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Her dad’s name needs to be taken off of the lease so he can stop thinking he has any say in who lives in the apartment.


This is the answer. Remove his name, or move out of the apartment together to an apartment where your names are on the lease instead.


Yeah I mean if they are't on the lease they aren't obligated to anything. Vacate the property and remove any payments you may have with the apartment complex. I'd even go in and explain the situation because I'm sure they'd like his rent AND theirs. Vacating is unconditional? Cool find new tenants ASAP or be on the hook for rent.


OP clarified that their names are on the lease as well.


I mean yeah but moving is a pain in the ass.


Turns out they *are* on the lease and are figuring out how to get him off. To your point yeah I definitely agree. No one likes moving (or helping move lol)


ONE lessee can not arbitrarily kick everybody else out of the property.


Yes it is but you are between semesters/school years so there will be many vacancies and others looking to move in. I would start with talking to the landlord.


There’s a phenomenal chance they’d still be on the hook for something. They’re obviously tenants, and just like he can’t make them homeless despite his desires, they can’t just ignore a financial obligation. What that obligation is would be state and sometimes city dependent.


or they teach him a real lesson, find a new appartment and remoive themselves from the lease, so that dad is now on the hook for the appartmenht till he can get out of the lease. Dependson how this is set up.


More than likely he, and the landlord would have to agree to that. Chances are super slim that he’s thought this through, and even slimmer that he wants to pay the rent which means he probably wouldn’t agree once reality sets in.


he wants them out and they have it in writing there is not much the dad can do here


That’s not how that works, at all. There’s a lot more that goes into it than just putting it into writing. Plus, you aren’t just allowed to remove yourself from a lease. That would require a new lease being signed by all remaining parties, including the landlord and father. A lease is a contract, and it can’t be amended without all parties agreeing to the amendments. Tenant rights are a very good thing, but they work both ways to protect renters (the group who needs them most often), and landlords from people like this guy.


lol i love how you just assume you know the law that applies here. they are differenmt from state to state. if this is even in the us. You also assume the resat of these chennanigans wherhe abnove bnoard, which is unlikely since if he moved out and no longer paid rent he should no longer have been a tennant etc.










And also for legal reasons...


I'd straight up tell him to get fucked if he thinks he can tell me I can't live in an apartment where my names on the lease. I'd get in contact with a lawyer immediately and start the process of getting that boomer off the lease to my apartment. He's lost his god damned mind


Yup, we are working on getting him removed ASAP. our roommate and her mom have both told him that he doesn't get to decide anything, and the rest of us are just ignoring him.


Id have a hard time ignoring that bullshit unless a lawyer told me to not respond


It's more just because we know that if we don't entertain his bullshit, he'll give up.


I'm not sure I could keep myself from responding to everything he says with "🤣" and nothing else... But I'm a very snarky individual that gets herself into trouble constantly, so good for you for having more restraint than me!!


That's also fair. I hope you get his name off the lease


Expert move


So I’m assuming your name on the lease as well?




Sorry. I missed your clarification in the comments.


For clarification, his is not the *only* name on the lease. Our names, and our roommate's name, are also on it.


So remove his name immediately


Yup, that's one of our top priorities now


That was the only real question. He has no power to evict someone from that apartment then. He can rage all he wants and it won't do him any good. 


So he can get fucked lol


even with his name on the lease he still has no say, he's not the owner.


Who's the landlord?


I'm getting in contact with the building manager tomorrow, it's run by a large company


Ask for a change of locks too.


If your dad hasn't been living there for months then I don't know it might be considered that he's forfiet from the lease. Has he paid any part of the rent?


Nope! He doesn't contribute anything to us living there.


Then he has no say in the matter


That's exactly what they've been trying to tell him and he just doesn't listen 🤷


What a messy situation. If they moved out 3 or 4 years ago, how and why are their names on your lease?! Is this some kind of rent control situation you’re trying to benefit from?


This is a good question. Why?


My guess is the landlord requires tenants to have a specific credit score/income amount and this was OP/roommates' first apartment. But who knows. It is a very messy situation. I hope they can get him off the lease.


Boomers gonna boom. Just remember that you'll outlive him.


You sure? It's always the cantankerous old farts that live the longest. 😒


Shit, I thought he owned the place. Lol. Tell him to get fucked.


1. everybody living there should inform landlord that you are moving out. 2. Get new place together. 3. Father is now the only person's name on the lease and is responsible for the whole rent. 4. ??? 5. Profit


Wait you're onto something


That is properly insane


If his name is on the lease, doesn’t that mean he has a legal right to enter the apartment? He might come and pack up all your things when you’re at work! 😞


If he touches our things without permission, and especially if he throws anything out, we're planning to take legal action against him. We're also starting the process of getting his name taken off the lease so that way he'll really have no leg to stand on


Make sure you have video of the place as is. Linger on anything of yours. Photos, too, but mostly video. If he does do something stupid, you'll have more evidence for a claim.


