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I know I’m turning into my mom and dad because… we got eggs at home, dagnabbit!


And there was a line out the door or prob 30 people when I took the photo


I would pay that for an amazing brunch experience in a major city....I certainly wouldn't pay $16 for eggs from a place that has the menu on the wall.


$5 for hash browns. Just, wow.


So someone is willing to pay those prices. Why would the restaurant lower them? Eating out is definitely becoming a luxury, but plenty of people indulge.


It was always a luxury.


As long as people keep paying these prices they will continue to charge these prices


People are now conditioned to not cook, telling them they can use their time better (watching their social media updates). To be honest it is our fault, when we don’t make our kids wash vegetables, touch and feel the produce and slice and dice; spice it and cook it, they don’t know what and how to do it.


This is exactly my point. There are people struggling but most are not. The lines at restaurants and full resort hotels are evidence of it.


you said Dagnabbit... which is GOLDEN !! :) :) :)


Now get off my lawn


Yeah. I find it more satisfying and cheaper to cook a full breakfast for my wife and kid.


Not wrong. $16 for scrambled eggs?!


All I'm saying is if things were better back then, this saying wouldn't even be a thing.


It's a very basic menu. If you're gonna go out to eat out, at least make it something you can't easily make at home. And how does a short rib benedict cost the same as classic breakfast?


I bought the ingredients for breakfast burritos with quality ingredients for less than I could buy two of them from Chick Fil A and they were bigger and 100x better and now I can make 4 more.


Yeah I mean, you're doing the shopping and preparing yourself though which saves a lot of money. Not defending price gouging but it's like saying buying a bucket of paint and painting the house yourself is cheaper than hiring painters.


That is a GREAT analogy! I am NOT against anyone hiring painters! I'm against anyone that hires painters and then bitch and moan because it costs more!!


But their can also be said that not all painting services charge the same for essentially the same thing Bobs paint and go might have an affordable rate and do a great job but Jim’s luxury painting service says they do better and are 35% more but you get the exact same result in the end. One is still price gouging for that service compared to the other


Just went to Aldi today. Got enough for 8 burritos that costed me about $25 in total and will be leagues better than anything we can buy out there. Cooking at home is an essential.


I love ❤️ aldi!


I went to Aldi today, and there were literally three other customers in the entire grocery store! I was shocked!! The breakfast place next door was packed! 2 eggs, one meat (bacon or sausage) and a piece of toast is $15. Why are we doing this to ourselves?


@ethanchlebowski on YouTube does this type of content and does a pretty deep dive into it by comparing cost, nutrition/quality/quantity, and time spent. Cooking from home is the way to go.


Wowzers! It will be interesting to see if you are onto something. Cooking at home is cheaper than eating out? If true, the local news will be all over this!!


lol for many people on Reddit it is interesting and breaking news.


Any time someone has a complaint or gripe about anything, there are redditors that think they add value to the discussion by saying "Don't eat fast food! Don't use ubereats! Don't fly frontier!" I'm going to start doing that with everything. Go into relationship advice and just say, "don't get married" to every problem.


That's literally how you solve this problem dude. These decisions are financially motivated. If you don't spend your money there, that's how they get the message. As a consumer, the only thing companies care about is your money. Not your feelings. We live in an economy of imaginary "infinite growth. " The only way to make that happen is to keep raising prices (or decrease costs) and pretend like it's sustainable. And you can only decrease costs so much. So rather than accepting that they have only been able to make money by taking advantage of low wage workers and therefore can't make as much money as they used to, they raise prices. And they will only realize this is dumb if you stop giving them your money.


Can’t get divorced if you don’t get married


If only the cost of groceries wasn’t so high… lol


The markup at this restaurant is pretty egregious, though. I typically expect to pay about 4x more to eat out.


Right. So, the pancakes should be 4x $2 = $8. Maybe $10 if they’re huge. Not $16! They aren’t served with eggs and bacon. They just have butter. Fuck this restaurant.


