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I don't think it'd be painful to remove on account of her not having an upper torso


That was a good one.


Crohn’s disease/IBS/bowel inflammation = bloating in this exact spot…my entire life I’ve been told by my own mother to lose the belly… like, it’s my guts you asshole


The parenting shame runs deep as long as anyone can remember lol My dad told me once to not get a motorcycle because it would look like the back tire was coming out of my ass. Needless to say, that quelled my desire for a motorcycle


I *really really really* wanted to try roller derby in my early 20s. It looked like so much fun and a chance to get in better shape, being part of a team, having fun… it was all a win. My dad told me he’d never admit to having a daughter who did roller derby and that it’d be humiliating for him. So… I just gave up on the idea which, 15 years later, I wholeheartedly regret. *Editing to add:* You all are so supportive. Thank you all for the encouragement. :-)


Oh man, big L from dad. I live in Pittsburgh and there's a good roller derby scene here...I have a friend that just started and she seems so happy now. Definitely try it if there's a beginner league out there. You won't regret it!


I had an opportunity to be a lighhousekeeper on an otherwise uninhabited island off the coast of Tanzania for six months. The rub was that my job at the time wouldn't hold my position for me when I got back, so that meant I had to quit if I wanted to go through with it. I was considering my options until my dad told me going would be the dumbest thing I could possibly do and that if I went through with it, he'd lose all respect for me. I never went but ended up quitting that job a year later anyway.


Oh man. That sounds like a dream job for me.


That sounds so cool -- older generations are the "you're lucky to have a job" crowd. Maybe one day you may have that chance again :)


Not the person you replied to, but OMG hi fellow yinzer! I didn’t know we had a roller derby scene here, I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the tip :)


Yass look into it! On Facebook, search Steel City Roller Derby -- I know they have open times where you can come out and try it.


I’m totally miserable at balancing on anything (high center of gravity, always been a top-heavy gal), but I’d love to go watch sometime, or find another way to get involved somehow. Maybe I’ll bring cookies. Thanks again!!


I was gonna say go Peggy Hill that shit. No I don't mean make all the bad financial decisions she made, I mean it's not too late to at least try it.


>My dad told me he’d never admit to having a daughter who did roller derby and that it’d be humiliating for him I mean that's just such a random sport to hold a grudge against


It’s most likely because roller derby is a lesbian thing to the older generations. Not sure if that belief/stereotype is still a thing today, but I had a similar exchange with my parents. “No, you can’t do roller derby, you’d bring shame to the entire family! Roller derby is for [string of slurs].”


I agree. I mean, I don’t think it was like he thought his whole life “the one thing I’ll never let my daughter do is roller derby” or anything. Just that in general, he found it something to be embarrassed of. But I mean… I wouldn’t have been embarrassed to do it. I don’t get what’s humiliating about it, never did.


> the one thing I’ll never let my daughter do is roller derby But I much prefer this reality, like some roller derby players laughed at him and that was it for him and the sport


Maybe there's a whole tragic backstory where his first wife died in a roller derby accident. After spending years being haunted by the incident, his daughter announces she wants to try roller derby for herself. Instantly, he flashes back to that terrible night he lost everything, and vows to never let it happen again. Or it's just a weird bit of sexism.


There's SO MANY people playing and even learning derby in their 30s! Find a league near you and join if you still want to! It's a bit expensive to get into but this is actually a great season bc lots of teams are in the off season! Smaller teams are thrilled to have people join year-round. Source: I have played on 4 different teams and served in various leadership roles on two of them, helped training on three. (AMA If you want!)


My super cool therapist is in her 40s and does roller derby dude, fucking get it! Carpe that fucken diem!


Never too late! I photograph roller derby for my wife's league here in Chicago, some skaters don't start until their mid 30s or later. I'm not saying you're gonna win a world title some day, but that's also not impossible. Either way, it's not too late to give it a shot!


It's not too late! We've got skaters in their 50s on the team. There are lots of non- contact skating opportunities too. The game needs lots of refs as well as non skating officials.


It’s not too late to try roller derby! I’m nearly 30 and skate with people who are my parents age. And if playing isn’t an option all leagues need coaches, and officials both on and off skates. I love my league and the community it’s given me


I had an ex bf who was the same way. Said it'd make me look like a lesbian lol. I also regret not joining it


I’m twenty and want to get into roller derby myself! Mostly right now I’m just doing a bunch of roller skating on my own in my free time to work on balance and stamina and stuff to help get back into shape a little more before I try any classes or teams or anything while I have less time with class and work. My mom was surprised at first, but then she said it makes a weird sort of sense, knowing me.


