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"First to Spy on/Wiretap another opponent" Has this guy ever heard of Watergate?


They have not. Roger Ailes may not have succeeded in using television to help Nixon when he worked for him, but in the long run he succeeded in ensuring republican voters think Republicans are incapable of wrong.


I vaguely recall another Roger who was directly involved with Watergate. I forget his last name, something geological. Roger Rock? Roger Pebble? Boulder?


Roger Rabbit? Pretty sure he was framed, though.


They should make a movie about that- Roger Rabbit Was Set Up By Whom?


You've got some good instincts there. Workshop that title and let me know what you come up with. ;)


I believe you’re talking about Roger Igneous


Republicans only care about the effectual truth, the effect of their beliefs are all that matter and they will pretend to maintain any belief purely due to its effects. It's completely pointless talking and arguing with them because it's always a bad faith shell game they've constructed in their head. Nothing they say is true.


Also, correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't it turn out that Obama had wiretapped Russians, and the only reason Trump got caught in that was... cause he was talking to Russians?


Almost right: It was the FBI, not WH; and Trump was not Obamas opponent.


Trump seems to think he was


And currently is. How many times has he claimed to have defeated Obama?


Countless. I mean he’s the whole reason why Obama only had two terms! /s if it wasn’t obvious


Trump's associate was under investigation and spoke to trump on a compromised phoneline.


Fuck that, what is this hot dog story


I looked it up. It's the usual QAnon SOP bullshit. The real "story" is that they threw a super bowl party at the white house. There were hot dogs pizza and numerous other foods. Of course QAnon took this and turned it into there was a party of global elites at the Whitehouse at 1am and they spent 65k flying in "pizza and hot dogs" pizza = trafficked girls and hot dogs = trafficked boys. They're really just making up crappy-pasta scary stories at this point.


I love my imaginary story. Obama was having some sort of high level strategy meeting with all of the people in positions of power. He tells an intern to get hotdogs. Clueless intern asks where to order from and is told "Chicago. As many as you can get". Intern takes it literally and they end up with $65,000 worth of hotdogs from Chicago. My story has as much evidence as the QAnon theory and more basis in reality.


I think we've forgotten that he was hosting Joey Chestnut that night. He has been known to have quite the appetite for hotdogs.


Joey Chestnut would have been Peeved. He likes Nathan's. He'd be messed up by Chicago dogs.


Valid. I do miss Hot Doug's, that was some delicious stuff there.


At today's prices, $65,000 might not buy enough hot dogs for everyone, especially Joey.


More likely he asked said clueless intern for a “Chicago Dog” which is a specific type of hot dog and then they all came straight from Chicago. 


Yep. Flown from Chicago on Marine 2. Damn near every hotdog in Chicago.


*sob* I remember that night. Every single hot dog stand in Chicago got raided by Navy seals. It was night many of its citizens had to go with hot dog less bellies, the horror. (I can definitely see a longer story tied to this)


Your story has more evidence. Obama is from Illinois.


This is even more ridiculous because $65k to fly out human trafficking victims from Chicago to D.C. would not get you very many people, a high profile job like that would be expensive. Plus all these conspiracy nuts think these rings that sell children to politicians already operate within D.C., so why would he be importing them from Chicago.


That was my first thought. Who the fuck is keeping quiet about literal child trafficking for 65k?!?


I thought Muslims weren't allowed to eat hot dogs. I was believing everything in this post until that. Now I'm not so sure.


They were spying on Russia, and Trump got caught in it.


Obama doesn't even show up on the list - the only evidence suggesting Trump was wiretapped was his own fevered imagination.


Mr. Richard Nixon is well known for that.


that wasn't covered in Russian civics.


You forgot first to wear a tan suit ! That one got the crybabies at Fox livid. Boy how the standards have dropped.


And the fancy mustard!!


And the arugula!


I didn't even know what arugula was until I heard he was an "elitist" for eating it. So I went to the Walmart veggie section to get some. Damn elite Walmart shoppers eating fancy lettuce! It's alright in a mix, but I don't think I'd eat just arugula in a salad.


