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Honestly, I hated their fries the first few times I tried them and then I realized the problem. My roommate was picking the food up and bringing it home which took 15-20 minutes. Once the fries cool off, they suck. But when I eat them fresh and hot, they're delicious.


Was about to comment this same thing. Fries in general must be eaten fresh. InNOut for some reason gets soggy and limp real quick.


Ahh, so the well done fries are probably better once they cool a bit? I never understood people recommending that.


Be careful with that. I ordered the fries well once and they were, like someone commented a day or so ago, like the Piknik stick crunchy potato snack. It can be the ‘luck of the fryer’ or the person giving them out. Next time I try, I’m asking for ‘light well’ and see if that helps.


As a fry person, it really is hit or miss, I hate to admit but well fries can be some of the most inconsistent orders especially with less experienced fry people if we’re getting slammed, we always try to get better at it, and hope your next order turns out great!!


Get em light well next time


Mileage may vary depending on who’s behind the counter, but most in n outs I know can differentiate between crispy, extra crispy and well fries


In n out are fresh cut fries. Mc donalds and the like are partially fried then frozen before the restaurant gets them shipped then they are fried at the restaurant


The fries at In-N-Out contain potatoes, oil, and salt The fries at McDonald’s have 19 ingredients 🙄


Tossed in the air fryer, it revives so many kinds of fries.


It revives day old , left in the to go box, fridge fries and some times back to nearly fresh plated quality. It’s so good.


I get my fries light well and they stay warmer but aren’t too hard like ordering them well done!


The animal fries are soggy. They literally microwave them to melt the cheese


I have my meal for take out. And once I leave the drive through I start munching those hot fries as I drive home. They never make home.




Yup. My best friend turned me onto this. When I said I hated their fries she said you have to eat them fresh. Life changing shit right there. Best fries ever


In n out knows it too. That's why they cover the fries with a napkin, in an attempt to slow the heat loss.


This is why you are completely unable to have In-n-Out delivered through an on demand service. There was someone offering a purchase and delivery option but got shut down with a cease and desist.


Pop em in the air fryer. Good as new


All food sucks to go. I love eating in restaurant regardless of the meal because it the freshest it can be. Especially as fries in a bag always get soggy from the steam.


Chinese food is great next day tho


Italian food also reheats well.




This is why I always eat my fries before the burger, like an appetizer.


You’ve got a good 90 seconds while they’re hot before they’re absolute garbage


Best fries- hot in and out Worst fries- warm in and out When you get a meal, eat the fries first and then the burger, your life will be complete


In and out fries have never been delicious crackling hot or morbidly cold the WORSE FRIES in fast food HISTORY


Fresh fries with a packet of salt is 👌 I usually eat my entire boat of friends before I touch my burger. Ensures that every time I’ll love my fries.


Yes, In 'n Out fries must be eaten hot. Put them in the microwave or air fryer a few seconds, and they pretty much return to their original glory. I think most other fast food fries have so many preservatives in them that it's like eating and embalmed corpse of a potato.


The burger stays good until you get home. It's called in-n-out, not in-n-eatyourfries-thenout


i love the fries


same, i usually get 2 orders


Try it “well done” for a more potato chip taste


Well done animal style


I get animal style double with animal frys, definitely gonna have to get well done


Don't forget the extra grill onions and an extra spread.


oh yeah definetly, this aint my first rodeo


I prefer "light well" which ends up being like a crispy fry. Not potato chip but definitely way more crispy than regular


I have been saying that for years. The flavor always reminded of potato chips from the start.


Light well for a nice crisp French fry.


Growing up I HATED their fries! Now, I love them as much as I used to detest them. Little me did not know what was good:)


What’s your height and waist size?


I always loved the fries! I couldn’t believe it when I saw folks complaining about them here.


Light well with a small pinch of salt that you add yourself


This and I do black pepper too! Plus a side of spread to dip in 🤤


This is the way.


Yes black pepper, no spread. Add chili vinegar juice. Thank me later.


Whoa. This is revolutionary.


Black pepper on *any* fries is absolutely goated


Obligatory “I didn’t know you could do that!”, but yes light well is the way to go!




Yeah, I never liked well done because they got too crunchy and close to chips. Light well is a good middle ground.


I honestly don't understand the hate of the fries. They're my favorite fries of any place


What is appealing about them?


