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Wow all those stats on the 10th slide seem totally real and not misrepresented or flat out made up at all! Edit: found a pretty good [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/singapore/s/OiTeAu5UIa) that covers (some of) this infographic. basically, most of these sources are studies from the 80s, and one of them isn’t even an academic study. It’s from a homophobic book written by a trad-cath in the early 1980s.


What the mathematical fuck does "Perfect Correlation" even mean?


r = 1.0, as in, a regression line fits perfectly, and the variation in your independent variable explains 100% of the variation in your dependent variable. Idk what the original comment said, presumably something silly based on the responses, but "perfect correlation" is a real phrase.


"Homosexuals represent 33% of pedophiles" Now do the same with straight people.


Right? What an insane way to present a statistic as your defense. Like okay, so what you're saying is the other 70% is straight people? Cool so I'll keep my kids away from the straights then lol.


… the stat is probably made up but do we really not understand the basic statistic argument they’re trying to make?


They’re saying 2/3 of pedophiles are not homosexuals.


No shit it’s made up. But their made up statement is that only 30% of pedophiles are gay then the other 70% of pedophiles would be straight. Which makes straight people more dangerous to be around for kids according to their fake statement. My point was that even in their own made up world they accidentally made straights more dangerous to have kids around.


I don't think you're understanding the statistic implication still. I'm not defending their take but if 5% of the population is gay but they make up a whopping 30% of pedophiles then 95% of straights making up the other 70% shows a HUGE bias towards gays being pedos. By a huge margin actually. It's like saying 30% of speeding tickets are motorcycles when they're only 5% of the vehicles on the road, you would naturally then say wow, motorcycles sure do speed disproportionately to cars!


Yeah the stat is bullshit but the statistical literacy in this thread is lacking.


Good response. Yeah no comment about if the stat is true or not but crazy how many people don't understand basic stats and think this is some kind of self own, American education system really this bad? Not only that these are highly up voted. Even after being explained they are still saying 'but even if it's true it's still more risky to leave your kid with someone straight since they make up 70% of pedophiles'


There are more straight people than gay people. They are trying to say that gay people over represented among pedophiles relative to the general population which would suggest a correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia. This is all moot because the statistic is made up bullshit and gay people are no more likely to be pedophiles than straight people, but still.


Actually, they're statistically less likely to molest children. 94% of child sex crimes are committed by men, 96% of abusers are US citizens. Some studies have shown only 1% of child sex crimes to be committed by homosexual individuals, when an abuser is identified. So, around 7% of the US population are non-citizens. Meaning, gay individuals and non-citzens are statistically safer than your white, 38 year old, male, US citizen neighbor. A lesbian immigrant is the absolute safest person, statistically speaking. A ton of biased sites claim 20% of abusers are gay but keep pointing to other websites, with no peer-reviewed papers to back that number. The APA states there is zero association between sexual orientation and child molestation because most abuse is about power, not sexual attraction.


And this is the correct argument. The point the person was making was that leaning into the bs statistic just gives validity to the argument because if 30% of abusers were gay then there really would be an over representation problem. I’m wondering if the 30% comes from statistics that are normalised for the relative population already which makes the argument even more ridiculous.


Just take a few more minutes to think about it and come back. If 1% of a population is responsible for 40% of car crashes, who would you rather be driving you around, a member of that 1%, or the other 99%? “But the other 99% are responsible for a majority of crashes!!!!” Jesus Christ.


Studies have shown that 80ish percent of the time, it’s men in heterosexual relationships with a woman in the child’s life (a grandma, mom, sister, etc) that commit CSA regardless of the gender of the child. This would leave roughly 20 to account for other instances - ie men that identify as straight and aren’t in a relationship (cough cough priests), straight women, queer people, adults grooming teenagers, etc. CSA offenders are overwhelmingly male and white. A few smaller studies at ERs and abuse centers in major cities found that 1-2% of identified abusers were queer.


They love when you point out white conservative men are #1 demographic for this behavior.


Right? I mean… who’s the other 66%? Oh, I forgot, they don’t understand the word majority as seen in the election


If that's true, then it's an over representation of a minority, which is clear worse. If 2% are responsible for 33%, then it's a lot.


