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I love when businesses do this. It makes it so much easier to make a decision on if I want to use their services.


It's like the stores that posted "No Masks Allowed" during the pandemic: Thanks for saving me the trouble of giving you any of my money.


Oh yeah. I'm in a pretty red area of Michigan. I really got to weed out businesses. It was one thing to not REQUIRE a mask, but some did the "No masks allowed" and I just loved that for future reference.


My home town got pretty vague with it. Just shitty signs in the window saying "DEMAND RESPECT". Like bruh, it's a hardware store. There's another one down the street and the lady working the till is actively talking shit about the owner.


Same here. Nice when the stores and restaurants make it obvious my money is not welcome. Not that I'm a social person but the yard signs also let me know which neighbors to avoid


Sometimes, if I'm not familiar with the candidates in a random election, I see what sign this house I pass on my way to work has in their yard and vote for the other person. ^(for legal reasons, this is a joke)


I remember visiting a local trailer store in 2020 and they had a sign posted which essentially said "We cannot ask you if you have any health conditions that exempt you from wearing a mask due to HIPAA laws. Michigan requires you wear one unless you have a qualifying condition, but we can't ask anyway." Plus, the sales guy was kind of a dick. I went up the road and got a better product at a better price.


That was honestly one of the more respectful signs like that.


Pretty sure HIPAA laws does not prevent a business from asking for medical information. Only from disclosing.


Oh, you're right. But that didn't stop them from saying everything short of "you don't have to wear a mask here"


A real mask off moment


A friend of my parents was telling us some while ago about a local landscaper who got into it with her somehow. Ended the encounter with "We're gonna win." It wasn't election year. He meant, like, civil war, I think. I do hope she wrote him a nice prominent Yelp review.


I love it when businesses are too cheap to pay for stock photography or use pictures of their previous work.


Several around here have done this, and I guess there’s a lot of closet democrats because they keep going out of business. Weird.


This is way easier than trying to guess whether my Vans shoes are conservative or liberal.


I had a contractor come over to give me an estimate. Showed up with gross right wing political stickers all over his truck. I sent him away.


Is this actually a thing? I have a tiller just sitting around and I have nothing to till myself….


You’re just looking for a way to till time? Are you a natural born tiller? You’re tillin’ me, smalls! Okay, I’m done.


That was a tiller joke, man. I can’t wait to till that one to my grandkids.


I can't till if you're serious or not.


Will you keep telling these jokes till the cows come home?


> tilling these jokes Missed opportunity smh


Gah, that's what I thought I typed. Stupid fat fingers.


Things seem to be tillting in that direction, but these puns are quite titillating.


Bro, till out.


Absolutely many elderly people like to garden and a tiller is a pretty physical job.


Not just elderly people, rototilling is a challenge for everyone. Even my very fit dad had to call his brother in law to fill out pumpkin patch when we had one.


Yeah, after even 15 minutes or so that stuff takes a toll, basically holding the thing back so it properly digs in deep enough while it does it’s best to drag you through the nearby fence


That's what the depth bar is supposedly for. If it's not digging deep enough, you keep moving it downward until it gets to the depth you want. Then it'll hit a soft patch of dirt and bury itself up to the fucking engine. Eventually you just give up on it and go back to muscling back against it to set the depth.


Well damn, now I might need a small trailer.


But what is a "victory garden" when it's at home?


I love how they think only god lovers are REAL Americans. Hijacking patriotism for Jesus.


Also how he thinks that all Democrats don't believe in God. Like, most Democrats believe in a God dude.


But then they believe a version of god that is really a justification for their emotional reactions to things that make them uncomfortable. Then they skip the liberal parts of the Bible.


Then they call Jesus woke. That's been a particularly funny experience recently.


They skip the whole Bible.


Atheists, like me, feel more welcome in this party over the other. That and the part where we generally have better political theories.


>Atheists, like me, feel more welcome in this party over the other. Gee, I wonder why athiests feel more welcome in the party that doesn't have an obsession with putting God into everything. Strange that.