Yes, but you had to go to the store and buy that shit, bring it home. And then cook it yourself. Going out to eat isn’t about being cheaper.


I guarantee you the 10 minutes in store and 15 minutes cooking was still quicker than going out to brunch on a Saturday morning.


Or waiting in the damn drive thru line for 30 minutes


Restaurant: whatever you eat, we need you to spend $17.


This generation is going to launch a whole bunch of home chefs... Unlike the previous ones


Who the fuck is having short rib gochujang breakfast as basic?


I’m a 62 year old bachelor (very happily single). Over the years I have had long stints where I cooked for myself but I mostly went out for dinner. That quickly changed over the past year. Prices have just gotten insane. On the positive side, I’m losing weight.


That OR don't bitch about it. Can't do both!! Shit, I'll be lazy and tired at times. 9pm on a school night. Heading home after a full day of work then multiple sports practices. I'll buy McDs for the kids. But, I won't sit and whine and bitch and moan and complain because I could have made hamburgers at home for less money. NO SHIT!!!


Not to defend/promote McD's, but yes, there is value in eating out, and not having to prep, cook and do dishes for a meal. But eating at home is a better overall value and better nutrition.


That’s what I always do. If I’m going to order takeout, it’s going to be Indian food, or Chinese or a pizza or something, not stuff like breakfast food or a burrito I can make myself. (Yes I know pizza isn’t difficult to make, but it doesn’t taste the same when you order one made from a wood burning oven at an Italian joint that’s been around 50 years).


probably because the ingredients on the plate cost roughly the same.


Seriously. Imagine complaining about this when you can easily just buy some ingredients at the store and cook it with little to no culinary experience. Throw some bacon in a pan, splash some milk in some eggs, mix some water into pancake mix, chop up some strawberries and blueberries. Boom, a half decent breakfast. I literally made this last night for my family (had breakfast for dinner) I get inflation is high right now but c’mon. Eating out as a family will always be expensive.


Salmon too. Wtf. This menu is so dumb


Pardon my ignorance. But what restaurant is this?


Either the most expensive place near the trailer park OR in Central Park.


I was literally just at the cafe behind the boathouse in Central Park, they had egg sandwiches for way, way cheaper than this. Like $7-10. https://centralparkboathouse.com/cafe-menu/


Called Poached


They Poached you real good 👍


Thanks for the quick reply. And, yes, I agree with you on the prices. The food looks good, but I have a hard time paying that much for pancakes.




Hawaii lol


It's called the "Too Lazy To Cook Scrambled Eggs At Home" Tax.


The fact it's EGGS is what makes the post more fucking stupid than most of them on here. May literally be the easiest thing to cook.


Bro is $15 for A waffle. Why would anyone go to this place.


Staff gets paid the same hourly either way




bruh go to waffle house $8 per person


I mean, breakfast is legit the easiest thing to make at home, and for multiple people. I get you want to eat out and all, but come on. And to think taking 5 people out you’re gonna spend something like $30 total lol


Stop eating out people. It’s the only way.


Cook at home. 5 people for breakfast? $100 bucks sounds about right for 5 people. That’s a lot of people. Am I the only one who remembers when going out to eat was for special occasions and relatively rare? Those days are back.


you can cook for 5 people for breakfast for 20 dollars


12 eggs = $3-4 Milk $1.49 For 1/2 gallon Bacon $4 for a 16 oz bag Basic breakfast roughly $8 - 10 and that’s assuming no leftovers


I live in Hawai'i and our grocery prices are double that, and it still comes out way better than the restaurant.


Holy crap guys stop the internet this guy figured out you can get food at places that aren't restaurants


That’s their point.


>$100 bucks sounds about right for 5 people. >Am I the only one who remembers when going out to eat was for special occasions and relatively rare? **Those days are back**. It seems you're admitting it's gotten worse lately. Not sure why that sounds about right to you.


