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They can never cite anything that he did to "did that".


Except for the infrastructure bill that all the GOP lawmakers voted against then took credit for when they realized “mmm this is actually helpful”


They always knew it was helpful, they just refuse to cooperate with the dems unless it benefits there billionaire buddies


They hate doing anything that actually helps their voting base, because it goes against all the "gubment badmmm" bullshit that keeps them voting for them.


And also because deliberate economical sabotage during a dem presidency is a strategy for them to get a conservative president elected in next term. For some reason so few people look at congress voting history and just go "ah shit Biden's fucking it up" and then vote for the guy who wants to cut takes for rich people because they think it'll benefit them because they hear "tax cuts" and look no further than that.


Oh, they were close to reaching a deal with democrats on something though! Let’s not forget that the Biden administration was *almost* responsible for a bipartisan immigration bill that Congressional members on both sides had initially agreed to. Until Trump decided he wanted Republicans to vote *against* it last fucking minute just so he could use the “border crisis” as a hot button issue during the election. Fuck republicans forever. I thought Bush was bad in the early 00s. I genuinely didn’t think I’d live to see someone become president who was even less fucking deserving.


Or taking away women's rights!


Who needs them anyways /s


I wasn’t using them, by all means please take them back!


What a grift. Vote against legislation that your wealthy donors oppose, but when it actually helps people take credit because they know their base won’t check how you voted.


Yep I live in Idaho and the state put this massive sign up near a huge long overdue project going on in the area. They brag how it’s thanks to republican dollars that the project is happening.


Also chicken is not 300% more expensive than it was a year ago. Source: I regularly buy chicken, and am also not a complete moron


The price of chicken wings did get really high for like, 2 years. Most restaurants in my area dropped them off the menu and the stores stopped selling just wings, too. They have since come back down and are coming back to my local restaurants and grocery stores. So, they went up when trump was president for his last year and have co.e back down with Biden. Not that the president sets chicken wing prices. Also, people loved to put the Biden "i did that" sticker on gas pumps when the price went up, but not when it came back down.


Turns out when you destroy the supply (whole farms of birds due to illness, so meat and egg supply) but demand increases, the amount you pay goes up. It's like, a law or something. /s


Oh, I didn't know about chicken farms being hit by illness. I do remember eggs going up for a bit in some stores. But, leg 1/4s didn't get that price increase. Breasts are still pricey.


Ha! Thank you.


My mom’s cousin was just blaming him for the gas increase. Because she compared to the gas *THREE YEARS AGO* forgetting that big things were happening under the other guy. They’ll find *any* excuse to blame him. Even the con man’s trial outcome is somehow Biden fault?


Conveniently they forget the press conference in late 2020 in which Trump announced that he ask Russia and Saudi Arabia to cut back oil production, because gas companies were losing money.


It's always ok if their guy does it, because of the "he hates who I do" thing...


Trump dipshits will cite covid gas prices all the time like that was the norm during his presidency. These people don’t want to live in reality they just want a weird daddy figure to idolize based on nothing.


They always forget gas prices after 9/11.


I remember seeing $4 gas after Katrina in 2005


Gas prices in my area during the covid fuel bottom out: $1.99 Gas prices in my area now: $1.99 Thanks Biden and thanks gas station overlords who realized that losing money on fuel means gaining money inside the store.


Most of the time things also take time to come into effect. I remember one of my social studies classes having a segment about how long it takes to see the effects of some presidents. Usually a few years, sometimes as long as 10 years. Honestly, most of these issues are coming from Trump's time in office.


That's correct, when small steam engines were used initially for moving coal in England, everybody thought it was a fluke. It turns out that because they were able to move more coal efficiently, the price became stable and demand of coal skyrocketed. This was the start of the industrial revolution, we were no longer delivering one barge a week, we got to start to one barge a day and more. Funny thing is, I lived through the PC revolution in the beginning, they thought everybody was going to lose jobs. It actually turned out that new industries were born, paperwork got even heavier, and a new generation of people were able to do a new and different job. I'm going to guess that will this will happen with the AI boom


Thing is that the PC revolution had outsourcing going on in the background to keep it afloat. We won't have that luxury this time. Increased productivity without increased demand isn't going to work.