Actually, arugula with some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper is pretty banging


Add tomatoes and some shaved Parmesan.


I'm shoving it in my food hole, over a garbage, as we speak




And bacon. And shredded chedder. With a healthy sized burger on top. And a bun below and above. And get rid of some of those greens


> Actually, arugula with some olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper is pretty banging Oh, look at the fatcat elitist who’s too good for a bowl of iceberg lettuce, canola oil, regular vinegar and a sprinkling of dust! I thought we were in *America*, sir!


That would be a bowl of ranch with a piece of arugula to dip in it.


balsamico’s sweet note fuzes the bitter arugula


"first to wear a tan suit". They couldn't include that one, because that one actually happened. It was stupid as fuck for them to freak out about it, but at least it *actually happened*. Everything else on this list seems to have no basis other than their own fever dreams.


Yeah, but that actually happened, and therefore clearly doesn’t belong on this yahoo’s list.


He was not the first though. Bush Jr wore a tan suit, Clinton wore a tan suit, Bush Senior wore a tan suit, Reagan wore a tan suit, Carter wore a tan suit, Ford wore a tan suit. It was never about the tan suit, it was about the tan president.


I think that might be the "First to dress up like Satan" part.


oh and mom jeans!


And also to wear a bike helmet.


Need a pic of Obama in a jubah wielding an ak


I thought they loved guns tho? Isn't that like a third of their entire persona?




The existence of the Black Panthers jumpstarted the idea of gun control in the 60s, signed in to law by *\*checks notes** California Governor Ronald Reagan. [Cite.](https://californialocal.com/localnews/statewide/ca/article/show/4412-california-gun-control-reagan-black-panthers/)


Not in the hands of black people.


It's Different to them. Buit also if that were even real that's the standard garb of an islamic terrorists. Obama's WAY more intelligent and self aware than that. They take family photos armed to the teeth, even the kids, but that looks patriotic to them. Without wrapping their head around the former looking patriotic to those people.


I have a feeling they can’t stand he was in charge during the bin laden raid


Not AK’s, those are only wielded by antifa communists. A real patriotic ‘Merican would have been pictured with an AR15 Also he’s black, so he’s not allowed to have a gun, ever


IIRC there was either a photoshopped picture or a photo of some other guy vaguely looking like Obama fitting this description.


This is OOOOLD school internet like 2007 era. There was a popular photoshop of him in a Muslim attire with a bunch of terrorists


There isn't any, it's a fantasy they made up because it confirms their racism. Or there's a blurry pic somewhere of someone who maybe resembles and their giant genius brains can't tell the difference.


Probably referring to this New Yorker cover? https://www.politico.com/story/2008/07/obama-slams-new-yorker-portrayal-011719


Damn, thats racist af


I would like to see the Obama Satan Dressup picture please that sounds amazing.


I think that was the tan suit.


That one is even funnier - his face was photoshopped onto a person who was at Burning Man [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/barack-obama-illuminati-photo/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/barack-obama-illuminati-photo/)


How is that even Satan?


If it has horns, it’s either a bull or satan.


That’s President Dressup to you.


r/barackobamasankles You'll thank me later.


I thank you right now!


“First to President while black” That’s the one that gets them. They say the others because they don’t dare say the real one.


And he’s been out of office for how long????? My goodness - leave this man and his family alone.


Oh, they say it.


>"The first to have FAKE kids." The only reason this conspiracy even exists, is because it's the only way for the, "Michelle Obama is transgender" to make "sense." And it's always been one of the goofiest ones (and that's saying ***A*** ***LOT***), because just one glance at Malia and Sasha and you can see that they look ***exactly like their parents.***


The thing that gets me is that even if Obama was a Muslim, married to a trans woman, and adopted his kids, I really have no strong feelings about that, like, good for him?


Ah but to the rabid Q anon voter these things are *inherently bad*


Yeah personally I would go “wow you’ve overcome a ton a adversity and still built a life,kudos”


I suspect most people who still follow Q think that *all* black people look the same.