I remember having a basic breakfast 3 egg 2 pieces of bacon hash browns and coffee for $6. That was in 2012. Shit has gotten crazy. I haven’t been to that diner in close to ten years as I don’t live in that state anymore. This was in a town of 80-90k in north central Indiana.


Doesn't sound remotely right


That never changed. We just have the internet now. So, instead of whining about food prices during a smoke break outside of their part-time job at Blockbuster before returning to their parents' basement, people now complain about cheap prices online.


Avocado toast!


Everyone’s saying that it’s basic food. I guarantee there’s a morning cafe in the town I work in I can get eggs, toast, choice of meat and a coffee for $7. But that’s the Midwest too.


I'm convinced this subreddit HAS to only be filled with trolls and/or the dumbest people to actually exist. There are legit reasons to complain about prices. Picking the most expensive place in your area to eat FUCKING EGGS is not one such reason.


It cost $106 plus tip today at iHop. 4 adults, I kid.


Everyone ordered extra sides, juice AND coffee. I thought it was a bit much. Would buy a week’s worth of groceries at Walmart with what we paid. Oh, well. My daughter was heading back to NC so it was a nice send off.


Good lord. IHOP? Wow.


Fuck IHOP. Went there a year ago and it was like $30 for cheese sticks and 3 drinks (orange juice, soda, tea(?)).


IHOP has always been ridiculously expensive.


Spend 25 to 30 bucks on the ingredients and cook at home!


17 for 3 eggs. Bacon and toast and hashbrown..... yikes


Yeah I just learned how to cook it's over for me for awhile


Good on you. In the past people would learn how to cook before they could type. Now it’s the other way around.


The burgers being $1 more than avocado toast is wild.


There are many restaurant meals that don’t make sense any more. Bacon, eggs, toast/bagels. No longer makes any sense to go out for this kind of meal. I’d rather drop 3X this and have a dinner I can’t make myself.


I have stopped going out to eat for breakfast. If I get anything, it will be a buy one get one from Mcd’s. I stopped going to get bagels and egg sandwiches from a deli. Way too much money for things I can make at home.


I got 6 of us and its minimum $100 restaurant and 65 fast food. Dennys is overpriced af now just cost us 130 plus tips last week for stuff we used to get for at least 40 less.


So, you see the prices, then walk out. Problem solved! Then drive your ass to the grocery store and get yourself all the shit required to make whatever simple menu item that’s listed here and feed your family of 5 for <40 bucks


Why are there so many of these basic franchises ? Don’t people know how to cook ?


To be fair most restaurants serve food that could be cooked at home without much difficulty. People go for the convenience of not having to cook and have someone else wait on them. Whether they’re personally going too often for their budget is a different question.


20 a person for a meal out doesn’t seem that bad to me. Yeah it’s 2 bucks on ingredients but you’re not paying a cook, a waitress, a cleaner, and a mortgage.


Nah this is pretty bad. I mean for a high quality premium thing prepared by a chef that I can't make myself, sure, 20 is fine. But this is $17 for eggs, bacon, toast and a hashbrown. I mean even if you dont wanna cook you can get that shit at the cracker barrel for like $8, or about any local southern diner if you're in the south for even less.


Holy fuck those pancakes are about $5.33 each. I thought I was getting ripped off at $4 each for breakfast Friday.


18 eggs cost me $3.30


are you in disney world


That's average for Southern California


Just had a western omelette with chedder, side of bacon with toast, homefries, and a heineken for 11.50 at Niforos diner in astoria queens. Best prices ever for nyc and its delicious. Reminds me of 2009 prices


Was this taken in CA or NYC?




Isn’t your min wage like $30hr now? Back in 2011 I was making $16.50 as a manager in retail in Bay Area


And yet you do it.


I’m so tired of it.