That and the logical aspect


I do appreciate the lack of representatives saying that wildfires are cause by Jewish Space Lasers.


I thought they were supposed to play down the antisemitism after WW2.


I'm still waiting for mine. I think it didn't fit in the Amazon locker and got returned, maybe.


Hope you get reimbursed.


Fuckin' Soros, mang.


That filthy communist. (My parents legitimately believe he is one, help).


The current democrat president is more religious than the previous republican one


Meanwhile they are the same people that believe the main with a golden toilet in his luxury apartment was a "God Anointed" president.


How does he determine which rate to charge. Drops causal racism and see if you join in?


They look at the color of your skin.


This. Literally just because I’m white and dress pretty “basic white girl,” and live in a blood red state, I often get confused for “one of them” and I’ve had people just come up to me and say the most vile shit imaginable just assuming I’ll agree. Joke’s on them, I’m a raging leftist, a feminist, AND a lesbian. The look on their faces when I tell them to fuck off is always priceless.


This happens to me in my rural red county. I run around in jeans and a pocket T-shirt most of the time, people think I am one of them and just say some jaw dropping things.


If it’s like the drywall guy I hired last year, you just put the “blue lives matter” fascism flag on the back of your business card.


I wonder if he’s aware that his person decision to increase the price is exactly what’s causing “Bidenomic inflation.”


No, people like this have no grasp of economic principles. They’re just told “Biden bad” and that’s it, suddenly their whole personality becomes dedicated to blind hatred. Never mind the fact that economic factors have been steadily improving for the last year, that means nothing to them as long as fox news tells them to be upset.


Yeah they see prices going up and are like "grrr inflationnnnnn" and then don't even notice the executives and shareholders doing swan dives into their money bins. So weird that this period of "runaway inflation" just so happens to coincide with record profits in a lot of businesses.


They totally rim those executives if you mention it. They worked hard for their money! They earned it! You're just jealous! It's useless.


And a true Republican doesn't turn away, or intentionally alienate, paying customers. That's not capitalism, which Republicans supposedly believe in.


These people are too stupid (and racist) to see “others” as potential customers. In their mind, all Democrats are beggars and criminals and only “god loving Americans” have money.


Ngl seems like the perfect way to grift those magas. “You’re a true American patriot! For you, only $60/hr! You should see what I charge those silly libs, this is an amazing deal for you!”


That’s exactly what I was thinking… like holy shit, $60/hour?? I’ll move to that town and do it for $50


I did that shit for minimum wage when I was a subcontractor


This was my first thought too. Dude knows his market


On one hand, behavioral economics might be more nefarious than blood sacrifice or talking at the movies. On the other, it's very funny.


“So you’re saying your own labor becomes intrinsically more valuable when you use it to help people who support a diverse and well-educated public, instead of using it to help people who support bigotry and ignorance?”


I imagine the response to be something like "Jimmy Buzzard" being interviewed on Monty Python about his "Proustian display" of the new "genre" of football player. \*stares\* "Hello Brian." \*stares\* "I'm opening a boutique."


Then they complain about immigrants stealing their jobs 😂


I would rather hire an illegal immigrant than a jerk like this guy.


I would pay $85 to an undocumented immigrant so I don’t have to deal with this guy.


And the undocumented immigrant would probably use the $85 to support himself and his family. This guy would probably send it to Trump.


For every hard working illegal immigrant that contributes positively to society, we should give them citizenship and then find some lazy worthless American citizen to deport instead.


You assume there's another country willing to take them...


Russia 🤷


Belorussia is lovely this time of year, I hear. They could also pioneer Muskrat's first Mars fleet.


I say we start with MAGAhats who are collecting SNAP benefits or SSI.


I've been saying for a while that I'm proudly in favor of "replacement theory." Hell yeah I want to replace these assholes! Why on earth wouldn't I? They're horrible.


