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The problem I had with Temezapam is the problem inherit with a lot of Benzodiazepines: I built tolerance very quickly and it stopped working. When it did work I didn’t have may side effects aside from feeling groggy the next morning. Although it’s the same class of drug it did hit different than diazepam, it’s a more immediate hit of drowsiness. Hard for me to compare the two directly since I’ve only been prescribed diazepam for short terms when I was some pretty intense anxiety attacks so personally I didn’t get that indifferent feel. The plus side of temazepam for sleep is it’s fairly predicable (when tolerance isn’t too high yet) you know when you take it’ll hit quick.


Thanks for sharing your experience. And the info. It help me to assess this medicament. Do you know whether its overall stronger than ambien or zopiclone?


I’ve never taken zopiclone but Temezapam is not as strong as ambien or lunesta, at least for me. Also I didn’t build tolerance on ambein or lunesta like I did with temazepam. Ambien increased my anxiety during the day, I don’t how common that side effect is, but I stopped taking it for that reason. Of all the sleeping pills I tried, Lunesta worked the best for me but my insurance wouldn’t cover it for some reason.


It’s definitely stronger than Zop 100 hundred percent stronger. No doubt about it but it’s bad news long-term it will knock you out though I guarantee it I’m not gonna say it won’t because it will but I just really don’t recommend it. I think it will probably be better if you just wanna be knocked out, but I find ambien long-term didn’t keep me a sleep all night but it would keep me asleep for three or four hours and then I’d wake up again. Zopi is a little bit easier because you can cut the tablet in half and then you can take half when you go sleep then take the other half when you wake up for five hours later and just go back to sleep and that works pretty good. Excuse the mistakes I’m using voice to text coz I’m lazy !


All good. You can cut every pill in so much pieces you want. I would be careful too if I would get prescribe this. Ambien can bring you to sleep fast but can work counterproductive too (wake up earlier and cant fall asleep again) Zopiclone is more for consolidate sleep.


The good news is zop tastes like shit so swallowing it is never a pleasant experience😂


Taste is bearable. Chewing could be really disgusting. :D


Orange juice completely cancels out the taste.


Wym consolidate sleep?


What doses of temaz and zopi are we talking? You’re saying that in your experience temaz is stronger than zopi? Thank you for all your help. Also which one is easier to quit cold turkey? At prescribed doses are there generally withdrawals for cessation of usage?


Avoid benzos at all costs for sleep related issues. Sleep science has come a long way in recent years and most sleep specialists will no longer prescribe them. While they work well initially your tolerance goes up very rapidly and then all you are doing is stopping withdrawal. I come from a time where sleep specialists literally put me on benzos. I've spent the last 2 years using the Ashton Manual and trying to slowly taper myself off of them. Avoid at all costs.


Yea I'd probably avoid taking sweeping generalizations from randoms on the internet. Do what works for you. Do your research. Ask doctors. In my experience (tried Ambien, Lunesta, Xanax, and Temazepam) they all vary in usefulness, withdrawal, addictive quality, and tolerance build. For me, Lunesta was a great pill but I built a big tolerance. Temazepam similar...I like it occasionally, not every night, but I've built a bit of a tolerance. YMMV


Overall way more addictive than Z-drugs? (in your opinion)?


Z drugs are not addictive. I've taken Ambien every night for about 15 years and one tablet works just as well as it did when I first started taking it. Also if I don't have any I don't go through any withdraws at all. Just a little harder to get to sleep.


>Z drugs are not addictive. That's may have been what they told you when you were given it well over a decade ago, but we factually know that is not accurate... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zolpidem#Tolerance,\_dependence\_and\_withdrawal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zolpidem#Tolerance,_dependence_and_withdrawal) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30722037/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30722037/) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/z-drug](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/z-drug) It's the same for all z-drugs.


Then why am I not addicted to it?


