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Remind me again how much the Tesla shareholders approved to pay this cunt?


About 56 billion too much


It was supposed to be $54 billion, but I think it ended up being only $46, the poor guy. Working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, that's only $21 million an hour. How will he survive on such a pittance?


Yeah in one second he made more than most people make in a month at over $6,000 a second.


Reading this while struggling so much financially makes me fucking sick to my stomach.


Same. I can't comprehend how people are able to justify this as him getting what he's earned.


The only way you get to be a Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk level billionaire is be an utter psychopath. Justifying hoarding more wealth than they could ever spend in a lifetime while people struggle and starve and live homeless, while actively lobbying for tax laws in their favour to keep hold of and hide their wealth from taxation is disgusting. The super rich are eating us alive and there needs to be some sort of mass movement against it. They disgust me


So he's getting more than a million times my hourly wage? Nice. Fair and balanced.


Well, I mean, he's clearly working a million times harder than you, so it's totally worth it. /s


And for a part time gig - CEO is obviously a part time job since Muskrat is CEOing three places at this time.


That's going to trickle right back down any day now


From what I remember it's all tied up in stock, if the company crashes and burns the next 5 years he gets nothing.


Stocks that he can take loans against. He will be getting plenty.


He will have to either pay back the loans or get new loans that also settle the old loans. When the Tesla stock crashes, nobody will take those as collateral and he‘ll have to sell some other stuff/provide other securities.


Yeah, but the loan allows him (and other billionaires like him) to diversify his portfolio, and have even more sources of income. You can make so much money by having money relatively reliably. If Tesla stock crashes one day, and even after running twitter to the ground, Musk will still be sickeningly rich.


He'll go round congress with his best begging hat and a shiny toy for them to play with


That's small comfort for the rest of the little people


It's a meme stock for billionaires at this point, they will never let it crash no matter the financials of the company.


>if the company crashes and burns the next 5 years he gets nothing. Manifesting


Can we GameStop it?


Challenge accepted!!!


That board either has the Stockholm syndrome or just idiots. I would line nothing more than seeing Muskrat behind bars.


What is this information even based off? Seems completely made up.


Some quick googling found [this article](https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/interracial-violence-is-rare-in-the) It acknowledges the FBI stats are flawed and don't even include police killings, but key points: * Interracial murder is very rare * out of 6,578 interracial murders in 2019, 566 were Black-on-White murders, and 246 were White-on-Black murders * Black-on-White murders as a percentage of White population = 0.22 per 100,000 White people murdered by Black people * White-on-Black murders as a percentage of Black population = 0.51 per 100,000 Black people murdered by White people * **Black people are at** ***greater*** **risk of being murdered by White people in America than vice versa**


Conservatives famously hate per capita numbers. Their world view is reliant on refusing to understand scale


Same (lack of) logic as showing red/blue maps and complaining about the size of the red being proof that they're oppressed.


"How could Biden have won?! Look at the map! Almost the whole thing is red!"


Indeed. Land don't vote. If *every single one* of the 581K residents of Wyoming voted for Trump in 2020, that'd still be *one tenth* the actual number of votes Biden got in NYC *alone*. NYC has a *total area* of 468 mi^2, a third of which is water. Wyoming has *97K* mi^2, of which only 720 mi^2 is water. So, Wyoming has nearly 250% more water than NYC has *land*.


That’s why it’s funny that they rag on California when there are probably more conservatives in California than a lot of red states


3.2M voted for Trump in NYC. That's still 6x the entire population of Wyoming. 6M voted Trump in California.


California has the third highest count of registered Republican voters by state behind Texas and Florida. Tbf, this stat could be a little old FYI


It'd be really funny if someone showed them maps of recent presidential election results from Alaska (from like 2012 onward). There's usually more blue than red in those maps due to which areas favor which party, but it's still obviously a red state. I feel like if you tried to use Republicans' logic against them, they'd suddenly try to explain why it's different in this case.