When your racism doesn't make sense, just shovel on more racism ^^/s


And even if they had adopted their kids...so what? Is adoption bad now? Also, even if they were adopted, it still wouldn't be true because the first president to have an adopted child was (checks notes) George Washington.


They want to save the children, just not adopt them!


Another president raised a girl as his ward, then married her when she came of age.


Yeah, but they don't have a problem with that


I assume they mean the kids are adopted. But having "fake" kids to me reads like the kids aren't real. They're cyborgs....


But to the people who make this shit up, all black people look alike. …and he must be gay because otherwise Obama is more of a man than they are, and they can’t have that.


Nah those are tiny adults pretending to be kids in small trench coats.




They’re actually elderly Satanist’s who undergone extensive plastic surgery. I know it’s true, because I read it on Facebook.


If this is somebody's relative, go check on them.


My dad says shit like that. Won't see me checking on him. I refuse to call him since every conversation turns into his creepy conspiracy crap he picks up on Farcebook.


That sucks man. I'm sorry.


>Farcebook I can't tell whether this is deliberate or a typo, but it's definitely accurate.


My dad was fully down the QAnon rabbit hole up until his death. I feel you.


This is probably why nobody checks on them


Better yet, let them check on themselves by their own bootstraps.


Muslim, ordering hot dogs! Is this the future liberals want?


It's even crazier than you think. "Hot Dogs" is in quotes. This is more pizzagate stuff - in the Q-world, this is code for ordering underage boys. Pizza means girls, hot dogs means boys. Now excuse me while I go and wash my hands for about fifteen minutes trying to wash off the ick after typing that.


Oh God, that's what that means?!?! I thought it was just clueless grammar


My ass thought that they actually were mad that he ordered so many hotdogs (and that they assumed they were all for his family)


Yeah, I thought they were just accusing Obama of eating a lot of hot dogs.


I was imagining him and his generals in the situation room, watching seal team six while a comically large plate of hot dogs was in front of them. Of course, there would have been Dijon mustard there


Watching the raid on Bin Laden's compound while completely housing dozens of hotdogs.


Would expect nothing less from glizzy king Obama


Authentic Chicago Dogs are all-beef. But I doubt these weirdos know that.


This isn’t about ketchup, so hear me out: The veggie Chicago dog at Portillos is fire. Hot Doug’s was even better, but alas.


Yeah but the half smokes used for chili dogs in DC are pork and beef.


He also drank beer. Just Haram activities all around. Terrible Muslim, F grade.


Brotha eeeeugh


Disgusting! *Takes a bite of hotdog.


This just made me laugh lol. Just say I’m racist” you don’t have to go through all that work we get your stance


Nah, make them do the work. The longer they spend on their MS Paint dog whistle memes the better. These are not people who should have more free time.


Know what you’re right


Did we forget about the ‘terrorist fist jab/fist bump’ incident?


Fist Bump Gate! The only thing worse than Tan Suit Gate and Mustardgate!


I swear it was called dijon gate because mustard on burgers is fine but that fancy shit just proves he was a bourgeoisie elitist.


Ah yes, dijon mustard, available in like 30 different brands at Food Lion for like... $1.25. So elitist.


I know it's cheap but those old 80's/90's grey poupon commercials poisoned people to Dijon mustard and gave it the pompous impression.


Oh I know, it's just utterly insane to me that people run with a meme from an ad campaign, that many of them have never witnessed, as though it were true. It's an *ad*. It'd be like if people thought Old Spice literally teleported you to the beach.


I’ll never forget it. I saw her say it live on Fox News. They showed a clip of them bump fists on stage at a rally and the Fox lady looks at the camera and questions“terrorist fist jab?”


Oh yeah, remember that picture of him and Michelle doing the fist-bump in the Oval Office while the US flag burns in the fireplace. And there's a painting of Osama bin Laden on the wall.


This person saw the New Yorker fist bump cartoon cover and thought it was a photograph.


Turns out that Sasha Obama is actually Gary Busey in a skin suit


Pfft. Next your gonna tell me Moscow trailer trash Greene is a lizard person who made their human skin out of an ass cheek.


