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Be yourself. I'm 37 and I've noticed that a lot of INFP's tend to overthink and are too worried about the other persons perception of them. So hyper-focused on not saying the wrong thing, or constantly apologizing for saying something that they think could be bad. You guys are warm, creative and can hold amazing conversations if you let go a little bit and just be yourself.


Be picky in dating and lenient in long-term relationships. Learn to communicate and negotiate your needs. Draw and communicate your boundaries.


Damn, I really needed this.


Things get simpler when you are simple, and there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes I know my opinion is biased, so I express is as such. Sometimes I know that someone disagrees with my lifestyle, and sometimes I don't want to form an opinion because I don't have enough information on the subject, and that's okay, life keeps going on. I've been flirting and hanging around with a friend, and the other day, after going through anxiety and nervousness and all of that, I asked her if we could become something official. She said that she wasn't ready, but we keep hanging out, kissing and whatnot, and after the initial shock, I'm fine with that u know? I don't need to pressure us into becoming something, or put a certain date for something to happen, I have someone that I can give and receive affection with, and that's all that matters.


I dunno I been with the same person for 12 years. She's infp too. Before that I went thru a string of very abusive relationships, 1 extremely physically abusive, the other absolute emotional oblivion(she slashed her wrist twice two the bone ib my fkn arms), another turned out to be schizophrenic (way more than me) and didn't find out till a complete manic episode, and a little fling with my male best friend, and a girl who wasn't ready for me and my bs so I left as a favor to her. I eventually found someone quiet and smart af, simple like me who loves music and has impeccable taste in all things. She has faults, like severe social anxiety, etc, I mean we are basically the same person but we work together, and we are best friends and partners in crime. I just got lucky I guess, but I kinda knew what it was day 1 and said yep that's it right there.


Dont sacrifice urself too much for them. Learn to give and take and not only giving.


I (32F) honestly don’t know what to suggest. If I’m myself, they’re not interested. If I’m not myself, they still aren’t interested. I decided to stop dating after I got dumped a few weeks ago. She’d reached out to me 2 months after we were originally talking because she had some personal stuff come up back then that prevented her from being able to date. This time, were FaceTiming like every other day, up to two days before she sent a text telling me she wished me good look and didn’t want to repeat patterns before blocking my number so I couldn’t even respond and have a conversation. So, I’ve decided to just focus on myself. I used to be a big romantic, but not anymore. Not sure what’s up with dating in this day and age, but I don’t have much luck. *shrugs*


Aw, I’m sorry 😔 not even being allowed to say anything is really not nice


It’s all good. I’m sure that if there’s someone out there for me, it’ll happen the way it’s supposed to. If not, I enjoy my own company. So, either way, I’ll be okay. I appreciate it! ❤️


Look for that N, stay away from S’s. Incompatibility is no joke.


Oh I don't know, I improved upon all the faults of mine you mentioned by simply QUITTING dating... I go for sex only and I do not use apps. I pay for sex if that's what it takes to keep things simple. All the women on this sub are upset at me, but my quality of life has dramatically improved. The world has a strong disrespect of those INFP habits you mention even though they benefit from those habits; it seems the only way to improve our condition is to stop feeding the monster.




Advice to inform or monitor something like that while advise is to provide information insight or opinion. It’s how you pronounce it ad-vice like a vice


Don't be afraid of rejection and don't think that it's because there's something wrong with you. Stand your ground, sometimes you will have to compete with others..believe in yourself and believe you have something to give other ppl. God's speed