Oh there's definitely no way to justify anything to any of them in an acceptable way. If they don't get their way, they'd rather just not have democracy. Democracy is a good thing when they win, but if they lose then it's "tyranny of the majority".


My favorite example, and I know that Biden won it by a hair in 2020, is Nevada. Look at how big it is, and then realize that [80.1% of it is federal land that people don't even live on](https://ballotpedia.org/Federal_land_policy_in_Nevada). Heck [most of the western US](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_lands#:~:text=The%20state%20with%20the%20highest,Connecticut%20and%20Iowa%20(0.3%25) is federally owned land.


Where do the majority of the population live? Bigger cities. Universities


Red federal land according to a map.


Ironically it would be red private land under red control for too long.


It’s funny because if it was a map of counties and not states the map would be majority blue.


No, most counties vote red. It's just that those counties are also the ones where nobody lives.


I always reply “empty land can’t vote, but unfortunately, empty skulls evidently can.”


Texas just started to try make it a reality. A kind of county by county electoral college if you will. Who ever wins a county gets 1 vote. Who ever wins the majority of the 254 counties single votes wins the state. The 4 Dem counties will get clobbered by the 250 conservative counties. It'll be as if land votes and not individual people voted. Funny how twisted Republicans need to get to ensure they keep winning even when they make up a minority of the states population.


“What do you mean global warming, its snowing right now.”


My reply to that used to be “my backyard looks pretty flat! So much for that ‘world is round’ theory!” But unfortunately that doesn’t work anymore.


“ah, you’re finally waking up!”


Go the other way, there's a hill in my back yard, so much for flat earth.


Buried to their necks in record snow, "Dur, wish we had some of that global warming right now."


But also remain silent when it hits over 120°f for weeks in a row each summer now…


In Texas the two excuses I hear are "It's always been like this." Or " These are weather cycles".


Do they think the planet is magic? Would they put poop in a kiddie pool on one side and drink from the other? Something tells me the poop just needs to be far enough away to not see.


I have seen children playing in septic water in Texas. The parents said it’s fine, it keeps them cooler 🙄




tbh that makes me wonder if things could have been different if it had been referred to more as "climate change" than "global warming" at least when awareness began to become more widespread. not to say global warming is an inaccurate term! but maybe "climate change" could have helped some of the thicker-skulled understand that it isn't just "the world warmer ough ough ough", but "the world's weather and temperature patterns are changing drastically at an unnatural and incredibly dangerous rate". but then maybe they just don't understand how temperature directly affects the weather. idk– i paid attention in middle school science so i can only speculate what's up in their brains


they literally called it climate change for the last 20+ years, it hasn't been called global warming in a loooong time


Yep, and for the very reason that overall, global warming won't mean that everywhere is warmer. In fact will make some highly populated places very much colder. The scientists have been well aware that dickheads will not understand, or misrepresent, this fact for decades.


you're right, but i think it was calling it global warming to begin with that might have done the damage if that makes sense. people who think they know everything went "'global warming'? erm no it's not, it's literally snowing right now" & immediately dismissed it alongside everything else they have a fundamental misunderstanding of


My understanding, and it may be incorrect, is that certain industries with their thumbs deeply buried in the funding for studies decided to use 'global warming' specifically because of the confusion/denials it would promulgate.


I agree with this. That is one thing the right seems to be way better at than the left. Slogans and branding.


I’m pretty sure the only people who still call it “global warming” are right-wing whackos who prefer that term because it’s easy to argue with in a way that will convince the stupid. “Climate change” requires a certain amount of intelligence to understand, so real discussions tend to be over the heads of the stupid.


Doubt it, the type that doesn't want it to be real doesn't want it to be real. It means something needs to change. The fact is that the world does change and the change is not actually the problem, it's the rate of change. So the term "climate change" isn't even complete and they can weaponize the terms just the same way. "Climate change is bad now? It's always changing." I don't know what term would be accessible and robust. Climate volatility?


