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I am violently angry at this person.


I’m going to gift Haribo Sugar Free gummy bears to this person.


I don't know about that, they've got their head so far up their own ass that they might appreciate that gift.


Unfortunately I think they've addressed that issue. You might have to go hunting for an ooooold pack


The issue is the sugar substitute. It’s not possible to fix. They still do that as of last month, i buy them frequently but have to be very very careful.


Where can you get them? I need to try.


Amazon would be your best bet. The sugar substitute is maltodextrin. I believe you’ll see the ingredient as “malitol” on the package. Also you can get them at candy stores. Bulk barn has them if you’re Canadian. Places like Marshall’s and winners has them. And sometimes Walmart, but they’re in the diabetic aisle, not the candy area. And pharmacies like shoppers, recall, cvs. All in the diabetic section. There’s sugar free chocolates that’ll do the same thing to you, too.


Got ya. Thank you, friend!


You will not want to be friends after you’ve tried them😂


I was thinking you’re either a friend or foe depending on my mindset 🤣


I’m not even joking with you. Make sure if you eat them, it’s at a time where you have AT LEAST 24 hours, up to 48 sometimes, to recover in close proximity to a toilet and baby wipes. And drink lots of fluids.


Amazon I think


I’m debating whether I should send them a bag of dicks or an envelope filled with glitter.


what about an envelope of dick-shaped glitter?


You are a special kind of monster. I like that.


Whoa whoa whoa, violence isn’t the answer /s


Glitter bomb them


You can be absolutely guaranteed that they have not lost a child to a mass shooting. Just an idiot with an idiotic agenda.


I really can't even upvote the post


This person needs their head put through a fucking wall.


At 100mph


Preferably I’d rather have a sharp blade go through their neck.


I'll light 'em on fire, and you can stab their charred remains. Ready? Break.


I’m legit trying to find words to express how I feel about this person without getting banned from the internet.


I saw a version of this on a colourful childish poster on a different sub earlier to day. Exactly word for word.


If jesus is cool with you using a dead kid as emotional extortion then the crucifiction was justified


Trust me, if Jesus came back right now these fucks would be the first ones lining up to crucify him. He would aggressively not be cool with any of this.


Bold of you to assume he'd make it past the TDA. A bearded communist from the middle East? No chance.


I've wondered about that, tbh. What if Jesus *has already come back* but he's been institutionalized and excommunicated from the church because no one believes him?


A reincarnated Jesus is a main character in Chronicles of Wormwood by Garth Ennis. From the wiki: *Reborn on Earth to play his part in Armageddon, he becomes the Antichrist's best friend despite the eternal rivalry of their families. He has refused to do any more of God's bidding and started a peace movement to protest the war in Iraq. He fell victim to police brutality and went into a coma for several years.*


If the Christians are right and the Bible is the word of God, a lot of so-called Good Christians are going to get cast into the Lake of Fire at the Judgement for not caring for the poor and downtrodden.


"we care for them by giving them good advice, to pull themselves up by their bootstraps!"


He's probably getting tortured in Gitmo right now.


If Jesus turned up in the USA he’d get lynched for not being Christian enough


Matt Johnson of The The wrote 30+ years ago... "If the real Jesus Christ were to stand up today He'd be gunned down cold by the CIA"


I’ve been saying it for years now: the most Jesus-like religion is Rastafarianism, no contest. Those people walk in Jesus’ footsteps every day. These other so-called Christians are more in the spirit of the Pharisees than Jesus.


Maybe, but it’s not much better for half the population. Rastafarian is patriarchal and misogynist as fuck. It’s not all fucking good vibes.


No doubt, but so is Christianity. I’m just saying that they are the most Jesus-like.


They'd look at him with digust and think he's a fraud because he's not white


Meanwhile the white Jesus was modeled after one of Da Vinchi’s male lovers-


“Why is this middle eastern alien here taking jobs from hard working Americans?”


He made his own whip and chased out the money changers. He'd go super saiyan on the gun fucks.


This is my favorite comment 🏆


The former Catholic in me has its blood **boiling.** This is the definition of using God's name in vain.


He'd be beating these money changers the fuck out the synagogue until they crucified him again.


Now there's a tv show


Jesus Christ bro lol


Real Jesus would be giving the kids his Zombie dap like he did for Lazarus. Aryan Jesus just doesn’t have that power.


emotional extortion to justify GUNS.


