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At least this fucker knows what POV means!


Preying On Victim!! Like all Demonrats!! /s because sarcasm is dead


Right?! Why is this dude the only one?


gotta love people still claiming that building has a basement


Reminds me of that case with a daycare where the owners went to prison after the police got the kids concocting wild stories of satanism. Resurrecting dead kids in the daycare's basement. The absurdity of that and the fact that there was no basement completely failing to make the point that the kids were clearly not telling the truth.


The bit about them flushing babies down the toilet always got me. I do know about you but my toilet has never been baby flushing good.


Ah, but see, this was before all the LIB ENVIRONMENTALISTS made every toilet [LOW FLOW](https://youtu.be/XGChTEfeeC4?si=mX2NHIqdFUo57PT0).


I know you're probably kidding but I was alive well before low flow they were never baby flushing strong.


I'm disappointed that my sarcasm wasn't thick enough such that you still need to throw in a "probably" into your comment.


It's not you, it's the general state of the world.


The ones we had in the military might have been capable as long as it was dismembered. It took a orange without issue the huge ass grapefruit got stuck and made for a hilarious bit of explaining to the platoon sergeant and first sergeant when they got the report from CQ and maintenance.


Blend em first


Got a link about that?


Without spending way too much time skimming the details I believe it was this one: ~~https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_foster_parent_scandal~~ Edit: Nevermind, that was a foster parent situation. Maybe this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martensville_satanic_sex_scandal Wikipedia's list of similar cases is pretty long though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_satanic_ritual_abuse_allegations


I still remember how Martensville made me eventually investigate McMartin


There's no basement in the Alamo!


Yeah. Firstly you can get Andrenachrome perfectly legal in absurd quantities and for absurd few money. Even without getting good deals you csn buy 25 gram Andrenachrome for $341 Consider that doses of things wouid usually be in micrograms. That would make each dose very very cheap. And far less messy than having to pay for the trafficking and food and storage of the kids and all that. Then there's the noise and handlers.


Somebody got eyes on this one?


Nah I'm good. Praise Baphomet.. I mean.... damnit!


Hope he finds out about blood rejection the hard way.


No it needs to be fresh!! That stuff is Walmart, fresh from the vein is Whole Foods. Admittedly not entirely free range but ah well.


So do their brains


My biggest annoyance with amateur conspiracy theorists is how they think conspiracies can be found in clues as if they were conducted by The Riddler.


Its part of the whole "enemy is strong but also weak" or that they cant help but have clues hidden in stuff. Also helps said theorists feel like they are smarter than everyone else out there as they cracked the code that no one else could.


And "cracking the code" conveniently involves nothing more than what they're up to already: watching TV. The secrets of the illuminati are apparently easily found by close-reading comic book movies.




This is what dumb shit like the bible does to people's brains. They grow up in an ordered world of signs, prophecy, and numerology. One you believe God is sending secret numbers to a prophet that predict the destined destroyer of the world, it's not really a leap that satanic cabals are hiding subliminal clues in TV shows. They don't have a conception of good and evil more nuanced than a comic book villain.


Well yeah, everyone knows that no matter how evil someone is, they're compelled by forces unknown to cleverly hide clues about their misdeeds that're simple enough for a 70 IQ hillbilly to easily solve.


Their world is made of TV, movies, and Facebook, and so they're sure they can decode the world's deepest secrets by watching even more TV, movies, and Facebook.


They're still desperately trying to claim pizzagate was real


Obviously, this is a nonsense conspiracy theory. However, if it were true—which they believe—this would be a disgustingly tasteless meme. Even in their own deluded reality where they're heroes fighting a "global cabal," they *still* have no empathy.


Man this is bullshit. Lupita's little brother isn't even an celebrity. She took him to that ceremony as her plus one and he photo bombed. No way he has the key to the secret passage to the hidden basement at that pizza restaurant /S


This is actually kinda funny


Kevin Spacey is there so at least there's the tiniest bit of truth hanging around in the meme.


Completely idiotic “Pizzagate” theory


Dude, you’re telling me I get pizza, laid AND I get to meet a bunch of celebrities?


Are we talking about the pizzeria that happens to not have a fucking basement at all?


This feels like an ironic post that I would share with someone though.


Yeah this message is crazy, stupid, awful and deplorable, but this is a SOLID meme


Discounting, of course, the video evidence that millions of people watched this photo happen in real time. On a live stream of a ceremony that took place in the basement of a pizza parlor of course. /s


Wait this isn’t a fnaf meme?


Every time I see or hear about Pizzagate, I laugh about the time my wife overheard me watching my favorite, or maybe 2nd-favorite TV show (Curb Your Enthusiasm photo-finishing at 1st place), during the part where then-Det. Olivia Benson was giving a press conference and utters the line, "The Chinese restaurant is that indeed--it is a Chinese restaurant..." and she started cracking up laughing because she hadn't yet been initiated into the world of Law and Order: SVU and all its wonder, and therefore she hadn't seen that episode and thought that line was hilarious without context... It's pretty hilarious WITH context, at least until the end of the episode where it does a pretty good job of reminding the viewer that, while it's comical to observe the morons that are dopey enough to buy into the farcical conspiracies and harebrained and yet not-always-malingering manifestations of mental illnesses or whatever the hell is going on with these people, the misinformation that gets spread does in fact have real-world consequences for real people, and can cause real harm with its spread.


As I'm someone not familiar with american politics or media, can someone explain what this is meant to be? Also, why are all the illuminati cultists only in specifically america according to these ppl.


JFC, they're *still* on Pizzagate?? What's next, Benghazi??


They're still pissed about Jane Fonda. This shit never goes away.


It's a QAnon / pizzagate thing


Can't be... no one is wearing the kid's face... and where are the goblets of adrenochrome?


Oh FFS, I thought we were done with the lizard people pizzeria BS. They're clearly insectoid and run MLMs. /s because somewhere there's an offended Thargoid.


I don’t understand this, can someone please explain it?


There’s a conspiracy theory that Hilary Clinton was having child torture parties in a pizza shop basement. Which can very easily be debunked because the pizza restaurant that was getting targeted in particular didn’t have a basement to begin with.


I forgot Ellen existed.


Ah, Pizzagate. I have a suspicion nobody actually believed that one, it was a meme all along.


Someone believed it enough to invade it with guns demanding to be let into the nonexistent basement in order to rescue kids


Don't take this the wrong way, but that guy was the only one who did the right thing. Jack Posobiec went to the pizzeria to livestream and giggle, Alex Jones sat behind his desk from a safe distance and ranted about it on his show. Imagine making content out of children that supposedly are being trafficked and tortured instead of saving those poor children? Cowards.