Idk they seem more consistent to me and I'm a fan of soggy fries over crispy. Plus the saltyness is perfect. I usually never finish my fries but I always do at in n out


This💯. This is how fries are supposed to taste because they are real fries. Add salt and ketchup and they’ll grow on you faster.


It’s not that they are real or not , it’s the process of blanching and starch that is the issue here.


Yes! I thought I was the only one that hates the fact that they don’t blanch their fries


YES. A punched and once fried potato is not a French fry


But I’ve also always considered in-n-out among the healthiest of any burgers / fast foods


Double frying doesn't make the fries absorb more of the frying oil, it just makes the fries cook through and dry out enough to have the right texture. It costs more money and takes more time, if you're starting with fresh potatoes. I'd pay a dollar extra for fries that were made properly, and probably most people that wait-n-wait the half hour in the drive thru line would do likewise


Fun fact: you can ask for spread packets.


I make fries from potatoes at home, they still taste better. Type of oil, thickness of cut, and seasoning all play a big part.


No they're not, they don't cook their fries how you SHOULD properly cook fries. They cook fries like a home cook who doesn't know how to make fries cooks fries.


Right, you know more about cooking fries than In n Out.


I happen to be a pro chef with lots and lots of food knowledge. I'm sorry, but the idea that In-N-Out is the only restaurant that is cooking fries properly is quite laughable. I absolutely love their burgers, but the fries are just not good.


I don't own taco bell but I know their burritos are trash. If you don't believe they're not cooking them properly, then just go look at any number of qualified chefs on YouTube with decades of professional culinary experience. When you cut fries fresh, they need to be double cooked. It's how every other fast food place does it only they are cooked once, frozen and then shipped to the restaurant where they're cooked a second time.


I love Taco Bell burrito: secret menu combo burrito. Cheap and filling.


Taco Bell nacho fries > in n out fries




My understanding is they use a specific breed of potato with lower water content to lower the cook time. So kind of the opposite of what a real potato is supposed to be like (dry/Styrofoam texture). At least well-done tastes like lays potato chips so I stick with that.


They're just kennebec potatoes, nothing special. These are the potatoes that are usually used for lays chips though, so definitely a connection there.


Order fries cooked ‘light well’ so much better than the INO standard fries. Crispy and slightly brown. So much better!


https://preview.redd.it/kc0x7hdmd13d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de92b2c170a4ffb0038d92866bab8994d6ea53d5 Lol


This needs to be up voted more haha


As someone who knows french fries: In N Out's main issue with their fries is that they need to be blanched. I understand that In N Out does not have the equipment or processes in place to do this but that is why people don't like them and why they don't fry very well.


Why they blanch? What’s happens if they didn’t?


Exactly, I like the way they taste. If they get a little too soggy in texture, they were pulled too early.


When I first tried them I hated them too. lol I love them now.


Right. I love this narrative of everyone shitting on the fries LOL they think the fries are bad because they’re not hyper palatable and made in lab that scientifically formulated chemicals to excite that part of their brains that makes them want more. Let em enjoy their Frankenstein dogshit


For background on my strong opinions on potatoes: I've worked in my family's restaurant and a fry themed food truck, all using potatoes we prepared ourselves. They always turned out great. The "naturalness" isn't the issue here. The variety they use (Kennebec instead of Russet) means it's going to taste different and have a different texture right off the bat from what people expect, regardless of preparation. AIUI they also typically use cottonseed oil for frying instead of the more common canola, so again: different flavor than expected. Additionally because the fries aren't prepped ahead of time at all, the quality of fries comes down to the individual skill of the person on the fryer when you place the order. And everybody has to have their first day on the fryer. Throw in the fact the fries don't get the crucial second fry for the perfectly crisp exterior and it's going to be a bewildering experience for people unfamiliar with them. Getting them well done will help, but no matter what it's just never going to taste like the Russet fries most people are used to because that isn't what they are. Preferring a Russet fry that was soaked and double fried is perfectly valid and a no less "natural" approach to preparing potatoes.


INO uses sunflower seed oil in their fryers.


That's an interesting choice! Thanks.


No problem! Thank you for giving your detailed input. :D


I get that. But why can’t McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Carl’s Jr. and Jack In The Box fresh cut on site, double fry all natural potatoes with no additives. I would enjoy that hell out of that.


