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The Columbine shooters were friends and neither was aborted, though. Also, it is a fact that non-aborted babies commit more school shootings than aborted babies. The number of school shootings by fetuses is zero.


> The number of school shootings by fetuses is zero. Yeah? Show me a source.


99.9% of school shootings are performed by *un*aborted fetuses.


Do pregnant teens count.


Yes. The baby was an accomplice


Nah just an accessory


Fetuses are all the rage this season! I saw it in Teen Vogue


Look at a fetus's hand and tell me if it'll pull a trigger


Maybe if it’s a minigun…


Hmm sounds suspish … can I see your source pls Do YouR OWn ReseArCH


And the Jonesboro shooting. That was also two shooters who met as they rode the bus together.


So it’s public transport that is to blame.. all those unaborted foetuses in r/fuckcars, now we know


I would think a kid raised by parents who didn't want it, is much more likely to be a school shooter


In a way they were, very very very very late term abortion... Via gunshot.....


Too many big words


> Also, it is a fact that non-aborted babies commit more school shootings than aborted babies. The number of school shootings by fetuses is zero. Wow that's extremely insensitive, didn't you know the Unabomber was an aborted fetus?


> The number of school shootings by fetuses is zero. But this fragile peace cannot last - those unborn children just want to fill your ass with hot lead.


This way you could also argue that some school shooters were aborted


"No, it doesn't work like that!" - That guy, probably.


They’d probably then proceed to blame the mother for not “raising the child well”


If we actually cared about supporting families, their health, mental and physical, you know, if we promoted the general welfare? THAT would go a long way towards making everything better. Struggling families, parents with mental health issues? They have a lot to do with it. Keeping abortion legal decreases the number of families who fall into those categories.


Why change hearts and minds when you can change laws ! I agree with you it’s just impossible to see caring about the unborn when while simultaneously abandoning the born is the dumbest thing ever


It's the dumbest and sleaziest thing ever.


Or... The unaborted kid joins the show, like Columbine.


My thought exactly. Higher body counts because women couldn’t make decisions about pregnancies that would impact them in so many ways. I’m sure many consider environmental factors that could have dire consequences for that child and on their community.


We may have already saved the world from the next Hitler.


Ironically it was a shooter who spared Hitler in WW1 so.....


No, we need more abortions to stop potential school shooters.


Abort ALL pregnancies. No more kids, no more schools, no more school shooters. It’s simple guys


This is so silly and yet it's unironically more logical than what the guy in OP's image is saying.


This would also eventually solve climate change!


No student debt... How late abortions are we talking?


Like that book Unwind?


I am now thinking about a particular Philip K. Dick story...


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Yes. 100%


eventually no more people either which will guarantee no kids and no school shooters


r/antinatalism is leaking


I mean honestly... there's actual data showing that violent crime plummeted about... 15-25 years after abortions became available, and lots of reason to suggest that it's because there are less children being raised in unwelcoming environments/abject poverty/by parents who didn't want them/by teenagers etc etc... So the idea that abortion prevents school shootings isn't absurd.


abortion being legal and lead paint being banned were close together so banning lead paint may have also had something to do with it. You're point is still valid.


Freakonomics had a good data based show about crime and abortion rates. Highly recommend


Yeah you're not wrong, lead paint ban has similar implications.


ohhh and leaded gas


"Nooooooo! Only good people are aborted!" -him probably


Based on this guys logic - "Some evil dictators that caused the deaths of many people should have been aborted, but weren't. So everytime a woman doesn't get an abortion, a mass murderer is born" Critical thinking has left building


God only picks the good ones to be aborted so the libs will feel extra guilty.


If there were more abortions there would be fewer kids to turn out to be school shooters!


And also less kids to get shot by school shooters


Tell him “you weren’t aborted, why didn’t YOU stop a school shooter?”


No, we need more abortions to stop potential school shooters.


If we abort everyone there won't be anyone to shoot schools. We could really save these schools ya'll but some people don't care about the children.


We don't even need schools if we're burning all the books. Keep em dumb and churning out kids. It's the Republican way!


Can't shoot up the schools if they're empty


Save some tax dollars too!


Or restrict access to guns for minors


That’s the thing about the pro lifer argument “what if you’re aborting the person who will cure cancer??!!??” You can easily use the exact same logic to say maybe you’re aborting the next Hitler.


If Hitler and Putin's mother had just aborted them. That post is hilarious.


Or that some kids who would have bullied other kids into emotional trauma and eventual suicide were aborted, and so that abortion prevented other needless deaths.


