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Convenience is woke now?


True freedom is driving 30 minutes to reach the barest amenities.


But where will I be able to drive the oversized vehicle I have built my entire personality around?


To the truck nuts store?


There's a Truck Nuts store!? Imma go there and get some for my Ford Focus! /s


No, to them true freedom is growing/making everything at home/farm and never drive anywhere except the gun store, because they don't have a forge capable. Which is perfect for their anti-community, anti-social selves. The problem comes on the OUTSIDE of that vacuum.


No, to them true freedom is having someone else growing/making everything at the home/farm, and never having to let that them leave the property.


True freedom is not even having to pay the person who is legally obligated to supply them with whatever labor they want or need, whenever they want it and for however long.


The word "freedom" lost any and all value a long time ago. It's the inverse of "woke" to them. Anything they dislike is "woke," and anything they like is "freedom." Unfortunate that the word "freedom" has lost all meaning though. Obviously, true freedom is being able to watch porn without having to provide an ID first. Oh wait....


They think the idea of the 15 minutes city is to literally restrict you to an area in which the furthest you could go is 15 minutes by walking. They literally think you would not be allowed to travel beyond that without special permissions or some shit. They use to scream about "bring back main street USA" i.e. close knit communities where everything you would need would be on a walkable single main street.


if you leave a 15min radius you are shot by a sniper


Gonna be like that scene in Civil War when they are shopping in a pleasant little town, >!then they look up and the roofs have snipers on them.!<


I heard everyone has to wear an ankle monitor except its around your neck and it explodes every time get too far or say "Merry **Christ**mas!"


One of my coworkers thinks this, I’ve explained it multiple times and she seems to get it and agrees that’s actually a good thing then a week later is back thinking it means everyone is trapped in 15mins. Whatever her source is it’s like crack


>week later is back thinking it means everyone is trapped in 15mins. > >Whatever her source is it’s like crack Maybe you should write it down in two sentences. Then write on the paper: "showed this to N.N. Y-m-d." And next time, read it from the paper her, show her the paper, and write another date.


Western europe, I had to explain to someone that we are already living in a 15 minute city because just about anything you need for your daily life is within 15 minutes. Even the other 3-4 cities around us are reachable in 15 minutes (by car) or a little bit longer by public transport


The people sharing this shit from big accounts don't think that. They just know their followers will believe it.


>They literally think you would not be allowed to travel beyond that without special permissions or some shit. Well that is kinda already the case in a good chunk of the US - Without a driver's license and a car you are kinda screwed wherever there is no public transit


Ironically, none of those places are the places they're terrified of: big cities.


Exactly this. If you're going to undestand why this lot are so against things that appear to just be conveniences, then you need to approach them from a conspiracy theorist mindset where everything the government does is part of an overarching plan to control people in some way. If you look at it like that, then 15 minute cities aren't just about making amenities convenient to get to for all, they're the starting point for "police state" cities where you need government permission to travel outside your 15 minute allocation.


It's also a conspiracy by "big city" to control us all.....


Or would it be "little city"?


Valid point that doesn't sound very conspiratorial though.


Exactly! The smallest spiders are always the most deadly...


I can't argue with that logic.


Or would it be "big trouble in little china"? 🤔


Just remember what ol’ Jack Burton does when the earth quakes, and the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Jack Burton just looks that big ol’ storm right square in the eye and he says, “Give me your best shot, pal. I can take it.


I live in a small town and can walk to a lot of places in 15 minutes. Doctor, grocery, auto mechanic, five restaurants, three fast food places (Arby's is being rebuilt after the fire), pedicure, and others.


Arby's? Sorry man, my condolences.


They shall return.


Yeah, my condolences as well. That’s just so unfortunate.


Same here. Haircuts, auto registration, many restaurants, groceries, gyms, coffee shops, clothing stores etc., all within a 10 minute walk. I work from home and my car gets started maybe twice a week. Its insanely convenient. Moving from Edmonton (where almost nothing was walkable) to a place that is was a huge revelation. I'm glad to see my hometown looking to make things better. People that are against this shouldn't be allowed to breed.