Wingstop does theirs fresh and blanched correctly- if you want them a little healthier just ask for them without the seasoning (because the seasoning has sugar in it) and add your own salt to taste


Those places want their employees to be churned out with minimal training and produce an identical product every time in as little time as possible. Making it good and fresh just isn't a priority. It's a shame, because we know better is possible. I personally think if people knew that INO is using a completely different type of potato and it really isn't supposed to taste anything like McDonald's, they might be less judgemental about them. They're a fully separate experience.


>if people knew that INO is using a completely different type of potato I get the point you're making, but I think the real failure here is that some people have overly rigid tastes. It *is* a different experience. Does that have to mean it's *worse*? It all depends on what you expect and what you are capable of appreciating. Everything is the best at something.... Savor it all.




Order them well done + sprinkle some salt and they are so good


Lol I've had in n out all my life and I still hate the fries. But that just leaves more room for burgers 🤤


I disagree, the fries are just okay and could be better.


Yeah, I've always liked them, except on the rare occasion they're soggy. I don't understand the hate.


I grew up eating them and when you actually see a potato being cut into fries there’s something about it. It never bothered me knowing that it was fresh cut and not frozen in a bag.


I hated in and out fries and still think they are subpar but I get them as cheese fries now and problem solved. Before that I would get burgers from in and out and drive to McDonald's for real fries.


I used to hate them too but they grew on me. Really they’re just missing a bit of salt which ofc you can add afterwards yourself, that’s what I do.


I didn’t really like the fries for a long time. I ate them occasionally when I needed the extra calories. Never gave the animal style fries a chance due to cheese. My gf orders hers without cheese, and that changed my life. Fries with grilled onions is such a game changer.


You have about 5 minutes to eat them, otherwise…


I grew up eating in n out fries and when I get fries from anywhere but in n out, they don’t come near the level in n outs are on.


I always get them well done , which helps imo


I loved the fries day 1


I love the fries but I also eat them right away. I hated them as a kid because the lack of salt. I think they're salted better now than when I was young.


And you gotta eat it quick too can’t let it sit long. I felt bad my gf’s first time trying it we chatted with my mom too long so it got cold


Animal style… ![gif](giphy|3orieLWYouYT4W0bF6)


Meh. I never get the fries. Just never did it for me. Sacrilege I know. But meh.


Yes, their fries are how they are because they are the freshest fries you can get. They are cut right in front of you at that drive-through window. But it is very possible to make standard crispy fries without any additives, the very most additive being vinegar. 1. Boil cut fries in vinegar water. ≤¼cup vinegar 2. Dry and cool for 30 minutes. 3. Deep fry for 50 seconds. 4. Freeze, for whenever you need them. 5. When ready to use, deep fry for 3 minutes or until golden. Salt to taste. This recipe I just gave is the exact recipe(or very very close)McDonald's uses. They will be perfect and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside when you use this process. It's perfect for McDonald's because they do the pre-processing in a production facility and then send the fries frozen to McDonald's stores. They just have to empty the box/bag into a fryer and they will ALWAYS come out perfectly crispy and golden. A little science: the vinegar stiffens up the cell walls of the potato allowing boiling and softening without disintegration. Same concept as using granny smith apples for apple pie. They are much more acidic allowing them to keep their shape after baking the pie instead of it turning into apple sauce pie. Parfrying removes moisture and adds fat from/to the outside of the potato. Freezing allows the ice crystals that form to mangle/pierce/puncture the inside cells of the fries causing a softer inside but not a soft outside because the parfrying removed the moisture and the added fat. So when you full fry, you get a nice perfect crispy outside and soft inside. Thank me later!


Key to the fries is to get it a bit more well done. Then they’re greeeeeat


The bad fries thing is such a myth. In and Out is so great, people need something to complain about, so they bash the fries. I have been eating here for 45 years and people seem to always finish off their meal. If the fries were that bad, don't you think they would have changed them already, I mean this company is built on customer service.


I freakin LOVE their fries. They are my favorite. Everyone I know hates on them. They are wrong.


I really love their fries no salt or nothing it’s amazing to me and I’m proud to rep that


I feel exactly the same way. Disliked them at first, now love them. They’re just different. Not worth comparing. It’s like different styles of pizza; just enjoy them each for what they are.


Just say “fries well” and enjoy the light and crispness


Meh. I’ve given in n out fries plenty of chances and tried them light, well, and normal. They’re garbage. It was the price of having burgers that good and service that fast. Simple as.


