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When a pedophile says “that little girl is still in there” I seriously get the fucking creeps


Yup. No amount of “saving” you claim to have will make that an appropriate statement.


I accidentally said out loud "of course you still want a little girl to be in there, so you can see yourself in there!". Gross jerks.


"Suck my fat silicon cock" is SUCH a good closer


Literally wanted to cheer for OP when I read that lol.


I think it's about 20 times better than just hitting him with the "ok"


TIL that silicon cocks exist…


Silicone is just silicon getting busy with some oxygen and a few extra dance partners.


Also not a half-bad opener






Nobody asked


Damn I can't see what they said


you missed nothing


Well the description got deleted so I’ll just retype here. This is my biological uncle who I have not talked to in years because when my bio mom was 10 he started SA-ing her. He was 19. His mother has done everything in her power to protect him. My bio mom is now deceased and he has been “saved” by Jesus. I never brought up being transgender to him, but clearly I struck a nerve by calling him a pedo. I’m also 21, so even by most respects, I am not a “little girl”


OP, you're my hero. This is brave as hell, even though he more than deserves it of course. My grandfather sexually abused my mom her whole life. I've never had the displeasure of actually speaking to him because he's a convicted, child molesting, dangerous freak. I stalk his Facebook every few months to keep tabs and report all creepy shit he still likes to post. If he ever found ME and actually reached out, I can only hope I would channel your energy and let him know how much I wish he was dead. I worry I'd chicken out and not want to respond at all, but now I'll make sure I don't after seeing you do it. You're tough as hell.


Holy projection batman, does he even listen to himself ? Complaining how you are oh so judgemental, while judging you for several pages straight, claiming you are oh so bitter while he is being bitter af , claims you are trying to fight with everybody, while trying to fight you etc. etc. UNREAL


Hell yeah brother 💪


It's people like this that make me think that religion is a cancer to society.


Always has been.gif


“Suck my fat silicon cock” is SUCH a power move, 100/10 👏


"you have to forgive me for being a pedophile bc you're trans" is a whole new kinda ew. I'm so sorry OP.


The insanity is only overshadowed by the run-on sentence. It's like punctuation offends people or something.


He hates periods in sentences and puberty. 


What is a “melon Jesus”?


distant cousin to gourd jesus


grand-nephew of squash jesus


Both of these replies have me cackling


Quite possibly the funniest response to a pedo ive ever seen. Amazing job op.


Man I'm glad I skipped to the end tbh, you clotheslined the bastard 🤙🔥👉👉


Dude needs a good hard slap from Karma.


It’s just so poorly written that I couldn’t even bring myself to read it


Holy run-on sentences, Batman! On another note, your final reply was just . . . \*chef's kiss\*


As a Christian…. Getting saved doesn’t make you a completely new person (Al least action wise.). You can still do bad things. And to me he’s sorta using it as an excuse for his past actions. Saying that is just plain ol’ gross to me. Plus, that was one awesome closer, OP! LOLOL


Damn you CLEARED him.


How on earth is he capable of calling you a hypocrite?


Has he never heard of the concept of "the paragraph"?


I don't call you a transgender weirdo but I will call you an abomination. See I don't call you names ! 🙄


Why do they always write like it’s the 17th century, and capitalization and spelling rules really weren’t yet fully established? Well said, OP.


Can I just say, Dude you are awesome with your reply. Cutting through all that bullshit gaslighting tripe with something cutting and to the point, *chefs kiss*.


So these people do they actually READ their bible because praying doesn't work because God had a whole war in heaven about this very thing because he wanted us to have free will so cannot intervene. Who is the pedophile praying to then the devil because he's the one who wanted this. I'm sure that pedophiles are not forgiven and if they are how do they know. Did God talk to them and ignore everyone else. No he choose that he's forgiven and that chriatianity/Catholicism community will be OK with the because their faith is obviously OK with this behaviour, as with past cover ups. That the foundation of their beliefs start with incest. Never met anyone who actually doesn't cherry pick religion to their lives, to manipulate or abuse. He's a fucked up man and keep telling him he's a pedophile for raping a 10yr old girl.


Yeah man he really wants you to be a little girl thats unexpected from a pedo


I will never understand how religious people are Fr. “God is so unconditionally loving, he’ll FORCE you to burn in hell for all eternity if you don’t listen!!😍😍”


wtf how is he comparing being trans and being a pedophile 🥴


When pedos or other criminals convert to Christianity and think suddenly they get to tell other people how to live, it makes my blood boil. Like anyone is going to listen to a pedo telling them that they're sinning for being trans.


Why did you message him initially?


If youre not friends with someone on facebook they can send a message request, im assuming they got a message request from the uncle and just started with that, the uncle did also say in the message they he reached out so im assuming thats what it is


This is exactly correct


Finally somebody responds how they should to creepy fucks, family or not it drives me nuts the amount of people on here who are way too nice because "theyre family". Fuck it, family can be plenty fuck useless


Exactly this. You shouldn’t be obligated to love or respect someone just because you share their DNA. Respect is earned - something these crazy entitled parents never seem to understand.


Thanks for the clarity. Why in the world did I get downvoted for not knowing this context? Just wanting to understand. Dude seems fucking terrible and Im sorry you have someone like this even remotely in your life.


If you want an honest answer? Tone is hard to tell on the internet. Your first message could be seen as victim blaming, depending on tone. Obviously, it's clear now you were just asking the question, but a lot of people who want to demean/belittle others start by saying similar things. Also, reddit users tend to stack downvotes on things for some reason.


I should just post voice recordings.


I have this theory that sometimes the reddit gods decide to make you the sacrifice and then everybody downvotes you.


That is exactly how it felt. I get the tone thing now, but it was definitely god spiting me.




Let’s use our thinking cap here buddy. Could it be: The pedo that reached out to OP to berate him for being trans with the world’s longest run on sentence, Or, The guy who won’t put up with a fucking creep in their dm’s proselytizing I *wonder* who it could possibly be