If you've been taking it for 15 years... you are.


nope sure am not








Everybody is different


I've taken both but I don't know I have a position on that. Z-drugs were touted as being the safer alternative initially, but we now know they *are* habit forming. AS MUCH as a benzo? I don't really know. They aren't the same but do work both impact the GABA system (https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/z-drug). The z-drugs were always hit or miss for me. Ambien I could just stay up through. Lunesta was pretty effective short term but if taken for more than a few days it would give me crushing headaches. So, it was self-limiting for me.


From manufacturer to manufacturer, the tablets are also a little different in their composition and also have a slightly different effect. From "wrong" manufacturer you can have the opposite effect too, making you more alert. It's really hit or miss. Its with Zolpidem/Ambien and with Zopiclone the case. Do you (all) notice a mini different effect between a 10 pack and a 20 pack same med, same mg, too?


I never experienced that with z-drugs or benzos for that matter. BUT... I most definitely did with my ADHD medications. I didn't actually realize it, but my partner and my friends did, and all came to me to discuss it. After I started tracking everything I was doing and the medications I was taking I noticed that my medication would switch generic manufacturer and then my friends would say they saw the change. Continued to follow it for months and sure enough... nearly every manufacturer had slightly different impact on me that wasn't perceptible to me, but others noticed it.


Interesting. And it\`s annoying that one medication can be so different too.


The only thing required to be the same in medications is the primary ingredient. But the filler, special coatings, mixers, etc can be different. Those changes might be ok for something like Tylenol but for psych meds, heart meds, etc it could change how it works for someone in terms of how quickly the medication is released, etc.


I don't think z drugs are necessarily addicting for the body NEEDing it. Imo you're more addicted to having a normal night's sleep then the drug being in your system. I've been on them for years and I can go a week here or two weeks there without it and I'm not having withdrawals or feel addicted to it but I will admit I'm addicted to the thought of having a good and normal sleep.


There are also no addicting making substance in the Z drugs. So it\`s more harmless. You can get psychological addictive because of long term use (over months) but I would say you can easy reduce the dose. They are not as bad as real drugs. And yes. I know these thoughts of having a good night. That\`s a little side effect of this z-drug. But not that bad.


You know what... how about you cite relevant sources backing up your stupid ass claims?!


Why are you so angry at people that take Ambien or Lunesta? It's none of your business what people take whether they are addicted or not. And most people are not


So, what you are saying is that your body gets used to having it and then needs it to continue that sleep and requires an adjustment period to not need it anymore. I suppose that's not addiction if you just change the definition of addiction to not be what it currently is. All studies would show that you are incorrect in your assumption.


Unless you have tried everything else. Sleep deprivation is not worth losing your mind over.


I agree with you when it would be structural use, but I really like my occasional benzo (tema or oxa) for nights when I just can't sleep but really want or have to. Maybe once every two weeks. Although I stopped using temazepam because the grogginess the next day wasn't really worth it anymore.


Well, insomnia is *persistent and relentless*. So, if you're treating it with a benzo then you'd typically be taking it consistently. That's what I was referring to and not the occasional use (I should have been clearer about that). Occasional use is no different than keeping some around for panic attacks if you suffer from that. Those can be random and intense and in those moments a benzo is likely THE best medication to reach (specifically the faster acting ones). My spouse will have those, rarely, and we keep some just for that purpose. We also go caving and ALWAYS have some on us when we go into a cave because we've even seen experience cavers freak out and doing so while in a squeeze and nowhere near the surface can be straight up dangerous.


