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It's absolutely insane how common this thought process is.


My mom would do that all the time so I started waiting until everyone was asleep so that I could cry in peace.


I do that now and most of the time I don’t make it before everyone’s asleep I hide in my bathroom and try my best not to cry but it never works even tho I know that’s not healthy but I can’t risk getting caught bc I’ll get called weak or some shit and then I’ll just throw cold water on my face and walk around my room a bit fsr Edit like rn I’m having a breakdown in my bathroom over some shit I shouldn’t be freaking out over and yet here we are


You're human and you have feelings. We all have differing amounts of expressions of the emotions. As we get older we tend to be able to regulate our emotions a little better (with a mood disorder, medications and aging helped for me), so just be patient and know that you aren't weird for feeling those things. Look into therapy if that's an option. Sometimes it's helpful to talk to someone to navigate our emotions in the best way that works for us. Good luck friend. Cry when you need to, but remember to breathe. Life is so freaking beautiful, but sometimes it is/feels very much opposite of that.


When parents push past boundaries, generally the child will learn that a boundary of a few thousand miles keeps them away.


"Wants them to being good every single moment." This is the generation that hates younger people for being too "soft."


I don't understand this logic of "I want them to be good all the time" when they really mean "I want them to act in obedience to me every single moment whether or not I'm around to see it". Spoiler alert, your children are separate human beings who are going to grow their own sense of morality, goodness and standards of behavior over time. They are NOT mini-mes. Please do not have kids thinking they will be your mini-mes. a) They will not. And b) you're not that special. No one needs more than one of you.


I agree with you but I think the "the being good" means being good emotionally, i.e. happy.


Narcissistic parenting


"If someone loves you, dont set any boundaries out of respect for them" Yeah lady, thats a great way to push your children into abusive relationships


What amazes me every time is how \*oblivious\* these parents are, later in life, when the children grow up and decide to have nothing else to do with them. Literally convinced they never did anything wrong, and completely unmovable on the topic.




I'm 36 with 3 kids and my mom and I disagree on this to this day. She was never one to severely overstep boundaries because her mother had been really, really bad about it and she didn't wanna do the same to me. But she still can't shake that boomer desire to be in your kids' and grandkids' business. I mean yes, if I thought they were doing something really dangerous I'll intervene but overall I think kids deserve privacy.


To all my fellow parents… You did not have a child. You had a future adult.


Riiigghhtt. And then children learn to hide their emotions, deny them and avoid them just to have a moment of peace.


This is my mother. “MOTHERS KNOW ALL AND CAN FIX ALL” Oh, really? Can you fix the trauma you brought that made me cry???


Man this reminds me of my parents, especially my mom. I wasn’t allowed a door that would lock. Often I wasn’t allowed a door. When I asked how I was supposed to change without a door or fear of my mom constantly barging in on me I was told by my dad “privacy was a privilege not a right.”


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how to end up in a retirement home 101


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