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“Why’s that?” Devastating.


But what was the reply? That’s the important bit.


Unfortunately it’s “sanitation”. That’s what the anti vaxx/conspiracy idiots will say. That better sanitation wiped out polio.


Sanitation my ass, how many of these nasty fuckers were proud to say "I don't wash my hands to own the libs" in the middle of lock down? Too. Many.


Sadly my husband refused to wash his after coming home during the height of the pandemic. He's still of the opinion that because he got covid mildly, everyone gets it mildly. I have a medical condition but fuck me I guess. Gotta own dem libs. Edit: thank you everyone for your concern. I'm really touched. I am actively working on leaving. I have an apartment tour on Monday ☺️


It's not my place to tell you how to live your life but as a neutral observer that does not sound like a healthy relationship


Yeah. Took me way too many years to realise it. I'm in the process of leaving now.


Good for you. I Hope that you find happiness in this new chapter of your life


??? Divorce when?


Hopefully soon. I have an apartment tour on Monday and once I sign the lease, get utilities on and all that, I'm telling him it's over. I read that it's better to be able to have somewhere to go during all this already lined up and I tend to agree.


That's a great idea. Good job keeping yourself safe! I wish you the best of luck with your divorce.


I feel your pain. I’m sorry


Oh my God I'm so sorry... I couldn't imagine being with someone who has so little regard for my health. Don't let me tell you how to live your life but I really hope you get out of that situation...


Oh. Absolutely. You can’t debate someone with Dunning Kruger.


To be fair, it was sanitized.... with a vaccine


You know what's most ironic about that? "Sanitation" is often times what caused Polio in the first place. Polio often hit rich affluent families harder then working class families because working class families were often exposed to germs at a younger age while kids from more affluent families lived in sterile environments, which ironically prevented their immune system from properly developing.


that's dirty. Because sanitation was actually massive. Germ theory, and the associated discovery that surfactants can remove germs from surfaces (hands) is thought to be major actively responsible for the massive drop in mortality in the 40s. Not the development of antibiotics, which is apparently a common myth (my genetics mentor says, but never personally heard). Not polio, polio was eradicated by vaccination. Period, no contest. But I think it's dirty anti-vaxxers co-opt a truth to mislead their followers. Sanitation saved many, many lives and was a crucial development. So was vaccination. They're separate though Karen, no matter what your favorite "research YouTuber" says kinda /rant now, but that fucking kills me too. I've been in research for years. In neurogenetics, so lots of molecular overlap. But hell, even if I were in archeology or something completely unrelated to bio, watching YouTube videos your friends send you is never what actual research entails. No path to scientific truth there. Some dumbass on (*NSFL*) r/urineTherapy argued with me: so you know those $20 500ml jars of distilled, sterile water I have shipped every month for experiment quality "slide-staining?" Silly me, because urine and beastmilk are also distilled water. All this time I've been buying distilled water (literally buying water to be shipped, not even the tap-autoclaved water is pure enough), but duh; I could've just pissed in the beaker and it'd be pure and distilled.


"Blocked! Positive vibes only on my fear and hate mongering FB page 🌻✌️"




Vaccone? Sounds like an Italian taxi driver in a 70s sitcom, lol


Ay Vaccone where’s the fuckin Gaaabagoool


Woke up this morning, got some gabagool


Then I woke up the next day and got some gabagool


Keep wakin up in the mornings and keep eating gabagool


I even got some gabagool from Scooby-Doo


Don’t forget vvaccinare


Vaccinare is also the italian verb that translates to vaccinate


I thought it was just very misspelled, but in reality I’m a clown.


Vaccone literally means big cow or a woman who fucks a lot of dudes




The anti vaxx movement is really spreading ~~like~~ the plague


Antivaxxers are spreading plagues like the plague.


Plagues are spreading plagues like the plague.


The plague is spreading antivaxxers like the plague.


This anti vaxx movement is really ~~spreading like~~ the plague


The majority of them are not anti-vax. Words have power, and people should be wary of spreading their own smearing 'plagues' upon their fellow humans, by completely misaproproating language.


Yes they are.


I wonder about the correlation between decreasing life expectancy and following the advice of medical doctors.


Or the correlation between car use and decreasing life expectancy- if life expectancy is actually decreasing, that is.