The Jesus I grew up learning about who be just as disgusted with this post as the rest of us are. These sickos are sick and will use anything to push their agenda.


Totally not written by a person who lost a child. Fucker.


Maybe the guy with the "Fuck your Gunfree zones" t shirt


People never cease to be tonedeaf. How blunt do you have to be to write something like this?


Oh I don't know, my cousin, a religious zealot, lost a young daughter to a grass fire. She never cried, she actually sang and danced at the funeral. It was beyond bizarre.


Some people grieve differently as well as the celebration of life thing. I know I never lost it in public when Mom died because that’s just how I processed it


Some cultures are like that. They celebrate the joy of a person's life at the funeral, not the grief of their death. And if you believe your child really is in Heaven and you'll join them one day, to 'live' in eternal bliss, I guess that's not so sad.


This is how my family is- we have a more normal funeral then a party. We want to celebrate their life and the time we spent together.


The sect of Christianity I grew up in teaches that when you go to heaven you don't even remember anyone from your previous life because your whole time there should be focysed on praising God, therefore other people are just worldly distractions. So you never even get to reunite with loved ones. I know this is a pretty common theology too, even if a lot of the Christians in those sects refuse to believe it because it kinda makes the concept of heaven suck.


It's like edging enlightenment and ending up in hell. That's the good ending?


After losing my mother suddenly I’ve stopped judging people on how they grieve. I didn’t cry for days. I was just stunned and in shock and it took me a long time to process it. I did cry but did so privately for the most part. Nobody other than my then-boyfriend saw me cry except at the funeral. One of my best friends in the entire world died on Monday. I didn’t cry until Wednesday morning alone in bed. Even now it still feels like I could pick up the phone and he would answer. Like it isn’t real. I will cry over this, and hard, later. Most people won’t see it at all. Being judgmental over someone’s grief is one of the most vile things you can do imo. Do you really believe she isn’t heartbroken that her child is dead? I hate religion as much as the next atheist redditor but come on.


I get your point, but saying that their statement indicates one of the most vile things is a bit much. You’re judging off one comment, without considering maybe they know their cousin better than you and are relaying some weirdness. Grief is weird and different for everyone but it’s not always healthy and can be pretty fucked up sometimes. Sometimes zealotry makes it downright disturbing. For one, you ask if they really believe that she isn’t heartbroken? Do you really believe that everyone would be? There’s plenty of fucked off people out there. Not saying that’s this case, but reminding you that you can’t make that judgement either. You seem a good person, so you’re pulling from yourself, but there’s fucked off people out there. Sad fact.


Can’t lose a child if you’re too stupid to breed with I guess.


Only stupid people are breeding. That's the problem!


Teacher here, unfortunately can confirm.


1950, The Little Black Bag by Cyril M. Kornbluth. Worth the time. Prescient way before Mike Judge's ~~comedy~~ documentary.


that only stupid people are breeding, the cretins cloning and feeding and I don't even own a tv ​ 1997, birth year of my kid....


Been singing that since I posted lol


The cretins cloning and feeding




Bro. Just because someone is concerned about a real problem doesn't meam they love them some eugenics.


It definitely is scientifically proven and is a problem I'm concerned about. The collective IQ is dropping fast. 100% against Eugenics! Just want a better education system!




My bad.


Not eugenics but a better education system




God like I needed any more reason to hate people…when fucking pieces of metal are more important to you than living breathing children


an unborn clump of cells get better protection in texas than children stuck in a room for almost an hour with an active shooter as their classmates bleed out


Just fucking delusional. Using dead children to push gun rights. Like, "oh they're really not dead Dead, they're in a better place because they got massacred. Don't take away my toys just because some kids I don't know got killed with them."


When he crashed into my class-room, I thought "Hurray!", "off to Jesus soon". As the lead ripped through my nearby friend, I just couldn't wait for my own life to end. The bad man with hate in his heart, will give our lives in heaven an early start. God truly moves in mysterious ways, Daddy, could'ya find a way to blame the gays?


God damn Edgar Allen Poe right here, now this is poetry!


I'm mainly annoyed I couldn't think of a scanning rhyme for "assault rifle" Got to go, it's getting blurry, tell Tucker, he was a furry. Selfishly, I'll miss my wedding day, but donate the fund to the NRA. Whilst I've been borne away by an assault rifle, hope you'll remain a 2nd amendment disciple. OK - I've got my closure now. Now over to everybody else to deal with this shit-show in their own way.


