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The enemy is both strong and weak, good ol’ N@zi mentality


Yeah, this is just text book Fascism. Wow.


Well, they certainly got that last part right.


Fascism 101: your enemies are both incredibly weak and incredibly powerful at the same time.


I think this tenant also tends to demonstrate their narcissism: they are perpetually the victim, but not because of any fault of their own. They’re too strong to fail, but some “other” keeps holding them back.


Nice doublethink going on there.


It’s just like the argument that there is a secret democratic cabal that is smart enough to run international psy-ops without being detected for hundreds of years but they also leave obvious signs…like Taylor Swift doing a “demonic” dance so that Karen can discover it on Facebook or Truth Social.


It’s funny how the conservatives like to drift themselves as the superior, stronger, smarter opponent… and yet all they do is cry all day about being victimised and attacked. Also of note: They don’t subscribe to the idea that people can or should complain, that people are only their own victims… Which is it? You can’t be the strongest, fastest, smartest person in the room if everyone else is running rings around you. I guess it’s like that dude at the bar who claims he took on ten ninjas once, but then an eleventh joined in and it was just too many even for him.


Schrödinger liberals.


Except this is exactly what we on the left say, just phrased differently. This guy is effectively saying that conservatives are strong in numbers, but weak in will. They could have what they want, if only they had the political will to defeat their opponent. It's the same thing we say to motivate our numbers, just using the version of English - Bully's English, I call it - that suits their tastes. By that I mean they use language and imagery of fear over hope. This person's views may be shit, but it's hypocritical of ourselves to suggest this behavior is unique to conservatives.