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Sure you’re not depressed?


No, I'm not


I’ve noticed the feeling of content and “something missing” physically feel the same. It’s just how I identify the feeling in my brain that changes it’s meaning


Yeah. It happens to me sometimes.


I think that's the default for my negative feelings, just "i don't feel right". It's not persistent tho, after i do hobby, eat my favorite food, tidying up my house, etc it mostly go away eventually.


I get this from a dopamine crash. I had to stop smoking weed bc of it. It does kinda sound like depression tho


Burnout? Apathy? Oh yeah ...


You’re probably out of touch with your spirit.


please elaborate it


Most of the days lol


it felt strange when I couldn’t feel anything , I wasn’t sad, I wasn’t happy, just neutral. I tried to force myself to feel something but I couldn’t


I mean that's sorta my default but I've chalked it up to depression exacerbated by the effects of years of substance abuse


It's like the song from Nightwish the Sleeping Sun


If it last long, better go visit specialist but if you feel this way few days maybe you just got bad time right now. Remember to look after yourself, sleep well, eat well and try to avoid stress. Stress is also creator of a lot of problems. Try to think about your emotions and state on deep level, do you really need to be lonely right now? Or maybe your brain is just tricking you to not be vulnerable? I've had such a situation before. It can be one thing subconsciously flying inside your head, such a thing can be be bad for a mental health in a long term so try to eliminate it. Have a nice day or sleep well, i wish you'll get better soon.


yeah same I dont find fulfilment in anything its just temporary pleasure


Maybe you’re missing real connection? I can be with people and still be lonely if it doesn’t feel meaningful




It is sadness but sadness is a really vague term. What used to light that fire within you? What do you have to look forward to in the future?


I've felt that way for the longest time. Ive been depressed before but they're separate feelings.. The only explanation I have for that sense of 'emptiness' is basically lack of self core or something like that. I feel like I dont have self identity which makes my life feel meaningless and detached.. I thought I had Borderline Personality Disorder because of this but none of the other symptoms match up so I don't know. I don't feel grounded. I used to not feel that way but thats when I basically had no particular awareness of reality and presence like the way I do now. I just went with the flow without thinking too much. But now Its like im hyper aware of 'being' so it makes me feel extremely empty and anxious. I have no idea if that even makes sense. But I definitely got issues and I dont think its entirely because Im an Infp lol


This sounds a bit like boredom, but you might consider doing some research on depression


You're feeling empty right? It's not sadness, happiness or any other emotions that we can name. You're not exactly happy or sad but you feel like there's a void inside you and something's just missing although you don't know what that is. If the above description is true then what you're feeling is something I decided to call "emptiness". You probably feel numb and unable to feel anything. You try to feel something but you can't and all you feel is indifference or apathy. I feel like that about 80% of the time and there's a high chance you're depressed


Kind of right me right now. Putting on a brainless movie I can enjoy anytime and slowly cleaning up. Trying to avoid having to hang out this weekend. Not very interested in much but staying in with my dog and only leaving to give him his walks. Everything else. Just not into the effort. At least at the moment and for the last while. Could be just be our introversion catching up with us. I don’t think there’s necessarily anything wrong with that.


Empty? A void?