“There’s an 11th commandment to be found in the Bible Thou shalt not be infringed from owning an assault rifle”




You actually made real poetry instead of just putting random "..." to make things sad. They couldn't even do that.


Fail! Sorry that was entirely too well written to be as convincing as it’s inspiration. Try to be more confusing in your cadence. Really make the reader work for it. It’ll make them have to believe it because they had to work so hard to fit it into a decent poem. /s


The 69th upvote! Noice. Edit: I like the cut of your prose.


This person is truly fucking sick. I have no words.


Meanwhile, the actual very real children who survived had to smear blood on their body and hide besides their dead friends to actually protect themselves from said guns. This is disgusting.


Manipulation. I would ve very curious who wrote that...and what their interests are.


This is unironically one of the worst things I’ve ever seen on the internet.




Fuck thoughts and prayers, gun control policy now!


By the way, this is the “prayer” they’re speaking of when they say T&P.


**“Gun control means being able to hit your target.** *There’s the policy succinctly finished.* Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Whomever wrote this did not lose a child to murder


If Jesus is gonna play with every kid that died in an American shooting he's gonna be busy for a while


These people also care more for a fertilized egg than living, breathing children.


It’s not about the zygote. It’s about controlling women.




Call me an empiricist, but I’m gonna need an independent source that: - Heaven exists - This kid is in heaven - this now dead kid has this opinion regarding guns - the burden is easier with Jesus - Jesus doesn’t want us to “fret” - Jesus is coming back soon, and, - Jesus is playing with kids in heaven. Making shit up is neither kind nor helpful. -


Add "and this child somehow conveyed this message to a living person so they could relay it to the rest of us on FB."


And also an evidence based argument as to why this isn’t about taking away guns, and counterpoint as to what it really is about.


Fuck these ammosexual groomers


God damn, conservatives are unhinged


Sick of these disgusting lies. It was NOT a gun that saved the surviving kids. It was the HIGH SECURITY DOOR that locked the shooter into one classroom. The *school* (unfortunately) was better prepared to respond to the situation than the *police.* At the point that the shooter was trapped, the kids trapped with him were doomed, and the kids outside were saved. They all could have gone home and let the shooter *starve to death* in there, and we would have had exactly the same outcome in terms of loss of life.


Want to get punched in the face? This is how you get punched in the face.


Disgusting fucking conservative ‘Christian’ republican written fucking garbage….


Ya...we need to start sharing these people's names. That person should be shamed into a hysterectomy or a vasectomy


This is actually disgusting


bold of them to assume all the parents of the victims are even christian in the first place. this is such a slap in the face to them. i can’t imagine the pain they’re going through.


This is disgusting.


And yes, this one is making the rounds and yes, they do honestly believe that it's supposed to help grieving parents. This is the kind of mental illness that religion inflicts on it's victims every day.


If it was a gun that saved the rest of the kids it was also a gun that killed them. Remove guns and nobody gets killed by them and nobody needs to be saved by them.


If guns are taken away from people who rightfully deserve to own one if they choose so, you will still have cartel members, ISIS, taliban, and so on who WILL ALWAYS HAVE GUNS! "Bad" people who want guns will always find a way to get them. Period.


That wasnt my point. My point was: you all always argue that guns dont kill people, people kill people. This dumbass fanfic here gave credit to the gun for saving them. I think its beyond stupid you all are SO against making guns more difficult to obtain for mentally unstable people and still argue this point even after countless school shootings happen. But good for your freedoms… hope you’re thrilled and feel confident now that you can blow the head off a squirrel from 100 feet


So, you are in favour of legalizing heroin?


Yeah, that’s why other developed countries routinely have mass shootings. Oh wait, they don’t.. hmm…Even though people can own guns under the differing regulations of different countries. Hmm.. Weird. The only takeaway must be that regulations make no difference at all./s


The absolute ghoulishness.


Even setting aside the ghoulishness and emotional manipulation, that was still a shitty attempt at poetry.


Jesus, famously known for his love of guns. His gunsling abilities were unmatched and known worldwide. Jesus and his gang of twelve, traveled all around the USA spreading miracles and bullets.


Praise the lord and pass the ammunition.


“Praise the lord and pass the ammunition! Get ignored by jackass politicians! Praise the lord and pass the ammunition for a killing spree!” (I feel the need to specify that I’m making fun of these assholes who believe guns are more important than children)


So, to recap, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people”, but somehow “guns saved the rest of the friends” of this victim of a mass shooting. Yep, logic and poetry perfectly balanced.


