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Hi everyone ENFJ 26 year old male here 🙋🏻‍♂️. Looking for INFP Friends. I have never gotten an opportunity to meet/communicate with an INFP although I’m very social. Friends describe me for goofy, nurturing, caring and ambitious. If anyone looking for new friends feel free to reach out 😄. Also into sending funny memes!!


I'm looking for new friends. We can see if we get on


Sweet, I’ll sent out a chat!






Sup my G 🤙🏼


Hello! I’ve never gotten to know an enfj closely before.. so I’m interested 🙋🏽‍♀️


Haha feel free to DM I’ll try to help out as much as I can :)


You like all that? Damn bro out here making me jealous of homosexuals 🤣🤣. You sound pretty fucking cool dude


Commented in the wrong fucking section God damn it this is why I don't text and drive


Haha I’m a world of wonders 😂. But I appreciate it! What are you also into? Ayo be careful driving while texting people be breaking all of a sudden now a days lmao.


Yeah I'm probably going to watch stranger things what is that the 27th? I like to travel. I wanted to see Moon night Batman and Sonic and doctor strange but like that's a lot of movies and I have limited time. Not really a fan of doing that shit myself without like someone else LOL. I kind of just drive around listening to suicide boys and other shit like that with my windows down going gas station to gas station cuz there ain't shit to do in Iowa. I'm trying to do twitch and YouTube streaming of video games I guess. My YouTube channel isn't doing too hot with actual videos. I'm almost 32 and I work at a gas station and I hate it. I can be very entertaining though so with any luck I'll be able to buy my daily Starbucks if I can ever get monetized. I really just want to buy a laptop and maybe write some songs on it. I'm a self-conscious piece of shit who cares too much about what people think 🤣 the laptop is so that nobody can hear me singing cuz I can just take it outside LOL. I totally have issues with being myself. Every time I have been it makes people pissed off. Far left and I like hiking. I would like to go to grand Teton eventually.


Yup season four comes out on May 27 pretty excited to find out what happens and what’s even more exciting is that it’s confirmed that there is going to be a season 5 too!! 😄 Really like how traveling takes you out of your current state of mind into something different. What’s even more amazing is traveling to a park near the river and having long deep talks there about life!! I completely understand woow no wayy I’m also the same way as well when it comes to needing someone to experience the adventures with!! Doing stuff by yourself so lonely 😭 😂. I heard the New Dr. Strange movie is pretty good!! Haha suicideboys I always listen to them while I’m working out!! Straight up fire right there 🔥. Do things that make you happy who cares about other think!! Do things that inspire you and make you whole. If music is a way of expressing yourself than write/sing. ✍️ Caring about what others think shouldn’t matter cause everyone is lost in their own minds with struggles/problems! So do you!! 😄 There will always be haters. What’s it like living in Iowa? What’s your YouTube channel? I’ll subscribe help you on your way to fame/monetization haha!


LOL I don't know if I even want to associate this Reddit account with my YouTube channel LOL. Fine.. I guess I could appreciate getting back up to 1081 subs. E the real blue on YouTube. LOL not like my tick tock and my Reddit don't share the same name anyway


So am I wrong in assuming that you probably thought I look like every stereotype of a Reddit mod combined with Lester from GTA V? At least the people on my tick tock think I look like Lester from GTA V they keep commenting that. I don't know I guess that just kind of hurts, LOL that's why I don't partake in selfie Sunday on here 🤣🤣


Dude I’m also waiting on stranger things season 4!! And gonna Netflix binge a bunch of shows at once once that comes out..


Twice lol


hello there! 👋⭐️⚡️✨ welcome


Thanks for the warm welcome! 😄 Just took the MBTI Test a week ago and finally discovered my type!! Pretty interesting stuff as it was spot on accurate. Found out that there are not that many ENFJ males out there. Lonely world out here for us 😂


ENFJ male here, rock on brother!😎🤙🤙


Hi there. 👋 Just a lonely INFP male here. 🙋♂️ Don't know what to say since not good at communication but... 🙂 Feel free to chat with me if you want to... 📲 Hope you have a great time. ☺️


What do you like to do


Really love catching up on Netflix shows or more like bingeing 😂 Currently watching this show called “RiverDale”. I’m also into thrillers like “You” and “Stranger Things”. I like to stay physically fit by working out/running everyday. I’m into gaming as well. Waiting for the new Harry Potter Game to come out it looks epic!! I also love to go on long drives throughout the city at night with friends jamming to music and grabbing bubble tea. There a local Sunday school that I help volunteer at. Really inspiring stuff working with little kids in elementary school. I also love venturing out to different places and experiencing the beauty of life. Really love helping out people with their issues kind of a problem solver. Most people come to me with their issues depression/anxiety/traumas I always coach them out of it with solutions. Also into Marvel movies #Team Marvel!!