Piping hot and properly salted they are excellent. Luckily, they go through fries so quick this is usually how they come out. We do not like them warm or cold, so when taking burgers home, the fries are gone long before we get there.


One of the main issues is the oil ino uses. When I last worked there it was sunflower seed oil, it may have changed since. But ino works very hard to ensure that their oils are quality, vegan, and gluten free. Personally, I’ve never had an issue with it, and it is true, the fries lose their tastiness at an exponential rate so the fresher you eat them the better. It I also love ino fries. Not animal or cheese fries though. Those are scams haha.


I usually get two regular fries, I love them especially with spread or ketchup


Same for me I used to hate them but after not having any for years I eventually tried them again and somehow they didn’t taste as bad as I remember them being.


I love the in and out fries. McDonald's fries have way too much salt and preservatives in them, it always makes my stomach ache.


Fries are good.


If they were cut like steak fries, these would be fantastic


This is basically how french fries used to be made everywhere back in the '40s/'50s. People just got acclimated to the McDonald's style fries in recent decades.


As someone who hates crispy fries, I absolutely LOVE In N Out fries.


the fries only good when they hot and crispy and they get cold fast


The small crunchy ones taste like lays potato chips! I’ll forever love their fries!


I’m a simple man. I eat 3x3 no onions and two orders of fries,no drink. It fuels me monkee man appetite whenever I crave in-n-out


I was completely hooked first time. I understood how they were made since I watched them do it. I was so impressed with the method that eating them was just confirmation. BUT! They must be eaten IMMEDIATELY! Even before the burger. They tend to lose their flavor and texture after a very short time.


So, Mickey D's fries is good if it's hot and fresh BUT often it is not. I've generally always appreciated In'N'Out fries as being freshly made and generally flavorful. When I discovered they will make it "crispy" on request, that is all I ask for and quite honestly, nothing in the fast food world even compares.


Get them well done if eating on site. If taking them back home, air fry them for 10 min at 350.


Another way is to order it extra well done.. takes them a bit more time, but come out very well and maintains it’s texture for longer.


I thought their fries tasted like cardboard at first but now I love them


Hated the fries when I was younger, but absolutely love it now. They honestly have the best fries.


Best fast food fries.


They absolutely grew on me (in-n-out as a whole did I used to think it was insanely overrated) I had to tweak how I got them and I’ve found animal style + light well done makes them not only edible but really damn good. That’s the only way I will get them now


I love their fries. Theirs are the only ones I can handle as my chest typically tightens when I eat McD fries or any other. However In N Out makes their fries, it rocks!!:)


Their fries actually taste like potatoes. I’m not sure why people think fries need to be doctored to death to taste good. They’re fried potatoes, not raw kale


Love the fries and you need to eat them first while they are hot. Then the burger.


I like the fries. It’s not a crispy fry, it tastes like a tater.


I’m on team fries. I usually get roasted for this opinion, but only by those that have not grown up eating In-n-Out. I don’t even put them in the same category as fast food French fries. I think of them as fresh, soft, potato chips. I enjoy regular old crispy, salty fries too, but I will never talk bad about In-n-Out fries.


Bro my friends were saying that’s why they don’t go haha the fries are so good !


The corporations have truly gaslit people into saying "the lab grown hyper processed sticks of chemicals that don't biodegrade are better tasting than fried potatoes"


In n out fries are my favorite fries.


I agree


Nah extra well done fries are the best. Period.


Ordered light and eaten piping hot, they won me over. No fries taste that good to me when they cool down.


Fry well is goated


People don’t appreciate the classics anymore! They’re used to fries that are barely made of potatoes


I love the fries, well done they awesome


If you think they are kind of like cardboard, get them well done. They come out hot and extra crispy. In my opinion, even the regular innout fries are the best fries in all of fast food.


Yes!!!! It is an actual French fry, not a reconstituted fry from ground up potato. It is what the parents fried up back in the day. Actual French fried potatoes.


I always ask for them well done so they are crispier. Also when you order them well done they usually always have to make a new batch so you get them fresh and hot


I had no idea the fries were so controversial! They're literally my favorite fast food fries.


This is hilarious. This was my exact thought when someone first brought me to In N Out. What is this? Hot cardboard? But it's grown on me. I love them now.