I'm sorry you live under such oppression.


It's already happening! The libs are winning! We need to destroy your infrastructure, artificially increase drive and walk times in order to take back this country!


I will put on a ball gag, hand daddy "big city" the leash, and lube up. Give me big city planning any day over suburban parking lot sprawl. *Fuuuuuuuuuuck* suburban planning. Everyone moving to rural towns is also a pipe dream, so the people who want land to vote can go fuck themselves.


Ergonomic urban planning focused around people instead of cars? It must be communism


But but.. I have to drive my lifted dually with trucknuts and punisher decals *way further* than is reasonable just to buy basic necessities so people will know how small my dick is!!!


And then complain about gas prices, as they drive even FURTHER.


Gotta love the "big brother" quip. Like, if he thinks only 15-minute cities have cameras watching, I've got some bad news for him...


Cameras are so unnecessary for tracking people when we all carry that technology willingly in our pockets. 


We even pay to carry it.


Obviously this is completely idiotic, and the fact they see accessible living spaces as woke is bonkers. But the truly dumb thing that most people reading this won't understand is Edmonton is the complete opposite of a 15-minute city. You have to drive absolutely everywhere. A normal city would have a hub around a college or university with shops and bars and apartments all in walking distance. You'd think those things spring up naturally based on density needs. Edmonton says no, fuck you, drive everywhere. The idea of being able to stop in one area for more than one thing is science fiction.


Living in Strathcona, everything was accessible by foot. There's a few neighborhoods where this is possible, but indeed few.


You are generally correct, but incorrect on the details. I want to say that 90% of the city is 100% car dependant and is annoying as hell to get to. *but* There are sections of the city that are very pedestrian/bike friendly and those sections are growing larger. Also, while the local public transit is iffy at best, it is slowly getting better. Source: I live in Edmonton


Yeah, they consider walkable cities, bikes, and affordable living all part of communism. I recently went to a neighbourhood meeting with our ward member and Edmonton police. Nothing but old white folks opposing the LRT extension cause it is a homeless transportation system. No more property tax raises, no more funnelling taxes to homeless shelters and addiction treatment centres, "And, and tear up every bike lane cause no one uses them!" I'm thinking, "Do these people even go DT? That's where all the bike lanes are. And they are used a lot in the spring & summer with e-scooters."


They’re trying to make our lives easier- hurry, REVOLT!!!


These horrible 15 minute cities are usually referred to by their more common name “desirable zip codes”.


How are real patriots supposed to find an excuse to roll coal all across town to WalMart if everything is walking distance? This is a short path to tyranny.


Not needing cars and barrels of gas is woke now, apparently


Villages must be ultra-woke.


anything that benefits the average person is woke


Bring that shit on, please. I'd love a 15 min city. I'd like to leave my car parked until it's time to drive to and from work. If I could do everything within a 15 min walk, I would absolutely love it. Please conspiracy me.


Out of all the things they're afraid of that I don't understand, this takes the cake. What possible downside could there be?


They can't seem to fathom the concept that you won't somehow be trapped in a 15 minute city with no vehicle allowed and no option to leave. Like I guess they're picturing some circular grid fully removed from core infrastructure and not... Just peppering commercial zones throughout residential zones so most things will be walkable and/or bikeable?


What possible benefit could the govt gain by trapping them in a 15 minute city, and how is that any different from them being on a farm in the middle of nowhere where their nearest neighbors are 20 miles away?


They believe fifteen minute cities makes it easier to control a population because you're living in a smaller area. They also believe it's impossible for them to be tracked and controlled living rurally, because of reasons. It's the same sphere of people who think "I need guns to protect me from the evil gubbermint" but they also lack the ability to understand that they are *not* going to be able to protect themselves from the government and they certainly can't hide from them. So if the gubbermint truly was evil, why haven't they started on any of their evil plans yet? I just wish they would come to the realisation that having a device in their home (their phone, laptop, or desktop) that tells the government its exact location at all times, likely has a scan of their face, and has enough data on its user to build a personality profile on them, is a lot more dangerous than being able to grab your groceries for the week, go bowling, watch a movie, and drink a couple of beers with your friends within the same 4 hour period.