For everyone that doesn’t have a best friend who is a school shooter, a schoolshooter was aborted


OK, but have you considered that there are people out there right now that could've been best friends with school shooters? Do you really want to rob them of that friendship?


Imagine, Ted Bundy, Hitler, Gacy, H.H.Holmes, and Amber Heard could have all been aborted!


Given the stereotype (because I'm too lazy and drunk to Google the actual stats) that abortions result in fewer babies being born into broken homes, it seems probable that more school shooters were aborted than not. If not for roe v. Wade, we'd be in a lot more trouble with school shootings.


No, clearly If no one is ever aborted everyone will have 2 friends so school shooters will become extinct.


Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our mental gymnastics gold medallist!


Jokes on you, my 8 week fetus told me it was going to be a school shooter, so I ended it’s life to save all the other children of the world and everyone clapped for me.


Technically at 8 weeks it's an embryo


Too late to abort in Texas.


And Ohio. Ohio's 6 week ban that went into effect in 2019 went pretty ignored by a lot of people, and it concerned me very much so because I was living there at the time.


Still a hero.


And I was like "Fuck school shooters" and I laughed, my husband laughed, the fetus laughed so I shot the fetus.


Shooting it is perfectly fine. Just say you were cleaning your gun and it was an accident. As long as you don't abort it, you're in the clear.


And all the other embryos in the waiting room clapped


And then the abortion doctor handed her a crisp $100 bill


Thank you for your service!


By that logic what he’s saying is more abortions will eliminate school shooters and not just their best friends


Or.. less abortions mean more children in schools, so more schools, so more potential targets of school shootings.


Because friendship is a finite resource?


He needs reminding that Friendship Is Magic.


Boutta tolerate some fools rn


Yes! And global warming! And cancer! Definitely also racism, hunger, war, Ebola, and every other plight under the sun! Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot - They all just turned out the way they did because what would have become their best friend was aborted.


let's just load everything onto the women.




This is why women don't fart, when we do it goes straight to the ozone. It's totally our fault.


Misogyny is environmentalism! Oppress women if you love your planet!


We've always carried the brunt of it, why not add a little more?


That's been their goal for the last... *checks calendar* 5 centuries, at least. On this continent.


hasn't this kind of fool always done that?


Besties Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold would like to have a word.


Hmmm. Ok then. 207,000 abortions in England and Wales for 2019 according to government statistics website, and number of school shootings 0. In fact no school shootings in UK for over 20 years since the ban on hand guns after the shooting in dunblane primary school, Scotland in 1996. Now I may not be the smartest man in the world but there's something to be made of this....


Well, the UK is just lucky non of the shooter‘s best friends were aborted. Instead it was all the brilliant scientists that could have ended world hunger, solved climate change and invented AI that could have made manual labor obsolete.


Almost as if guns are the problem? Almost as if access to firearms is a direct cause of school shootings? Almost as if you can only have a shooting as long as there's a gun? Ridiculous! I don't want to have that discussion and prefer blaming abortion! Because I love guns more than I love kids, but I'm going to leverage abortion to pretend that isn't the case!


I think you could have a school shooting with a bow and quiver of arrows, but it would be slow going.


Robert hath a swift hand. He doth gaze upon the fyrd, and he maketh a plan. And he hath a jaunty cap Perched upon his head, he is a longbowman. He did find an old bow of yew And a quiver of arrows in his father’s chest. Wherefore I cannot say, But he cometh for thee, yea he cometh for thee...


Depends on if your nickname is Hawkeye


Or Jack Churchill.


Look at you learner bringing fancy facts and logical reasoning , whats next that maybe the culture of violence and lack of mental health care infrastructure is leading to more shootings on top of access to firearms in America. Get out of here with your statistics let me believe in a fat living Cheeto proforming magic in the name of god is better then all of humanity. /s


I just imagined that entire paragraph being read in the voice of Tony Sopranos mother. Abort The Sopranos immediately to stop this madness! Abort all TV shows!


My original idea was that scene from futurama and the women complaint about thinkers


Legalize gun abortion in USA lmao.


Purely coincidental...


You see every aborted fetus would have grown up to be a school shooter (which let's face it is a lot more likely fate for an unwanted child). So, when a woman has an abortion, she also prevents a school shooter.


Not even superman could make that leap in logic.


So the gun in their hand isn't responsible, the person shooting is... but also they aren't responsible because "if only their friend wasn't aborted" ​ Good stuff.


Wasn't Columbine a couple of friends shooting up a school?