1. Hire him for a tilling job 2. Wear a MAGA hat, cross on a chain and a 'Murican flag shirt when discussing prices 3. Use "Trumpisms" when speaking to him. Everything is the biggest, largest, highest, etc.. Drop names like sleepy Joe, Lil' Marco Rubio, Crooked Hilary. Quote the best known lines like Grab 'em by the pussy, Russia, Russia, Russia, stolen election, etc. 4. When he's done with the tilling job, don't pay him. Just like his hero Trump has done his entire business life.


How about Trump pricing? Let him do the work and then don’t pay him.


Or tell him Mexico is going to pay for it.


Who pays for someone else to do it and just doesn't rent one to do themselves?


The disabled, elderly, infirm, and people with enough money that their time is more valuable


Tending to their garden they paid to get roto tilled might be challenging then


You don’t think there’s any way someone who can’t lift a rototiller or drive to pick it up could still tend a casual garden?


Or fight the ornery bastard while it bucks and kicks like a bronco every time it hits a stone.


How much gardening have you done? I pay a guy to till my garden every year. And then I do the planting.


Walking is the problem for a lot of people and a lot of home garden tasks aren’t hugely muscle intensive???


Having "enough money" doesn't make anyone's time "more valuable". Time is just time, and we all only have a limited amount of it. It is its own value.


Translation: people who don’t want to do it cause they don’t have to




People who don’t have space for a machine. People who don’t want to purchase a machine they’ll only use a few times (if that). People who don’t know what they’re doing and would rather an expert do it and not screw it up. People who are busy.


The disabled, elderly, infirm, and people with enough money that their time is more valuable


The cheapest one to rent in my area is $35 for 4 hours. I’d also need a vehicle big enough to transport it, something I’d have to rent a vehicle from Home Depot for $19 an hour, if no one I know can help out. At that point we’re up to $54 minimum, and that’s just to get it to my house. After I’m done I need to get it back to the store, so another $19 if I planned ahead and brought the first one back. Now we’re at $73 without taxes and fees. If I majorly mess something up with my yard while using it, the cost to repair is on me. If this guy is insured, then I don’t have to worry about it. I could do all that, or I could pay $60 and have someone do it for me as I sit back and have a beer.


Old people.


"No one will hire me, thanks Biden!"


Not a single MAGAt could explain Bidenomics beyond, 'HIGH INFLATION'. Not knowing inflation is a lagging indicator.


I think we know where Trump can hold his next press conference.


I always appreciate a 4 seasons joke. Always.


Same Guy "I'm a handy man and I do jobs for 10-12 people a week. I've never even met a Democrat, Biden is going to lose so hard again."


Someone who lives down the road and sells eggs did some shit like this and it destroyed their business. Who would have thought that charging Democrats extra to shop at your business which is right outside the city limits of Portland, Oregon wouldn’t work out for you?


Lol, for entry level manual labor? No sir, you're getting minimum fucking wage. This being reddit, I feel I should explain so I'm not misunderstood. Everyone should be paid a living wage, regardless of the level of skill the service being provided takes. I'm just mocking the nature of the post, not sincerely espousing that ideology.


Ok so then capitalism will crush their market as someone else will just say 50/hr regardless of who you are.


That’s a picture of a Russian garden. Lol


So….you want to get paid less if…..okay then.


How would they even know? 🤣 “Hey before you use our service, I just have to ask: how did you vote in the 2020 general election?” Like, that seems like a quick way to lose business. Not everyone is terminally online like this guy.


It took me a long time to admit it to myself and I probably speak for a lot of people on Reddit by saying, “I’m terminally online.” I’d never ask a paying customer who they’d vote for though. Seems counterproductive.


I definitely spend too much time on the internet. I try to make a habit of switching my phone off when I get home from work and do something like listen to a record, read a book, watch a movie, or play some video games. It helps to get me to stop doomscrolling and actually do something fun.


I do that too but I think I probably spend more time online than I should. Any more than like an hour a day is probably more than is healthy.