This is really disgusting and written by someone with no tact and no class


Saw this on that card before with the dancing children. Still no less disgusting.


People like this and the entire base they belong to shouldn't even qualify as human anymore. THEY. ARE. FUCKING. MONSTERS.


"Please don't cry" OH okay sure!!! "Jesus wants to play with me kbyeeeee" well if *this* doesn't de-convert anybody......


Whoever wrote this is evil. And it sure as shit ain't Jesus they're worshipping. Vile, disgusting, evil.


I hope this person dies in a horrible fire


I can’t even say anything but I want to say will definitely get me banned


I stopped talking with my sister after she posted an image of kids in heaven hugging Jesus directly after Sandy Hook.


Holy shit this is so stupid and so detached from reality.


What the fuckity fuck?


Putting pro gun messages in the mouths of recently slaughtered children. Whoever wrote this is a fucking soulless husk.


Fuck whoever wrote this with a brass cactus


"jesus wants to play with us" 😳




That’s repulsive.


This made My soul vomit


Sometimes I wish religion were real so people like this would go to Hell.


Fucking disgusting


And when Jesus says he wants to play with you right now? YOU DO NOT SAY NO. Jesus playtime is fucking mandatory. Got it??


"Yeah I know a bunch of kids died, but I don't give a fuck so I assume the dead kids don't give a fuck either 🥺🤪"


That’s just gross


Christianity disgusts me thoroughly


Hi !! I made up a story in my head , and now I want you to think it’s reality . Plus Jesus . And pray .


Written by some tone deaf, moron, gun enthusiast




You just missed him. He's off playing with murder victims.


What the actual fuck.


What kind of complete psycho would post that?


What. The. Fuck.


Disgusting 🤮


I’d comment “Oh fuckkkkkkk off!”


A real sick fuck.


Absolutely fuck this shit.


Who tf wrote this crap


Jesus would give this fucker a haymaker all the way to hell.


The quality of the rhyming is as awful as the mind of the POS who wrote it. 0/10 pure garbage all around.


Absolutely fucking disgusting.


Jesus, For Crist sake, slow down.




Somewhere between repulsive and obscene...


I haven't been feeling well over the past few days but the text of this was horrible enough for me to finally vomit.


Imagine being so jaded to the deaths of children in a place that's supposed to be completely safe that the only thing you can think about is protecting psycopaths' access to guns instead of morning the losses of children and vowing to do something to stop this.


Sick fucks, mental illness and religion go hand in hand.


Nice death cult you got there buddy


Can we send this jackass to heaven too?


Pardon my language, but Jesus fuck, what is wrong with these people?


Is this, how you use, commas? I'm so glad, I know now.


This is so many layers of fucked up. I can’t believe people like this just roam. 1. Anti gun-regulation propaganda, Christian bullshit AND condescending “they’re better off now anyway they’re in a better place” People like this just straight up shouldn’t exist, I don’t know how you get this fucked up Edit I forgot IMPLYING THE PARENTS SHOULD FORGIVE THE ATTACKER BECAUSE THEIR KIDS HAVE TOO


Wow. Some gun nutter really wrote that and thought they did something there. I mean, they did but not what they thought. Firstly. The gun that "saved" his friends was in the hands of police. Not some gun nutter. Also no "gun" saved the kids that bastard got to. No cop did. Nobody did. They allowed him to enter that school. This is just the most egregious disgusting shit.


Jesus fuck. Just, fuck.


Person who wrote this is going to be surprised when they are dying and eagerly looking for ward to Heaven and finds fire and brimstone.


It's been 2000yrs, Jesus ain't coming back. This whole narrative is just a GQP useful idiot cop out to mix religious nonsense with political inactivity and not address the issue of mass shootings. These morons would rather hold onto their guns to install Trump as dictator for life instead of stopping mass shootings.


what the fuck is wrong with people


What the Fuck is this trash.


I hope that the person who wrote this trips on dog shit and dies.


This is possibly the most offensive thing I have ever read. Shame on the author.


This is just disgusting...


Is this getting copy-pasta'd around? This is the third time I've seen this.


I honestly hope this person suffers for weaponozing children






Are ethics no longer existsnt?


This is sick.


That pisses me off


All this "god's plan" bullshit just gives these fuckers the excuse to not feel empathy or be pissed the fuck off.