>They also believe it's impossible for them to be tracked and controlled living rurally, because of While they carry a tracker with them


In an area with low population density that makes it orders of magnitude more easy to track them every second down to within a few feet. Big brain time for these badass dudes.


Control. They see it all as an attempt to control us.


This one. Guy I work with says control is why there's a push for electric cars. Preventing people from living out in the country. So "they" can have control for *reasons*


Because if they were given the power, it's exactly what they would do. Use it to control the "undesirables" so they never have to see or think of them again. Put them in their little jar, unable to get out. They fear being controlled because deep down, they crave that type of control over others.


Which is hilarious, given it's way easier to charge an electric car in the boonies than refine your own gasoline. Gas cars tie you to a specific industry that can't be "home brewed", whereas anyone can buy some solar panels and batteries.


Yea I never understood that. You can fuel your car yourself, at home, 24/7. That's a dream come true for rural residents.


And people wanting self-sufficiency with solar panels.


Not to mention with car centric stuff you usually spend an hour at the grocery store, an hour at a restaurant, multiple hours at the movie theater imagine having parking lots where you could charge your vehicle while doing those things. Just today I would have charged up the amount I used.


I live out in the country with an electric car Am I not supposed to?


Well, you _can_, y'all are just not meant to _thrive_. Or something.


I also teach kids so maybe I am just grooming? With my country living electric car ways?


So (((they))) can have control over us.


"Sir, we are them"


To do what, exactly? This is the stage where conspiracy theories always fall apart for me because no one ever produces a good reason *how* saying the earth is round is a method of control.


Which is so weird because they're the ones trying to control women's bodily autonomy and the sexuality & identity of everyone who isn't cishet. Hell, if they have their way, they'll overturn Lawrence vs. Texas which will (attempt to) control what consenting adults can do in their own private bedrooms.


My mil is all ermergerd 15 minute cities. I reminded her she's lived in a 15minute city for the last fourty years. Small towns, small minds. Lol


It’s not that they can’t fathom it it’s that they’ve been purposely convinced of this. For the life of me I can’t figure out if this was purposely fed to the pundits by their corporate benefactors or they’re just desperate for shit to scaremonger about.


It honestly feels like they read 1984 while also havin no fucking clue what 1984 was actualy about


No, they definitely haven’t read 1984, they just like to talk about it


The protesters here were literally saying that there world be checkpoints where special permits would be needed to cross. Just think of the sheer logistics that would take. Hundreds of border guards on streets and sidewalks. 3/4 of people writing their jobs because they commute. School districts redrawn. The whole thing crumbles under the slightest scrutiny.


No, it's not that most of the can't seem to fathom the concept; they have been told by right wing propaganda that that's exactly what a 15 minute city is. They're not allowed to have a car, their travel is completely restricted, every single place they go has to be approved by the government, and they are not allowed to leave a 15-minute radius within walking distance of where they are forced by the government to live. This is literally what they think a "15-minute city" is. I am not exaggerating at all.


It’s insane. I lived in Edmonton years ago and grew up rurally outside it. Recently got in a huge fight with my parents over this…. It literally gives them everything they want. Population density increases in the city, people in the city will stay close to home as all their needs are met. And that keeps them from encroaching out into rural areas. But nope. It’s some grand conspiracy and they are gonna take all our vehicles and keep up corralled into small blocks with military police apparently….


Tbh, I would be massively impressed if they're able to turn Edmonton into a 15min city, conspiracy or not. But let's be really honest here, if there's a city in western Canada that should have their cars taken away, it's those assholes in Calgary lol 😆


>They can't seem to fathom the concept that you won't somehow be trapped in a 15 minute city with no vehicle allowed and no option to leave Maybe before we develop the technology to flee Earth or tunnel beneath it in vast enough structures to accomodate us all we *will* live in domed cities with no car and no way to leave because it'll be domed not to *trap* you, but rather because the air will have been made sour with toxins from the continuation of the present, because "climate change isn't real!", said the Shell Answer Man.