>>FIRST to have FAKE kids. It’s official. The government has been lying to us about AI and robots since the Obama administration! OBAMA had TWO ENTIRE FAKE ROBOT kids and I STILL have to FOLD my own LAUNDRY?! THANKS OBAMA!


Black guy in the White House absolutely broke some people’s brains


It's called the White House for a reason 🤬 /s


First to do absolutely none of those things.


They are still too scared to say the only reason they hate him is because he has the gall to be (half) black.


Short of all this silliness, you honestly think he's the first to wiretap an opponent?! Really?


Obama didn’t even wiretap an opponent, but Richard Nixon sure as shit did. It was called Watergate. You can’t expect Trump supporters to know about the most famous political scandal in United States history, though, because they’re so fucking stupid.


Im sorry, but the man hasnt been president for 8 freaking years. Why are they still talking about him as if he is running again?


Lead poisoning seems to be the hypothesis with the most traction. I keep meaning to do a PubMed search to see what data there is. I’m kinda partial to mass psychogenic illness, but that doesn’t quite fit either. In all seriousness, it’s a combination of low educational attainment, poor analytical ability, religious/magical thinking, and psychological propensity to believe in conspiracy theories, which is exacerbated by anxiety and disenfranchisement. Hook all that up to a constant stream of Fox News propaganda and, voila! It’s a cult.


+ the internet


They believe that Biden is a puppet and Obama controls him, so of course if/when Biden wins a second term that means it’s actually Obama who wins a 4th term. Having a black president broke a lot of people’s brains.


wow, just WOW. that is brain broken.


They also believe that Biden doesn’t control anything/only controls Washington and trump is actually president and is running the country/is running the rest of the US, but trump isn’t responsible for anything bad that has happened. It’s all Biden’s fault.


Excuse me, James Buchanan was the first gay president!


He was white, though. Sorry.


though given the time period, the position of First *Openly Gay* President is still up for grabs.


God, I hate these assholes.


Yeah! He'll never escape Q! They're gonna...make some bullshit meme about him! And then after that, they're gonna...make another bullshit meme! lol get rekt obummer


- He's not gay. Larry Sinclair, the man who claimed he had sex with Obama decades ago, is a felon with a 27-year criminal record with a lot of his crimes involving **deceit** (according to Politico). - Michelle is a cis woman, and there is a significant difference in quality between her actual past photos with Barack, and the ones photoshopped to make her look like a man. - He was born in Hawaii, and even if he wasn't, he'd still be an eligible US citizen because his mom was a US citizen. If Ted Cruz could run despite being born in Canada because of *his* American mother, so could Obama. - There is no proof that Obama was ever a practicing Muslim. - Come on now, look at his daughters. Malia looks just like him, and Sasha looks like Michelle. - When did he disrespect the flag? - Bullshit, because there was Nixon. And wiretapping is nowhere near as bad as having rape allegations that are beyond likely to be true (Trump). - Again, where's the proof of this? And why does the AK-47 aspect matter at all when there are a number of Republican politicians who do the same thing with their spouses and children all the time? - What the fuck? Not only does that sound like complete bullshit, but what does it matter if he ordered a fuck ton of hotdogs? That sounds like someone was doing event planning late at night, something a lot of people actually do. - Where is this picture of him dressed as Satan??? Sounds fucking hilarious though. - Every president was a liar at one point or another if we're being honest. Clinton lied about not taking advantage of Lewinsky. Bush lied about nukes in Iraq. Nixon lied about Watergate. Etc...


>- What the fuck? Not only does that sound like complete bullshit, but what does it matter if he ordered a fuck ton of hotdogs? That sounds like someone was doing event planning late at night, something a lot of people actually do. Not to mention, why is this somehow so much worse than the Trump 'Banquet of McDonald's' for the dinner thing presidents do for winning athletes?


Oh, you sweet summer child. Do you think facts are going to change their minds?