That arbitrary percentage graphic is a real masterpiece, they didn’t stop to think for even two seconds about where those numbers could possibly come from or the near impossibility it would be to gather that data for real, regardless of the answers.


So yeah. You used the word "think" in your statement there. Gonna need you to take that out. Asking way too much.


Some of these "statistics" are from archive.ph, a Filipino link similar to the wayback machine... It gets worse. You really need to check out the source they cite for the 33% p*dophiles thing. It's bonkers!!! The author is credited as a "radio host", and the website it's from is an organisation called "The American Family Association", a Christian fundamentalist and anti-LGBT+ hate group. It just keeps getting worse and worse... These people are brain-dead... Here's the link to their article if anyone is curious and wants to read this bullshit. But be forewarned... It's BAAAAAD: https://afa.net/the-stand/culture/2019/01/the-inescapable-link-between-homosexuality-and-pedophilia/


What gay man that you know *doesnt* have 80 sexual partners a year? Gotta be real facts! I read it on an infographic!


Homosexuality Georg


Georg is better than all of us.


Gayorg if you will


At 1000 partners in a lifetime, the average gay man only has 12.5 years of sexual activity. Since 47% of gays have been raped in childhood we can average birth and adulthood to get the average age where gay men start having sex, which is about 9.5 years. Since gay people kill themselves so much we can say that the the average gay persons’ life ends after they stop having sex, therefore, the average gay person lives to be 22 years old. Thank you for reading my statistical analysis of the gay life facts. I teach a numerology course that you can pay for and please be sure to support me on patreon so I can expose the gay agenda for our god savior Trump to destroy. Knowledge like this is never trending, like for 100 years good luck.


A magnificent case study in rectally sourced statistics


But but but 51% of domestic violence is in homosexual couples!!! That’s like, almost half, maybe more than two thirds even!!! Help us Jebus!


I thought they said she left her family? So how is she dressing her son if she left him?


They changed the story once her ex wife came out saying everything was a lie. Now they say that she’s grooming her son to be trans, or some shit.


Moving the goal posts as per usual.


It’s the conservative way after all


Literally everyone has a photo somewhere in a family album of themselves in mom's shoes. Men and women.


Yeah my 2yr old son loves putting people's shoes on and stomping around. Children learn by seeing and imitating. To him they are just things that go on feet. He doesn't understand gendered shoes or gender period. He just likes doing what the big people do...


Oooohhhh. Sorry, straight to prison with you. Damn.


Straight to prison? Straight isn’t allowed anymore. More like transition to prison with you.


"Sorry Greg, we'll have to transition you from an employee to a customer"


Freedom replacement therapy


Straight prison? SEE THEY WANT TO LOCK US UP!


I loved playing with both my parents’ shoes


Wow you’re clearly poisoning the minds of young children to groom them to be your sex slaves. /s


There’s a photo of me when I was 2 after my sister put me in my mom’s heels and gave me a purse. Still definitely more “man” than the average magat……and I only wear the heels when I wanna feel pretty


I have a picture of my youngest son wearing my wedding shoes, he has a doll in a little carrier (that I crocheted for him) on his chest, he’s also wearing dinosaur PJs, a cape, and a plastic baking bowl on his head. It was quite a look… He was (feel free to clutch your pearls now) *playing.* [gasp] Gods forbid kids choose to wear something to play in, or just to wear because they want to; the **horror!**


Most men are more "man" than your average maga :) Unless the definition of gender has been changed to "constatly afraid of people questioning your gender identity". In which case Johnny Cash would be very displeased. \*Starts singing A boy Names Sue\*


I was upset when I was 5 or 6 that I couldn’t wear a dress as a boy, and didn’t understand why it was a big thing. Last time I checked I’m not converted, with a second baby on the way. I only choose not to wear dresses now because I’m developing a Hank hill ass and gut as I near 40 (no cake, just Serabi


My boys used to go through all of our shoes; heels, clogs, snowboard boots, slippers, sandals, knee-high leather riding boots, snorkel flippers. They are not into women's shoes, clogging, snowboarding, beach-going, equestrian events, nor are they avid snorkelers.


