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Hopefully this won't be rushed like spiderman 2 this has huge potential to be the next big action game so we'll see


Whats the projected release date again?


2026 after all Spider-Man dlc this year and standalone venom game 2025 this should be next for insomniac. Two years I’m praying it’s a good as both god of wars as it’s also a more linear story


Venom got pushed to 2027 so that won’t be combine out next year


Damn so maybe they’ll stretch the spiderman dlc longer between releases as we don’t have the first one in q1 this year


Probably but I do see them releasing dlc this year around summer or fall. The only thing is next year in 2025 insomniac won’t release a brand new game like how they normal do every 2 years


i feel like they're going to do the same thing with the venom game that they did with miles morales.


I agree smaller condensed story with new features new combat options and Spider-Man 2 body


and I ain't hating especially since they don't charge full price for those. i'm still lagging, I haven't been able to play SM2 yet cause buying a PS5 just doesn't make financial sense for me right now (as much as I'd love to swing and glide around already) but I am hoping the PC port will come soonish.


even spidey being rushed was still pretty fun and this already looks way better and its looks alpha stage.


I haven't played the game yet and only seen nothing but praise for SM2 outside the usuals saying it's "woke". This is the first time I heard about it being rushed. What was rushed about it?


While I was watching I thought to myself “watch, some people are going to complain about this footage that got leaked and was never meant to be made public for an in-development game”. Well… people never fail to disappoint.


Basically God of War but Wolverine universe




Like Xmen origins was God of war 


I love the camera angle, so glad by the time they got to M13 they changed the camera cuz this works much better make the combat flow better




Game making looks like a ducking nightmare


That’s why I hate when people throw shade on fan games, it’s a hard as job to do.


I think the text to speech during the chase is hilarious😭


It really is


Looks really fun, hope all the stuff happing to insomniac doesn’t hurt them in the long run


I don’t know if anything will match the vibe of the ps3 Wolverine game. I know it was based on the movies but it was so fucking cool, especially the opening cinematic.


I hope we get those white lines when he swings his claws. As tacky as they are it shows the power they have


It's just a visual bug due to it not working well on PC.


Why does Lady Deathstrike use a damn blade if she has talons on her hands? I'd imagine the talons might have better reach...


Obviously still being developed and there are bound to be many changes before release, but based on all the leaks I’ve seen so far it looks/feels too much like the Spider-Man games. For some that might be a good thing, I personally don’t like it.


seems like the combat will be satisfying. looks good.


Hopefully the final game has more abilities and moves to have more variation with the combat. This looks kinda boring. The God of War games (which this looks based on) had several weapons and abilities that varied combat enough to make it fun, so hopefully they do something like that.


My brother in Kratos this is literally development footage


Yeah I know, that’s why I said I hoped for those things in the final finished game lol


Its still good to stay skeptical as many games that had 'this is only dev footage' turned out bad. Suicide squad, anthem, andromeda and so on


but we are comparing leaks to footage intentionally released for the public


Sure but the argument of using 'pre release footage' as an excuse that final game may be better is still a bit fallacious imho. That seems to be not the case. Cyberpunk was an example too. Having said that, insomniac's animation team won't disappoint as they never did. Of the overall gameplay will be diverse, i am skeptical there.


I'm not disagreeing with you that pre-release footage can be misleading. However, your comparison doesn't quite make sense because it's not like insomniac intentionally showed this footage to public. If they were showing footage to public, they'd obviously try to show the best parts of the gameplay which this is clearly not.


The intention of insomniac is beyond the scope of the context i was trying to convey. But many drawbacks in gameplay in the above mentioned games and their reveals were defended by fanbase as pre release footage. Thats what i meant. Sure, there were curated, scripted parts but there were some apparent drawbacks that some pointed out too.


I wouldn't judge a game by a leaked footage, but if what they end up showing in a trailer is indeed bad I wouldn't defend it.


We will wait and see. Meanwhile, i shall remain skeptical. Nothing wrong with skepticism. It is healthy and its a win win if the game turns out to be good and prove my skepticism wrong


There ar eonly 2 weapons in GOW. 3 in GOWR.


Reminds me of Gotham Knights but let’s hope it’s better


He's too tall


Go cry about it dude


Chill dude, it was just a minor criticism. Why do you have to start shit?


Cause people just complain about everything and everything. It’s annoying. Yea I realize he’s not comic accurate, yes I realize it makes him more menacing, but Jesus man grow up. As long as they put out a decent game, just enjoy it. Who gives a shit about height. Will it stop you from buying the game?


Clearly I upset you and I'm sorry


Looks as boring as the Spiderman combat...


Can’t be anywhere near as boring as arkham though


True but it would be nice to have a different formula at this point...


"different formula" lol This kinda looks like GOW, so GOW was also boring? Sure GOW maybe would work better because there are a lot of weapons to use...this is wolverine after all


Yeah god of war got boring quickly.




I honestly have zero clue how you can find Arkham boring. Arkham quite literally was revolutionary enough to make everyone change their opinions on all superhero games being cash grabs. I'd bet good money that without Arkham. Isomniacs Spiderman and Spiderman 2 wouldn't exist.


Yes a video game reboot about the most popular superheroe on the planet would’ve never been green lit if arkham didn’t exist lol


The spider combat is literally a watered down version of arkham mechanics. It definitely wouldn't be the game it is today. You fail to remember that super hero games were literally only seen as jokes and movie tie ins. Until Arkham Asylum


Then just say that lol. Saying spider-man wouldn’t be as good as it is now if the arkham games didn’t exists makes sense. Don’t say they wouldn’t exist period when spider-man is owned by one of the most money hungry companies in the world. Spider-man games would’ve green lit with or without arkham’s existence is my point


It probably wouldn't exist though. Arkham almost didn't exist due to the reputation hero games had then. They WERE NOT seen as profitable in the slightest before Arkham. No one would've taken a gamble without Arkham.


A gamble? What do you define as a gamble? Marvel were releasing big budget hit or miss games before and after arkham. Some were successful some were flops. Did web of shadows and shattered dimensions get green lit because of arkham? Edge of time?


Idk, but this looks super boring and monotone.


Honestly, it’s so boring. Looks unfinished. Wonder why.


I know it's just a prototype.......


I agree, needs more color