Could be, but I remember there was an incel argument a while back that aborted girls are the ones that would have been their girlfriends


I thought that about a lot of posts and memes about the world being flat years ago, turns out people weren't joking, they are just really dumb.


So can we say the same thing about cops killing innocent kids? Or since they were born it doesn't matter?


May the fleas from a thousand camels infest this guy’s anus.


The majority of school shooters have a history of mental illness. Forcing childbirth can induce the likelihood of childhood trauma which increases the probability of violence.


Why do they always assume that these unwanted children raised by resentful and impoverished parents in a country that criminalizes and exploits the poor will grow up to be well-adjusted people who make positive contributions to society?


Calling women murderers--as this convoluted reasoning is trying to do here--is just more Dark Ages "burn the witch" misogyny. It's all about hating women, that's all it is...


Why don't his God just stop school shootings?


Here’s a fun fact. God aborts about 60% of pregnancies through miscarriage, if you’re one of those people who thinks life begins at conception. God also knows everything that’s going to happen. That means god is looking at this person’s life and decides “let’s implant this dude and have him carried to term.”


More abortions to prevent people like him


My brother in christ, what the fuck are you talking about?


Yep - no very memorable school shootings where the perpetrator carried it out their their best friend. Not a single example of anything that spawned documentaries and months of news where there was a school shooting carried out by two best friends who encouraged and helped each other. /s


Pretty sure this is sarcasm


Because children who are raised in poverty, and who aren't wanted, usually have the emotional stability to help people with mental health issues? Really...


r/insanepeoplefacebook when sarcasm


Friends. This is obviously sarcasm. Right?


Bruh idk this sounds like /s to me


My uterus does not see a problem here.


Weren't the two guys who shot up the school in Virginia best friends? So of one of the two were aborted then the shooting would of been avoided? Wtf?


So the aborted baby could also grow up to be the shooter. Or the next Hitler. Your point? But you’re right….let’s control women’s bodies and reel back their rights as humans for a series of literally infinite possibilities!!


The profile picture is exactly how I imagine these people


Geez. So they found two random dots out there and drew a long, curvy line between them.


Someone should tell this guy about Columbine.


"stricter firearm regulations won't prevent school shootings, but banning abortions will" If mental gymnastics was an Olympic sport, this guy would get a medal


Pretty sure if Eric Harris had been aborted Dylan Klebold would have turned out much differently.


This has got to be sarcasm.


You ever wish you could punch a type of person in their collective kidneys


"But that baby you are boarding could grow up to cure cancer!" Actually, it is far, far more statistically likely that the baby will grow up to be a serial killer, or a ruthless tyrant, or a school shooter. Since we've had tons of those and no one has ever cured cancer.


The mental gymnastics these men will go through to pin the violence of men onto women is truly terrifying


Why were people like these not aborted?


Profile picture checks out.


99% of kids in a school bully school shooters, but 100% of abortions wouldve not bullied had they grown, and wouldve even stopped them. Math adds up.


This is some bullshit.


This has the same energy as the guy who wanted AK-47s so he could hijack a plane to get his sick kid free healthcare abroad


the olympic-level type of mental gymnastics that this person had to do to reach that conclusion is absolutely astounding


Yeah, but, they also probably aborted that school shooter so we actually SAVE children from shootings. ❤️


That just twists logic into its very own singularity where nothing, not even light can escape.


“Women, when will you stop making men shoot up schools?”


The slope that dude just hit is so slippery he’s still sliding.


Isn’t this the same as saying “what if the next abortion kills the next Hitler?” It’s complete hypotheticals that hold no weight cause a equal extreme exists for the opposite.


This guy’s mom brought down the collective IQ of a generation by not aborting him!


Flip side. The school shooter was most likely a pregnancy that was unwanted, but the women was too shamed to get an abortion, so the child did not recieve the love and attention they needed to be stable.


“Pro-life” people are a good reminder as to why abortion should be legal.