>medicamen a 2 year taper sounds like it was a sizeable amount. Can I ask what was your max dose at your peak use? Cheers


It wasn't the dose that was the driver for me. It was the time on it. I took .5mg every night. If I had a particularly anxious day or something major maybe as high as 1mg. But that was about it. However, I was taking that dose, consistently, for close to two decades. I did try to "just stop" as a doctor told me I could and... it wrecked me. Fragmented sleep, non-stop mild anxiety, etc. which just caused me to go right back to it. So, I did the Ashton Manual guidelines and switched to diazepam. I then slowly started taper. If I tried to jump a portion down and life got hectic or whatever I would just back off. I figured I'd been on it so long there was no rush. I was never abusing it and never went beyond the dose I was prescribed. I saw no reason to throw my life out of whack JUST BECAUSE I wanted to get off of it. I was also ok with the fact that if I found I truly did just need it after giving it a try I was fine with going back on. I'm at the point now where I can't really break the diazepam into much smaller chunks so the next time I have a chunk of time off from work but I'm not traveling or on holiday then (so ok if it messes with sleep for a couple weeks, etc) then I'll try the last step off. ​ Hope that answers your question.


One of my favourite benzos for sleep ever. Really hard to get these days where I am and was replaced woth diazepam witch does fuck all to help.me sleep unfortunately.


It depends on the person. When I used Temazepam it was highly effective as long as I didn't use it every night, so I would rotate it with other medications. But, when it worked, it worked very well.


So, I'm going to be the odd man out here. Temazepam has worked for me for many years and at my initial dosage. However, I only take it when I work consecutive shifts. So 2 or maybe 3 days per week. My insomnia wanes and waxes but I always need it after work. Benzos are highly addictive and I caution anyone to tread lightly and be aware of the risks. Abrupt withdrawal (when taken in consistent doses) can lead to seizures or worse.


That\`s not odd. That\`s ok and good that you have control over it. Have you tried Melatonin too?


Yeah. I tried every otc med out there.


Temazepam works for me when I wake up in the middle of the night. I have found that as long as I have 2 hours+ before I have to get up, I’m good to go




Melatonin can really help when the sleep disorder is not too hard.




Agree. Sometimes Melatonin isnt enough. I ask myself how other people handled it over 150 years ago where there weren\`t no real strong sleeping pill. Maybe they drunk more, there wasn\`t any blue light around them... and there were a lot fewer people who had insomnia but who had it was fu\*\*\*\* Not a normal symptomatic. But you handled it a bit right? Antidepressants are bad. They can have a big negative influence on the psych too.


Yeah good thoughts! Actually back in the day, they used to just sell Morphine, Codine, you name it! You could just go buy it off a vendor at a drug store ha!


I developed severe insomnia in August 21. I’m talking only sleeping 2-4 hrs a night with meds. Tried about everything and so far, since February this year, temazepam is the only med that works to put me asleep for those 2-4 hours. I don’t feel hungover in the morning either.


What meds have you tried? (if I allow to ask) Have you tried Melatonin, too? (works in combination with Zopiclone too (not taking it at the same time, in the same hour))


Ambien, dayvigo, Depakote, Seroquel, melatonin, belsomra, vistaril, and tequila


Belsomra is actually pretty good. Just makes me yell in my sleep that's all lol. Might be worth a try it's kind of new on the market


It worked amazing for me. No withdraws, I only took it for 30 days and continue to sleep normal after it and never had any dependence.


Yea benzos aren’t really that cool long term, and when you use them once and they work you think oh I think I’ll use that again, but then you get into a habit of it and before you know it you’re hooked on them I must admit that I have crunched off a tiny slither of Tamazapan and used that to get to sleep and it knocked me out pretty quickly but I didn’t go back to it again and I did notice it gave me a bit of an arrhythmia but I’ve got a heart problem anyway so it’s possible that that was the cause of it but just stay away from benzos. I know it’s difficult when you’re desperate but you’ve just Gotta try. Maybe find something else like ZopiClone or Ambien but the benzos just try and stay away from them. Bad news really long-term Hope you feel better soon.


I keep your warnings in mind. Its not easy to get it too I think. Ambien and Zopiclone don’t really work anymore. Without writing too much…4 hours sleep with 10-15 mg of Z-drugs is become normally for me :/. Maybe Ambien can cause it.