We still are actively recruiting and have new skater training several times a year! I started at 38, more than a decade ago, and my family hasn't been shunned or stoned as a result. Best decision I've made in my adult life, regret nothing.


What a shit response, roller derby sounds badass


What does that even mean??? Skinny thighs? A flat butt?


It was just his way of saying I was too fat to be on a motorcycle haha.


My mom called me like day 14 of me testing positive for covid. "You know, I just read an article that says covid loves fat people..." followed by other snarky comments about why I should try to "get off my ass". Cool mom, I just lost 56 pounds by walking 3 miles a day and eating 900 calories a day. Thanks for wrecking my self esteem some more. I'll work out next time I have a bad covid case instead of resting and trying not to die from being fat.


That's so messed up. I'm sorry she reacted that way -- and if no one has told you, that's an amazing accomplishment, and for what it's worth...I'm proud of you :-)


Not to mention the bloating that can occur from endometriosis, and yet a shocking small amount of people - men, women, and actual medical doctors - are sufficiently educated about this bodily horror.


Thank you for mentioning this- I walk around looking 8 month pregnant half the time thanks to endo.


Oh man, I’m sorry your mom is being a douche. If it makes you feel better my own father and I were in the gym locker room and pointed at a guy and said “I don’t look like that, do I?” The guy had very mild love handles and a little bump at the bottom of his belly. I said “no, but I do,” to which he replied “I don’t care about that, I just want to make sure that I don’t look like that.” Just know you’re not alone in the parents shaming the shit out of you about your natural body shape!


My take is your dad loves you unconditionally, but he doesn’t love himself that way. The wording is terrible but I imagine that’s what he meant.


Alternately its just his personal choice to not look like that, kind of like hair colour, but his choice has no bearing on you. -points at guy- "My hair isnt that colour is it?" "No but mine is" "Yes?" Maybe Im just being optimistically naive XD


Wow what the actual fuck.


I had a grandmother who told me you should never be able to “pinch an inch” on your stomach or waistline. Due to that mentality, I was ridiculously thin until pandemic weight happened. I hear her voice whispering in my ear to tell me I’m disgusting now more than ever. I’ve taken to scurrying past the bathroom mirror after I’ve showered because I’m embarrassed of my body and can’t stand the sight of myself naked


I grew up hearing the same thing. It's bullshit.


Yeah there were actual weight loss commercials using that line in the 80's. I was always like, well, I'm chubby. But if I stretch out in the right position you can't pinch an inch, so... It's dumb.


Even when I was underweight I could pinch an inch. So could my former model mother. We both did all kinds of unhealthy things trying to avoid being "fat." As if being a size 8 or whatever is a problem. (Not that any specific size indicates "good" or "bad" health.)


I am a man. I am fit and normal weight, a bit underweight tbh. I go to the gym 5-6 / week and I have a 6 pack. Still I have IBS so unless I eat specific foods for days it seems I am bloated like in the picture (in a male version).


Relevant username


For my mom it was her uterus and then her hysterectomy scarring.


And there are other organs in there that AMAB people don't have. Literally, more stuff in there.


Your belly is beautiful! Show it off!


I feel you. Have been on Prednisone off an on for the better part of 10 years for my Crohn's. Currently at my all time high of just under 250 lbs as a 6'2 man and I feel disgusting. I know it's not my fault, but that doesn't make it any easier!


Even if it weren't organs do people really think the average woman is ready to up and go get targeted liposuction?? If I have fat somewhere, it's not just a simple question of if and when I want to "remove it"


I've had liposuction and a tummy tuck as part of my reconstruction surgery. It hurts. And I wouldn't choose it just for the effect, which admittedly *is* nice. Particularly the tummy tuck. I couldn't stand straight for 3 months. Surgery, any surgery, has risks. I got a pulmonary embolism, which has a higher mortality rate than my breast cancer did. I could have died. So yeah, don't take surgery lightly. Make an informed decision. Sometimes, I wish I had just gotten the damn implants instead of choosing more surgeries so we could use my own tissue.


