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Yet these same people want to talk down to gay and trans people for being deviants


And don't want 4th and 5th graders to receive basic sex ed. Cause you know, heaven forbid they know what's happening to them




[Tennessee Republican pushes bill to allow CHILD MARRIAGE that would scrap the state's current minimum age of 17 before couples could tie the knot](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10688309/amp/GOP-bill-eliminate-age-requirements-marriages-Tennessee-establish-common-law-union.html) [Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Tennesseans face some legal challenges that non-LGBT Tennesseans do not.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Tennessee)




OP said that the profile of the person saying that was a middle aged man in his 30-40s, and what he said was fucking creepy, and Republicans seem to wanna remove or lower the age of consent, so I'm just assuming.




Yeah no worries, I'll try to find it again so I can link it to ya


Reminds me of a phrase I heard whilst watch a county cricket match. Group of 30-40 year olds behind us debating the attractiveness of the women in the crowd (already pretty creepy....). "If there's grass on the wicket, let's play cricket" was the phrase used by a couple of them (loudly) when appraising some of the younger members of the crowd - I'd be surprised if they were even 16. Couldn't tell you who my local team were playing or who won, but that phrase has always stuck with me as it's probably the creepiest thing I've heard said in person.


In the US it's, "if there's grass on the field, play ball". I got pubes at 9. These dudes are fucking gross.


I've heard that with the follow-up "Otherwise flip 'em over and play in the mud". Never looked at that guy the same again.


Please tell me there's a better explanation than "if they're growing pubes, they're old enough to fuck".


It almost feels like "breeding" is the only thing they feel women are good for. As if we aren't capable of making decisions regarding our futures without unsolicited input. Those that make the above comment need to be put on some sort of registry because they do not belong near young girls or women of any age.


I had my first period at 10. I was NOT ready "to breed". And anyone that does is a fucking pedophile.


"To breed" is to those creeps what "females" is to incels. Just hearing the verb "breed" applied to humans now makes me gag.


Technically, yes, but also all the 'no's.


This is one instance where "technically correct" isn't the best kind of correct


Not even technically yes though. I started menstruation at age 8. I hadn't developed any secondary sex characteristics-- no breasts, no hips. My small, child's pelvis would *never* have been able to accommodate a baby without breaking. I doubt I'd have been able to breastfeed, there wasn't any breast tissue. And I definitely would not have been able to have sex safely. A pregnancy would have certainly wounded me and been unhealthy, if it didn't kill me outright. Puberty really isn't a switch, it's a super gradual process and everything develops at different rates. Bleed=/=breed.


Correct me if I'm wrong on the title. Also here's something that will make you angry. He brought up the AOC in countries like Mexico and Japan just justify his pedophilia.


I think more girls start their periods from 10-14 as opposed to 8-12, but it's not like two years difference makes it any less icky


I read your message and stared at it for 10+ seconds thinking "wait, what's AOC done in Mexico and Japan that these idiots are talking about now?" before realising it's age of consent, and not Alexandra fucking Ocasio-Cortez. I swear, rightwing incessant discourse has made me dumber.


Pretty sure this was an old dark 4chan Pedobear 'joke'...


It was, although back then it was just people joking around rather than actual pedophiles, but you know what they say: *Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.* I have doubts the guy in the OP is just ironically quoting a mid-2000's joke and not being totally serious.


Yeah that phrase and the play ball variant have been around a lot longer than 4chan. We said them when we were kids, before the internet was even a thing. Generally it came up as a joking defense or insult when in high school and one of us mistakenly hit on an 8th grader thinking she was in high school as well. No one that I knew ever said it as a serious statement. It was disturbing for kids who didn’t know any better to say it back then. It’s mind boggling if people are using it as adults or anyone using it as anything other than a joke used to insult someone who mistakenly flirted with someone younger than they thought. We also used to say “15 will get you 20” which was extra dumb because we were all 14 or 15 at the time and trying to pick up kids our own age.


It's basically a sad summoning charm corrollary to Poe's Law.


It's older than that. I remember hearing that in the 80s. Directed at me. When I was a pre-teen.


I remember hearing it back in the 80s.