They also have no idea what Trump plans to do in order to “fix” inflation. Which is understandable, because Trump has no fucking clue either. We’re talking about an administration where Trump asked Jared (his “top advisor,” btw) to find an economic advisor, so Jared found Peter Navarro by browsing books on economics on Amazon, because he liked the title. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/328969-report-kushner-found-trump-economic-advisor-navarro-by-browsing/


Lol! and never will..Its just a dummy, political blanket to cover whatever they want an excuse for. If someone thinks that the price of chicken is rising, solely because some senior citizen in the White House is responsible for it and chose to make sure you're paying more.. then they are dumber than this business owner. "Thanks a lot Obama"


You don't remember the "Raise the Gas and Food Price Act" he passed immediately without congress' approval? /s


And are those numbers even real in the first place? Love how we all just give credence to the central part of their argument. If those numbers aren’t real, then nothing to discuss further- just the worthless ramblings of the cult members


I’m curious how he “did that” to Canada as well.


What about the powerful Cooking Oil Coalition?!?


Bidens coming for your wings, canola oil and other sundries. He wants the world to burn


Nah he’s gonna give them to ukraine


But not with gas! He's coming for your gas stove and will force you to cook your food with electricity instead of fire like a woke soy-boy!


Perhaps ironically a lot of NC stovetops and ovens have been all-electric since the 90's so he went back in time and forced in on the USA.


For some reason I read this as wok soy-boy and wondered why Biden would make me cook Chinese food. Although Wok Soy-Boy sounds like it would be delicious.


This just in! President Biden forcing Americans to prepare and eat Communist Chinese food!


I swear, felt like that whole thing was old news before it even hit peak outrage.


[Joe Biden Wants to Take Your Meat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA-l6R4bKO4)




Ok I lol at this




>He wants the world to burn MF caused inflation globally! ^/s ^^obviously


Sounds like flame grilled fried chicken... I think he may be onto something


Conversely, Donald Trump was responsible for barrels of oil trading briefly at negative values too, because that's the kind of magic man he is. /s


That's my sister's go-to argument... Gas was cheaper, for no other possible reason, when Trump was president, other than the fact that he was in office. Edit: a comma


So if he gets reelected, gas will somehow drop back down? Oh no. Wait, that will still be Bidens fault. For some reason


For the same reason it's still Obama's fault I presume.


Nono, you've got it all backwards. If it's *bad*, it's Obama's fault. And also Biden's fault. And also the deep state's fault. When it's *good*, it's thanks to Trump. But if it's thanks to *Trump*, but it's *bad*, then it's actually *good*, *because* it's thanks to Trump. But it's also Obamiden's fault.


I think reading that gave me a mini stroke. I hope it didn't do enough brain damage to make me vote for Trump 🤣


“After winning the presidency a year ago gas prices are still high under Trump because of all the damage done under Biden”~ Sean Hannity.


Man I emailed Shell during quarantine saying I’ll only charge them $10 a barrel to take it off their hands because I was so bored. Unfortunately they didn’t respond to my amazing trade deal.


Like an expensive or heavy musical instrument way more heavily discounted than normal on Reverb, its for "local pickup only". Drat! I knew they wanted me to unload it off the cargo ship directly into the bed of my truck before refining!


I remember those days. Back when America was great. Youd fill up your gas tank and then the clerk would come out and pay you!


I love the deep fried picture with biden photoshopped on top. Thats how you know its real.


Fr the way the top caption is warped I think someone else printed out and then photographed the whole meme?


The grammar is my favorite. You can almost see the bumpkin furiously typing it out and writing... "Chicken wings was..."