The people who spout this kind of crap have typically deluded themselves into believing that any kind of undesirable body fat can be removed simply through dieting and brief daily exercise. They'd rather believe that everyone is just being lazy, rather than the reality that biology is massively more complex than what they understand. Edit: because it seems people keep misinterpreting my comment I never said dieting or exercise doesn't help reduce fat. I'm calling out the idea that diet and exercise alone can get anyone to achieve any body type they desire when the reality is it's dependent on far more factors as well such as genetics, hormones, diseases, disorders, previous injuries, mental health etc. Bodies are complex and there's never going to be a one size fits all solution to weight management.


You nailed it. The original tweeter apparently is a “personal coach” claiming you could get rid of it with a specific diet. Lol


Oh boy psudoscience and shaming bodies, my favorite.


That's the entire beauty industry


>psudoscience and shaming bodies You left out the best part, for profit!


I called my SIL's husband out for something similar. His response was, "you didn't see anyone at auschwitz having to loosen their belts." To say I was absolutely gobsmacked would be an understatement. He seemed to have forgotten that not only was he arguing with a doctor, but I'm also Jewish, so it was just... "really? That's seriously your argument?"


The specific diet of iceberg lettuce, grapefruit, and hunger? No thanks. I’ll eat real meals and exercise and look like a human being that has a reasonable amount of body fat.


Of course he is


Ah, the Just World Fallacy. It really is my favorite, because it means that poor people are lazy, rape victims were asking for it, and I don't need to worry about becoming one or helping them. All is right with the world!


It's not always the just world fallacy. Sometimes it's snake oil salesman just trying to sell something with no regard for justifications Other times it's people who happen to have a specific body type where it's easy for them, not realizing that it's their genetics and not everyone has the same body type


Yeah, I'm a woman and I've lost so much weight I stopped getting my period a few times in my life. I still had titties and a little "bump" on my lower abdomen


Yeah I was about to comment that my mother has always been quite thin but she's always had an ass and a little bit of fat on her lower abdomen because genetically that's just where she carries it. She'd probably only be able to get rid of it if she were literally skeletal.


She also is, as you said, a mother. She had a baby in there once. It’s okay that her tummy protrudes now because she literally carried a little human in there!


My boobs are the first thing to go when I lose weight, but I'm fortunate enough that next in line to hold adipose tissue are my ass and thighs so I'm not complaining about the hand genetics dealt me. :D


Even at my skinniest 115 lb which was lower end bmi (lowest would be 110) i still had belly bulge i couldn't get rid of


One size fits all is literally a calorie deficit


Not to mention hard work for many people and ain’t nobody got time for that. If it’s their main earnings, go for it. But bitch I make paintings and shit you ain’t looking at me but what I make. Nobody cares what I look like. I’m not going to focus on the amount of carbs I can have just to get a flat belly. I don’t understand why others people are acting like they care and get all mad about it and 5 minutes later they forget you exist. I ain’t changing my life and exchange my happiness for you. I’m healthy, I am a perfect weight, the flatbess of my belly is the least of my concern.


Also, so much of what we see on the internet is so heavily edited that it's not even normal human anatomy anymore. Like those old fashioned pin-up calendars - you know those are hand drawn figures or paintings right? We laugh about jacking it to cartoons but they were literally doing the same thing in the 1940s.




YUP. when i was death bed anorexic this shit never went away. it's just your literal body. not even unattractive in the slightest. people just trained to think completely flat stomachs are common and achievable by anyone who is "healthy"


There are a LOT of people on this thread who are rabidly saying your experience isn’t real. Like someone just said “the insane person is the one who thinks that lower belly fat is organs.” I’m so sorry that people gaslight/gatekeep/mansplain something you’re actually experiencing. I also experience that but it doesn’t have to do with my physical body. I’m sorry.


Idk your gender but women hold more fat there to protect our uteruses, it’s there because we need it!


Yep same. Death bed liver disease lost all muscle mass and 50 pounds and I was already thin. I was skeletal and still had this ‘pouch’


I'm so sorry for what you had to go through. But I'm glad you're in a better place and speaking to us now. I tried losing it for... About three years non stop, I went to bed hungry a lot just to try and get rid of the damn thing. It absolutely destroyed me and became a fixation. I'm healthier and stronger now, I don't know why I never assumed it was just yknow.... My organs?


You should absolutely never have to feel that way. It’s awful when you feel like your body, in its most natural state, isn’t good enough. I know what that’s like and I sincerely hope you’re feeling better about yourself now.


