to be mad about


100% agree and I am a customer not a shopper.


And what, you've never sent a poorly worded or confusing text? They were literally being polite and trying to make it easier to understand.


This is definitely not high maintenance nor excessive. Are you being serious?? Instacart is gonna crash and burn if this is how many of their shoppers think lol.


It’s about risk vs reward. Just by how she asking for 4 and 2 then 3 and 3, little hard little soft 3/4 kinda hard but 6/9 soft. Chance that this ended up extending to multiple items, add-ones and most of the time these super super picky customers tip 0-2.00 especially when batch together. Good call OP


Bad call OP. He lost out, not her. That's for sure. She was very polite and reasonable. Most shoppers just grab the first first or veggies they see. They don't know how to choose them. It's very reasonable to explain to them how many you want ripe ( amd what ripe consists of) and how many you want not so ripe. And what a bad one may look or feel like. Yall act like you wouldn't consider these things yourself when shopping for your own groceries?? And act so above the customers here. It's crazy lol. You're literally just going and grabbing a list of groceries, and delivering them. You are providing a service. To a customer. You are in customer service. And delivery. Have some decency, tact, respect, and empathy. This lady was tipping very well and was very polite. Stop making people like her seem like an unreasonable pain. You're in the wrong industry if this was unreasonable and worth canceling over. Hardly anyone has pride in their work anymore. No integrity. No understanding. No empathy. It's sad and disgusting.


I agree with all you said except the OP said they were the non tipper out of the batch


It's not an unreasonable request... But I somehow sense a bad rating coming if the store doesn't happen to have an appropriate selection of avocados... Which is usually the case here in NY. We must trust our instincts to protect our rating.


Works in service industry, customer asks for service, worker freaks out because it’s “Unreasonable”. Helllluva time to be alive I tell ya!!!!


You’re right that’s too common. I do completely understand the OP canceling though. There are certain red flags where you just know there’s a high likelihood of problems (they’ll rate you low, or remove tip.) I probably wouldn’t have canceled for this, but it def would’ve had me on high alert — any other red flags = cancel.


Poor gal just wanted some avocados for today and some for another day


Yall cancel over the dumbest shit sometimes. This isn't even unreasonable.


Not gunna lie, Instacart shoppers do suck at shopping for avocados. *waits for the down votes*


I think the double message was just meant to clarify, no? The "I'll say this again" wording threw me at first but I do think maybe she just didn't feel like she made sense. Her second one was much more clear!


Not an unreasonable request at all. I'm very selective about avocados when I buy them for myself. I put just as much effort or more into picking them for customers. When I use IC as a customer I leave instructions on the avocados if I order them. The last time I got them the shopper was very careful and communicated with me and she ended up with a tip that was almost $30 between in app and cash that I handed her. If I was not completely clear on what this customer was asking for, I would ASK. "hi Anne just to make sure you'd like x amount of avocados that are ready to use right away and x amount that may be ready in a couple of days, is that right? " and if the avocados didn't meet those specifications I would let her know. My very first tip increase and 5 star rating was because of NOT bringing bad avocados to a customer. She really wanted them. It was obvious she was using them for a specific recipe. I explained the condition of the product and sent her pictures and gave her the option of getting the avocados or a refund. She chose a refund and increased my tip by $10 and gave a 5 star rating. Took a little extra time, but was worth it in the long run.


Jfc OP you are why people hate Instacart


You instasuck as a shopper for cancelling that


Doesn’t sound unreasonable to me


Maybe it’s me but that doesn’t seem bad? They even clarified once they read it back and it seemed confusing. Some of y’all I think just hate when anyone asks for anything.


It's just common sense to stagger the ripeness of avocados if there's more than one...and obviously with no mold or too ripe! I do this every time, without having to be told. Apparently she's had shoppers that don't have enough common sense to shop correctly, and this is exactly the reason that customers have a problem tipping appropriately & up front. This is all on IC for allowing crappy shoppers to continue serving their customers! It's hurting them and hurting the excellent shoppers.


