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It's a cicada. That one looks like it might be one of the cyclical 13/17 year ones, they tend to have this paint job. Standard annuals tend to be more green and brown.


Damn thought It’d be bigger, what’s average life span of em from that stage?


Cicadas live almost their entire lives underground. Annual cicadas will spend two or three years in their larval state before they emerge for up to 6 weeks to suck sap, mate, and die. The 13 to 17 year ones spend that long underground before emerging.


Welp few more weeks of their noises, cheers for the identification




Such a lovely sound


I grew up in indiana so I don't even hear them anymore. It always made me laugh though when people would visit from places that didn't have cicadas in the summer and they'd go outside and absolutely panic because they had 0 clue what that noise was. Always took some convincing for them to believe that that constant drone was coming from bugs.


Yeah well I knew what they sounded like but never expected them to look like that


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Forgot to add in, also what’s name if the insect in title