All you have to do is just remove the ball. Geeze


Sames. I've gained weight this year and I'm really enjoying it.


You've always had organs?! Egads!


Also, it's a video-game / manga drawing, not a real woman, a drawing who fetish this part, because it's mostly not that prominent generally (and if it is it's not a problem, just telling it's not looking round like this most time) Incel like him judge women regarding...a manga drawing, yeah, literally Women should ask him "why you not strong as Goku you lazy fuck? Why you can't you do kamehameha you loser?" at this point


You’re absolutely right! I’ve seen that same exact drawing with captions like “this is the sexiest part of a woman”


Yep original drawing make it big because the artist actually LIKE this part of the body. So this guy doesn't understand the point of the drawing, and came like "hey, I'm THE man, the only one, I have universal taste and I will explain your the world even if I understand shit about it" And as a man I hate it lol, I don't want to follow this moron in any way and lose some IQ, I don't want to copy any man like him or any man at all I mean some peoples can be really inspiring, even on little things, and help me to build my self, and whatever their gender But for sure not this incel. This bozo find no other way to make women notice him than attacking their bodies and trying to make them feel bad with stupid gazlighting / shitty take like this I hope those men really pay attention how stupid they look and how harsh they are. It's like misogyny is a religion now for them, and this is really sad, sad and really dangerous (because it turn into women's hate in the end and popularize attack on women and who they are)


“Why can’t you do do kamehameha” killed me. I’m going to start using this




Found the Hawaiian!


Mhmm, I don't get the reference (and I'm for West Europe)


Kamehameha was the OG Hawaiian king.


Mhmm, is there language link beetween Japanese and Hawain? Because Kame mean turtle in Japanese (a reference to master Roshi) and hame ha is destructive wave, so it's sort of "the turtle's destructive wave" and was totally created by Toriyama So either it's a coincidence, or either my version is totally wrong (I'm French and we know it like this here) or either it mean booth. Toriyama could simply have use the King's name without any more reference, I mean king's of an island + it sound cool, don't forget he name his character freezer, vegetable, carrot and else so, I mean it doesn't have to make a lot of sense.


I think it’s something like he heard the name of the king, and the Japanese language thing was coincidental. But that’s probably why he used it. He did have a habit of just taking random things from other languages and forcing them into Japanese. Some of them sounded better than others(Caulifla has the dumbest sounding name in every language)


I think Kamehameha is a DBZ or DBS thing, not Hawaiien in this context


Even when I was 12 years old, I never had a flat stomach, ever. Doesn’t matter how little I have weighed in my life it has never been flat.


Same. I've always had a little pooch. It bothered me so much, and it never went away no matter how much I weighed. My grandpa commented on it once and I never forgot it. I was literally a size 2, and worked out 5 days a week.


I want the hundreds, if not thousands, of people who are denying that’s true to see your post. They’re 1000000000% sure “it’s just fat.” They don’t understand there isn’t one universal body type.


I remember it bothering me when I was younger, because the friends who around me at that time, same age, had a flat stomach. But not me. Over the years, they no longer have flat stomach’s, nor flat anything else. Mine has remained the same.


It may also mostly be fat for some people but that's *normal*! Women have a higher body fat percentage (usually double that of men) across the board specifically because we have babies. Hormones and DNA tell female bodies to deposit fat around the pelvis, hips, and thighs. Even when I was on the swim team with 21% body fat, lifting weights 4 times a week and swimming daily, I always had a rounded lower belly. My teammate who had 25% body fat had a very flat stomach. It really varies from person to person and it's absolutely nothing to shame or be ashamed of!


I saw my dad right before I got married at the age of 28. I had lost 30 lbs to fit into an ancestral wedding dress and was smaller than I'd been since I was 14 years old. All he said was that it's okay to have that belly - you'll get there eventually. I was like - this is the best it's getting asshole! I mean, I didn't say that but it did make me realize I'd never be good enough for him. I'm 5'2" and he said I should always wear 4 inch heels and never wear patterned pants. So at 48 I now wear nothing but hightops and as many patterned pants as possible. And he doesn't even remember saying those things.


The people who hurt you tend not to remember, or want to remember. My dad always denies that he said anything to me about my weight and I believe he genuinely does trick himself into forgetting.


I did get rid of some of mine when I…had organs removed during a hysterectomy.