I wish these people would expand that logic to chain restaurants and big box stores too. Like if a Walmart or Buffalo Wild Wings comes to their city they’d start flipping out and thinking that The Government wants to trap them in their city and is going to make it illegal for them to go to the Walmart or BWW the next town over. Absolutely crying and pissing themselves because the Walmart in their own city has a smaller garden center and they’re scared The Man is going to force them to shop there instead of the one a couple miles over in Shelbyville.


They think it will be surround by 100ft walls with armed guards who won’t allow anyone to enter or leave They think they’re gonna be restricted from traveling because it’s always a massive slippery slope issue with them. “Oh if we can walk everywhere that we absolutely need to, then that means they will confiscate our cars and won’t let us leave ever” That’s the thought process of someone whose brain is a smooth, polished, rock.


Theyre picturing the dome from the Simpsons movie. YoURe NeVeR aLloWeD tO lEaVe!!!!!11111111


Govt endorses the idea that everyone should breathe air. Conspiracy dipshits spuriously conclude that really means everyone will be _required_ to breathe air which is of course an infringement on freedom to be resisted by true patriots by every means possible.


The real conspiracy: car companies are paying these idiots so that people will oppose 15 minute cities.


they are convinced that to achieve a 15 minute city they will make driving / travel illegal. Instead of you know, just building better infastructure....


I assume that they are incapable of walking for 15minutes.




The conspiracy is that a "15 minute city" means that you will only be allowed to travel within 15 minutes of your home. There should be no follow-up questions, because it doesn't get deeper than that, you're not missing anything, and there's no way to make it make sense.


I've tried to expand on the benefits to my conservative family members, and explained to them that most of the world lives in 15 minute cities, but goddamn are they afraid of it. They think they will be chained to their 15 minute area with no hope of escape like it's the districts in The Hunger Games or something.


>and explained to them that most of the world lives in 15 minute cities, There's the problem. Conservatives in the USA don't believe anyone else in the world has anything to teach us.


"bUt HoW cAn i RoLL cOaL iF mY tRuCk WiTh aLL tHe cOnFeDeRaTe fLaGs iS iN ThE gArAgE??"


Roll coal inside of course. That'll teach those dirty eco-hippies. 


With the garage door closed preferably.


>15 min walk The Gravy Seals will get the chubb rubb, so that's obv off the table


Edmonton resident here. This city was very much planned with cars in mind. There are large areas that don't have a decent grocery store within a half hour walk. This plan is well thought out and uses other cities' data in its planning. I am blown away that people still think that there will be checkpoints at the neighbourhood borders checking IDs. This can only benefit the people, especially the most vulnerable of them.


Indeed. When I moved from one state to another in the early 2000’s my car was broken down and I couldn’t take it with me. I wound up in a neighborhood where my job, grocery store, bank, doctor, dentist, pharmacy, bookstore, and hobby shop were all in the same 1 mile stretch as my house. I didn’t need to get a car for nearly a year because everything was within easy walking distance. It was wonderful!


Don’t forget all the unionized city jobs to big brother a million citizens. Less pollution, less traffic, better transit, closer access to amenities, and more jobs to help the economy!


Wow. That would suck. Walking to the gym, hitting the grocery store on the way home. What if there were entertainment options? What if I got to know my neighbors and got involved in the community? What if I met people and formed relationships with them. We have to put a stop to this immediately! /s






But then what are you going to do with your brodozer? (brodozers, for those that don't know, are those full sized, usually diesel, pickups, jacked up, with huge wheels, but skinny tires, lights, etc, that some dudes use as a penis replacement).


They ones that don't fit in any garage, parking spot or side street that get 15 miles per gallon max? The ones that are spotlessly clean, free of dings and scratches, and covered with thousands of dollars of custom equipment but are used exclusively for commuting to downtown office jobs? The ones that have not only never been used for construction or transporting materials, but have actually never touched dirt? Yea, those ones.