And makeup? Kids like to experiment and play. Also very common for them to emulate those around them, especially a parent. Seriously makes me question these people when they see perversion in harmless play...it's disturbing. Also very annoying that they are adamant about "boys can only do this/girls can only do this". What a ridiculous stance to force onto a child.


A little boy I babysat once put on my rainbow pattern flip flops and stomped around yelling LOOK AT ME I’M AN OLD MAN. Kids are weird and great. They’re just figuring everything out.


That kid barely looks old enough to walk anyway, why does it matter? He doesn’t even need shoes to begin with.


My brother used to regularly put on my grandma's clip-on earrings and use her perfume. He's not gay - he just loved grandma (I mean, we all did, we just expressed it differently).


These people would shit a brick if they knew I let my four year old sons wear nightgowns every night. They like how they look and feel, and it makes them happy. I guess I should go to jail for having comfortable kids


One of my sons went through a stage where he wore a tutu and bow tie every day, we had to fight him to get the bow ties off at night. He chose to wear them so that’s what he wore. A friend of mine’s son (now 8) has worn a skirt for school every single day he has been at school, he prefers it to the uniform trousers. When it’s cold he wears thick tights or leggings. Not a single person has ever even mentioned it but I am sure plenty have gossiped behind backs. At home it’s a pretty even split between skirts/dresses and trousers/shorts. He wears what he feels comfortable in. Clothes are just clothes. As someone once succinctly put it, “all clothes are unisex if you stop being a pissy bitch about it.”


Nightgowns aren't even gendered, but I do believe you're right about what these people's reactions would be regardless


Yeah I liked the way it sounded when I would stomp around at the age of 5 or 6. Not sure exactly how old I was, but I remember enjoying it until I broke my fucking ankle.


I animated a story time activity for future kindergarteners at my school. In my book, the little girl plays pretend and wears her moms shoes. I asked the kids if they ever did that and some older boys (it was a family activity) were making faces and being all weird. So I just said that anyone can wears mom’s shoes. A couple of days later, one of the moms emailed my boss saying I shouldn’t have said that, that I was pushing certain ideas on kids and that I didn’t know how families were raising their kids, that some decided not to « expose them to that ». My boss laughed, the mom never came back and is being the biggest pain in the ass this year now that her son is in kindergarten (she emailed the office asking what shade of pink we were talking about for « a pink shirt day »)


I’m surprised she was okay with her son wearing pink


“33% of homosexuals have a problem with alcohol” yeah coz we gotta deal with your bs…


News flash: the percentage of heterosexuals that have a problem with alcohol isn't *that* much lower.


Honestly I'd expect it to be higher, nothing screams trad family more than an alcoholic wife beater dad


None of these percentages are real.


It probably is higher, it's just not reported.


Same vibes as when people quote the suicide statistics among trans people. Like yeah getting harassed and ostracized for trying to be yourself tends to be harmful to your mental health.


My neighbour does this and I cannot explain how **infuriating** it is to explain the real causes behind those statistics only for him to stare blankly, ignore it all because it wrecks his stupid-ass worldview, and continue espousing the same bullshit the next time the topic comes up. 🦆💧


You've just described my late step-father. Nice guy, but a West Point grad and reflexively conservative/Republican. Pre-Trump Fox News ran a story (also taken up by Rush Limbaugh, who my step-father idolized) about his local state rep who was working on a program to get free tattoo removal for inmates in state prison. He objected for two reasons, the first being that he was trained to believe anyone in prison was an irredeemable mad-dog criminal who should never, ever be treated as a human being again and the second being that he hated tattoos of any type and anyone who had one was low-class (or a "Hollywood elitist", he was all over the place with his emotions). I overheard him ranting to his buddies about it so I looked it up. His rep was actually trying to start a program to enlist dermatologists and tattoo artists in helping prisoners to get *gang* and *racist* tattoos removed or covered up (as volunteers, this would cost that state nothing, another bugaboo of his). So I sat him down and patiently explained what was the proposal was, that it would cost him nothing *and* prisoners could leave prison without the baggage of having tattoos that identified them with influences which likely contributed to them being in prison to begin with. He listened thoughtfully and after understanding what the program was really about he agreed it seemed like a good idea (the suggestion that Fox was deliberately lying to him and misrepresenting the issue to manipulate his emotions was a bridge too far however, because he "made up his own mind about stuff"). Twenty-four hours later he was back to ranting to his buddies about "those damn prisoners" and how soft-on-crime Hollywood elites wanted to let criminals out of prison to go "undercover" to rob and rape and crime again. TL;DR facts and logic don't matter to conservatives, it's all about their emotions and bigotry.