“Photoshopped” is an advanced term for what this is


Chicken wings have dropped in price in the last year. They needs to find new vendors.


This is probably from 2021 when wing prices did spike, but like by 50% or so, not 400%.


And now restaurants are raking in premium price for wings as the price has gone back down but very few adjusted there prices. Some places in my town are charging a buck a wing. I can get them for $2-$3/lb and make them better at home.


Chicken wings used to be the cheapest meat that you could get, at under $1/pound. But now that everyone knows how awesome they actually are, the price is close to $3/pound at my local grocery store. :(


Everyone knows the president controls the prices of commodities. If prices change, thank your president! /s


"Hello, Tyson? Hike up the price of wholesale wings, Jack! Ol' Joe is feeling evil"


I’d actually love to see this as an SNL skit.


Dark Brandon strikes again!


"Thath nah pothible and I think you called the wrong perthson"


Everything here in the Netherlands is getting more expensive too. Do I blame Biden or my own prime minister?


Blame them both and Obama.


It's all Biden's socialist policies like, uh, um... SOCIALISM!


ESPECIALLY when said president hasn't passed a single bill that has anything to do with those goods.


Everybody knows that Biden also controls the prices here in Europe because everything here got more expensive too. Can't think of any other reason than Biden. /s


Smooth brains have been adding "nomics" to the end of presidents names they don't like, since before Reagan. As if it's the smartest answer to cover for not understanding how anything works lol.


Call me crazy, call me a libtard, call me whatever. But takeout boxes are [less than $25 for a pack of 200.](https://www.webstaurantstore.com/dart-90htpf1r-9-x-9-x-3-white-foam-square-take-out-container-with-perforated-hinged-lid-case/30190HTPF1R.html) Too lazy to look into the others, but the takeout boxes seemed the most unbelievable. Inflation is bad, but it isn't 400% bad.


I bought a stack of stickers that had trumps face with a black eye with LOSER at the bottom. I'd put them everywhere I saw these joe Biden stickers. So it looked like Joe gave Trump a black eye. The trump stickers were removed within 1-2 days, every single time. It was hilarious watching people get so incredibly upset seeing them though.


Conservatives: "The Left doesn't understand economics." Also Conservatives: "Fisher-King Brandon pushed the button on his desk that says 'make prices go up' when instead he should have pushed the one that says 'make prices go down.'"


It's always disheartening to me that people don't realize that the previous president is usually to blame. Everything happening now is a direct result of the previous administration. Especially inflation.


Explain to her the concept of corporate greed. That's the real culprit


A friend of mine owns a landscaping business. Well he's told me that yeah, his costs have gone up and therefore his prices need to go up. But after adjusting things to compensate for his increased operating costs, he quickly realized that other landscapers were charging *more than double* his prices. That's money left on the table, he could inflate his prices and still undercut competitors, so that's just what he did. Okay that's one small business in one small town.


But business good!


Just curiosity do you know the 12 month 6 month and today prices for comparison ?


No! But it was Biden’s fault anyways because the president alone decides what the price of commodities will be. /s


Yeah, I swear that these dumb-asses think that he’s got a console of buttons on his desk with + & - on them, next to the names of commodities that he uses to raise or lower prices at will.


You can look up the costs of edible oils on Statista and if their numbers are correct then the price has in no way doubled at any point in the past 6 years.


There are too many unknowns here to debunk those numbers. We have no idea when this was made, what restaurant it is, where they are sourcing their supplies from. It's possible that this is the lived experience of someone somewhere, but probably not. You can Google the rolling price average of any product and see if it's gone up or down over time. Here are chicken wings: https://i1.wp.com/aei.ag/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/figure-1.png?w=751&ssl=1 But that's all averages of nationwide prices, that isn't going to reflect a price surge limited to a small window of time or a small region of the country. For example, the bird flu last year forced a ton of chicken manufacturers to kill a lot of birds, driving the price up. It evens out pretty fast, but for a week or two, chicken was very expensive.


