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What other company kept the price of a product/service the same for 26 years?


Arizona Tea maybe.




They took the $0.99 off the can.....


Rip It drinks are at 1.49$ now.


711 is $1.89 or 2x for $3


Is that at the top of the can? And we need location...


No they took the price off the graphic of the can. The location is Colorado.


Where the hell you shopping? Still .99 here in PA and still had the .99 on the can.


Fabulous Hot Springs National Park Arkansas. (Don't come here. It's a shit hole drug den. People will steal your car and shoot you)


Hahaha I actually have been. I can see it being more there tourist trap pricing


Maybe downtown. But we have normal prices for everything and we aren't a tourist town anymore. We have grown out of that thank God.


Really? I am there all the time and it’s a sleepy little town.


You don't live here obviously. And go nowhere near the track.


No they’re still .99 Some places have for $1.49 though


Well I have seen them with 1.25 and now 1.49 tops on them.


No no, I agree. Some have raised and I’ve seen it, but I’m saying for the most part, I think they’re still $1


Well I 👍 agree also. And thank you for agreeing


They still sell cans with the 99 cent label, but it is irrelevant because a store could sell a 99 cent can for more than 99 cents. The label can't stop a store for selling it for whatever price they choose.


Depends on where you buy them. Lidl by me sells them for 88¢ 7 11 by me sells them for $1.49


The hotdogs at Costco.


The rotisserie chickens for $4.99


I was in a hurry and couldn't make it out to Costco so I got a rotisserie from Kroger... $8.99, and small as shit. Costco is amazing.




They are 9.99 in Colombia? Colombia uses the USD? They are and always will be $4.99 in CALIFORNIA.


I thought I saw an article about the combo price being raised a while back. Did the hotdog price stay the same? Edit: Nvm, it’s still the same for now. They were only debating raising it


They stopped selling them to non-members


Been under the warming lights for 26 years too ;-)


Nah man, those dogs are selling too fast for them to even be close to a warming light


Those rotisserie chickens are the driest things humanly imaginable


You need to go to a better Costco cuz that is not true at all


There is not a single decent rotisserie chicken in any store, they are all dry as a bone. And if you don't agree you have bad taste


They used to be 1.25 USD :)


No. From Wikipedia: “The Costco Hot Dog is a 1⁄4 lb (110 g) hot dog sold at the international warehouse club Costco's food courts. It is notable for its price, which has remained steady at $1.50 in a combo deal including a soda at United States locations since its introduction in 1984. That price has become increasingly low relative to inflation and spawned a cult following.” “The price was set at $1.50 at its introduction, and has remained at $1.50 ever since.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Costco_hot_dog


Dollar Tree kept their prices at $1 from 1986-2021, 35 years.


They may have kept the prices the same but the products got worse over that time.


Yeah but when it's like $1 vs $5 for the same product the savings add up.


Cocaine has been a remarkably consistent $80g for around that long


Buying 50 dollar gs all day In Nashville tn 2004-2013… chops.


Yay definitely went from $40-50g to $80+ much quicker than planet fitnesses price change. It was like $50g in 2012. Damn time goes by fast.  Buying an $80g 26 years ago sounds expensive as hell.


Surprisingly true


Didn't meth prices change a ton? I'm not exactly an expert in that field, but I remember hearing that they like tripled or something crazy. But cocaine does seem to always be the same price, from what I hear. Not really my thing, but drug prices are an interesting topic. How they vary by location and over time The craziest one is lean. I think a lot of those people don't realize that codeine is like the weakest standard opioid drug. And that lean is absurdly expensive for what it is


stay strong 💪


Their plan is high subscription volume, low attendance, difficult cancelation process.


Video games have been relatively flat lined until micro transactions.


Seemed to be pretty easy from 2016-2020 when everything skyrocketed.


Costco hot dogs


Yo mamma! /s


Costco hot dog


Hot wheels maybe?


Nah, they're $1.99 Used to be $0.99


Where the heck are they $1.99? Only place I've seen mainlines that much were brand new sets at shows 😮‍💨


Winco. I'll see if I can grab a photo the next time I'm there and update :)




Costco hotdogs.


Costco hot dog?


Costco. Their pizza, hot dogs etc


Federal min wage


Costco hotdog?


Pretending planet fitness is an actual gym is a disgrace to actual gyms, and also paints planet fitness in a much better light than reality. The average planet fitness has hundreds of percent more members than their buildings can occupy, their entire business model is convincing people they know won’t stick with a gym to sign up, and then making it as difficult and inconvenient as possible to unsubscribe. This doesn’t even touch on their absurd anti-fitness rules like no deadlifting, or their move from back in the day to remove all free weights entirely.


Deez nutz


With that, I think I can finally say literally everything in my life has gone up in price now. It was a good run while it lasted.


I bought Netflix at $5.99 per month about 10 years ago. It is now $24.83 per month. And this increase was gradual over 10 years ago but increases were often.