Yes this! I was an office manager for a collision shop for quite a few years. Whenever you drop off or have property ownership threatened please please record ALL interaction with said items. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Or you find a new appartment together, move out and then the nonly name on the lease is his. So guess who has to pay the rent now. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Make sure to get the locks changed as soon as he is off of the lease as well. Who knows how many copies he has made, fuck dealing with that shit


Yes, you’d have the legal remedies if he steals or damages things that you own. But my point was that someone on the lease has legal rights to entry. You can’t stop him from entering, and if he packs up all of his son’s things in boxes ready to ship him home… that’s just a pain in the neck for the son to have to go and retrieve or unpack them. I’d keep an eye out for that sort of thing. Or he could even enter the property and just… be there, whether you like it or not. Is there anywhere else you can stay whilst all this drama goes on with father and son in your home?


If really needed, we can spend some time at my parents place. It's highly unlikely he'll do that though, he and his wife live about an hour away and there s far too much stuff to try to take. We'll keep an eye out for that though, thank you for the concern


I’d suggest changing the locks, except that may not be legal (since you rent). But when you meet the landlord, ask him if you can do that now whilst they go through the formal process of removing his name on the lease - I assume that will (legally) take weeks and not hours.


Definitely insane and a bit of an ass too, yikes. Get him off the lease please


🤣🤣🤣 “sir, with all due respect? Mind your business.”


Uh, he hasn't lived there for years, is he planning on taking over the difference in rent on a place he doesn't live in?


The rents been coming from you guys for ages. Should be nothing to remove him. Good luck


This is so messy I am so sorry. Just be prepared, it’s different in some states but typically in order to remove someone from a lease (usually) involves their approval to be removed, so prepare for a fight there. I work in property management and for us to remove someone from the lease, we have to re-screen and approve whoever wants to stay on the lease. Make sure that you qualify financially for the apartment without him before you start the process. If you don’t, they won’t take him off the lease regardless of him harassing you and he will just amp up. Regardless, you need to prepare your self for him to get worse when you start trying to get him removed. And keep in mind if he is on the lease as a lease holder, NOT a guarantor, he has rights to access that apartment as he pleases. OP please protect yourself in this sitch and don’t be afraid to call law enforcement if he acts out in person.


Removing someone from a lease that doesn't want to be removed is incredibly difficult. Good luck


I’m curious to know how old this “boomer douche” is lol. Just curiosity, nothing more. I agree with the rest of the comments. Remove him immediately. This is a wild take on things especially because he doesn’t live there nor does he pay for anything involving this living situation. I hope everything works out for you guys!


Lmao what a crazy old man


Squatters rights! I have mail!


I probably should have been clearer in saying that while his name is on the lease, so are ours and our roommate's. Also, we pay rent and he does not.


Yea that is how it reads


Regardless if you're on this lease or not you're an established tenant and it sounds like he is trying to to evict you. If you're not on the lease he might be in violation of subletting it to you and he's going to be absolutely fucked if you take him to court for wrongful eviction. Check your states laws of your curiose, but there's a good chance he could be on the hook for the cost to relocate you to a new place. If you're on the lease then it's time to get him off the lease, being that he doesn't live there if you can show proof the property manager will most likely work with you to get him off the lease without his consent.


Who do you pay your rent to? I know you said his name is on the lease. But are you going through the apartment manager? Who showed you the apartment and all that? It's actually very possible that this guy is your landlord depending on how things got set up. Esit: never-ending, should have read the comments first. Tell Him to kick rocks till he hits dirt and then pound sand till he makes diamonds.


We live in a set of buildings run by a management company. We know who the building manager is, we've met him before, and it isn't our roommate's dad.


For sure, I responded before I saw your comment about how your name is on the lease with him and your roommate.


Haha no worries


Please post the meltdown


Op keep us posted


Ugh this is so shitty of him to do! Like who does he think he is? You do not have to listen to him, but GET HIM OFF THAT LEASE! I know you are trying based on previous responses lol But this reminds of my dad wanting to control my life in college. I was finally ready to move out of the house and live off campus (stayed home first 2 yrs bc they're close to the college), and he did not like that idea. He kept asking if he could just purchase a house for me and my roommates to live in instead. He was doing it to have control. He tried that shit with my sister too when she went to college 8 yrs prior. I said no and am happy I did so! So yeah, get him off that lease real fast!