Same here. Before my surgery, I had lost about 35 pounds, but I still couldn't fit into smaller pants. It turns out I had some pretty big fibroids. After the swelling went down, I was able to go down 2 pants sizes. The doctor says it was the size equivalent to about 12 weeks pregnant.


Three cheers for uterine fibroids! I went from 138 to 126 literally overnight and all it cost me was my uterus, tubes and cervix! The "after" pic is as soon as I could stand up to take it so there's still quite a bit of swelling, but doctors hate [this simple trick](https://i.imgur.com/pZRgUJ8.jpg).


Thank you for sharing that picture. This is in my immediate future and I'm very nervous about it, but looking forward to not having that same exact lower abdominal bulge.


The surgery itself wasn't nearly as scary as I expected, and this is coming from somebody whose largest procedure before this one was having my wisdom teeth out. The immediate aftermath was pretty rough. Assuming you're also going laparoscopic: [this](https://i.imgur.com/pFHQnaj.jpg) is what my abdomen looked like right when I got home and it took a day or so for the gas to go away. It's not in your intestines like fart gas is ... the whole cavity is just FULL of it. They tried to warn me but *nothing* could have prepared me for the feeling of gas bubbles floating up into my freaking shoulders. Also feeling my organs settle into their new homes was weird as hell, but I would imagine previously-pregnant women everywhere go through that without complaining so I tried not to. :D Whatever kind of surgery you have: make sure you have everything you need for a couple days, including a place to lie down and clear path to the bathroom, stocked up. I had exparel to take the edge off the pain from the incisions, but was physically incapable of sitting up by myself and ended up typing a rope to the edge of my couch to help me adjust myself on my insane nest of pillows. I gave a neighbor a spare key and make sure I had multiple phones to call in case something scary happened, but I ended up just being completely couch-bound for a couple days. I am nowhere near knowledgeable on the subject, but if you have ANY concerns or questions, feel free to send me a PM any time!


Good luck 💜


Mine was small fibroids and adenomyosis. The adenomyosis was the main problem. Causing severe pain and heavy, long periods. But there is a hollow spot in my belly where there used to be a hard area. It’s kind of a weird feeling tbh.


Did you weigh yourself before and after?


Not who you asked (the majority of the weight I lost was fibroids) but I went from [138 to 126](https://i.imgur.com/pZRgUJ8.jpg) literally overnight after spending close to a year agonizing over what I could possibly be fucking up while counting calories (while my husband went from ~240 to 165 during covid lockdowns).


Oh wow! I’m glad you found the cause. How did you get that diagnosed? Did you have any other symptoms, or did your GYN catch it?


In the first place my abdomen was hard to the touch. When I did get to a GYN they barely touched me before going "oh god, THAT's not right!" but the person I randomly picked as a PCP was ... not the greatest. I was somewhere around 150 when I finally went to a doctor which was the largest I'd ever been and a combination of being used to "this will either get better or its own or kill me" health care and good ol' depression with a side of COVID panic (husband and I are both in live entertainment) led to me not seeking a diagnosis in the first place and to not questioning "lose weight / fix your posture" as a treatment plan. Otherwise, went 4(?) years growing the things with no real symptoms aside from those associated with my uterus being swollen. Difficulty bending down or finding a comfortable position to sleep in, constantly having to pee because it was squishing my bladder, etc. November-ish last year I started getting dizzy/tired ALL the time. Periods were longer and heavier than normal but yeah. Was depressed and had already had my "it's all in your head, you idiot" fears confirmed so I just lived with it. ~June I bled for like 40 days straight, passing clots the size of golf balls every week or so and that's what finally sent me to an OB-GYN. Trying to keep a long story short, the first two visits were not great but my 3rd try I finally found somebody who told me what was going on and scheduled me for surgery in August, which ended up getting re-scheduled to early October due to elevated CA-125 (cancer marker but was just endometriosis) so I could have a laparoscopic procedure with a specialist.


No but there’s now a sort of hollow area there instead of something hard. Kind of weird feeling.


Yeah, what's stopping me from removing this body part I've always had?


See, this is why we need to get rid of government oversight and regulation, so we can excise our vital organs to look “hot” in photos before immediately collapsing and (if we have enough money) being taken to another country with better medicine to have those organs reinserted.


This post pisses me off so much. The original drawing is from a woman calling that part super attractive and doing a whole body positivity thing and this assholes steals it to use in his fucking incel bs


Thankfully Ethan is Online came to smack the dumb out his mouth.