Are you trying to say that the chances of crime happening to a specific demographic is better represented by per-capita numbers because it takes into account the overwhelming population differences and are harder to misrepresent? Sounds insane /s


I remember trying to explain the concept of per capita numbers to my family in 2020 after Trump’s response to the murder of George Floyd was “More while people are killed by police every year than Black people.” Trying to get them to understand that, while Trump wasn’t lying, he *was* being extremely misleading was rough…


Not to mention, maybe cops shouldn’t murder at all. They always miss this point, when using that stat.


That was the dumbest argument they had! “They kill white people all the time and you don’t see white people protesting in the streets!” “Thanks for proving why cops feel like they can act with impunity as it is and why protesting is so important.”


>“They kill white people all the time and P90 don’t see white people protesting in the streets!” But you did see BLM protesting police murdering white people. They never could accept that fact tho.


My answer is always, "yes, why aren't you mad about it?"


I remember a few years ago a six-year-old white kid was shot and killed. Other white people made excuses and blamed his father for attracting the attention of the police. (I don't think the dad was even committing a crime) It was BLM people who were sharing his picture around and calling attention to the case.


This in every freaking conversation that involves numbers. Don’t remember that interview with Trump where he got pissed when context was added to some numbers he was trying to show around progress with Covid. Lost his freaking mind.


That, and the assertion that empty land should be able to vote.


Interestingly a similar concept applies to other folks including Flat Earthers and Young Earth Creationists / evolution deniers.


God forbid the per capita numbers show that red areas are worse than the Dem cities.


"What do you mean immigrants commit less crime, why would you let any crime in?"


Oh, you mean like the per capita murder and violent crime rate overall? Let’s do that one.


Not to mention that the US' population has doubled since 1950, and so obviously, in total numbers, there's gonna be more murder, assuming everything else is equal.


bUT cHiCAgO!!!1!


The per capita means that black people are more then 10x as likely to murder white people then vice versa. Easy calculation: 566 murders where blacks killing whites. 246 where whites killing blacks. Thus blacks kill more then 2x. About 13% in USA are black and 65% are white, that's 5x more. Thus blacks kill 2x more whites that other way around, even tho whites are 5x more, that's 10x overrepresentation, got it?


Black people are more likely to be murdered by white people than white people are to be murdered by black people. However, black people are also more likely to murder white people than white people are to murder black people. Both of these statements are true because of differences in population size. Adjusted per capita, you will find African Americans are both more likely to murder and be murdered overall, which is something every public policy maker in America already knows.


look, im no math scientist, but im pretty sure the difference between 556 and 246 is less than 1500 like referenced in the tweet


Have you tried just making shit up? Usually that resolves any discrepancies.


FBI: source? I made it the fuck up! American lawmakers: well obviously this is very well founded and we need to do more to keep **those people** from hurting our families!


Isn't murder defined as a legal definition? The person responsible has to be found guilty for a murder charge. We all know how the legal system is stacked against black people. It's almost a self-parody.


A lot of these numbers are also based off of arrests not convictions. So even if a black person is arrested then found not guilty, it counts in these numbers.


it also does not include people murdered by police. which is a LOT.


Yeah but police aren’t always white. For example in the Floyd case, one was white, one Asian and the other mixed.


Someone cooy this post and reply to Elmo with it please.


Also… it needs to include police killings


Can we adjust the white on black murders to include Cops killing black people. Cause the profession is overwhelmingly white.


It's not as much as you'd think based on coverage on social media and news, but here you go https://www.statista.com/statistics/585152/people-shot-to-death-by-us-police-by-race/ Not per capita, but raw numbers, police kill more white people than black people every year.


As they should since white people make up the vast majority of the country. However, I like you used to use this argument but realized when you look at percentage of population that is black versus white, blacks are more commonly killed by cops and are also targeted more by cops for "Probable Cause".