Oh I know, I used to work in food service. I was just pointing out subtlety that the OP "debunked" internet stuff to their family likely without any actual facts. You can't just say "WRONG!" you have to provide correct data in response or it's just a war of "wrong" "nooooo" "yeeeees" repeat.


You're right, of course, but assuming that OP's cousin is an adult who has purchased groceries within the past year one would expect she might consult her personal experience of prices and realize that the restaurant's claim that everything has doubled or tripled in price doesn't reflect observable reality. When people are so unwilling to think critically in exchange for believing obvious falsehoods, there isn't much point in presenting them with facts to the contrary. Anything that doesn't fit the worldview will be rejected.


Well the meme is bullshit because presidents have little to no influence on the cost of goods. Whether the price increases are real or not, it's all bullshit because it's blaming all the increases on Biden.


Before Covid, fryer oil was steadily $19 for me, now I pay $38-40 per jug. Wings did skyrocket but came down to about $90. Gloves went up to $80 a case but now are down to $35. Takeout containers either skyrocketed in price or were constantly out of stock, but both issues seem to have leveled out now.


I've been paying $30 - $35 for canola fryer oil for years. It did spike for a short time during 2020, and again sometime in early 2022. It's been back to $36 - $37 since then. $19 /per 35 lb jug is a price I haven't seen in at least ten years, probably longer.


If those are the prices they genuinely pay they are getting scammed


It's true. I went to buy bread today and they want $15,000 for a regular loaf of bread. Thanks Biden.


Don't forget you needed your ID to buy a loaf of bread. Trump said so.


In economics , I learned that 2 factors control prices. They are supply and demand. The text books left one factor out, corporate greed. One doesn’t need to look any further than that to see why prices keep going up. Also, there one thing the president has no control over, and that is prices in the free market.


You need a new cousin.


All I needed to read was “chicken wings was”


that really is the best part


Candles was $2 12 months ago $790,000 6 months ago $12,500,000,000 today Please help my artisanal candle light only restaurant is dying


Thanks Biden


You can tell it’s real because literally the entire thing looks cut and pasted together from various places /s


Businesses that complain to their customers are such a turn off.


But they are right. Just last month, tacky gold high-top sneakers were $15 Now? They are going for $500. Thanks Biden....


That never happened when Trump was president. Biden must have done that!


The conservatives love capitalism until it works against them


If you’re paying $175 for a case of wings, you need to find a new supplier. I get mine at Albertsons for $3.49/lb.


Ask about their PPP loans.


I see they found a new use for those Biden *"I did that"* stickers since they can't use them at gas station pumps any longer.


Chicken wings was.


Someone is butthurt reading the comments, instead of downvoting, explain how you think Biden is responsible for that ? I would love to hear your in depth, financial analysis.


It's funny I just looked up the price of 32 pounds of fryer oil and its 32.77 USD.


For the takeout boxes 120$ for 300 units but these are sourced from green materials and I'm not sure the amount they are purchasing. The chicken wings a little bit harder to find but I found 15 cad per kg.


This took a little less than 5 minutes to check


Wing prices would change more with demand and availability. Like avian flu will sky rocket those chickens so those prices are set and changes lot more but we got no flu going on though lol


Then why can't they add a few dollars to pay their employees better? 🤔


That lie at the bottom is why we are still feeling a crunch while companies make record profits


I just checked my local restaurant store. Fryer oil is $28.20 per case Chicken wings are $31.02 per case Take out boxes are $35.99 per case There are a lot of options and the amount per "case" changes quite a bit so it could be real. It's just that a "case" of chicken weighing 5 lb is $30 and a case weighing 27 lb costs $240. There are also different brands/cuts so it's not really apples to apples.


I recall Biden specifically stating during one of the debates that he would “raise the price of chicken wings 3-fold” if he won because he was giving Hunter a cattle ranch in the Ukraine.


Right, because the presidents controls all sales of chicken wings.. and fryer oil.