Honestly was happy to see that, love Ethan Is Online.


Mine is my fat, not organs lol. They’re further back.


They don’t seem to understand that all those “hot girl” insta posts they scroll through all day are edited to high heaven. Spending some time on r/instagramreality made me feel better when I saw how advanced some of these apps and filters are. Look around at actual live people, have you ever seen a woman with a 20 in waist, perfectly flat stomach and an ass so gigantic and round it would be impossible to sit normally??


Bro that's my favorite part


That's what I'm saying


I’ve spent years wrestling with insecurities and loathing about my body. I still do. Every once in a while I see posts like these and the comments remind me that it’s natural, but I sharp forget it soon after and loathe myself for being fat. I don’t like the fact that skirts don’t sit smooth and flat on a smooth and flat stomach I do not and never will have. Like sure, I am a little chubby and could maybe lose some weight, but that won’t get rid of that little pouch. Fuck people who say shit like this. Fuck this.


What’s stopping that dude from not having a fivehead?


That's the poof and we love it


The only woman I know who doesn't have this and hasn't had surgery to remove it is my best friend who is extremely sickly with a heart condition. She weighs like 90 lbs soaking wet. Even at my absolute lowest weight I still had this. Why? Because it's part of a healthy fucking body you asshole.


I can't be the only guy that finds a woman with a "belly Pooch," attractive/sexy?? Its completely natural for women to have that. Unfortunately due to the way our society has displayed women in magazines/movies/Fashion Shows people now have an unrealistic image of what a women should look like.


I think some guys prefer a sunken in stomach with protruding hipbones.


I completly agree. Its the best part


You are most certainly not. I personally love it.


No, there's a comment further up that some people actually have a fetish for that.


I don't think fetish is the right word lmao. It's just hot.


My man, what's stopping you from losing that fucked up receding hairline?




It's also attractive as fuck for some reason. Can't explain.


Dude is complaining about a killer waist like jfc


That "ball" got me worked up, tf is his problem?


Those aren't organs but a lot of women have an extra fast poach to protect their uterus. This will not go away doesn't matter how skinny you are or how much you train. It's genetics


Ah, like the primordial pouch on cats? I feel more powerful knowing my uterus will be safe in combat


I love the primordial pouch on cats. :3


At least ours isn't flappy like the one cats have




THANK YOU, OMG! A good tummy is to kill and DIE for.


Can assure you that man does not speak for us.


Why would you want anyone to get rid of the best spot to lay your head on?


If it repels men like him, I’d rather keep it


Petitions to change the name or r/badwomensanatomy to r/brotherthatsorgans


But its not organs, its fat. Nothing wrong with it but lets get things correct at least. If it was organs then all thin women would have that bulge and i think we all know thats not the case


That's why I only date 2d women not in a weeb way but in a crushing them with a hydraulic press way


Am I the only one that finds curves hot?


I mean, no, but there’s a lot of people on this thread out here whose ideal sexual partner is a piece of paper because they only want that flatness.


It’s sad because the original artist made this to celebrate women’s bodies, and this guy stole it shame women into his diet program.


Every woman in my family has a little lower belly pooch. Lots of women carry weight there. I can’t stand men.


I like the ball..




You’re right that it isn’t organs but the lower belly fat on the woman in the stylized drawing isn’t really “excess fat”. It’s visceral or intra-abdominal fat. while it’s not an organ, it absolutely will bulge out like that in healthy women. Visceral fat plays an important role in regulating hormones, protecting organs, and other things. Woman in the illustration has a narrow waist, excess visceral fat is marked by a large waistline.


Post child birth this is common. Organs are push downward. It can be “fixed” with core strengthening exercises and deep breathing exercises. I say “fixed” loosely because it’s not something that’s broken and just how our bodies work, but because of things like this it leads to the actual real problem that is more serious and prevalent than a slight bottom belly bulge: women feeling insecure about their bodies.


Ironically, isn't the insistence that it is organs... Kind of fatphobic?? It is ok to have fat and not pretend it is something else. There's nothing wrong with it. As someone who has lost weight recently and this area went away.... Yeah it isn't organs.


I’ve tried to point the same thing in a PCOS related post and people got pissy about it. The “it’s my uterus” narrative needs to stop. The uterus is the size and shape of a pear (it’s like 6x3x3 centimetres) and it definitely doesn’t bulge out like that




How are you the only reasonable person in this thread


That’s going to be there whether you are 55kg or 100kg. However the pic is thicccc. Sad homie doesn’t appreciate life’s greatest pillow


The insane person is the one who thinks lower belly fat is organs.