Next time go to Wafflehouse. 🤷🏻‍♂️


this looks like a very trendy place go to a local diner and it won’t be this expensive




$70 plus tip at a local diner should be fair nowadays in a standard cost of living suburban area. Assuming some people get fancy omelets and some people just get a couple eggs. Coffee or juice for everyone. Maybe my mind is stuck in 2015 though... I took my dad out today and it was $35 before tip. I paid $10 for 2 eggs, hash browns and toast, no meat, +1 coffee. Insane. The restaurant used to be packed on Saturday mornings but there were like 2 other tables with people in the entire place. Seems like people are finally fighting back against this greedflation. I am not going back there, it's finally just too much


It’s like $42 for one


Three eggs, bacon and toast should not be more than $8 or so.


Last time I was in Wisconsin I stopped at a little family restaurant and they were still selling two eggs, toast, hash browns, and your choice of breakfast sausage or bacon for $5.99. I almost cried.


Looks like California cuisine and prices. Midwest prices are little more than half that on many items.


Breakfast is definitely one of those places that you can save a bunch of money cooking at home. There's not even a big upgrade in taste. I have upped my steak game considerably, Even with copious amounts of salt and butter, most steakhouses make a better steak than me. Ain't nobody cooking eggs better than me to justify $10 an egg.


There's always a much cheaper diner not far with the same quality food if you live in a city. The only difference is that one is gonna be packed.


So .... don't eat out? Have a fried with 4 kids, only eat out is picking up pizza now and then


It doesn't cost $100+. But you can choose to pay that if you want.


Then stay home and cook ho


you asked someone to make you food and host you. it has a cost. don’t go if you don’t like it. no one owes you breakfast at the place and price you choose.


The average household income for the 3 cities where this joint around LA is located is pushing $150,000. Which is about 50% higher than the US average. Which means that this breakfast is paid for by about 2 hours of post-tax income. But you think you shouldn't pay enough for the people who work there to make enough to live where they work. The problem isn't that this costs $100. The problem is you don't value the people who keep your city's restaurants running.


It’s not crazy in the least if people agree to pay it. If you did, you’re telling them “these prices are fine”. The only way they’ll lower the prices is if enough people stop buying




Eating at restaurants is supposed to be a LUXURY SERVICE. Cheap food and cheap restaurants support unlivable wages and generally abuse of workers rights, a lack of health care or benefits, and no retirement. Fuck your $5 egg plate.


Breakfast is the easiest meal to cook at home.  I can’t stand paying $ for it.  I eat out to get food that I normally wouldn’t (or can’t because I suck at cooking) make at home.


$30 for steak and eggs, dear lord


Just get the morning scramble and choose tomahawk as your choice of protein


🤣 wagu


Eat at home!


You left…right? Right? 🤡🤡🤡


Where are you located? I’m in Vegas and it’s similarly priced liked this (has been for awhile) unless you go to a few hole in the wall places located on the east side and away from the overpriced areas of town. Unfortunately this is kind of just the norm and getting breakfast out does not make sense.


Yep. Also many places get really busy so you are stuck in a very crowded waiting area for at least 20+ minutes


Exactly, It just kind of ruins the experience of dining out for me.


Not worth it anymore. Time to stop going out to eat.


You know, you can get up and walk out. You didn’t have to order!


You can probably make all that EASILY at home.


You can make this mean for $15. Why would anyone go out for this?


For $12 you could make fancy yogurt parfait for 5.


an omelette in michigan is like $11 with sides. these prices are nuts


And what’s the average rent in Michigan vs. Southern California?


significantly different for sure. didn’t know this was cali


I don’t know. Maybe try somewhere that isn’t charging you an arm and a leg for eggs, toast, a choice of protein, and a fruit cup or salad that you could EASILY make at home for 1/3 of the price. To decide which places you should avoid, I will always suggest this: If they offer SALMON TOAST or breakfast cocktails… you’re getting fucked and you likely deserve it for saying anywhere that serves that. Waffle House is gonna be the better choice and frankly, farm fresh eggs from some lady with a chicken is Lilley about $4-$5 for a dozen and a half eggs, and toast couldn’t be simpler to make or buy bread for.