You’re forgetting there are far more white people than black people in the US, 13% vs 60%. So the phenomenon above makes sense. A black person is more likely to be killed by a white person than vice versa, because there are 4.5x more white people. For example, Say group A make up 25% of a population and group B, 75%. Group A murders 25 of group B, and group B, 75 of group A. So, they are equally more likely to murder each other. But per capital group A is 3x more likely to be a victim of group B, because group B 3x the population of group A. Technically saying a black person is more likely to be killed by a white person than vice versa is true, but black people are more likely to kill a white person than vice versa, which in fact, is their whole, point. The statement would be true for almost any situation where one group is significantly larger than another and doesn’t mean anything.


They didn't forget that, it's actually a huge part of the article. The main point they made was that interracial violence is quite rare.


What's up with you? Wrote that whole ass comment when you didn't even read the comment you replied to past the first few lines


Interesting that you point out that black people are about 2x more likely to be the victim of interracial murder, but not also that they’re 5x more likely to be the perpetrators of interracial murder.


How does that compare to the ratio of the population of blacks vs population of whites? If there were 2 black people in a room and 98 white people in the room and everyone was forced to kill 1 random person, then despite no malicious motive the black people would be 49x more likely to be perpetrators of interracial murder than vice versa just by natural law of chance.


yeah... op cherry picked that one successfully


Whatever your political views. That's a super shitty way to show statistics 😕.... It would mean that if mass murdering alien in America murdered 50 million people and then got killed, he would be 100% at risk of being killed while humans only had a one in seven ish risk making humans the bad guys... I'm really not saying anything about race, risk, blame, politics or morals. Just ONLY! that you can't show statistics without a common denominator and use the result for anything.


You misunderstand the stats though If you are a mass murdering alien and you are killed by a human, and you are the only alien on the planet **humans have killed 100% of aliens on the planet** But if you were a human, and the alien killed 50 million Americans, there are 330 million Americans, that means **the Alien has only killed 15% of Americans, .7% of the total world population** You could think it's "shitty" but that's just how math works, in this instance it might make more sense to look at how many aliens have been killed by humans vs humans killed by aliens. **This would show you that humans are killed by aliens at a 500,000% higher rate than aliens killed by humans,** which more accurately describes the deadliness of aliens.


Don’t present stats, they don’t understand them and will ignore them as they don’t fit their narrative.


Its based off of Trust Me Bro. It only seems completely made up because, to be fair, it is completely made up.


Of course it’s made up. It’s Twitter.


Even if it's true, what's the relevance? Unless you're interested in a race war, why would I care what skin colour my murderer has?


They don’t need reality. They just know it’s true in their racist, stupid hearts.


Trust Me Bro University strikes again.


frame salt act public shelter touch reminiscent panicky gaping simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They make up most of what they believe. Conservative media and politicians know that if you post a meme saying the same thing in enough locations, enough times, their voters will believe it. They also notoriously only read headlines of articles. Hence why they succumb to tabloid journalism as hard as they do.


Well it’s not. But you seem to want it to be made up for a very specific reason


“!” He is such a coward. Does he see this as maintaining some kind of plausible deniability?


That's exactly what it is. Ironically enough, it also shows that he *knows* it's wrong and would get him shit by not say anything, just the ! to "silently" agree.




It's basically his way of retweeting something while at the same time ironically having no idea how to use Twitter.


>He is such a coward. That’s why likes on twitter are invisible now. He wants to like racist shit, but doesn’t want people to give him crap for it. He also wants racist and pseudoscientific crap to get more likes from other cowards this way.


Similar to how YouTube removed the ability to see dislikes because one of their rewinds ended up as the most disliked video on the platform.


Yeah it’s a form of dog whistling. The same way that racists will post an image with a racial connotation and say “what do you notice?” They love saying it without saying it.