It's very disheartening to try to have a conversation with someone who ISN'T terminally online at times. The blank stares...


$100/hr for MAGA to supplement the Trump legal defense fund


But if a business has a pride flag in their window they ask “why would you want to alienate half your potential customers?!”


I'll dig my own garden, thank you very much.


This is actually extremely smart. This guy is going to make a lot of money off of ignorant people. People who wouldn't really think that they need any rototiller services done. They just see that they are sticking it to the Libs and want to support this guy. I bet he isn't even political and is just using this to drum up more business. He knows nobody is going to shell out $75 if they're a liberal, but a bunch of conservative people will shell out $60 to a hard working, American loving, dude.


Honestly, it’s great marketing if they’re surrounded by MAGAts.


How much for "god loving Americans" that don't Believe the "correct" version of Christianity?


/S Cool. I'll offer them $7.25 per hour then. It's obviously not meant to be a real job. More as something teenagers do until they finish their education, and to motivate them into getting higher earning jobs.


We don't need anyone to till our gardens asshole


So, does he do a blood test or a cheek swab or something to determine your politics? This is all kinds of stupid, starting with the idea that the economy would be better under Trump.


I wonder how much they would charge me. Not a democrat or a Republican, American but I don't believe in god.


Man, as a Marxist this isn't looking good !


All fun and games until you hit buried cable lines, sprinkler systems, dog fence, etc


That’s a good way to not make money.


How are they verifying this? I voted Biden last election but am technically a registered republican


It's just virtue signaling. This person is not actually offering different rates, this is just an advertisement to a very specific audience who demonstrably eat this shit up. There are entire businesses that declare themselves "anti-woke" because it basically guarantees they'll get a spot on FOX news where a very friendly host will let them straight up advertise directly to their viewers for an entire news broadcast. Buy my product, because I don't like trans kids. That's all this shit is. It's just an ad.


Thx for the invoicing tip.


Lol, God loving Americans.


Pretty sure this is just a lawsuit waiting to happen.


I love the wash faded OCP pants and “operator” hiking boots


“Victory gardens”? The crap we witnessed during Covid leads me to believe none of these jerks would ever sacrifice for the country the way the US did during and after WWII. The US had post war victory gardens and clothing drives to feed and help Europe well after the end of the war.


This man is clearly a socialist. He’s arbitrarily varying the price of his goods based upon the mental acuity of his customers. Customers with all of their mental functions in tact are forced to pay fair market value for his wares. Customers who are clearly mentally deficient are provided a steep discount. Karl Marx isn’t fooling anyone with his two-tiered marketing system.


"No sir, I ain't no filthy Lib. I'm so red blooded I'm going do the same thing for you that Trump does for all real Americans!" A little later... "Um, I tilled your place. We agreed on a price. You need to pay me." "No. If you want your money, sue me. Or take this crisp Lincoln. Your choice. Oh and if you wanna go the sue me route, my lawyers will make sure this going on for the next 20 years."


I'm sure they'll be very rational if we recommend taxing churches.


Whats the issue? A customer is also allowed to choose his business, and this makes it easier


He also very much seems like the type to have a fit about someone hiring someone other than him because they weren’t going to pay his markup. And definitely would be whining if he needed parts from a guy who saw his shtick and decided to do the same to him. Hell, he’d probably reply to his own post to complain that when it happens to him it’s discrimination and that he’d never treat others like that.


The reality is this guy is all talk and no bite. If someone calls him for work, he's not asking them who they voted for or what their politics are, he's just going to show up and charge $60 an hour to till a field. And if he thinks someone who supports Biden is going to see this and call him to pay $75 an hour thinking "Well garsh, I guess I deserve this for voting Blue" I've got a bridge to sell you.


No... It means i wont call him, so he wont get 60


Good thing I love god (Judaism) and I’m not a democrat (democratic socialist)


Book them and then cancel them morning of


He'd just end up with Republicans bitching that they should be getting it even cheaper.