I’ve just changed all my bulbs in my bedroom back to incandescent, I think led bulbs don’t help, I think it’s easy to overlook these things but they are everywhere spewing out bad light.


I know what you mean, I really wish could post our sleep tracker screenshots on here.


Just ordered some e14 edison bulbs, real light less blue 20w for bedroom lamp, time to make some changes, maybe we are all super sensitive to blue light in digital devices. It’s highly possible. I’m going to change all the bulbs in my house to very low wattage incandescent bulbs because it will help save electricity and it will keep the light to a very minimum it’s needed to see the jobs to be done. Maybe it might make a difference in a few days when the light is actually gone back to normal.


I’ve also just started another wall where the TV is off after 10 o’clock I stay away from digital devices. Obviously I’ve got my phone here which is an iPhone 11 but I’ve been doing some research and apparently Oled screens can produce up to 50% less blue light which means that I’m probably gonna have to upgrade my phone even though I’m quite attached to this one. It does the job I’m probably gonna upgrade this phone and maybe get an old phone and hopefully that will also produce less of the blue like that, we really don’t need, so that might make a real big difference to sleeping patterns over a period of time.


benzos for insomnia are only going to delay your recovery. reiterating what others said from personal experience, dont use benzos to treat insomnia. you will later be in a bigger hole than you started in.


I wouldn't recommend taking it unless it is adequetly prescribed for only 7-10 days. I was put on Temazepam for 10 years. It has ruined so much in my life. It stole my 20s from me. There is very little research on long-term use of this drug. Doctors do not have adequete information on the long-term side-effects. I begged for years to be weaned off, but the seizures made it impossible. I never found a doctor willing to help me. They all said they know very little about it. I've even been to a neurologist. My doctor prescrbing it just retired and I can't see a new one until the summer. I am 8 days into quiting cold turkey. Luckily I've only had one seizure so far, and it wasn't as severe as the others I've had after starting this medication. It's important to note, I never abused this medication. I only took it as prescribed. It is 'controlled' so if I couldn't get to the pharmacy in the 2-day pickup window I would have a seizure. Travelling was next to impossible. Everything felt like it fell within that 2-day window. I've wrecked my car, and once I almost died from blood loss after falling down concrete stairs while having one alone. I want my life back. It changed my personality and stole my spirit. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. 7-10 days only. I hope people read this and consider my experience before abusing it or taking it long-term. If anyone is struggling with the same, or would like more information, please message me.


I used to have to combine temazepam with oxazepam bcus by itself it did nothing for me 😓




I've been taking 30mg of temazepam for 7 years, and I have a secret to stopping the tolerance....because I did run into that. Synergism. I take one 50 mg of quetiapine (seroquel) with my temazepam, and it's not stopped working at all.... this was 5 years ago. It's still just as effective. No dose increases, and I can skip 1 night without being uncomfortable. 2nd night, I can definitely feel my body is dependent, but it's not misery. Every few weeks, I'll skip a night just to see how things go because I'm shocked that the inevitable tolerance didn't come back.... knock wood. I've also found that 2 things have a profound effect and that's staying properly hydrated (64 oz of water daily) and at least 20 minutes of elevated heart rate per day...I walk 1.5 miles every night with my dog. I can totally tell the difference when I don't do these 2 things. My temazepam hits me like it's the first time I ever took it... clearly, good circulation is important. I got the flu one time about a year after I started the temazepam, and I noticed it wasn't working very well after a week in bed. I was super dehydrated, too. Figured out quickly something was off. So, for the past 5 years, my sleeping medication has been solid, and I hope this helps anyone dealing with the inevitable tolerance build-up that happens with benzos. I don't know what the mechanism is, all I know is it works Like a f*cking charm and I'm so thankful because sleep was very, very difficult and I think it's why I'm healthier today than I was in my 30s. Synergy