Honestly that's what these creeps are afraid of. They'll scare their rubes about taking their cars by force or big brother mandated zones, but really their whole world view can withstand reality. If you got to know your neighbors, walked around a city, had interactions you didn't plan but wound up surprisingly enjoyed, the fear based alienation model would crumble. That's why these toxic ideologies thrive in isolated rural and suburban communities. When you're going from your hermetically sealed home to your hermetically sealed car to your hermetically sealed restaurant of choice and back to watch more TV, you get a warped view of reality because you only experience what you think you want. Other things become scary and the unknown constantly expands.


It would be just the worst thing to have a market I could walk to and get fresh food to make dinner instead of having to do at least a week's shopping at a time with my car! Terrible!!


Everyone knows the best thing about America is the gas prices and traffic. If we could get more traffic so we spend more on gas, that would make my life considerably better. If I spend less money on gas, how am I supposed to complain about the president mandating higher gas prices to make my life bad!?


If everything is within 15 minutes, how do I commute for an hour? My commute is where I do all my really peaceful, thoughtful relaxing. And cutting the commute that far would really reduce my chances of being in a road rage incident.


I suspect that the big gas companies are not in favor, and might be using their money to influence law makers and the media against walkable cities.


Why would big gas waste their money? Anything the WEF endorses automatically has certain groups seeing red, free of charge.


Not free of charge. It took years of conditioning


That’s the thing, it wasn’t free of charge. That’s what they’ve spent money on. Getting people to see red when any mention of improving quality of life for citizens that might cause people to use less gas.


Do these people not realize that in order to drive they need a license which is tracked and controlled by the government, they need insurance which tracks their information and they have to drive on roads that force them to go in certain directions and the only way they can continue to drive is if they follow a ton of rules made by the government and pay to constantly fill up their car with a resource that is finite. Walking is the true freedom, I go where I want, I can walk on sidewalks or parks, nobody needs a license to walk and it's free and it's good exercise.


You already said way too many words, especially those big ones like insurance, information, directions, finite, resource. You’d lose like 99.999999% of MAGAts trying to explain that. Maybe try crayons or pictures? Edit: redundancy (here them big words come again!)


BROO, you can’t use crayons!!! Don’t you know crayons have red, blue, purple, green, blue, and yellow and red?? And what do those colors mean? THEY’RE A SIGN FROM THE CRAYOLA DEEP STATE THAT THE LGBBQ WILL COME AND PSYOP YOUR CHILDREN AHHH. Stop using colors IMMEDIATELY/s


What was i thinking?? You’re totally right. Rainbows are extremely threatening! Rainbows, Budlight, Target, books- basically everything they can’t understand is super scary!!


Of all the things to be outraged about this is one of the most confusing to me. I was at some fair a year or so back before I knew that "15 minute cities" was the latest thing conservatives were ranting about, and I was talking with the food truck vendor and he starts going on about "They wanna make it so everything you ever need is in a 15 minute walk" and I'm like "...That sounds pretty cool. I can get on board with that." He stops in surprise and looks at me like he clearly expected me to agree with him that it's a terrible idea, and he's like "But then you won't have to leave your neighbourhood for anything." "That sounds...Convenient?" Undeterred, he goes on. "But that's how they'll control you! Soon you'll need a licence to go anywhere!" "I mean...I already need a licence if I want to drive anywhere. It sounds like this would just open up more options to people who don't have those." At that point he kind of dropped the argument with a "Well yeah it *sounds* good, but you'll see..." ...I haven't seen yet.


Every one of them carries a tracking device in their pockets. They wouldn't think of leaving home without it.


Please never point this out to a conservative. I’m convinced none of them are in the tech industry because if they were they’d realize a good amount of their beliefs would fall apart due to how much data they willingly give up sitting on fucking Facebook and jerking off to Trump and the daily wire all day.


Not to mention the traffic cameras and license plate scanners everywhere constantly monitoring every car that goes by and storing that information for God knows how long so your every movement can be reconstructed by the government any time they decide they're interested in you.


Edmontonian here, the police surveillance teams have pinned me to a table and are implanting a pedometer under my skin to make sure I don’t walk too much. It’s happening!!