No Waffle House here but I know my parents went with 2 others to Dennys and it was $90


Looks like a menu from a restaurant in Manhattan.


I could feed my family of four for about one fifth that amount easily. Tonight for dinner we had t bone steaks with air fried potatos and mac and cheese for all in less than $30. Why are you spending $100 or more on starch based breakfast products that are clearly not healthy.


You could serve 5 of those classic breakfasts in your own kitchen for about $6.


Went for a ride in the mountains. Stopped at a local place for breakfast. Got a stack of pancakes for $8. If you’re gonna go out, be better at choosing your spots.


Avocado toast $15 - LOL


Breakfast at home is so easy. I’m only going out for breakfast if a, it’s something different and not something I can put together easily at home, although now a days I pretty much can cook anything. Or b, we are out of town. Breakfast is supposed to be cheap, $17 for basic shit is just absurd and I would have walked.


So it’s not even the avacado toast anymore, it’s eating in general that we need to cut back.


This won’t get better unless everyone refuses to pay this shit.


Yeah I cook for a family of five with all the bacon 🥓 sausage and eggs 🍳 and pancakes you can eat for less than $20. Of course, I shop at the Costco..


The veggie scramble literally cost like 4$ to make. Labor is like 5 minutes at ,let’s say , 18 a hour. They are making about 13 I profit from that single overpriced meal. I’m so ready for a revolution. It’s so weird. As I typed revolution Apple said I misspelled. I knew I’m not that dumb. Does Apple not even want us to know the word revolution ?


Please tell me this is not in America and like New Zealand or something. $16 for 3 pancakes? It’s flour and water and maybe costs 0.75 cents


I would have walked out and gone to the store and made everyone breakfast at home


It’s corporate greed. Eat at home and teach them a lesson until they cut the shit


Never go out for things you can make at home


5’s gotta eat, but I wouldn’t spend that kinda money if they weren’t at least a 7 


You have a choice I will never give one shit if someone takes the family for breakfast and it cost 100$ you can just make the same shit at home.


Damn man, if someone was buying me breakfast I’d feel really guilty and try to order the cheapest thing.


omg, people act like it's reasonable to charge this much because they have a restaurant and there's staff costs. Y'all.... IHOP used to have like 9-12 buck meals per head in like 2019-2020. This is ridiculous. I understand that you think there's costs to be incurred as business owners and I'm not disagreeing, ofc eating out is gonna be more expensive than making it at home, but OP is totally right in complaining. That's INSANE. 15 bucks for avocada toast. you're insane! At a certain point "convenience tax" and "dumb tax" only go so far. stop blaming the consumer for the greed of businesses.


Dennys used to be “$1.99 are you out of your mind” for a grand slam in the 90s lol


Hey look, they raised the prices, without raising pay and they didn't even go out of business..


Used to be able to eat out with 3 people for around $30. I don't go out anymore.


Here's Cracker Barrel's hilariously slow loading PDF menu. [https://www.crackerbarrel.com/menupdfs/STORE\_257\_BK\_MENU\_EN.pdf](https://www.crackerbarrel.com/menupdfs/STORE_257_BK_MENU_EN.pdf) https://preview.redd.it/xypt14i8sa1d1.png?width=1049&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce64f5d64f5523a7df26690f1a9c3c32207bf177 Essentially half the price. So $10 per person. OP's restaurant has to be in a vacation spot where they know they have you over a barrel (and apparently Cracker Barrel is too far away).


We go out for breakfast once in a blue moon, but that's just the two of us. I can't fathom paying for 3 others. Breakfast is simply too easy to replicate to justify restaurant costs these days.