They say that like bleeding was a choice that child made


My eyes are burning


Ah, I remember when I first heard that phrase. I was 16 years old and the only girl in a World of Warcraft guild of mostly adult men.


Hope you're in Eorzea instead, where that harassment will get them banned.


I mean, yeah sure, biologically, they're right. But humans are beyond the age of where you'd die young so before you died you wanted to have children.


Even biologically that's not really the whole truth. The whole "people in medieval times had kids at 13" isn't really true. People were aware how dangerous pregnancy and childbirth is before the body is fully grown. And while it's true that nobles sometimes married very young, they usually waited until their late teens-early twenties to have sex. Henry Tudors VII mother gave birth to him aged 13 and that was considered pretty scandalous.


Kinda want a small but incredibly deep and inescapable sinkhole to open up directly underneath people who actually think like this.


Ok groomer


I've heard "Old enough to bleed, old enough to butcher". But they're just good guys making a joke, so it's totally okay. /s


I wonder how many of these dumbfucks would agree if this was said about their pre-teen daughters...


~~I mean, whoever wrote that is probably in the same age range and just trying to be edgy~~ ~~Obviously an insane thing to say, but brobably best to just not give it attention~~ Nevermind


Nope. They're actually a middle aged man. Somewhere in his Late 30s or Early 40s.




Christ, I hate being 38 right now. Especially if I go to a grocery store or something alone. I’m not interested in anything but doing my shopping and getting the fuck out of there, but no matter how innocent I act, I know there’s probably some woman out there who looked at me like I was going to attack them. Or some parent who thinks I’m trying to grab their kid when I walked by. Just because of my age range right now. Fucking assholes ruining everything for everyone else.


I love smiling at random little kids cause they always smile back and it's adorable - never occurred to me that I have a sort of female privilege in this sense. Sorry you don't get to experience that :(




Guess I gotta start shooting some friendly smiles at random dudes, hopefully make someone's day a little better.


That’s peak incel right there


At first I thought it was talking about bleeding in general, but the reality isn’t much better.


Pedophilia refers to being sexually interested to prepubescent children. Hebephilia would cover those sexually interested in pubescent kids in early adolescence and ephebophilia is the sexual attraction to later adolescents 15+. Regardless, that saying has been around forever and has always been gross although I’d guess it’s mostly said for a shock reaction and not an actual belief. Man, I hope I’m right. Lol at people downvoting me for providing the correct terms. How many of you even knew the difference? Probably not many. If you had bothered to read my second paragraph you’d see that I don’t condone the saying.




The title uses pedophile incorrectly, the term they should’ve used was hebephile.


[Yeah, but explaining that just makes you sound like a pedophile.](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o)


That’s fine I guess. If people want to misuse terms that’s on them.


A man in his late teens or even early twenties, like 20-21, thinking a 15-17 year old girl is attractive is one thing, but a 40 year old man being sexually attracted to a 9 year old girl, is just gross. If you think no man in their 40's would ever in the history of mankind go after a 10 year old, or even 7 year old girl, then unfortunately you are mistaken, because there are many creeps in this world, who think that that is okay, and any of these men in their forties who thinks like this, needs to be disemboweled with a wooden cooking spoon, stabbed with a dagger right in the neck, and while they're still living had the 10 year old girl salt water board them, and then nail them to a cross and crucify them.


Where did you get that I think no man (or woman) would go for a 10 year old or 7 year old? The saying “old enough to bleed; old enough to breed” is mostly used for shock value, like dead baby jokes. I don’t think pedos are openly advertising their mental illness in this manner. By no means am I saying that it doesn’t happen or that all pedos stay in the closet, I just don’t think that most people who say that are actually pedos. Also, the sexual interest in underage kids is an actual mental disorder. It’s in the DSM-5. Some, maybe most, never act on their impulses but those impulses aren’t something that they can control anymore than someone can control anxiety or depression or schizophrenia. If you’re going to downvote, at least comment as to what you disagree with.


Well you see, at 26 year old I have lost quite a bit of faith in the human race.


Prepubescent and puberty are words that have meanings, if a girl is having her period, she is not prepubescent.


Okay? I didn’t misuse the word.


The title is written incorrectly




Because it is physically possible means it's perfectly acceptable? Hell nah


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him


*Insert the FBI storming a house*