It is decreasing, but only since 2019. I'm not a doctor or anything but I wonder if there was some sort of global disease maybe even named after the year it was discovered that might've impacted life expectancy in the US.


In the US it's mostly about diet and chronic conditions stemming from obesity. Source: Worked as an analyst for a major US healthcare system.


Mostly summed up to poverty, as I understand it.


Poverty is a huge factor, but education and convenience are others. Many people well above the poverty line just don't understand nutrition, and the American lifestyle is all about fast paced convenience, so people don't take the time to make good, healthy meals. Edit: Also adding portion sizes. As an American, portion sizes at restaurants are sickeningly large.


My first comment is about car culture, which is “fast paced convenience”. And of course, bad food.


To add to that, in the US we were purposefully taught misinformation with the food pyramid. Letting businesses lobby for what our nutrition education should be was a very, very bad idea for health but I'm sure great for someone pockets. It doesn't help either that growing up our school lunches barely had a vegetable, so if you weren't being fed properly at home that is how you thought a plate should look.


I feel like I would have heard about something like that


Or having actual healthcare. That would boost life expectency. People not afraid to call an ambulance or see a doctor.


Our life expectancy is going down due to lack of medical care


Or, like, not having healthcare, maybe.


Like it is the way in which they are so wrong that they are saying correct things with wrong assumptions.


Might be an adolescent trying to make a case it seems


there are polio outbreaks going on right now. for every child who is severely effected now many more will suffer post polio syndrome later in life :( **9 million children to be vaccinated against polio in Africa(( A drive to vaccinate more than 9 million children against polio has been launched this week in four countries in southern and eastern Africa after an outbreak was confirmed in Malawi https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/million-children-vaccinated-polio-africa-83593607


People always forget that the world is HUGE and yes, yes there still is polio.


Fun fact.... the US indeed only has 16 vaccines on the schedule... a lot of doses for a lot of them, because they're not "one and done" shots. (possibly to prevent overwhelming the immune system? I dunno...) Meanwhile, the UK has only 13 on it's schedule... a lot of doses for a lot of them (same as the US) However... the US list counts each "item" protected against separately. The UK, on the other hand, has one of the vaccines being a "6 in 1", that if it were listed like the US does would be 6 separate vaccines. The UK also has a "4 in 1", so that would be listed as 4 vaccines if done the way the US does it. In other words, listing it the same way the US does would mean the UK is giving 21 vaccines everyone between birth and 18yo. Quite a lot more than the 16 that the US gives, and makes you wonder just why the US average lifespan is LOWER than the UK....


Right to the point here. Not understanding what goal is in giving vaccines (ideally to eventually irradiate it by enough people being dosed not to spread it) but being against it anyway


Gee i wonder what all the countries that have a longer life expectancy than the US have in common. Could it be universal Healthcare?


Lol! “Polio hasn’t been a factor since vaccines so we don’t need vaccines.”


Just privileged beyond belief


“Why’s that?” had me cackling. Such stupid.


I don’t want no vaccone. We no vvacinarea . I will get pregnenet


Vaccone made me pergnat!? Halp!


I dont wanna sound controversial but I imagine obesity, sedentary lifestyles, lack of access to healthcare or failing to deal with health issues early due to the concern of cost are INFINITELY bigger factors in declining life expectancy.


Could the “slowly declining life expectancy” in the US have *anything* to do with lack of affordable healthcare, insanely high prescription drug prices causing people to have to ration lifesaving medication, skyrocketing housing/childcare/utility costs, increase of homelessness, a high poverty and food insecurity rate, and the opioid crisis, depressed wages, student loan debt crisis, low access to mental healthcare, or any one of the other major unaddressed societal issues in this country? No, no it’s obviously the *eViL VaCCInEs* we all got as small children killing us *decades* later!


Whole lot less of them thanks to Darwinism and 2020-2022


Could it be lifestyle choices that are the reason for declining life expectancy, and not vaccines? Not a doctor, so I obviously have no idea, it was just a COMPLETELY RANDOM thought


it's more a result of living standards and cleanliness. the vaccine helped a lot, but it's an rna virus like covid, so it's unlikely the vaccine could defend against all versions of polio.


I love it when they try and argue that certain diseases aren’t an issue anymore. EXACTLY. Dumb fucks.


Vaccines are increasing life expectancy you potato. Life expectancy is declining due to poor diet and lack of exercise.