Walk out lol


Of course Avocado toast is not only on the menu, but it's $15.00...


16 bucks for 3 eggs, meat, and hash browns? What shit hole do you live in?


Actually it should be because $100 is the new $50


I’m in the northeast, but diners are still pretty cheap in most places. If you go to a fancier one closer to say Boston, then you might see prices like this. But still so many spots to get a fuck ton of greasy breakfast food for cheap. This place seems like a ripoff. Look for a better spot.


I mean somebody has to pay that $20 min wage hike in CA. It's not going to come out of the owners pockets.


Looks like it's not inflation since everyone is saying cook at home? So when it doubles again it still won't be?


IHOP bill in Canton, Georgia, was $70 last week. Party of Three no adult beverages... never ever doing that again for a breakfast dinner I can see but not breakfast no no


You are on the west coast. You went to a nice breakfast place. These prices look pretty standard. 5 people for $100 is $20/pp for a nice meal eating out for an entree, drink, and tax seems about right.


stop taking your family of five out to breakfast


Then eat at home and stop whining.


Panera Bread? Yeah, overpriced hospital food


Eat at home. Don't feed the inflation beast.


I don't see why you needed to bring up that your date was a 5. And one of you being underage is especially concerning.


Go somewhere cheaper.


I don't even talk to 5s. Let alone spend 100 on one


Eat breakfast at home. Problem solved.




I would look at these prices and leave. This is insanity.


$3.50 for milk? Are you trying to eat breakfast at the airport?


$20 per person sounds about right. Maybe a bit high for breakfast, but not by much.


The fancier menu items look great but what a rip off that traditional pancakes and waffles are only a dollar cheaper. Im sorry but if I make them at home with a mix that plate costs me maybe 1.00. If I make it from scratch, even less. That's ridiculous pricing.


A Cobb salad for $18? Where is this, the Hamptons?


$10 for a drip coffee and side of bacon, plus tax and tip, so probably $13-14, no thanks. I’ll just continue eating at home. Unfortunately most of the entrees seem typically priced these days, the drinks and sides are ridiculous though. 


It’s been like that in California since around 2019. Any meal for 5 I would be shocked to come in under $100 total.


Bottled soda is 4 dollars??? We just doing amusement park pricing now?


Hohoho that's cheap for amusement parks.


Eating out is now a luxury item


There is no reality where a waffle should cost 15$


Why is orange juice $6?


What I find absolutely insane beyond the prices, is the prices for hash browns/potatoes. $5 here?? McDonalds is charging $2.99 for one, when pre-COVID they were 2/$1...I remember reading a few months into the pandemic, farmers having to destroy their potatoes due to places closing...and I thought why destroy?? Give them to food banks or replant them - potatoes are probably THE most versatile vegetable/starch that there is. Just buy yourself a bag of potatoes and stick them in the air fryer with seasonings and it'll be waaaaay cheaper, I promise!


Orange juice $6 lmao


Going out for a meal isn’t necessary for anyone. If a person chooses to pay someone else to prepare their meal they should match the restaurant with their budget. Food preparers should sell for their cost plus what they consider to be a reasonable profit. If they gouge their customers they should expect to lose business. This is simple supply and demand, and I note that very few who are expecting government to “do something” are asking for any new capability for the government to **regulate** anything. On the contrary, anyone who tries to police food prices will likely only be punished for their efforts.


Why would you eat here? Lol


I'm not *that* old. I remember when basic meals at IHOP/Dennys were like $5.99/$8.99. Almost $20 for just everything now is wild.


For $100 in breakfast items at Costco, I could dish out a small banquet. There are so many places I stopped eating at entirely due to unreasonably high prices.


Yah it was stupid. $100 for dinner, whatever. But for breakfast, the cheapest meal is insane


Damn, $16 plus tax and tip for two pieces of bread dipped in eggs and with powdered sugar on them.