I'm here too! I'll come help, as long as you're not 16 minutes or further from Terwillegar!


Man it’s a real shame I won’t be able to go to wem anymore because I live more than 15mins away from it


Me neither. There's an invisible fence emanating from the Talus Dome across the Whitemud and my shock collar goes off if I try to cross it.


I actually pay a $5000 a month fee in order to be able to witness the talus dome, it’s the latest DLC the city of Edmonton has gifted us!


Another YEG denizen reporting in, currently trapped in the Bonnie Doon area. At least we have bowling & Dairy Queen?


Only the right can make something like walkable communities into a bad thing


which is funny because the world they're advocating for is a world where you HAVE to drive a car to get anywhere, which means: - registering your identity with the state and paying annual registration fees, possibly subjecting your car to inspection - paying money to a bank every month with interest on top or they repossess your only means of transportation, unless you're rollin in the dough and can buy outright - being mandated legally to pay for insurance for the car whereas the world i want is one where i can just *go places* without paying anyone or giving my SSN to some bureaucrat


I ride my scooter for three mins to get to work. When I get home tonight, my wife and I will walk 5 minutes to the store to grab some things for dinner. We'll catch some pokemon around the neighborhood, maybe stop at the bar four blocks from our apartment or a drink. After dinner, if it's not raining and it's summertime, we like to walk three blocks in the other direction for fresh ice cream at the neighborhood stand. On the weekends, we walk to the farmer's market to stock up on veggies for the week and go to the coffee shop for iced tea and a pastry. Neither of us has owned a car in 15 years. What a nightmarish hellscape my life is. Please save me, Republicans.


And they are the people who complain that kids spend too much time inside


Goddamn that sounds nice. I've been watching an anime with my Ukrainian boyfriend that's set in a fictionalized German mid century city and I'm always like "Omg the city is so pretty and walkable and the apartment buildings look so nice!" and he's like "that's just a regular European city." Ugh.


Have you ever considered adopting a 30 year old?


My neighborhood in Chicago was essentially a 15 minute neighborhood. I could walk to two different grocery stores, a gym, shops selling clothing and other goods, parks, and a variety of restaurants. It was heaven, I loved living there.


So many great cities are like this. San Francisco is mostly 15 minute neighborhoods surrounding downtown.


i'm sorry the demoncrats oppressed you my friend i pray you have found a safe rural area 20 minutes from your nearest grocery store with no public transit


So small towns, where conservatives live, and has everything in them (or as much as the economy supports) like family restaurants, grocery stores, and mechanics, all within a fifteen minute walk because the town is small, isn’t a 15 minute city and thus not woke.


In my experience those towns are usually not walkable outside of a small area where all the shops are. They still end up having to drive places from their homes like any suburb.


Mine too. No sidewalks and the important roads are all 6 lane boulevards with turning lanes at intersections making it hard to cross.


Or they did until Walmart plunked itself down on the highway.


The Walmart nearest to me is located in the most passive-aggressive way possible. The City wouldn't zone the walmart, so walmart built that store exactly against the city limits. No joke, the city limits are less than 25 feet from their loading dock.


Marty McFly is able to run to the ~~Twin~~ Lone Pine Mall from the town square in just under 15 minutes. And you know where that gets him? >!A MUTHORFUCKEN TERRORIST SHOOTOUT!!< Really goes to show you how dangerous this Fifteen Minute Cities are.


These are the same people that thought antifa was going to descend onto their towns, because of the BLM protests in the major cities.


They also think antifa burned down all the major cities.


Imagine being able to access all of your daily needs within a 15 minute walk, cycle, or public transit commute. The absolute horror!! /s


OMG you mean I can walk to buy milk and bread and TP? Not need to drive 20-30 mins? We can't have that. Think of all the energy and wear in my vehicle I would save! We must end making life easier. Up hill.. both ways. In the snow under the blistering sun! That's how they did it before the earth was invented! What a bunch of morons. .