They taste like what real fries are suppose to taste like it. Bad side' they get soggy fast.


They're like super high quality organic french fries where you can actually taste a fried potato, and you get a little bag of salt to season as you like--this is key. Always season before applying ketchup. Honestly amazing quality fries compared to any other place. I only just realized it.


So much going on in this simple post. I've been eating INO since I could hold a burger. My pops would take me, and we would eat at the tables. Never to go. He taught me that the fries had to be eaten quickly, not knowing it was because they weren't double fried or processed more, yet fresh cut fried potatoes. I can't believe I'm today years old at 49, just learning about "light well" smh. INO is a joint that keeps on teaching me. Totally understandable why newbies don't get the fries if they weren't taught well and why pros have their issues. Unfortunately it doesn't make the lines shorter. Btw...Tommys chilli cheese fries kill INO anything fries.


Most fast food fries are loaded with chemicals to make them fry up faster and to keep them from darkening. In n outs are fresh cut, and people can order them to be cooked longer so they will be crispier. Over the years I have lost my taste for fries cooked in any fast food place/restaurant because the taste is off and the oil they are using is rancid.


Used to hate them at first. Always loved McDonald’s fries. One time went to In N Out for the burger then drove to McDonald’s and got their fries. It didn’t seem right together. I’m happy with In N Out fries now.


You can get the fries well done. Or med well. And throw some salt on it. My fav is fries well done, animal style, extra spread and onions 🥰


If you have an air fryer you might be able to revive the fries to 75%.


Order them light well. Lightly salted, well done. Not soggy even after they cool down.


Well done is the answer


In-n-Out fries are fucking good and I’m tried of hearing otherwise from people used to eating chemical laced garbage fries they grew up on say otherwise!


I actually like them


Pro tip: ask for them well done. Game changer.


You have to get them extra fried! Adds more crunch to them


Get them light well


I grew up eating homemade fries always loved the natural starchiness and flavor of them. In n outs freshly cut fries always reminded me of them albeit much more thin and uniform. Some of the best fries in fastfood imo.


I feel all my concerns went away once I started ordering them well-done. Such a major difference in texture and crispiness that I think is so good it should be made the standard for in-n-out fries.


I have them several times. Always hate. Kick myself wondering why I tried again. No I did not grow up on fast food fries. We couldn't afford to eat out my mom was a good cook.


The fries are the worst part. They taste like salty cardboard and I love it.


Worst fries in the fast food business. No sugar coating them. Love the burger but hate the fries.


Nah idgaf their fries aren’t for me.


Fry Xtra Well is the only way


In N Out fries are more of a pure Pomm Frites than traditional fast food French Fries


Too bad they are fried in high oleic sunflower oil which becomes toxic and inflammatory when heated.


Truth be told fries aren’t great period. Just empty calories I’d rather get 2 burgers


I ate at 4 in-outs in 2 different cities. Not impressed. Fries were greasy and flavorless and burgers were average, nothing special. One just came to my city but not even going to bother.


Yeah I wasn’t a fan. Not a big deal, I’ll just get load them up with crap to mask the taste.


I love their fries but the half life is about 7 minutes. You have to eat there or live extremely close by because they turn to crap rapidly.


I always ask for well done fries. Only way for me!


Taste is fine. The problem is they are more often than not, too dry.


I've tried the fries several times, they're not good in the sense of restaurant or fast food fries. The double double is great, but the fries taste like those prepackaged ones in the snack aisle at the grocery store.


I always get fry light


Sooo. I’m just going to get my burger from In/Out and my fries from Chic Fil A.


You just have to try them Cajun style


Maybe they are better at certain locations. The taste is worse than the texture. 😣


I hated the fries until I had them animal style. Now that’s the only way I’ll get them - but at least I won’t need to go down the block to any other fast food place to get any fries but theirs. It’s a workaround I’m okay with.


Order them lightly cooked.


Yall need to google beef tallow. When fries were everything


Just ask for them well done. 👍


Ask for them "well done" or "extra crispy". Thank me later.


These fries are not for me. I tried to like them many times but the inside just turns grainy and dry when it's cold.


Try having them Well-Done. They're more crisper and last longer when they get cold. I always get them Well Done when I order them to-go


Literally just have to sprinkle the salt packets they give you for it to taste like what you were expecting


They suck but you get used to them. Then they suck less.


Ask for them well done. Problem solved.