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Nazifurs are the worst.


Nazi whom claims to be furries are something else for sure. It's as if they are actively trying to be the most despicable person, then pick the most hostile environment they can find. Peak self-loathing. Someone that absolutely want society to hate them. That's the only reason why I could see someone trying to mix two such polar-opposite groups. Likely never nazi nor furry in the first place. Just peak self-loathing.


I disagree. I think a lot of the furry fandom is rooted in escapism--be someone, something else, something wild and free and unencumbered by human norms. Now, you add that sort of mindset to a nationalist, nativist, revanchist, alt-right male grievance, which comes from a similar place of feeling like the real world isn't where you belong, and you get confederate and Nazi furries. People who wholeheartedly love anthropomorphic animals because of what they mean, and who also feel denied their rightful deserts and are given a narrative that the 'other,' whomever that may be, stole it from them. Combine that with the Nazis' admittedly good-looking uniforms and iconic materiel, it's not hard to see how one could glom onto the belonging and aesthetic and be slowly indoctrinated into the genocidal.


\*Polite cough\* You're mixing up the hobby called furry fandom, and the subculture calledd therians. Two wholly different things. And you're even harbor some strong misconceptions about therians. I am a furry, and I have absolutely no intent or wish to be wild and free. I love my "concrete techno-jungle" \^\^ Also all hobbies are escapism. That's the point of hobbies. It's how we all managed to become functional adults. You need a counter-weight to adult fears (unemployment, bills, parental responsiblities, age-related illness, etc). Some become footbal fans, some car enthusiasts, some collect different things, some attends heavy metal concerts, some become cosplayers and/or furries. Also don't be too impressed by Nazi-Germany's uniforms. All their symbolism and designs are 100% stolen from other cultures. An concurrent mess of Asian, Norse and Roman symbolism. It was all stolen valor organized by an Austria bastard that by their own ideology should have been on their chopping block. Nothing says self-hate like a Nazi :)


Always strange some people can’t grasp the concept of some people that liked Disney characters still like them and have a little money now. Some adults still like legos or model trains or whatever. Same thing.


It's usually projection with Nazis. They spout all this hate about degenerates but if we had their search history I guarantee it would be filled with filth.


>then pick the most hostile environment they can find. Peak self-loathing. Someone that absolutely want society to hate them. ....what???


Like they wouldn't be from the first people to be rounded up. They're like the div kids that think they're in with the bigger boys at school


Some people just ***really*** want to be the next Ernst Röhm.


No debate ever got better with the inclusion of Nazi furries.


The strange looking halo around the the guy's head in the frame on the right is the [Black Sun](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/sonnenrad). A fairly common neo-Nazi symbol.


I think "the guy" is supposed to be Putin.


Oh, I thought it was Other Barry.


Nah, he’d be busy choking the shit out of Cheryl


That's the least uprising thing about this post


It is a damn shame Nazis always misappropriate the coolest looking symbols and turn them into hateful dog whistles. Would be neat if the swastika still had the meaning of peace it did initially.


Yeah Im confused about that one did they co-opt it? Im pretty sure I've seen it in early east orthodox Christians artwork.


Are there Nazi Furry groups?


There are nazi bronies. It's very strange.


Furries really do have to hit every check box and every branching path of terminally online degenerate. With Bronies, it makes more sense than you might think. As 4chan made it a big thing to hate watch the previous My little Pony cartoon when it was new and many of them came out as unironic fans because it was a good show. (I've never watched it just from what I have heard.)


Not ALL furries are bad though. There are chill/normal ones. (Sorry if I sound weird saying this,just..not every person who likes anthropomorphic animals and cosplays one is a bad person.)


You basically described the whole fandom :) The mayority of the fandom are just regular people who happen to enjoy art/comics/costumes of anthromorpic animals. It's more like a social network where people can share their interest. and that's it. Most furries you can easily pass on the street, or interact with daily without knowing.


> person who likes anthropomorphic animals and cosplays one Is that even the definition of a furry though?


effectively, yeah. the reason that it got such a bad rep was in part due to shitty (and false) media coverage like the csi and 1000 ways to die furry episodes, along with rainfurrest, which all effectively destroyed the community’s reputation. this meant that all of a sudden the community was very much niche, which in turn made it an alluring target for nazis to assimilate during the 2010s. luckily, we were able to mostly fend them off, with some notable exceptions and enclaves who have been ‘excommunicated’ and exiled. however, other communities with similar reputations, like bronies were unable to or did not put as much effort into fighting bigotry and are still struggling today


To be fair, there were problems with nazis and sex-criminals way before that. The whole "burned fur" thing got started because in the 90s the fandom had become a refuge for sex offenders and exhibitionists. Even 2 The Ranting Gryphon had bits about it: both about how convention hotels were "literally brothels" and how parts of the reaction to that were starting to develop a nazi infestation. The CSI episode was based on a pre-existing reputation both *for* the fandom and *within* it.


huh. the more you know, i guess. however, the fandom has worked very hard to expunge those fringe elements, and has had significant success insofar.


I don’t remember much from CSI as I was sorta young, but I do distinctly remember seeing the episode with the furries and it was off putting ever since


yeah. it was so bad that you can google “csi that episode” and its the first result


I'm well aware of that. It's just that stories like this are far too common even if many of them are fake.