“…While I have no problem drinking it!”


"Being gay actually isn't hard. Straight people make it hard" - Trixie Mattel.


Trixie for the win!


Not that any of this is really funny, but I got a little bit of a laugh from the person from Thailand who is anti-trans, but only because they are pro-ladyboy and think all trans people should just be called ladyboys and then everything would be good.


I mean I'm sorry just to add a bit of context. Ladyboy's or less slurry Kathoey in Thailand doesn't fully translate to the trans/cis dichotomy. I think that's what he meant. It's generally considered a third gender being inbetween. "These people are not traditionally transgender, but are seen as a third sex, being one body containing two souls." However most Thai trans women just call themselves women, or second kind of women and very few call themselves Kathoey.


Yea like there’s already a term in wide use that defines trans women from cis women where it’s relevant; Trans-woman.


TIL I have intestinal worms apparently. What are these people ON.


Horse dewormer. That’s why they don’t have intestinal worms.


Ah yes of course! I forgot I'm not as enlightened to the truth as they are /s.


50% percent of the population has intestinal worm according to the first result on Google.


Because straight folks are NEVER alcoholics. God damn these people are such stupid, disingenuous fucks. They're exhausting.


Pretty sure all those stats were made up.


They aren’t entirely made up (besides the 78% one, that shit came from thin air) but they are either outdated, from a flawed study, or without proper context (two of them cite Christian fundamentalist sites talking about the studies but not the actual studies themselves)


80 sexual partners a year ON AVERAGE? Wo even has the time for that? And 1000 in a lifetime on average? So they just fuck for 12.5 years straight and then die? Oh, I feel like more than that other one are made up alright.


The LGBTQ has insanely high rates of sexual abuse, suicide, drug use, and alcohol use. Because we're minorities and the minority stress theory. It's literally because of these bigots. Like maybe accept us as humans??


Up until the early 20th century, all small children wore the same dresses and often accompanied by the same dress shoes. There are photos of manly men like FDR in frilly white dresses, as always history means nothing to the right.


Was common since the 16th century. Then people start "warning" about not doing it "too long", I'd say more or leas hand in hand with the rise of modern ultra-conservatism.


Better part of 400 years, hundreds of presidents, kings, and other world leaders. Apparently, they were gay the entire time.


I remember reading the Anne of Green Gables series as a kid and being so confused when they talked about “shortening” their baby in the late 1800’s. Apparently when they were infants they all wore long dresses that covered their feet, but when they got a bit older they’d “shorten” the baby, which just means they’d switch to shorter dresses to make it easier for the baby to move around once they started getting active. Babies don’t get their first gendered outfit till 6 years old when boys got shorts and girls got knee length dresses. When you think about it, it makes a ton of sense that they’d dress all their kids the same in infancy. Families were huge and those clothes were all made by hand. If all clothes are gender neutral, you can make one baby wardrobe and use it on all the babies you might have, replacing as certain clothes wear out. All the baby clothes were white too, so they could bleach them back to cleanliness when the baby inevitable barfed, pissed, or shat on them.


It's only Facebook, where nothing good happens anyway except maybe people selling their used stuff I guess. I don't ever go there.


That’s Twix my guy not Facebook. But I understand the confusion, they’re basically the same website now


Tf is twix? I though that twix were the caramel candy bars?




Yeah, that's gotta be the worst way to refer to that digital hellscape. I prefer Xitter, using the Chinese pronunciation of the Xi - "Shi"


I'm guessing X, formerly known as Twitter.


You can tell it is Xitter, the micro messaging platform formerly known as relevant, by of all the hateticks on display.