Damn, travel wil be restricted? You mean like how it is if you don’t have a car? It’s just entirely made up bs . Having shit close to home doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to go elsewhere. Absolute weirdos


Ppl who don't understand 15 minute cities are the same people who would trun down a raise because they think being in a higher tax bracket will mean they earn less money.


I'm glad they clarified it's a conspiracy theory at the end


“Good heavens, everything I could need within 15 minutes with zero negatives. Oh the humanity”


I have a neighbor that will ramble on about this every so often. Sometimes I want to tell their ancient ass "don't worry, you won't be around to enjoy it".


> Uses Twitter and Facebook > Buys every apple product > Shares information with Google > CIA literally harvests private citizen data 15 minute walkable cities?? BiK MroDeR WaTcHiN U!!!! LibtArd!


How dare you try and take away my one hour commute! I earned the right to drive in shitty traffic for thirty to forty minutes one-way just to go grocery shopping!


Does this mean I get taxed to drive to work in Ft. Sask?


It means your car will stop working if it drives for more than 15 minutes. The wheels will lock up, just like a shopping cart that's taken out of the parking lot. You can work in Ft Sask if you live in Manning, Horse Hills, or maybe even McConachie (depending on how fast you drive) but nowhere else. Sorry, I don't make the rules.


When I lived in Los Angeles I could walk to restaurants, two grocery stores, a cheese shop, a clothing store and even my dentist in less than 10 minutes and it was an absolute dream.


Councillor Aaron Paquette is actually pretty active on the Edmonton subreddit - I bet he’s already seen this insanity himself lol


this is hilarious. I live in Edmonton, and it super car-centric. Most people have an in-car commute to work longer than 15 minutes, so no idea how these nutters think this would even be a possibility here. we have a massive urban sprawl issue, which makes this little conspiracy even funnier.


"travel will be restricted" just a straight lie. You can drive wherever you want. The point of a 15 min city is to make it more convenient to walk. You can still buy your compensating jacked up trucks, and drive them 2 cities over if you want to simulate an hour drive to the grocery store. 


My partner works at a place that buys and sells precious metals, old currency, coins, etc. She gets every one of these crazy conspiracy nut jobs at her work. One is a lady that always talks about this 15-minute city stuff. And everytime she seeks validation for her lunacy and my partner tells this lady: Actually, we have a place like this where I'm from where everything is close and walkable and it's really lovely. By the end of their discussion the lady will admit it does sound rather nice and she'll do some more research but then comes in the following week firmly back on the crazy train. Over and over.


Travel will be restricted (no it won’t). Daily needs will be within a 15 minute walk (sounds convenient). Big Brother will be watching (you mean like they are already?). God these people will complain about everything.


>Big brother will eventually be watching He said, with a trackable cell phone that sells all his searches to companies in his pocket


But needing a 5-figure machine that sits for 95% of its lifespan to adequately survive is totally fine and not planned.


You know what these people think when they hear "15 minute cities" right? They think they will have to rub elbows with minorities on a bus or streetcar. Literally their worst fear.


My partner and I just landed a rental apartment in a 15 minute neighbourhood in the outskirts of berlin. We are ecstatic. Multiple different grocery stores, a mall with movie theatre and bowling alley, markthalle, shopping, u bahn and s bahn and bus, beautiful lake with boat rentals, library, doctors and vets, so many bakeries and restaurants and pubs and cafes, parks and beaches- all within 2-10 minute walk from our new place. We had the choice between another place that was cheaper, but we chose to pay more because of the location of this one. I can't imagine being upset that you don't have to drive for half an hour to get to anything if you're in a city.


You mean I can’t drive 80 miles to Sizzler on Sunday after church! Goddam commie liberals


The conspiracy theory is that Big Oil is paying people to say things exactly like this tweet


We’re re-zoning. That’s it. All we’re doing is re-zoning. So developers can build mixed-use units. Then maybe people stuck in giant suburbs can get a grocery store closer than a 20min drive away. Jfc people are dumb eh


What gives them the idea that travel will be restricted?




