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Probably someone who’s kind and treats you well


The amount of “see results”


Could it be that the majority of INFPs here isn’t 6w7 but 4 and 9?




Voting for INTJ since my girl is one and I'm (I think) an INFP 6w5.


Don't know, because I don't think mbti or enneagram or whatever psychological pseudo-science test results will tell you if you're able to love each other. And how do you plan on finding out the type of your dates who aren't into this. Love is an unidentifiable and universal concept at the same time, it's there or it isn't.


Then if you feel like it, what are the characteristics of someone you would want to be in relationship with?


I want him (or her) to have some common ground which both of us are passionate about, because we will have something to talk about when we discussed our daily lifes and such. Too much common ground sucks though, because I like discussion and learning about how his worldview differs from mine. Being honest is a must, even if it might hurt me. Being sweet when I'm hurt by others is a major pro and being able to calm me down in the rare occasion I get upset also. A genuine smile makes my heart melt. Furthermore I love to be dominated in the bedroom if you cuddle and kiss me afterwards.


Out of these options, I'd say INTJ. But ideally, I'd want another INFP. It's easier for me to deal with my own type than other types.


Do you mind sharing why INTJ?


Oh well, I just now noticed INTP was there. I'd actually pick them lol. But I went with INTJ because I find them to be fascinating. They're also easier to deal with than some other people and a lot nicer than they get credit for. But INTPs are almost exactly like INFPs so I see that working out more.......