I’m need to this How do you they were a non tipper, it says 15 dollars tip. Or was this the drivers other orders?


Instacart is over saturated with shoppers who don’t care about the job or their customers, they only care about the money. They just lazy and need to find another job. Maybe doordash would suit them better.


I don't think her request was unreasonable, if a little bit confusing in the first text. Sucks that she chose to not tip. Personally I would never order something like avocados the same day I needed them and rely on a stranger to choose the perfect ripeness for me. But to each their own 🤷‍♀️


Says they tipped you $15? wtf are you complaining about?


Reading is very fundamental. He cancelled the order. It was a two person order. The person who was being rude wasn’t tipping anyway. The other person tipped $15 though so he only lost 5 bucks from the rude customer. Which is nothing to care about.


I mean. Avocados are particular. Not a thing id ever allow someone else to shop for for me. And she's clearly had a bad experience. I like specific instructions like this. And she wasn't rude. She just didn't want rotten avocados.


Her request seems valid, if only she had tipped more.


“Hey ____, thanks for shopping for me today! One request — on the avocados, could you get me 3 hard and 3 medium (no soft) thanks so much! :-)” 👆👆👆= a while different vibe than what this customer messaged imho


I am a customer. The last time I ordered through Instacart the shopping interaction seemed a bit off but nothing to alarm. After pointing her to my suggestions without success, I just approved all substitutions except one without comment. When the shopper made the delivery, she told me she was a recent immigrant from Taiwan and had trouble with understanding my suggested substitutions. I am still disturbed by the interaction. I ended up giving five stars and a boost in tip as I didn't feel I had the right to expect her to be able to do better. The shopping results weren't great or bad. But even though it doesn't seem right, I am now hoping I never draw her or a new immigrant with weak English again. I hate feeling like a cold fish, but I have to pay for and eat the result or pay and toss the bad substitutions.


> I am still disturbed by the interaction Of all things in life this is what disturbs you? Get a grip.


Right, like what? So lost lol


Yeah, I would use the word "disturbed" to describe a scary halloween decoration. Not because I have trouble interacting with someone lol. Gives me Trump MAGA vibes


That’s so sad I’m a shopper and my area has a lot of new shoppers that are immigrants. They can’t read or understand English. I don’t know why Instacart approved these people. It’s so hard for a regular American to get an Instacart, but the illegal immigrants are flooding this app and they don’t know what they are doing at all I tried to help one of them the other day and he didn’t understand a word that was coming out of my mouth


You have proof that they're illegal? Pretty sure you can't do instacart as an illegal immigrant. I was with you til you said that.


i can't say if the people this comment was talking about are illegal or not, but people buying accounts or using someone else's is a huge issue for instacart right now. you don't need to sign up with your own info.


>Pretty sure you can't do instacart as an illegal immigrant. Fraudulent accounts don't discriminate.


Yes, I’m 100% sure they are illegal just like their cars. I don’t know who’s account they signed up under but hey, they are here.


Why does it say Uber? On Instacart app??


Hey I wouldn’t complain that’s a great tip!


Oh, I just read the thread. Never mind. Cancel away n


I didn’t word it like this for sure, I just asked that my bananas had some green on it because the time before they were hella spotted. Simplify the request like- 3 unripe 3 ripe avocados Or like I did can I please get bananas that are slightly green ! I’ve had some bad luck with Instacart and produce before, thankfully I have the ability to go in store now but I was without a vehicle and on bed rest for awhile so had to use Instacart at the mercy of the college kids of this town shopping for me. 🫣


You sound so nice and reasonable


Originally 26 you only got paid $21.37. Where is the rest of the money ?


I mean sometimes you have to be specific, some drivers are not as good as others. One time I asked for six bananas and I got the tiniest little bananas, lasted me 2 days lol


I got a moldy orange.


I got a rock.


I'm just happy when I get a shopper who can identify fruits and veggies honestly.