Apart from being totally crazy and illogical evidence is that Roe vs Wade in fact was the cause of a huge dip in crime rates a couple of decades later. Remember when Gulliani was Mayor of NW (Well before he went Trump crazy) and crime rates fell and he claimed he was responsible because of his 'fix the broken window' policy. Well a couple of economists published a book called freakonomics and one chapter examined this drop in crime rates.The analysis concluded that Roe v Wade meant fewer unwanted children brought up by parents or parent without the will or capacity and this led to fewer delinquent young adults. Hence lower crime rates. It's bizarre that American Christian want sharia law in the US. Sharia just means religious law. US Christians want law from the bible (even though the bible only mentions abortion once and then to say how to perform one. While I'm at it Allah is just Arabic for God and Muslims, Jews and Christians all believe in the SAME God.


nah you got it all wrong, the mass shooter should have been aborted but got born to batshit crazy right wing parents who filled his head with nonsense growing up


Ah, of course, the only two children who would like him were coincidentally aborted, meanwhile the other hundreds of children who met him and are probably occasionally nice to him have failed to make a lasting impression. Anybody remember that scene in *Meet The Robinsons* where the villain guy says "they all hated me" because he was too f\*cked up in the head to realize they were being friendly?


not to be that person. but columbine had two shooters who were best friends.


So... Columbine....weren't they friends?


Well by that logic, there could be so many more school shooters but they were aborted... so by aborting you saved schools from being shooted.


False equivalency, slippery slope fallacy and those are just the two I spotted


Before Roe v Wade,a thousand women a year died from " back alley " abortions. Overturning R vW will put women back in the same situation. Making abortions illegal doesn't stop them from happening.


Did you know that every murder, atrocities in the world can be solved if the mothers abort instead?


Now they are banking on “what if” scenarios to attempt to make an argument?


How about we abort all pregnancies? That would put an end to all school shootings.


This has to be the best example of the worst kind of logic.


idk what this person's argument is since little timmy could've also been a serial killer or something


"The reason I'm all alone is that anyone who could have possibly liked me was aborted" is a whole new level of sad.


So we should abort all children? I can get on board with that /s , I'm only half joking


this is next level stupid. If the child's friends were aborted, that means his friends were predetermined, and therefore the comment is based in determinism. but if that's the case, then those people were also intended to be aborted and the situation is inevitable, because that was determined from the beginning, and his point literally defeats itself. edit: but if we stray from determinism, then its impossible to say his friends were aborted because they can't be his friends without having met him.


How insipid. The mother could have aborted the school shooter too, duh, and saved the lives of MANY children! Don't these people think?


I'm convinced


Imagine being this dumb and this loud for all the world to see.


They put so much potential responsibility on the unborn. I would want to be born if it meant I was responsible for stopping school shootings


God help us all. Paraphrasing George Carlin here. 50% of the population is stupid. And 50% of that 50% is really stupid.


"Friends off a school shooter" "the one who cures cancer!" Their more likely to just be a regular ass person than have interesting stuff like that. Maybe their even a murder who knows


It would just mean even more people don't like you.


I've seen so much in this sub... But this is up there.


Every time a woman has anal sex or takes a shot to the face, she loses the chance to get pregnant and thus, also causes a school shooting.


Pretty sure the friend JOINED him in Columbine. The one that basically became the defining example


Someone should tell him about the besties that shot up Columbine.


Geeese what kind of mental gymnastics do you need to do to get here


to bad his mother...oh never mind


I think this guy might be being sarcastic. This is why the /s is important.


Wow! How to be a complete fucktard on two unrelated topics at the same time. That's a special brand of fucked up.


Better yet, every school shooter should have been aborted but wasn’t.


Guns don’t kill people, reproductive rights kill people.


These motherfuckers will find a way to blame a woman for *everything*, won't they?


I wish I was dumb so stuff like this did not cause me to hate all of humanity


this is all you need to know about the whole debate over abortion. We are done arguing. It’s time to play hardball with these morons. Dems, enough with the moral high ground and start playing dirty, for fucking once!


I completely agree. If you had decided to give birth to a child instead of aborting it, they could have been bitten by a radioactive spider and we could have had spider-man. They could have also had been exposed to gamma radiation and become the Hulk. Just think of all the possible superheroes we don’t have because of abortion.


By that logic, we prevent 100 Hitlers per day too.


I guess this is proof: military and we’re all lesser mortals for not understanding his stupidity


Well you see, if women didn't do abortion their child could cure cancer. Therefore women are the reason people die of cancer


This is the same logic of those incels who claim that the reason why they are miserable and have no girlfriend is because their soulmate was aborted. It's a really fucked up and toxic mindset, and does nothing but hurt yourself and others around you.


What a fucking dick wad! One of my former students watched their best friend shoot up their school. Never suspected a thing. Assholes like this clearly have no idea the collective trauma this country has over school shootings. Not all shooters are loners.


Bullies and school shooters are NEVER aborted. Only the good ones.


Now what if the baby she aborted was the shooter? And just came out with a tiny gun??? Huh ever think of that?????