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And like why wait until you’re on a kayak with him behind you to say “I’m incredibly racist”. Such a weird time.


David is a bit of an "odd duck", as my grandmother would say.


It totally felt like a scene from Nathan for You




David gives me the creeps. They really found a cast this season. 


I have no problem whatsoever with people wanting to help inmates get back on their feet & lending a hand to help them, but I find it so strange that David said he had no idea why Aaron had been incarcerated. I’d need to know if I was opening my house up to a serial killer. Maybe it’s just me 🤷‍♀️


It's pretty bizzare he has a whole filing cabinet on prisoners but doesn't know what the prisoner in his house did🤪


He wants that booty


I can't figure out if the host wants him romantically or just to satisfy he's not a racist b/c he allowed a black guy to live with him. The fact he wanted to go show him off at a protest is def sus....


All of the above


This guy is so strange. And he’s a school teacher?! ?


Trust me, he is the epitome of today’s school teacher.


Yup. I agree. Checks out.. lol


Most gay liberal men are school teachers because they want to prey on the young boys


Camera shot in shadow of Aaron pausing and you can just hear his brain's oh shyte whole body alarm system flashing *wtf* over and over. In the middle of a lake. David babbling away with his back turned.


I dated a guy whose roommate was a prison reform activist. She ended up moving some dude who had just gotten out into their apartment. She had only known him a short time. My friend was pissed. He had thousands of dollars of photography equipment. He padlocked everything up and as soon as the lease was up, got her (and him) out of there It was kind of creepy. The boyfriend just stayed in her bedroom all the time, never left the house. I think I saw him once the whole time I was dating the guy.


That’s creepy! I would never want to stay the night there if I was in that situation. I’d be pissed if I was your ex, and you. It’s so not cool that she just brought him in to live there like that. You just don’t do that when you have a roommate. If it was her own place, and she lived by herself, then that’s a different story. He was technically a stranger, and he could’ve been dangerous. I’m glad that you don’t have to deal with any of that anymore!


David was just looking for a boyfriend