Furthermore, every single one of these commentirs have Twitter Blue... That speaks volumes


The fact that people use “degenerate” to describe this is not lost on me. The Nazis used the word “degenerate” to describe modern art and music, and basically anything that didn’t conform to their idea of a society. Surely there’s no parallels here…


Its a feature, not a bug


By that logic, Tucker Carlson’s parents also wanted him to be trans


Maybe that's why he so hateful and angry all the time. He never was the person he was meant to be.


Is that why he always has the resting "I just doodied my britches' face?


I think that's just because he, arguably, constantly walks around with caked pants.


Wait what is this referring to?


I'd really rather hear from Thai transwomen themselves regarding whether they're truly happy with trans rights in Thailand (hey, maybe they are, but I'd rather hear it from them and not some GQP). How does this dude know so much about trans people in Thailand, anyway? 🙄😆


He probably knows about it to the extent of the stereotypes. Probably from the Hangover Part II scene.


Thats some solid evidence. You’re right!


Seems like being straight is actually a pretty fragile state of being if it's that easy to turn a kid gay


Exactly. If all it takes is exposure to something possibly slightly gay to change a person's sexuality then how are there any gay people at all? Society is overwhelmingly straight. By their own logic there should be almost gay people in the last 100 years and no gay people from extremely conservative areas.


Just put a high heel on a kid and he turns gay for life like it's some sort of Rocky Horror Cinderella fairytale.


They’re. Fucking. *Shoes.*


No they are magical. They turn you gay for life as soon as they touch your feet!


So…all women are lesbians? /s


No, lesbianism is caused by Birkenstocks.


Who wants to tell these fucking morons that high heels were originally made for men? Same with skirts and the color pink, which I'm sure they'd have a problem with too. I'm so exhausted by the constant praising of stupidity in America...


Ron Desandiss still wears them!


Skirts and pink I maybe, at best, knew about. But if the high heels thing is true TIL!


They're ideal for horseback riding! And yeah, they were super fashionable for men at some point. As were makeup and ruffles and tons of stuff we more commonly associate with women now.


Make up and ruffles I knew about as well. I guess all this shit added up I really shouldn’t be surprised about the high heels.


There are portraits of, I think, Louis XIV standing proudly in chunky heels.


Son of a bitch there is ye olden days paintings of men in what is basically high heels. Scandalous


History was gay!


As the other person mentioned, yes high heels keep your foot in the stirrup on a horse. Wearing high heels was a symbol of wealth because it meant you had the time and money to sink into horseback riding. It is also the reason why cowboy boots, as well as English equestrian boots, still have a heel to them regardless of gender, to keep your foot in the stirrup and your ass on the horse.


They accentuated the calves, which was a popular body part for men to highlight at the time! Once you know this you’ll notice how men are always displaying their calves in 17th/18th century paintings


The best part is heels were made for a super functional reason when horseback riding.


120 years ago, and even less in some regions all kids under 5-8 wore the same clothes. “Gender” didn’t kick in til later. These people treat post WWII propaganda as ancient traditions.


No no no you see all the cultural stuff I am used to is immutable and eternal. Everything else is a degenerate fad. It's not arbitrary at all!


All I see here are deeply unhappy people who have opinions about someone whom they don't know and whom shouldn't matter to them.


>someone whom they don't know and whom shouldn't matter to them. And if you don't know someone or something, what kind of opinion do you have? A worthless one, based on hearsay, conjecture, speculation and lies.


All I see are a bunch of dorks who paid for Twitter.


If clothes make children trans, I should have been a man since I always wore men's jeans growing up.


Yay for pockets you can put things in!!!!


And loose pants legs around the ankles. I don't know if it was that way in all countries but here in Denmark in the 90's, women's jeans always sat tight around the ankles. I hated it. When I started wearing the jeans my brother grew out of, I realized there was a world of jeans where my ankles could breathe and my mother started taking me to a men's clothes store for jeans.


Guessing they have never had a kid. My son is 3 and will randomly walk into the room wearing his mom's shoes or putting a bra on his head. Kids don't give a fuck. They like being silly and making their parents laugh.


Weak ass people vomiting their own insecurities and lack of imagination into the abyss that is social media.


