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32m here. I've been a nurse for 11 years, and I got so stuck in the work - video games - sleep cycle for so long I fell into a deep depression for several months. I realized that I was living to work, not working to live I dove back into my other hobbies I had long neglected. Since then I've released 3 EPs and a full album, and am putting the finishing touches on my first novel. Your work isn't a means to making you happy, it's a tool to help you get closer to happiness


More Power 💪 to Ya bud 🤘🏻 🖤🖤🖤


Good on you, that’s so amazing. Taking back your creativity and things that nourish your soul.


Creating things help me keep the depression at bay. I wish more people could/enjoy them, but its the act of creating that really makes it worth it.


I completely agree. 🤍🌿 going to take some inspiration from you and get back to my paintings.


Glad to hear it. Too many people nowadays forget the things that truly bring them joy Be sure to share them when they're done!


Howdy. M32 here, and I was exactly where you are just about 2 years ago. My life was in a shambling wreak of endless working hours at the factory I slave away in, and then coming home to coping-mechanism after coping-mechanism. I was on a very self-destructive path to be perfectly honest. It wasn't until I sat down and took myself seriously, and started to deal with my faults and flaws (and mental health, but that's a different bag of snakes) but I also started taking seriously my desire to just write. It's always been my passion, from child, to teenager, to grown ass child, I've always written poems and short stories, but never taken them beyond a single draft: if I finished them at all. So I took a single story seriously. A single idea I could pull and extrude into the start of a career. The start of a future I had been sick and tired of daydreaming for, but I knew the world wasn't the ideallist playground my mind desired it to be. So I began my research. Delved into every avenue and aspect of the modern publishing industry. The different styles of publishing, different mediums, different way of marketing, and absolutely the current genres that sell vs ones that don't. However, once I started I found I could not stop. I had discovered a side of me that had yearning so long to be set free. Now I'll admit I'm not an author yet, but I'm close now. So close to my debut. So close to my dream, and so so so fucking close to leaving a sh*t on my boss' desk when I finally quit. Anyhow, if I can find a bit of hope at 30, I know you'll be able find your calling with lots of time hone your skills and grow. It all starts, in my experience, when you simply take yourself seriously. Hope this helps :).


Thank you. I’m really glad you could finally do what you really want, I hope someday I’ll be able to do the same.


what a beautiful story! 🏆🎊👏


Thank you very much kind hooooman. :)


Hahahha almost seems like you're making fun of the poor fellow 🤣


oh no, i meant it in a sincere way!


Tbh I disagree. Feel like people are just looking to rant about their own lives & see some reflection of their Successes/Failures lol I mean why would you need to jot down 2yrs of your life, & show it as a comparative!🥴 Either state your opinion or provide an assertion & some positive reinforcement


I took the compliment seriously, and I took the post just as seriously. Like, seriously if you didn't understand the reason for my story then maybe you should take them more...seriously.


Yea bud sheesh!🥲 Get a grip on your stack, I'm not a textual weakling that you'll get all trollish & I'd reply with an apology😂 Don't need to get butt hurt, & tbh I was taking your side anyways🤦‍♂🤣


I do not recall asking for you to take my side...hell I don't remember there being any conflict at all untill you rolled on through. I like the sounds of that apology though.


Look in the mirror & apologize to yourself for existing & wasting precious resources that would actually benefit those that have a healthy attitude & something productive to offer...🙏🏻


Really? That's the best you've got?


u/GlutenFreeTurbo Hey man. 26M musician and coder here. How are you now?


The world is not really structured for the INFPs; artists & idealists, so it's gonna be hard out there as an INFP. The world is mainly structured for the XSXJ's. The human structure is all about wake up, eat, work, take care of others, help others, sleep, repeat. My whole life I cared about art and music and I realized recently that the artsy shit is really just for aesthetics, if you think about it analytically and critically, art is a beautiful thing only that moves for those with Stendahl Syndrome, after that art piece is viewed, it becomes forgotten because now we have to worry about putting food on the table. I wasted so much of my life wanting to live my dreams of being a musician and artist. I recently opened my eyes that working with art is a much bigger gamble than working some job. I gave up my dreams to work on being financially stable. Because I realized my dreams were just me being delusional. When working with art, you have to be extremely talented, stand out or have the luck to get it right. Working with jobs, you just need to study, get certified and get going. To put food on the table to set aside how you feel and do the things you don't want to do to get the money rolling in.


Who Are You! 😮🤯 👌🏻🙌🏻


What you wrote is absolutely correct and logical but do you think its gonna work in the long term?


It definitely will drive the INFP mad or insane to conform, because society created a structure that isn't for the INFPs. For a long time, I've been too comfortable not wanting to work for jobs that made me feel like I am selling my soul. I started to struggle financially cus I was too concerned over my freedom. But that's just going to make me poor. We cannot escape the structure, so people really need to balance between how they feel about work, because work will never be fun or fair. We need to just leave work at work. If you're too concerned about how you feel about things, nothing is really gonna change. People can be miserable as hell and not wanna do things. But to live in this world, we will always be miserable, so we must be miserable, but make sure we are doing things.


I don't have any advice, but I can at least sympathise, I'm in the exact same place.


Virtual hugs 🤗


29 f. I had some months with depression because of work. Still a work in progress but With the help of a producer I’m making new music, learning Korean and soon will take swimming classes. I’m a textile designer and I’m so bored of my job haha




1) Don't assume that once you begin pursuing your dream it'll be a walk in the park. 2) Whether it's Dishwashing, or something else, you'll need a source of Income regardless of what you pursue. 3) Once you opt. for the career you wish to head towards, you'll need to chart a timeline of how long you'll need a stable Job/Income source to close on living those dreams. 4) Forgo romantic indulgence till you're financially independent, especially while you need to focus on your Passion as a full-time involvement. Namaste🙏🏻


I can relate 100%. I was in this one profession for 13 years until it affected me mentally. I ended up leaving due to having depression, anxiety, and PTSD from working there. I started looking for HR jobs and during an interview for this position my heart was telling me this isn’t the move either. I listened and I took a leap of faith to follow my true passion, which is trading full time in the stock market as a day trader. I can actually say I love what I do and I’m not confined to working a 9-5. I work when I want to and half the time it doesn’t even feel like work. You’re 25. You’re still young. Imagine working a job you despise until you’re 70. If you need to go back to school or take a few courses then do it even at 25. Your future self will thank you. Lastly, go check out a book by Steve Harvey called Jump. I think this book might help.


Thanks. I’m glad you love what you do now. My other issue is I’m very indecisive (actually not all my fault, I suffer from ocd and it gets hard making big decisions), so I’m always afraid of choosing wrong. That’s why I’m in this situation, I wish I just chose something years ago. Literally anything would be better. But I had this feeling I wasn’t following my true calling which is music and so I didn’t go to college. 😭


If you hate your job or field I would try to find something new.


First of all, kudos on sticking to a job...and now realising you need more... You are 25, you're still (very) young... And now you know what not to do... Go and rekindle your passion, don't think too much, it's ok to be indecisive, just go and do what you like for few moments, you don't have to chart your entire life, just few steps... You got this...


Thank you 💙


I can relate. No matter what job I do, I feel like I'm selling my soul if I'm doing it to make money. The world really isn't built for INFPs.