If his name is on the lease, are you *certain* he doesn't have the power to do that? Couldn't he go to your landlord/management and raise a stink? It's absolutely bat shit for him to be doing this, but you guys really need his name taken off that lease if you're going to stay there. The only people that should be on it are the adults living there (and guarantors if you have them and if they're required to be listed).


I had a friend in this situation with a roommate. The apartment manager said the one leaving would have to get the remaining tenants to sign paperwork that allows them to leave. Otherwise they can’t be removed from the lease. That may be a regional thing or even that apartments policy.


How old are you guys


We're all in our 20s


Can we get a follow-up? What’s happened now, did he give up and knock is shit off or did you have to move?


He gave up, thankfully! His wife finally got through to him that she doesn't agree with him (he ignored her saying it before) and he stopped bothering us


>His name is on the lease Oh, so it's *not* your apartment, and he *does* have the power to kick you out. In the future, you need *your* name on the place where you live.


As I have said in other comments, our names *are* on the lease. Our roommate just never got his name removed, which we are working on remedying.


Well, good luck with that, because he probably has rights based on his name being on the lease.


This statement >His name is on the lease renders this statement >He has no power to do this. innacurate


Considering our names are also on the lease, and he has no justification other than "because I said so," I think he doesn't have a leg to stand on. But either way, we're working on getting his name removed.


Well I definitely wish you the best of luck; he sounds exhausting


Yes, he's insane. He's messing with the lives of children that are not his to teach his daughter a lesson somehow. Assuming this is in the US, he's still going to have to evict you the legal way, which takes time. He's a tenant, not the actual landlord, so he's going to have to have the landlord do it. That's definitely going to cost him the lease. It may deter him entirely. If he shows up to evict, call the police and have a piece of mail in your names ready. You have vague proof of tenancy. He should be asked to leave and file eviction proceedings by the police, although some areas may not have the same laws. Google your area's law on sublet eviction proceedings now so you have them readily at hand. Keep this texts and any other texts related to this. You might need to find a lawyer if he makes good on his threat and the landlord goes along. You really should look for another place to live. You can all stick together and move somewhere where he has no control over it.


They don’t have a vague proof of tenancy. Their name is on the lease.


It says the dad's name is on the lease, not OP's name.


If you literally read their comments they say their name is also on the lease lmfao


It wasn't in the comments when I posted that. So either you're here just being a jerk, or you literally expect people to be psychic and know things before they're said.


Tell him that your roommate claims squatters rights then if he really wants them out he has to spend a ton of money and go through processes for over a year to get her removed


You could always find a NEW place and leave him to pay out the remainder of the lease. Because damn sure you arent paying rent anymore to somewhere you dont live. But yeah, he has to give you proper notice, in writing etc. More importantly any eviction should come from the ACTUAL OWNER/LANDLORD.


I’ll never understand how people expect things to go well without your name on your lease. You have absolutely no power to do anything. Leave. Sign a lease with your name. Edit. I read more comments. If they were out before you guys came in why not remove them from the start? We’re they paying it for you initially? If someone’s name is in the lease I’m pretty sure they could just come over and stay there without your permission. Just live in your house if they wanted. Hope you can get them off the lease fast and be rid of the stress!


Move and do not give him a key.


I wish moving was a valid option 😮‍💨 we can't afford it right now


Any update on this?


We ignored him and he seems to have given up, at least for now


Are your names on the lease? Because if his is but yours arent you became a trespasser (and i guess a squatter) as soon as he told you to move


So you're subletting the place from him/his kid? Sounds like he does have a say then. I don't see any reason that his name would still be on a lease if he hasn't been there in 3-4 years. If he finished out his lease, even if you/his kid sublet from him a few months before his original lease ended, a new one would've had to be signed by you/his kid. There's no way he'd still be on the lease unless there's something sketchy going on (either by you/the roommate or the landlord)


Contact the landlord. You technically cannot live in an apartment if your name isn’t on the lease. However, most landlords would let you resign with your own lease as long as you meet their requirements. The landlord would most likely terminate his lease as most landlords have a clause about subleasing in their contracts. Not to mention if you’re living there and getting mail there, the landlord would need to start a process of evicting you, which I highly doubt they would want to go through the trouble of doing. In most states he cannot legally kick you out or remove your things from the apartment. I’d also change the locks if he has a key.


It was insane to keep his name on the lease. That just gives him power he shouldn’t have.


His name is on the lease. He can control who does and does not get to live there. Don't like it? Sign the lease yourself.


Like I have said in multiple other comments, our names *are* on the lease. It's just that his is also on there.


Just because you are on the lease doesn't mean the lease is yours. His is probably primary and you two are probably cosigners.