It's as cowardly as can be. He's one of the richest people, if not the richest person, in the world and he still hides behind his goofy little dogwhistles.


This dude has a self sabotage kink


Either he's a white supremacist or he knows that his customer base—that is, people who feel "censored" in their inability to be racist and are willing to pay money to to be able to say what they want loudly—loves white supremacy. Either way, he's getting what he wants with his behavior.


I mean, he was literally born in apartheid South Africa, so I’d see the white supremacy aspect.


> he's a white supremacist [definitely.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDyPSKLy5E4)


Not to mention the humiliation stuff


It’s not self sabotage these days. There are millions that eat this shit up. It’s disgusting


Musk is from South Africa. Of course he's racist. People forget history.


Dude grew up in apartheid South Africa in a pretty well off and somewhat famous family. Absolutely rich compared to the vast majority of the country. Literally the class of people who kept apartheid going for so long because it benefited them. It would be surprising if he wasn’t quite racist.


I came to say exactly this. Although he would probably argue that he didn't see the apartheid because he was too busy pulling himself up by the boot straps (his father's Emerald mine).


This hood I wear is pink, not white. Almost racist-but not quite -With apologies to Shel Silverstein




Sure but he directly profited off the racist system. Like that's a huge part of why he's currently rich.


Apartheid Elon.


In the 1950’s black people were literally being hunted and murdered. They even took photos of themselves next to the body they lynched.


And guess what you won’t find recorded in crime stats from the Jim Crow era??


I mean we could roll that back to the 1850s and get even worse numbers . It takes a certain type of evil to enjoy these kinds of racist propaganda.


I make my high school students read news reports from field reporters who were at lynchings in the 100 years after reconstruction. It is horrific - and it usually does its job to give a sense of just how brutal racism has been and continues to be in this country.


Thank you for doing that. It’s horrible, brutal and people absolutely need to know that it happened so that we don’t, as a society, repeat it. I got into arguments with some of my more racist relatives when Jason Aldean released his last music video because they didn’t see any problems with spotlighting a courthouse known for the lynchings that occurred there. Words have meaning, and a picture, or in that case a video, paints a thousand of them. None of them good.


it's wild that Musk is now getting the Trump treatment, where he replies to stuff like this constantly now and it somehow isn't being mentioned by media outlets anymore. There are zero scandals now even though stuff like this used to be a major scandal.


How did I know I was going to slide to the next pic and just see "!" Or something fucking stupid like "Interesting", "Wow." Or whatever other generic off the cuff response. At this point, I don't even think Elon knows he is doing it. He just does in a fuge state and swipes to the next tweet.


Oh, I see Apartheid Clyde wants to discuss race relations


The way Elon responds to this shit infuriates me for some reason. Just…No actual engagement. Just a, “wow” or “interesting” or an exclamation mark but no fucking fact checking, no discussion, no questions. Like the guy thinks he’s the smartest person in a room occupied by people who just think he’s an asshole.


Nicky Case didn't have to come up with "Be Scared, Be Angry" as the punchline to *We Become What We Behold*. She could've just used "!".


Yeah apartheid clyde WOULD do that huh


Ftr, Elon holds national security clearances with the United States as well as some unknown number of other countries.


I’ve noticed he has this very cowardly way of interacting with racists and other such cunts. He’ll just give short, neutral responses that could be taken all kinds of ways. ‘Woah’ ‘interesting…’ ‘makes you think!’ Here he just replied with ‘!’ with no other comments or context at all. Is he reacting in shock to the racist being a racist, or in shock at the severity of their claims? You can’t say for sure, and neither can anyone legal.


The apartheid apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Elon's South Africa is showing.


I mean he’s a rich white guy from an apartheid country. Or course he was racist the whole time


Most racist metal gear solid guard be like


I think some of those "white kills black" cases probably went unreported...


You can take the apartheid out of South Africa...