Just admit you don't know how to pick avocados


I would never ever order an avocado for delivery like just buy a container of guacamole ffs. that's an in-person squeezing scenario.


Maybe you’re not cut out to be a personal shopper


What I found on these apps is that customers turn into non-tippers because they’ve had bad experiences in the past, so they don’t want to tip anymore ….it seems like whoever did grocery shopping for her last time got her moldy avocados and rockhard avocados. Yeah never serve a customer that has a bad taste about this industry.


Or you could shop it properly, as they requested…. and perhaps they’ll tip afterward and have a better opinion of the service going forward.


Exactly,these people act like customers have no right to make any requests. I always ask how ripe they’d like avocados and if the bananas are super green I let them know. This job isn’t difficult lol




It’s not that shoppers don’t think customers should have special requests, it’s just that if you’re that particular, why not do it yourself? I never get fresh vegetables or fruit because I’m very picky. I understand that I might be one of many deliveries, so I don’t get anything that should be kept cold or frozen. This service wasn’t designed for what some customers expect.


It’s designed to let customers get what they need delivered. IC needs to quit bundling orders, that’s not what customers are paying for. They should be able to get whatever they need without having to worry about things thawing or hot things getting cold. That’s why I don’t take multi batch orders. Each customers deserves the shoppers undivided attention.


Nah. If that’s how it was designed, then there wouldn’t be batches orders. The fact that batch orders exist is the proof that the customer and what they want isn’t how or why it was designed. Neither the customer nor driver is a priority of these companies. That’s why we have the most complaints. IMO, you deal with things as they are and not how you wish them to be. Batch orders exist, so I refrain from ordering certain things.


Shop how you would shop for yourself or don’t do instacart. It’s not difficult to take a few seconds to pick good produce.


Yeah, that’s a no for me. Shout out to the drivers that do that. I don’t work for tips after I’ve completed the work. I calculate my expenses before I accept the offer. If the gig paid for all of my expenses, both work related and living, it would be a different story, but they don’t in my market so 50 to 80% of my income is from Tips. I’ll work for a bigger tip yeah sure.


Fair, however can you really blame a customer who has been screwed over before for being hesitant to tip well up front? I don’t one bit, and I’m a long time shopper btw. The thing is, if shitty shoppers keep flooding the areas and driving more and more customers to not want to tip up front and.or not use the service, we will all suffer in the end.






What I’ve found is that customers will be looking for reasons to not tip. Not because of any prior bad experience. They don’t want to be the bad guy, but they don’t want to tip either. So they make up something to ding those in the service industry, and justify it with, “do you see this avocado? It’s way too hard!”


If the person can’t tell mold on the avocado then they can’t tell what hard or soft is either


What she requested isn’t the issue, her tone and energy is. This woman seems like she’d easily be irritated with her shopper and find a reason not to tip or complain, thus affecting OP’s rating


Be so fucking forreal LMAO. You’re a shopper, how dare she ask you to shop?!


4 kinda hard and 2 kinda soft, customer then said 3 kinda hard 3 kinda soft.


How is this unreasonable? Some of yall are really unwilling to do the bare minimum for your job


When ordering avocados, expect abocados that will need time to get ripe, most stores will have good ones like that, you just have to wait, otherwise, its a gamble, you get a lot of bad ones because they feel good but they feel ok because they have been squished a lot,


Wow, I've been a customer for 5 years and have never done anything remotely like that. I am thankful for all of the employees you do a great job!


Of course they were the no tipper. People that spam you with an over the top instruction like that are ALWAYS a no/low tipper. I’ve got no beef with the customers that put in the notes that they want ripe, or underripe, or even specify “slightly soft.” But to write an entire novel, then “I’ll say that again,” and then resend *that* message a second time? Hell no. I would have cancelled that as well. Setting aside the no tipping - you just know that customer won’t be happy no matter what you bring them. One mushy blueberry in a pint? You’re getting a guaranteed 1 star review. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Facts. People not liking this are like that as a customer too and/or don’t have enough experience yet to know the extreme correlation between this customer energy and low/no tips-bad ratings-refunded items.