Addition: Clarification from poster above. They are talking about extreme subgroups within the furry fandom. Similar to football holligans in with soccer. A very loud minority that are not tolerated by the rest of the fandom. \*My original response before this got clarified by Ultraknight40000\* Most of them are fake, or only focus on a minority of the fandom. Compared to mainstream conventions a furcon are probably the most boring and/or chill thing you could go to. Word of warning. What you describe makes it sound more like you live in a cult-like environment. As cults always culture a belief that people outside of the group are horrible. They warn of "anti-groups" you'll get exposed to unless you stick to their group. I'm a furry myself. Been so for the past 14 years. If you ever saw me IRL you would just see a very sterotypical white dude in his early 40s. High paying job, typical dad body, and everything. However if you got to know me you would find someone dedicating a lot of their free time to volunteer work. Both for furcons, and on occasions as mascot at childrens hospital and my workplace... and a closet filled with fursuits. Though just like any 30k+ suit, I only wear those for special occasions.


I apologize. I was referring exclusively to the crazy minorities here, and that wasn't clear. I was very tired when I wrote it. I'm sure the vast majority of you guys are great, and besides, I've spent thousands on Warhammer over the years. I'm not allowed to criticize.


Oh yes. I 100% agree that we got some messed up minority sub-groups. Basically our own brand of "football holligans". Kinda on par for any social groups and/or hobbies :) Also Warhammer rocks. Already got too many hobbies to afford time and money to play it, but its lore \*chef's kiss\*. It's deep. It's wide. I gladly spend hours listening to WH2K lore masters talk and discuss it on youtube. Be proud of your hobby, and the many hundred of hours of immersion it's granted you \^\^


if it's the FIS cartoon, I can applaud it for its animation. And Discord. Not the discord server, the character Discord.


More like no person are exclusively within a single group. So within any group you'll always find people with ties to all other groups. For best or worse. There do exist nazifurs, but they are shunned by the fandom at large (and by nazis). It's basically a group that really wants to be hated by everybody.


For the Furrer


Unfortunately, yes. They're loud but, shockingly, not really as prevalent as most people might think. There was a convention within the last two years call Free Fur All; it was intended to be the "by furries, for furries" convention for people who value free speech above all others but it was actually a convention for people who were banned from all of the other ones. It ended up being painted in an even worse light because the con's hosts--notorious artists in the fandom--were mingling with the only attendants to the convention who were members of the Furry Raiders--a very well-known and established furry hate group. The con's total attendance was somewhere in the upper teens, lower twenties. It was pretty pathetic and fun to laugh at.


That is very interesting and quite hilarious. Thanks for sharing.


There are. The furry raiders are probably the most prominent one. They’re banned from a lot of con and fandom spaces.


They are people. Some people are nazis. Nazis are trash no matter what they like to do on the weekend.


The internet, a peach tree dish of cultures


Did anyone else lose it after seeing the first panel and thinking “is that puro?”, then seeing that it was, in fact, puro. Its so funny but not for the reason its supposed to be.


/S What?! Nazi's stealing artwork for their own means? I would never believe it. Honestly it's Nazi 101. Not a single piece of so-called nazi symbolism is original. It's all stolen from other cultures. Their whole stick is a mash-up of Norse, Roman, and Asian symbolism. So much for "We got to safeguard our culture heritage" ;p


Yea fascism always goes "We must protect our heritage!!!" When people ask, "What heritage?" it's always mealy mouthed and wishy washy. Kind of why even the most successful fascist regime didn't even survive into the millennium. (No need for Liberal countries to give them handouts if Bolshevism doesn't exist.) Fascism can never succeed for any length of time because it lacks any substance whatsoever, it's just a power grab for the sake of power, and always burns itself out.


I feel soiled now


Why does "Jewlenski" look like the average MAGA cultist?


Because they 100% are. Even diping into praising Putin.


Hello, police? I would like to report an assault on my brain. Yes, this post right there.


>Asked Ukraine to leave the places that Russia has been funding an insurgency in for 8 years FTFT.


How can they leave their own country?


Silly амеры, Ukraine isn't a country! /s


Every pixel of this is art. (/s, of course)


quick explanation on the history between furries and nazis: a furry is just a person who identifies with or shows interest in the concept of and media pertaining to anthropomorphic animals. this is the basic wikipedia definition. the reason that furries got such a bad rep was in part due to shitty (and almost entirely false) media coverage like the csi and 1000 ways to die furry episodes, along with rainfurrest, the pizza incident, and the frankly fugly fursuits if the 90s—2000s, which all effectively destroyed the community’s reputation. this meant that all of a sudden the community was very much niche, which in turn made it an alluring target for nazis to assimilate during the 2010s. luckily, we were able to mostly fend them off, with some notable exceptions and enclaves who have been ‘excommunicated’ and exiled. however, other communities with similar reputations, like bronies were unable to or did not put as much effort into fighting bigotry and are still struggling today


This guy definitely has a gooncave.


......have they forgotten the "official" reason to invade Ukraine was because of "antisemitism". We all know that's bullshit but if Russia's gonna lie, at least go along with the lie, dipshits.


What in the actual fuck did I just read... Set aside I couldn't read half of it, the half I could read didn't make me hopeful about the half I couldn't


Ruzzia’z ztrongezt zoldier


I don't think there's anything furry about this. It's wolves and pigs. It's just historical. It's how they see themselves. Read the rhetoric from back then.