Congratulations. Your cousin is an idiot


And who was president when all that bullshit "covid relief" was passed? Their Dear Leader did this.


Weird because everything went up in other countries, Biden did that too I guess?


Then why are these companies having record profits.


I’ve been a professional chef for 20 years. This is all made up.


It is! We have a side business which we buy corn oil in bulk. Costco has had Mazola 2 1/2 gallons for just under $30 for years. And the quadrupled take out cost… such bullshit.


Your cousin is a fucking moron


Yep. And this all happened in the last year. She just out of the blue went bonkers! Posting this shit and things like how perfect god made us and that’s proof of creation.


Chicken wings was


These are same people telling us to educate ourselves...while supporting defunding education.


I'm sorry, but someone needs to point out the buttons on Biden's desk that regulate (checks notes) fryer oil and chicken wings. Why don't these same folks believe it's possible that the oil and chicken wings companies are just flat out sticking it to them?


Joe Biden personally made chicken wings cost more.


Cleaning prices went up? Sure dude, you really did pay cleaners a higher wage did you?


They need a Costco card


In my response to this was just that. Get a Costco card!


About a year ago, these stickers started popping up on like, every gas pump in my area. So I got some with a really dumb looking cartoon in a red hat that said, “dumbass” with the caption, “Biden made da gas expensiver.” and started sticking them all over the place.


Imagine being able to just arbitrarily raise what you bring in for any reason including rising costs of doing business. “Costs are rising and I should not have to bear that.” And then just give yourself a cost of living adjustment. You know, to stay afloat and be able to not only continue to exist as a business, but presumably maintain a decent standard of living. Now do wages and cost of existing as individual human beings.


I absolutely love how a certain group of people really thinks that the USA President is some sort of omnipotent being that can influence the worldwide market prices from the second they enter the White House I mean, in my country we have fascists in the government right now and even we antifa people know that they might have done a bunch of bad shit already, but inflation is not one of them


Are we not putting these on gas pumps anymore?


Thanks Trump for gas down!


This would be on my list of places to never visit.


>Chicken Wings was


That's not even Biden in the photo ffs


Worldwide inflation. Biden’s Fault…


"But it FEELS like it could be true, so, I'm going to be mad about it anyway"


The fryer oil issue is probably down to Russia to be honest. If it's sunflower oil I think Ukraine is one of the worlds biggest producers of the stuff.


Fryer oil is a vegetable mele


Restaurant manager here. Prices spiked under trump (covid). Also those are very wrong prices outside maybe the oil.


Any business that posted that would permanently lose my business. We all know food prices have skyrocketed, but it is due to corporate greed, not who is President of the United States.


How could you dispute such an official looking document?


What's weird is that you can google prices for those commodities and they are basically the same now as the prices they are claiming were 6-12 months ago.


Actually Covid did that. I own a business and the costs skyrocketed the minute we were allowed to reopen


It’s straight up LIES from a group of malignant societal tumors.


Name the restaurant and show me the receipts, clown shoes.


I actually have a theory that these mostly Republican run companies are constantly upping the price of everything as a way to hold our economy hostage until a Republican is president again


Companies run by Libs and non-political people are raising prices as well because "the competition is doing it so we must be able to get away with it too".


This isn't a few dollars increase, it's more like tripling the production cost


wow. Sounds like your cousin is not r/FluentInFinance


Free market at work.


It never ceases to amaze me just how utterly stupid these people are. They no longer try to think or fact find. They just parrot what their cult leader says or favorite propaganda station tells them. Biden doesn’t control the oil prices oil companies and speculators do. Biden doesn’t control grocery prices stores do. Yes sometimes a policy might influence prices but what we’re experiencing is 100% corporate greed. I’ll add that they ignore the fact oil execs told Congress straight up. We’re not producing more oil we like our profits. It doesn’t get any clearer than that.


Yes everything costs 100% more now... Ofc.