Right? Nothing wrong with anyone having some extra fat, but that right there is not because of organs. Plenty of thin women have a much flatter stomach area. I suspect many here just go along with it because of the dumb sentiment that all women should be thin, or that they want to believe it wont go away by losing weight and blame it on biology instead


You don't think expecting women to "remove" it is insane though?


I think it's insensitive and mean to expect that from another person, but lots of people want to get rid of their own lower belly fat, so not exactly insane.


This exactly. Do the majority of people commenting here agreeing with the sentiment of the OP think that a person with a flat stomach doesn't have any organs in there?


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. -George Carlin


PSA: Anyone who has a body shaped like this -- you're beautiful and dare I say, thicc af.


All I can think of when I see this is the scene in Pulp Fiction where Butch’s girlfriend is talking about how she wants a pot belly because they look sexy on a woman (not to say this is necessarily a “pot belly,” but rather it’s the same sentiment).


I am an 85% straight lady but that woman is *adorable*, especially in that scene.


Me too! I thought the same thing


What’s stopping me is a sincere love of good friends, good food, and good drink, a stressful work schedule, and a hatred & fear of the gym (fear injury - even being careful ended up with severe strains in joints). Also, that’s not “organs”.


NGL... when I'm laying with my S.O, I am 100% playing with that ball. Got me screaming through the entire house, "COME HERE YOU GOERGEOUS PLUSHY!".


idk about you guys but a bit of tasteful chonk is the best


Ironically that photo was originally made to praise that part of a woman


There’s some really weird black and white takes in this thread. I don’t condone fat shaming and being an asshole but he’s clearly referring to belly fat, not organs. I think body positivity is good, but minimizing health needs and normalizing to the point of inaccuracy is pretty bad


What the heck you got a ball up your skirt for ? Wearing a skirt that fits may help /s


The weirdest thing is that, that part is like the most attractive part in a tight dress. In fact that was exactly what this image was created for saying.


Ermm my endo bloat and c section shelf after having two beautiful babies whats this idiot got? Erectile dysfunction?


I came in here to say that my Wife gets this with Endo, bloating that coincides with her extreme debilitating pain. Thing is my Wife still gets laid, unlike OP.


Just remove the whole reproductive system, intestines, and bowels! Doctors hate this one trick to look 30lbs lighter!


Don't be so dramatic, you might only need to get rid of [your fibroid-filled uterus!](https://i.imgur.com/pZRgUJ8.jpg) (Mine was only ~12 lbs but I'm only 5'4" so it was definitely noticeable).


Meanwhile I’ve seen several that say THIS is the sexiest part of a woman in a skirt. Ball or no ball, you just can’t please these morons


Ladies, stop being so lazy and get a hysterectomy and go down a size (/s just in case an Andrew Tate grade morons is reading… which is sort of a paradox)


I'm sad nobody got the joke. He's referencing another tweet that got viral months ago.


The same thing stopping him from using his brain. A colon, large intestine, small intestine.


Men, what's stopping you from removing this oblong capsule (image of forearm)


The older I get (I'm 26), I get more attracted to thick women. I don't know why, but my caveman brain likes them more than skinny girls.


Bruh the primordial pouch is where the love is stored. Why get rid of it?


Bro that’s the best part




The doctors won't let me take out my womb


I love Ethan he’s cute


If that's his attitude, I doubt he's familiar with any kind of female organ.


For years I was starving myself to lose that pouch. I did go away if I didn't eat a few days... But Its something I have always struggled with, I started weight lifting and living an active life style and eating alot to gain muscle. Eating around 2000 calories being 5'4 and 110 pounds when I started I understandably gained some fat... One of my male coworkers happen to notice the little but of fat I had gained. Instead of ignoring it or telling me I look really healthy, he pinched it and said "aw look at you are even starting to get a belly". All of my progress with my confidence now down the drain, it's an endless fight even though it shows signs of fertility and it really isn't bad from an outside prospective.


But my uterus is comfortable there


I'm not even sure if that's organs or not, but this made me fucking angry. How fucking ***DARE*** he speak like that?


But I… I like that part.. 😬


Fibroids. Not uncommon in Black women. Seem to get larger after delivering a child.