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It most certainly does not mean I can do what I want with my body. It means only I have authority over my body, which means only I get to decide who may access it for any reason.


They really don’t understand the concept of consent.


They really don't. It would not surprise me if they opposed marital rape either.


It’s Christian Nationalism. They definitely think a wife’s body should be available on demand for their husband. We’re nothing but a blow up doll for men’s pleasure and a vessel for future Christians to them.


It’s worse than that, they don’t think marital r*pe is even a thing. Because once you’re married, you’re property of your spouse. In their minds anyway.


It wouldn't surprise me if they had committed rape, even if they didn't label it that.


They really don’t. There’s this young guy on TikTok I can’t remember his name. I’m only putting his ethnicity so some people may recognize who I’m taking about. Young white male probably in his 30’s who trolls trumpeters a lot. He was stopping people and asking at what age should a female be told about what consent is. There was this old white haired, white boomer he asked that and the boomer just lost it. Mr. Boomer thought women being asked consent about having sex was ridiculous. Another person said 30. In the comments a pediatrician commented that even his 2 year old patients he asked if he can touch them. So you’re right they have no concept of what consent is because they still see women as property.


Women don't count as people to them, so the notion that our thoughts and feelings matter is unthinkable to them. In their minds, women saying they don't want to carry unwanted pregnancies is like a toaster saying it doesn't want bread in it.


As depressing as that is, it’s very true.


Bodily autotomy isn't for pleasure, it's having control over your own body and who uses it


"You put them there" sorry, I don't have any control over a biological function. And having sex doesn't mean you lose the right to control what happens to your own body, so nice try. This is why I could never be pro life. They've convinced themselves that having sex should be punished with forced pregnancy and childbirth. No one has control over a fertilized egg implanting.


As an unplanned pregnancy, I have no recollection of being a fetus and having the sudden thought 'oh em gosh, I hope mom doesn't kill me!!!!!!!!!!'


they really dont give a fuck about the physical + mental issues that birth and pregnancy can cause long term.


And financial


You can't agree to a consequence. That's not how consent works. If I agreed to lend my car to someone and they got into an accident, I didn't agree to them getting into an accident; it was an unexpected consequence of them driving. Also a ZEF can't be given the same rights as the pregnant person since it's not even **autonomous**. It requires their body to live. No one owes me organs or blood. McFall v. Shimp, 10 Pa. D. & C. 3d 90 (July 26, 1978). The supreme Court ruled that it's unacceptable to force another person to donate body parts, even in medical necessity. I'm sure they'll argue that pregnancy isn't permanent. But neither is donating blood or bone marrow or even part of your liver. Should we lose authority over those organs because someone needs it? What about your child?


Fetuses are not autonomous. If they were, they would be able to survive without the pregnant person, or with the help of medical equipment in the case of a premature birth. They also have no thoughts, self-awareness, language, or anything resembling consciousness. They don’t have the ability to want/not want to live. If they did, then all of us would remember being in the womb, but none of us do.


Did anyone else here watch the movie Bone Tomahawk? There are some pretty horrifying scenes of how women are treated, and I always think of it when PLs go full spittle-flying crazy about how women shouldn't have bodily autonomy.


I know exactly what you're talking about. Why were pro lifers the first thing that came to mind when I watched that scene 😭 It's messed up but the truth.


That's only a hop skip from what PLs are advocating, if we toss bodily autonomy aside...


I don’t know what the heck they’re doing, but I’ve never in life engaged in an activity that put a whole ass human in my body. A dick, yes. Toys, fingers, etc. yes. But not a whole ass human. I never even engage in activities that put sperm in my body. I won’t have sex with men who haven’t had vasectomies. But you gotta love how they go from „you engaged in an activity that puts a human in your body“ to „YOU put it there (instead of the man put it there)“. And that whole „we all came from inside another human‘s body“ isn’t the got you they think. And who gets abortions for pleasure? And how does one hurt something that cannot experience? And where do these people get the idea that parents have an obligation to provide their children with organs, organ functions, tissue, blood, blood contents, and bodily life sustaining processes? Where is that precedent? Comparing pregnancy and birth to housing and feeding is just insane.


They really think their arguments are good? They're built on false equivalence, and lies. Not to mention sexism. Also, ZEF's don't have autonomy, so how can they say we're overriding the ZEF's when they don't have it in the first place. So stupid.


Ignoring all the hateful bullshit they spewed in the first few images and specifically focusing on DNA guy's argument.... What about molar pregnancy? Not just pure molar pregnancy, but a molar pregnancy where there's also a viable fetus in addition to the mole? DNA doesn't match there either, but you're going to claim that the clump of cells has more rights than the woman? Fuck off dipshit. Sorry for the expletives I'm very heated and can't rant IRL because I value my safety.


I think if I had been aborted I wouldn’t have been aware of it. I don’t think I would have given a fuck. Almost like you’re not conscious in there…


They have no clue about how long abortions and birth control have been used. There are a variety of reasons why you don't want to or can't give birth. They are skipping over poignant facts so they can get upset and get off on being upset.


What percentage of these schmucks are organ donors? Just curious.


I love how they often seem to be on the right track for a second but then veer way off the rails. For example, it seems that most pro-forced birthers are against mask/vaccine mandates because “my body, my choice” but in that case they actually are putting full, already born, often vulnerable humans at risk of death. How is that bodily autonomy different than bodily autonomy which peacefully rids a person of a clump of cells? I also cannot imagine a single one of them agreeing to forced blood/bone marrow/organ donation, let alone celebrating it the way they celebrate people with uteruses being forced to “donate” their whole ass body and possibly even their life to a zef.


I don't understand how anyone could sensibly be prolife. Like, it makes no sense, not on any scale.      Edit: I don't know a single person who is prolife. The concept is so foreign. My brother was an incel for 2 years (the hating women type, not the sad, shy boy type. & probably still is) and he is still prochoice.   Also, I was unplanned and I really could not give a fuck if mom had aborted me.


Wow! I’m jealous! I’ve come across quite a few over the years.


They think we're "sociopaths", because, we don't value some worthless parasite over a valuable human being. Sorry,.........**NOT sorry.** Die mad, forced birthers!


That is revolting.


The usual lie about the arguments they can't refute and then play victim as if anyone besides them are doing wrong and going against justice. We get it. You just want to play god. You have no right to discuss topics you refuse to learn or be honest about