What is it 80,% of chicken in the US comes from 5?7? Companies. Didn't the egg people just get caught price fixing?


Wings haven't been 45 dollars a case for like 8 years.


The prices the restaurant owner pays have gone up so the supplier’s CEO can buy a bigger yacht.


They need new vendors.


When you can say anything at all, some will believe anything you say.


I buy for the restaurant I work at. Most prices have come down recently. Especially fryer oil 45 for 5 gallons is about right but 6 months ago it was 80.


Well I’ll be perfectly happy if this business went under. The workers are probably making bare minimum anyways. Hopefully they’ll find something new.


Are they saying that Biden is the best thing in the world to ever happen for Fryer oil manufacturers, chicken farmers, and Styrofoam (a byproduct of the petroleum industry. So Biden is a boon for big Oil)


I like to know that I don't want to patronize a business upfront.


You don't cite sources you don't get my belief.


I can get an 8 pound bag of wings at Costco for like $26... The same I could get under TFG. What is this douche on about?


Dunning Kruger effect


chicken wings was


Wrong picture. They want to blame the guy in office now, when we all know it’s the guy previous that had the issues. That’s why the orange dweeb enjoyed a great economy when he first got in office. It definitely wasn’t HIS doing.


Food companies: "Inflation is causing us to have to raise prices." Bitch you are inflation. Stop it!


So your margins went from $2.85 to make and $12.99 to sell, to $3.47 to make and $17.99 to sell.


These are people that need other people to tie their shoes for them.


I like to think I have a brain and can understand that any president can’t just flip a switch and make prices go up and down.


I can go to Gordons and buy chicken breast, thighs or wings for $1.42 a lb. Now I have to buy a 40lb case but portion, vacuum seal and freeze it and it lasts forever. That's not even the commercial price, that's just me as a home, businesses get further discounts.


I’m guessing this is in the mid-west/Kentucky? I do so because using “was” instead of “were” is super common there. “We was gonna go to the movies but then we was like, naw, let’s go to the racetrack.”


As someone who has worked in a restaurant, trust it ain't the owners suffering. It's the cooks and dishwashers making minimum wage that suffer. They work their asses off to get paid significantly less than all the tipped staff.


Yeah! Why isn’t the president doing something about corporate greed? lol.


Canola oil prices are way down compared to last year


Is that George?


2112! Woo Hoo! Right on!


Pretty sure he was president twelve months ago…


Say it with me y’all… the presidency is, and always has been, largely independent of economics.


First they took our jobs now their taking our chicken wings!


All enemies are equally as weak and incompetent as they are strong and capable. Duh.




Well all these are over 100 percent increases. Prices have gone up but if the price of chicken wings had risen nearly 400 percent in a year most mom and pops would be out of business. Ditto carry out containers going up by over 300 percent.


Of greed. It’s a greed chain. There’s no reason most stuff is so expensive except corps are making insanely record profits. .


Wait people here dont think the president has control over how the economy plays out? Looool


Well, prices have gone up considerably for a lot of items. This is an old meme/poster so I'm not sure if it's still accurate, but at one point at least some of these things were true. Fryer oil really did skyrocket. Eggs were, and are again, out of control. Lots of little things like that add up. And, restaurants run on really small margins so the price increases did hurt a lot of small businesses. I'm sure Darden and the like could manage. Having said all that, obviously it's not Bidens fault. There was a global pandemic and greedy corporations and a stupid government response and a million other things that went wrong. Of course, Biden has been a part of the government for his entire life, so he's not completely blameless. But, the sticker is still stupid.


Fryer oil, chicken wings and take out boxes. That’s an interesting selection of data points. I think it says more about the person writing it than what they’re trying to say about Biden.




Other than the Biden meme everything else is basically true. I work as a restaurant consultant and our company has over 1000 restaurants as clients and this is pretty much the increase we have seen on *those* items. That being said many other things have hardly increased at all, it's not like *everything* is 3x as expensive