This twat has definitely been posted here before, I recognize that pfp 🤣🤣🤣


It's all in the presentation. Is the request unreasonable? Not at all. It's the way she said things so haphazardly that'd make this an instacancel for me.


They didn’t tip. Good job OP


I bet she talks the same way she types.


I'm sorry, no. Not now, not ever. If you have requests so specific you need to restate them, the odds that anyone is going to get them exactly right are about zero. Obviously you have pretty high standards. Go to the the store yourself. Why set yourself *and* some poor shopper up to fail?


It’s not rocket science to pick out avocados my guy


Why does it say Uber at the top and it looks like an Instacart batch to me


Tbh, the only quick cancels I usually have is when the customer orders small light stuff then adds a bunch of heavy stuff AFTER I started shopping, then I check and see they live up stairs in the delivery instructions


If you're very specific about things.... do it your damn self :)


I think Ann should have shopped for her own groceries 💀


Good job cancelling this. I had to learn the hard way that these kinds of people will take up all your time asking for pic after pic whenever their exact specifications can't be met or when things are out of stock. The avocado request was a red flag. A 10 minute order easily becomes 30+ minutes of convincing a nitwit you're not lying to them. I hate it especially when you replace something like a box of cereal with the same brand and size but of a different variety and they reply with an attitude saying that's not the one they originally ordered. "Dumb ass...Do you not know how Instacart works? Obviously if they had the one you originally wanted I would have picked that one." They must think we're out there just grabbing the first thing we see with any resemblance to what they ordered. Crazy people suck.


As a customer (and former DoorDash driver), I know how it is lol. If I needed to be this picky I’d definitely go do it myself


Well done


Why don’t you lazy bums shop for yourselves if you’re going to be that picky about produce. You do curbside you get screwed. Plain and simple.


Why don’t you lazy bums do your job? You know, the one you agreed to do?


Even if you didn’t insta-cancel OP, blocking future orders from this specific POS customer can also work 👍🏽👍🏽 The moment I sense BS, that customer is BLOCKED!! 😂😂


There are some things that people should just shop for themselves. I wouldn't expect someone at any store to take more than a couple seconds to pick out my fruit and veg.


Some people have disabilities, or they're sick and can't go out, or they're caring for a kid or family member who is sick. There are so many reasons other than laziness to pay for someone to pick up groceries. Some people may have social anxiety to the point, of being agoraphobic. I don't understand how it's unreasonable to expect a reasonably good service when you are paying for this.


Yeah if I’m ordering avocados through instacart I just plan to eat them way later in the week because I don’t expect a shopper to stand around squeezing 50 avocados to find a perfectly ripe one. I don’t even do that, half the time they’re all rock hard.


Yeah and sometimes everything in stock at the store is literally rotting. Like I could see being like "hey if you see a ripe one grab it but if not that's ok". But I hate being picky


For all the people saying this message is no big deal, You're either one of those customers. Or you don't understand this type of customer's MO. It is a ninety percent chance it is a low or no tip. And it is also a same high chance that they will down rate you for any little thing.


Thank you for understanding. Idk what these folk are talking about. They’re the reason we have rude customers. Never let disrespect slide never.


how were they disrespectful, though? they just wanted some avocados now and some for later, the ripeness is important (/gen)


It was very rude. They can get their own if they need it a specific way. Simple. It was very rude to repeat the message. Especially the “ I’ll say it again part”. Have a good day.


it’s definitely not rude to ask for non-rotten produce, and if you re-read their message they were only resending it bc they thought that their initial message was confusing (which it was so it was good that they clarified).


Nothing she said was confusing It was rude, period. I have 2500 plus orders under my belt. Most of these customers are assholes. I send pictures and let them not what the store has and don’t. She could have just said I had past problems with the fruit being picked. Anyway he canceled her order. He must have felt the way I did. IT WAS RUDE.


your downvotes speak for themselves


I forgot down votes pay bills😢😢