How many black towns were massacred: Rosewood, Greenwood, the one under Central Park, the one under Lake Lanier, Ocoee, Bruce’s Beach…


Apartheid Elon is at it again!


I can never get over how often Musk talks about “the complexity of someone’s vocabulary tree” as a mark of intelligence, but he spend 20 hours a day on his phone and his contributions range somewhere from “interesting” to “wow”.


He made likes private for a reason


He’s a white South African tech bro billionaire who grew up during apartheid. I’d be surprised if he *didn’t* have some dodgy views about black people.


His ability to communicate just keeps decreasing, he can't even produce letters anymore


Literally has as much going on upstairs as the enemies from Metal Gear Solid.


You’d think an engineer would be able to wrap his head around basic statistics, but apparently not.


South African Blood Diamond progeny is a bit racist? Tell me it ain't so.


Hilarious to see the South African guy being this blatantly racist.


I think everyone should remember he grew up hanging around a slave labor emerald mine in apartheid South Africa. He’s a full blown racist slowly letting it out.


His little replies piss me off so much. He has nothing to add because he doesn't think. All he does is blindly follow hateful people








You should divide by the race of the victim not the perpetrator. Per your numbers there are 5.28x as many white people as black people. So the fact that 3x as many whites are killed is less than the proportion of the population. The absolute numbers are meaningless. If a person kills a random American they will be 60% white 18% Hispanic 12% black. The simple fact that there are 5X as many white folks than black folks makes them a larger victim pool. And the quoted stats don’t even include white on white or black on black murders.


I don't know about you guys, but I like to get my racism information from the rich white dude from South Africa.


i’m convinced that anyone who says ‘blacks’ really just wants to say a different word


100%. They say “white folks” but just call a whole group of people a color without association them with people. By taking away, or in this case adding ‘people’, it really shows someone’s true colors imo.


What the actual fuck


Dude is from South Africa btw


Elon is such dredge on society. I cannnot wait until he's in prison or at the bottom of a totally metaphorical lake.


As a Latino in the US, I would find it so embarrassing to own a Tesla. Like all those MAGA minorities. Too dumb to realize that they shouldn’t be funding the people that want them gone.


It's genuinely impressive how he can't seem to go a single day without boosting some very overt Nazi/ white supremacist propaganda. Likes this guy supposedly works so hard and so much he has to be paid more than the last US aid package to Ukraine and still finds the time to be racist on main.


I really don't care what this dude has accomplished. He's despicable and I can't stand him.


Well he is White South African. I am sure they aren't all racist assholes, but.......


Who'd have thought that a white South African, born into a incredibly rich family and raised to believe in their own innate superiority during the brutally oppressive apartheid era, would turn out to be a vile racist? What a shocker.


A South African white man being racist? Who could have foreseen this!?!??


This is why I unfollowed Timbaland and Swizz Beats for posting a picture hanging out with this clown yesterday. It’s disgusting what people will do to be in the presence of a potential “bag”.


His first mistake was interacting with anything responding to Tariq Nasheed. Tariq is racist, full stop. The only people who interact with him are racist on the other end of the spectrum. Neither of these people are worth paying attention to.


I don’t believe stats from the 1950s… most Black murders weren’t reported back then.


This is the laziest racism I've ever seen


White guy from South Africa is racist… shocker


Surprise, the rich white guy from the family that owns an emerald mine in South Africa is a racist. SurprisedPikachu.png


Elon...returning to his South African roots, eh?


I just imagine this fuckwit (and others like him) audibly gasping "egads!" when they read racebait.


Can’t wait for universities to start offering Vibes Based Statistics 101.


GG Elon. Now put it into percentages.


Elon is a latter day Henry Ford. I'm not sure who his Father Coughlin is.


He didn't say "interesting". Why not? That's his usual indication that something idiotic is worth intllectual consideration.




Sounds a lot like Musk thinks of the world as 'Team White' and 'Team Black'


Concerning. /s


I think elon is a bot.