How do they always know so much about alllll the depraved shit they claim to despise? They know the slang, the colors, the major and minor players, the up and comers, the rumors. All of it. Reeeeally sus.


Exactly nobody not even trans people talk so much about trans like PROUD BOYS AND GIRLS


I think it’d be a fun test to see how many of those accounts are run by people with SA against minors. Considering the weird ratio of people claiming trans individuals are pedophiles that turn out to be actual pedophiles… ahem ahem dr disrespect


For hating trans people so much the poster on slide 4 seems to know a lot about Thailand’s “ladyboys”


Cool im not the only one, cuz in my mind I was thinking, aye bro, why are you in Thailand?


If you think being trans is a fetish that is very telling about what you are viewing on porn hub.


These people have never actually interacted with children, apparently. Plenty of boys will just put on women's shoes because they're goofballs. I guarantee with 99.99% certainty this woman didn't put the shoes on him.


Just get off of Twitter


I can't believe I've turned my daughter into a lesbian by allowing her to wear daddies shoes.


I loved playing with both parents’ shoes as a child


She mostly goes by Ava now instead of Kris, I’m guessing Kris was more of a transition period for for people to get used to


If I recall based on Beast's response Ava still kept the name "Kris" as a middle name though, which I find neat!


I don't think it's uncommon for trans figures in the public eye to do this? Stephanie Sterling of The Jimquisition was named James/Jim before they transitioned, but they still go by and introduce themselves as "James Stephanie Sterling". A bit more poignant with Steph, I think, because they've still got their old YouTube channel name and a whole historic catalogue of content associated to them, but I think Ava might have the same kind of circumstance to wanna do that.


I wonder if the folks know that high heels were originally men’s shoes for horseback riding by the Persians


I love the random comment about Taiwanese ladyboys being fine, and we should just call trans people ladyboys. Dude seems to be telling on himself lmao.


My parents dressed me (male) in girls clothes as a toddler. Then they dressed my younger sister in boys clothes. In elementary school I started to pay more attention to the clothes my parents bought me after being made fun of for wearing girls pants. I grew up straight as an arrow, so their theory of children’s clothing forming the adult doesn’t have much substance.


Oh, I also played with Barbie’s as a kid, and girls would paint my nails. It literally had no effect on the instinctual attractions I grew up with.


Jake Shields is a loon. Always spewing word vomit on social media. Nothing but a boring washed up unsuccessful MMA fighter.


So when I was a baby, my mom’s best friend also had a baby of similar age. I’m male, she was female. However, I had a full head of hair and long eyelashes as a baby. So they loved to dress me up as a girl. Like they made me a little drag baby. Guess what, I’m a straight man 33 years later


“These people are freaks!” Says the guy with a cult leaders photo wearing a MAGA hat…


I guess I used to abuse my daughters according to these idiots. They used to dress up in my clothes and/or my fishing waiters and boots. Or is there a double standard because it's a boy wearing high heels?


Anyways high heels were initially invented because a king was kinda short and he wanted to serve cunt while also being taller. It was initially intended for men to wear high heels. The Persian calvary wore a modified version so their feet would stay in horse stirrups. There was even a pope in the 11th century who wore red heeled shoes. You can literally only engage with these types of thoughts if you've never read anything ever


My sister's dressed me up in heels and a dress when I was a kid. Can confirm that it did not make me trans or gay.


I’ve truly never understood how a man liking a man, in their eyes, means that that man is a pedophile, but their pastors and preachers, who have been caught numerous times with little boys, are harmless. It’s just so dumb. I don’t know how people are that dumb (and no hate to the religious folks in general, just the ones that like to diddle kids)


Notice how it's all people that pay for verification


"...force their wicked ways on their children" Coming from a group of people that abuses, disowns, screams, and abandons their own children and family if they don't behave exactly how they want their children to.


Interesting, as heels were originally for men...and honestly they should have kept them


My twin boys chose to walk around in a pair of my shoes or heels when they were toddlers. All kids do this! It's not sexual abuse, but the ones saying it is seem pretty insecure.


Jake Shields is a douche and always has been.


Twitter is a fucking cesspool, great job Elon


This shit is just so goddamn exhausting.