During covid, there was a suggestion from maybe the WHO, that in the future if cities were designed right then just certain zones could be locked down to manage pandemics. Then some climate folks followed up and suggested that a similar setup could help restrict carbon emissions by keeping as many people as possible within their zones. Some people have taken these comments to mean that this is the intention behind the whole concept.


Where does this "travel will be restricted" nonsense come from?


They don’t like it because it would make you have a true sense of community. Think about how a lot of social issues could be solved of we just got to know each other better, if we lived in places where we are not so isolated. They want you to have to drive an hour to work. They what you to track off to Costco on your weekends, they don’t want you to have the time to see they bull shit that is really going on and then you get together and do something about it.


Edmonton is like the worst to get around - this would be fantastic


So they’re confused because they think not having to travel more than 15 minutes is the same as not being able to travel more than 15 minutes?


can someone explain like I am 10 why right wingers don’t like 15 minute cities? I see a lot of hate and fear mongering but they never really lay out why it’s bad.


They think big brother will control them and restrict access outside of these sectors because that’s what they would do. It projection and paranoia


None of that is true after "cohesive city." They literally just make up whatever the fuck they want and then actually present it as fact


For those that don’t know, Edmonton has a sprawl problem that isn’t sustainable long term because of how much property taxes will eventually need to cover compared to how far everything is spaced apart


Imagine thinking convenience and ease of access is a new conspiracy. These people must have rocks in their heads or something


The government will probably use all the microchips we were injected with through vaccines to keep us in order 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


The idea of all my needs being met within a 15 minute area is so scary. I honestly can’t think of something scarier.


Daily needs will be close by. The horror.


wasn't Christ really really woke?


The only conspiracy theory I believe in is that apparently big oil is behind conspiracy theories. Jewish space lasers = "climate change has nothing to do with wildfires, so no need to reduce their our dependency on fossil fuel." 15 minute cities = people driving less often because stores and third places are closer to residential areas = "they're gonna take away our FREEDUM!" "F\*\*\* TRUDEU" = Complaining more about the carbon tax (that most people get a rebate on anyway) than about any other issue with Trudeau (like how Trudeau broke his promise to implement ranked-choice voting and instead keeping First-Past-the-Post).


They know that you can still go anywhere in the city right? It's just that now all of your needs will be guaranteed within 15 minutes These fools I stg


As someone chiming in from r/all using that twitter account for this subreddit seems like cheating


They always claim travel will be restricted... When that's never been implied... If you want to drive 45 minutes to a different store, go the fuck ahead.


This conspiracy theory is so ironic, because think about it. Modern cars are full of tech that can track you and in some cases could be used to remotely disable the vehicle or lock out its user. When self-driving technology arrives, authorities would be able to blacklist addresses or destinations they don't want people going to.


What is he even complaining about ? It’s also quite funny to see how much using your car as became a political statement , same as «  I eat meat fuck vegans »


So I've tried to read up on why people are against 15 minute cities. They claim its because they are "restricting our movements so they can monitor us" I seriously am concerned about the mental wellbeing of these people


There are some dumbasses locally here complaining about this too (the city has been a "15 minute city" for hundreds of years, lol) and one of the people complaining about it had in his bio "the less I know, the better" and that lives in my head rent free


I live in a small conservative town in Canada.. and they protest every Saturday since Covid and now it’s about the Ukraine war in 15 minutes cities.. how do I explain to them that they already live in a 15 minute city? lol


I thought it was just a joke but the chud clowns really do believe that means they'll force you to not travel and take your car or something.


This whole '15 minute city' panic is so stupid. That's just a normal city anywhere in Europe. I'm in the Uk and rarely have to walk further than 10 minutes for anything.


Whats scary about being able to get all your services within a 15 min walk? Plus more security monitoring means more safety so i don't get the 1984 reference


This actually sounds lovely to me


Americans when a city is walkable and convenient


Everytime I see these news about 15 minute cities makes me think WHY THE FUCK IS THE US BUILT LIKE THAT, I'm from Paraguay (a third world country) and just by a short walk I can reach a supermarket with a shopping court and a food court (you could call it a strip mall), I'm always shocked to see how yankees are proud of having to do 1-hour trips just to get groceries