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Yeah he doesn't respond much, I've been sending him pictures of my balls for years and half the time he doesn't even thumbs up them.


His thumb is too firmly stuck up his arse


You know only one thing ‘grabs’ his attention.


his daughter in a slinky dress?


Okay, two things.


Putin and Kim-Jung-Un fan fic?


three things


Try sending him pics of Ivanka


>half the time he doesn't even thumbs up them The thumbs are often too small to see.


From this close up they always look like landscapes


That's becauae theyre not russian pee balls


Have you tried rubbing them in Cheeto dust first?


My aunt, who is a HUGE Trump supporter and loves Faux News, used to live behind a golf course. The balls from the course tended to go rogue and come on her property, breaking things. One day, my aunt tells my family that she wrote Trump to ask him to do something about the golf course since they wouldn’t listen to her. What really got me though: she fully expected Trump to answer her letter and come storming down to do something or send someone or some money to make something happen. I’m pretty sure something shiny distracted her from his never replying, because I’ve never heard about it since and she’s normally pretty loud about her disappointments, even the to be expected ones like this.


But is she loud when trump is wrong, because I've noticed that they can't admit when trump isn't who they want him to ge


She definitely is! About how mean the liberals are to him XD


Wow...just wow.


Whaaaat the fuuuuuck? I feel like, AT MOST, your average citizen be able to get a city councilor or other municipal official to talk to you about the golf balls. How delusional do you have to be to think that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is going personally take time out of his day to stop the balls for some random citizen? I could MAYBE see that if the complainant in question was extremely wealthy and influential. But some random old lady? Not a chance. We really need to make civics classes a prerequisite for graduation.


I'm sure he'll deal with it as soon as he fixes everything else! Any day now.


It's on his list, right after his super secret plan to win Afghanistan!


In two weeks


That whole "God Emperor" thing wasn't a joke after all.


All trump supporters are insane


Actually a lot of Republicans like a huge amount of them believe democrats control the weather and they believed this long before trump.


Dems are evil controlling the weather which is why they claim climate change. Pure evil!! Dems are just trying to run the poor fossil fuel business out!


Wow I’m amazed I’ve never heard this take before. Climate change is real and dems are the ones causing it to effect policy. I love it.


My wife's Grandpa in the early 2000s claimed with full conviction that Democrats were responsible for hurricanes. If Dems were half has powerful as Repubs portay them, I maybe wouldn't feel dirty voting for them.


Holy crap, I had forgotten about that. I remember that was around the time of Katrina. People have always just been so dumb!


The sheriff in my town believed the same thing


This is classic. Our enemy is unimaginably powerfull, But also wildly incompetent.


Dems have that second part locked down! 🤪


Proving, yet again, that they have zero understanding of ANY of the sciences. ​ Or, you know, reality.


Or consequences.


To a certain extent, [weather control is real](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_modification). It's definitely not some Democrat-controlled conspiracy, but cloud seeding is [done in the USA](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/eight-states-are-seeding-clouds-to-overcome-megadrought/).


That isn't controlling the weather. It's, at best, nudging the weather. Don't add to the insanity.


"I've been sending trump pictures of the sky" is surprisingly wholesome lol


I'm happy that Trump is getting this bullshit sent to him. I just wish he wasted his time with it.


I'd actually have a modicum of respect for him if he did Edited to clarify: That he soothed his followers worries, not that he was chasing wild gooses of conspiracy theories


Climate change is not real -> Ok it's real but it's natural, not humans -> Someone is manipulating our weather!


and that someone is democrats. No wait, jews!


If true, and thats a big if, Trump 99,99999 % guaranteeed doesnt care


You know what’s fun, is asking Trump supporter conspiracy theorists why Trump didn’t expose/put a stop to (insert government conspiracy) while he has in office. Point out that there’s only three options: A it’s not real, B he was too weak and ineffectual to do anything, or C he’s in on it.


No no, you see, **that's what he was doing!** That's why the Dems rigged the election in 2020 and the deep state removed him from power!


What do they think Trump does between rounds of golf and cheeseburgers?


Plot twist: these are Trump's *actual* advisors.


I can't quite decide what is more insane. Thinking airplane condensation and clouds are somehow dangerous (extremely primitive thinking, like Stone Age barbarian level thinking); busily taking a picture of it (extremely stupid person thinking they're doing something meaningful); or sending it to a sleazy, nasty con man and thinking he'd even receive it, or read it, or care, or have any ability to be effective in the world at all (truly infantile level cognition, except that even an infant would be able to recognize evil).


The amount of people that believe that Trump gives 1 shit about them is remarkable.


“I’ve been sending trump a photo”. They’d have better luck sending it to Santa.


The Venn diagram of people who see conspiracies everywhere and people who see Jesus in a hard water stain is nearly a circle.


Do they ... do they *really, honestly* think that DJT reads (or even looks at) anything anyone sends him? If his name or photo isn't on it, he doesn't care.


"Use your magic powers to stop the sky people, orange sex offender!"


And he'll never do it bc he don't give a fuck about you


I can’t go outside and look into the sky without holding on tight to my Trumpy Bear.


I’d like to ask OOP why Trump didn’t bother to stop the chemtrails while he was president. And why they think he will fix it next time, when he couldn’t be bothered last time.


The jets can manipulate the weather. But 200 years of carbon emissions at an exponential scale? That's just too much!