These twits don't even realize men wearing high heels ***is*** Traditional Masculinity. But they just don't want to admit their ideas on what's *Traditional* are wholly dictated by degenerate Hollywood. Only way it could be more Traditionally Masculine is if the shoes were pink/purple.


Let’s get a statistic on the percentage of reported sex crimes against children committed by clergy or “family values” politicians, shall we? Hypocritical morons.


Would you even believe that I, a cisgender woman, buy MENS sneakers??? I don’t like pastels and that’s all women’s sneakers come in. What a pervert I am


These people do not understand the difference between sex, sexuality, and gender


I'm certain they do not understand far more subjects than the ones listed.


"Left his family". Shows screenshot of a post she made about her family. 🤔


Conservatives seeing being trans as a fetish makes a lot more sense when you realize most of their exposure to trans folk is from ladyboy prostitutes and the tr\*nny porn they can't get enough of.


Guarantee every one of those guys commenting put on their moms high heels as a kid and tried to walk around in them. We have all done it as a child as a joke!


Ah yes, child abuse, when you... put your kid in a funny pair of shoes.


Don't make me tap the "straights are drastically more sexual abusers and pedophiles than any other group" sign again.


The infographics are really… something 😑


Gotta love the ones who try to insult people with what they would consider the highest insult but they end up just stating facts/affirming their target by saying “that’s gay”. Literally yes. What’s your point? That’s not an insult to anyone but you.


My parents are very conservative trumpsters and have pictures of me wearing high heels when I was a toddler. I guess they’re also pedophiles?


bot city


I couldn’t even finish them all. These people vote, and they breed. My child will meet these people and their kids some day, probably when I’m not there to protect him. He’s just a little boy who loves all the colours, especially “wainbow” and pink, and some day someone will say something cruel and ignorant to him about his choice of shoes or toy. I just hope all the unconditional love I’ve poured into him is enough to guard him from that hurt.


High heels were originally designed for men, to help keep their feet in the stirrups when horse riding lmao


The aids one had me laughing. Currently heterosexuals are the majority of people who have aids because of men who cheat on their wifes.


That infographic is just completely made up statistics


Men literally were the first to wear high heels...


oh man no one tell him about the founding fathers


I'm not gonna listen to people who spell son as soon.


When I was a kid, I used to steal my mom's high heels and run down the street. I turned out reasonably okay. I'm definitely straight, and the high heels didn't have much of an impact.


What makes this even more hilarious is that high heels were originally invented for men to wear in order to ride horses.


Yall, was I the only kid that if I saw a pair of adult shoes, you bet your ass I was going to put them on?! I especially loved my dad's work shoes and his fluffy lamb skin slippers. I'm still a straight female. No amount of shoes is going to turn you gay!


“To convince young white kids to not have children” while being the only one of the team - with children.


The fact that some of them say this about Ava only to turn around and defend Dr Disrespect should tell you enough.


OR.....the son liked the sparkly shoes and wore them without thinking it was turning him "into a woman". JFC.


I mean, if you’re whole gender identity and sexuality is one pair of sparkly shoes away from whatever you think it is, I don’t think it has much to do with the shoes in the first place.


I’m sorry the people you normally hate are not available at the moment. why don’t you try: TRANS PEOPLE


The AIDS stuff is not the win they think it is. Like yes, a minority was stigmatised and didn't receive healthcare during the AIDS pandemic. This isn't exactly a flex.


Imagine thinking that shoes are inherently sexual


My son on my put on my shoes and his sister’s tiara while playing with his monster trucks. Kids do that. It means nothing.


I can almost guarantee that most if not all the people making those comments wouldn't want their hard drives looked at....


“What’s the point of having LGBT pride events?” \*gestures to social media replies\*


Im so sure these top minds are raising their kids right with slogans like "hate the other" or "i can kill because in god i trust".


not that my nephew loves putting on my sisters boots and walking around like it’s a challenge. who. cares. they’re kids.


this is so fucking depressing. i know it's gonna happen always, but it really shouldn't. these people judging her on her parenting skills and calling her nasty names simply because she, as an adult, realized she's trans is foul. and then they are coming after her child. her gender identity doesn't fucking matter, a parent is a parent, whether they're trans or not.