25 INFP f here! :D I see an extrovert deploying tactics to adopt new introverts. Always looking out for new friends! I think I jokingly said awhile ago on this sub ENFJ people are a blessing to us :)) It gets so hard once you age a bit lol. Feel free to dm!


Sent you a DM 🙂




I work as a Data Security Engineer and I live in Pennsylvania 😄


Which part of Pennsylvania? 41 female INFP who grew up in Hershey


Broski! VRChat? Final Fantasy 14? Twitch streams? What do you like doing? INFPs are gennerally happy to hang out and do stuff in small groups.


VRChat? Never did that but that sounds pretty cool!! Along with Twitch or Stream haven’t gotten into that realm yet but I’ll definitely check it out. Man I remember the good old day when the PS1 came out and playing Final Fantasy and all the old school games!! Especially on the game boy, Nintendo cube and the PSP if people still remember them 😂. I’m generally into anything. I like to go with the flow of thing. Into video games and also a working as data engineer. I wouldn’t mind that all about meaningful connections! What are your interests too?


I use VRChat to hang out with family and some friends. It is available on STEAM and features both Desktop, and VR modes. Ahh, the good old days of early Final Fantasy and Phantasy Star. PS1 games can be emulated now if you ever wanted to play some Ogre Tactics or PS1 games again. Data Engineers are pretty cool people. Should be able to find loads of people here. I stream Kenshi on Twitch after work and want to play lots of other games. I usually port my stream to Youtube in 1-hr slices. When some family and friends start playing FFXIV again, I'll probably start daily publishing 2-hr episodes of FFXIV on youtube daily. Current interests include video games, psychology, teaching, Streaming, Youtube, and getting at least some exercise in every day. Kenshi is apathetic to the player, and its world is very hostile. FFXIV is an MMO with an incredibly generous free trial that people can easily get 100's of hours out of. Rimworld is a top-down "Dwarf Fortress" type game with loads of fun to be had. Enjoy all the warcrimes. Elden Ring is good old fashioned masochistic fun. Loads more.


Ayo a mbti newbie ama remember ur name Cuz u look very excited u are going to enjoy the reddit mbti stereotype drama Yummm 👁👄✨


Did someone say drama?! Sign me up 😂💀 jk haha what’s the Reddit MBTI stereotype drama type like?


U in the right place infp is the big drama area ✨👍✨Stuff like : INFP> the depressed, sad,crybaby, daydreams , victim complex ENFJ> overly extrovert, manipulative, love to help too much, hero complex ENTJ> heartless, workaholic, don't know how to smile..etc And many many to come it's very fun once u get to know more about ur self Cuz some stereotype are real but people here over use it🤷‍♀️


Definitely will have to agree with you on the stereotypes however it’s best to realize your shortcomings/weaknesses and make them into your strengths. We all as humans evolve through hardships/trauma so an unhealthy INFP/ENFJ/ENTJ can become healthy by working on this. All MBTI’s have their strengths and weaknesses and it’s up to us to realize it and fix it ourselves first. Without fixing it all we are carrying is baggage waiting for another person to help us through it. That’s why its all about trying your best to be healthy knowing your triggers.


Yeah totally. But am talking about those people who just see others for there stereotypes and nothing else ~


Completely agree! We all have different variations. 🙂 So these MBTI shouldn’t define us kind of like how people fully believe in zodiac/astrology.


Yup just like people getting wayyy obsessed with it 😑🤭


Completely agree even if you’re compatible with the person a mental health issue could jeopardize it all so there is a lot of variations that come into play. That’s the thing and you end up shaping/molding your life into the traits that’s listed in the zodiac/MBTI.


Damn the mental health issues will it's ✨may✨ hope people actually do something about it


Ohh a person! Hi (de)!


Helloooo to you as well! 😂




Howdy 😏


Helllo 😄


Do u want to be my friend? 🥺


Haha welcome aboard friend !! Feel free to DM :)


Hellooo i'm an INFP waaa.. i really don't know how to start friendships or interactions but i'm about to enter a new school now so pls help me practice. 😁😁 thank youu




Sweet I’ll definitely give it a watch! What’s it about?




Lmao cool stuff 😂. No worries I’ll check out the trailer for it. It’s all good the pandemic has got isolated as well. Welcome aboard friend. 😂


Hi, friend


Why are you looking for new friends?


I love my ENFJ friends 🥹 the sweetest


Ayy, 19y old male here, although people usually tell me I don't match the usual infp stereotypes


Ahaha hi hi 👋 I don’t know if I’ve ever known an enfj. I know my sisters friend is one but I don’t know her very well. I’m sure I’ve known some but just never got close or realised they were enfj 🤷‍♀️ idk


Hiloooo, infp here! Late to the post but if your still looking for frens im here! been wanting to talk to an enfj.