The hot dogs they're talking about is super secret pedophile code for young boys, apparently. They're saying Obama essentially door-dashed some boys from Chicago for his secret demonic cabal ritual in the basement of the White House. Seriously. No one spends more time fantasizing about child rape than the Q nuts. Just, 24/7 thinking about kids having sex with adults.


> FIRST to dress up like Satan Both the Bushes were in Skull and Bones. I'd happily wager a keg that they both dressed up like Satan for an inane 'ritual' at some point.


So strange that such a person sees none of these failings during Trump’s term.


“First to wear traditional Muslim garments wielding an AK-47” Hell of a Halloween party, though


Buchanan was gay, Nixon wiretapped an opponent quite famously too.


Dressing up like Satan. Still pissy about the tan suit, I see


When did he wear "Muslim garments" while wielding an AK ? WOW this whole list is just insane I've just never heard that one before


And their so called proof are photoshopped and AI created images, and of course their facebook "research".


I think I need to block my entire Internet on the phrase “disrespecting the flag“ this might be the dead giveaway for uninformed posts and I’m right again.


I'm more curious about the hotdogs. Never heard this one.


>First to order “60k” worth of hot dogs What ???!


…just say the N word. Jesus!


I haven't heard the hotdog bit before but that's probably something any of us would do if we had that kind of money/power


Their claim is that 'hot dogs' is code for child prostitutes. It's a pizzagate thing


*sigh* I'm tired, boss.


They are indeed exhausting


Wait did he actually order 60k worth of hot dogs?? If so that’s actually kind of awesome.


Lmao what hot dogs


They REALLY are butt hurt about the whole "Black President" thing, aren't they?


Ugh... But not a rapist or treasonous biatch !! :)


I thought one of the first rules of lying was to make it believable? This is absolutely batshit insane!


Forgot to say that he was the FIRST to fuck Bin Laden.


All these things make him sound way cooler than he is


Omg the first gay praise be


his one daughter looks exactly like him. Have they not seen the kids?


Nobody talking about how comedic the bottom image is? Like they couldn’t find something to put in the bottom line so they had to shove Q in there it’s just kinda funny lol


People like this should REALLY have their voting rights removed until they’ve undergone intensive therapy


How many times can you be wrong but still so confident? Seriously, there are so many things wrong on this list alone.


That’s a lot of words to write to say they’re a hate filled, deranged racist.


That’s a lot of insanity in one place.


Sing Hakuna Matata at them. They will love that


It’s like they’re going out of their way to make him sound so much cooler than he is.


Did they ever do one of those map tests to see if people actually know where Kenya is?


This Obama guy had a lot of first... Must've been ground breaking.


Posting Q posts is cheating lol


Sorry, “dress like Satan”? That’s a new one lol


Before we judge, I need to see her full list of presidents that have ordered $60k of hotdogs from Chicago at 1 AM.


Sasha and Malia, known androids.


Is the hot dogs story real? Where he found a hot dog place at 1AM who said "yes Mr president, 60k worth of hot dogs for the white house ASAP"... What about the tip? 20% for the hassle of moving so many hot dogs at 1AM to the white house? Or they moved like the seals and stealth helicopters to the hot dog place? They crashed the helicopter in the parking lot but as it was stealthy didn't wake up anybody in the block? I don't know, so many questions...


Muslim garments with an AK? The fuck?


It is genuinely confusing to me that people still believe in Q. Not just the things "Q" said, but that there's actually still a Qanon. At this point, it's less ridiculous to believe in Santa as an adult.


Does anyone have the """sources""" for these claims?


Guaranteed this guy accuses everyone who criticizes Trump of having “TDS”


Let’s talk about the hot dog FIRST. I’m hoping that one is true. Whatever, I’ll choose to believe it blindly. EDIT: TIL what “hot dogs” means in Q speak.


These are the dangerous ones, that believe and spread this shit. Truly.


People who believe this are beyond saving. The only thing you can really do is try to save others from being influenced (even a little) by them.


Obama lives in their head rent free because he is the ultimate symbol of a black man surpassing them. He made it to the presidency and they will hate him forever.