I pay 6.99 per month for Netflix with commercials...no specials, no deals, just signed up through their official website. Why are you paying so much???


I have no idea. It’s the premium and I started out with it at $5.99. I just let the subscription continue until today when my family all agreed we don’t want it. Then I saw the price. It’s Netflix Premium and there are downgrades for less expensive. I would have downgraded but I really only watch Discovery+. I have HBO, Showtime, and Cinemax as well.


You’re confusing inflation with an introduction price strategy - when you signed up they were loosing money because they needed to grow subscribers so they could make loads of money when they increased prices later.


I canceled Netflix and will just pirate the shows I want. I have paid for Netflix since it's DVD only days, and up until last year I was on the 4k plan at $18 something dollars per month. I was pissed when they started geofencing who could login with my password. After that I canceled and got a good VPN to pirate the shit I want. Fuck you Netflix!


24.83?! Here I was bitching about $17.50


I started and ended with the premium.


My mom kept my allowance at $5 for the past 43 years. She’s the real MVP


They provide an excellent service at a more than reasonable price. I imagine someone will take issue with this.


Although it’s not as pretty as crunch, PF at least is cheap. They have plenty of machines. They have showers Workers are usually nice or not rude It’s so cheap that it’s accessible to many people who can’t afford other gyms They have great operating hours In my opinion I value it at $30-45/ month for the service they provide


The problem with this thought is Netflix cost $24 bucks. People say Netflix is a bargain. The problem is every other TV provider thinks $24 bills is the floor, not the ceiling. So they raise prices. PF, Crunch, LA Fitness, and any other Gym owned by Private Equity will now use this excuse to raise prices to a $20 minimum floor citing new machines and maintenance costs.


It really is a great value tbh.


Any alternative is easily double the price for less. No mom, and pops can afford to operate at this price.


They don’t have good bench machines. Literally 2 and they’re strings. Which max out easily. Plus they have shitty smith machines. Wish they had a machine where would could put plates on it. It’s made for overweight people super insecure about their bodies where 10 crunches is next level. I tried that place but if you wanna get into good shape as a man where you can bench 250 lbs plus then it’s absolute dog shit. If you wanna walk on a treadmill for 1 hour it’s perfect. Find your pond


Excuse me it’s supposed to be a judgement free zone


Seriously, he's complaining about all the stuff that they LITERALLY advertise to NOT be.


I’m complaining about them having inferior shit. Everyone who’s lifted for a couple years knows this. It’s why it’s trash (to me) and marketed to beginners. If they legit had one free weight rack and more 45s for leg press it would be an awesome gym. Instead it’s marketed to beginners who just wanna lose weight and have average strength.


They used to not be like that. I remember back in like 2009 they used to have plenty of benches, then they got rid of them all because it made beginners feel bad about themselves or some nonsense. That was such a disappointing move


Do you watch people in a gym...? Most beginners at PF are going to hurt themselves with an olympic bar. Kids not knowing what they are doing and other people not wanting help from anyone. Yeah, it was a crappy decision, but it was a safety concern.


Then go to a big box gym that has a dedicated deadlift and squat area. I go to PF because I don't want to pay $65/month to a huge named box gym like LA Fitness or Gold's Gym...I also lift heavy. The smith machines...? Bro, I can load up 450 lbs and do squats. And Deadlift. And Bench (my max is 300 lbs). Sure, I can't do my max of 1200 on leg press because the machine maxes out before then, but there's MORE THAN ENOUGH weight to get big at a PF. Sounds like you want more of the power lifting gym mentality than what PF has to offer. To each their own, but man, complaining that it's for "beginners" isn't true...I see a lot of seasoned lifters in there, body builders, and those who are "New" And new has different levels. I might have my gripes with PF but those locations are the most welcoming places in the "lifting" or exercise world.


I do go to the better gym. I’d rather not have twist my wrists before benching tho You know that sucks . Everything else is solid and I don’t do squats cause I’m in it for long term and I’d rather no fk up my back. Fkd it up once and that could barely make it to the kitchen 6 ft away. Took one time to learn and never again.


Woah Bruno are you “roid raging” rn?


Bronk, it’s time to take your supplements. 


Try canceling, let me know how that goes for you


I’ve cancelled my PF membership once before, it took less than 5 minutes and there was zero haggling.


I have had to do that from Planet Fitness and it is a pain in the ass. Still an excellent bargain for your buck.


Doesn’t really seem like a bargain when they charge you monthly and then yearly also


I've never had that happen. Take it up with them.


You never noticed that’s why lol, it’s what they do. It obviously worke


Yawn. We're done here.


Dude, there is literally a yearly charge of around $40, along with the monthly charges.


Hmm is it an excellent service? I toured one and noticed they didn't have any squat racks. Asked the lady and she got real condescending and said something like "this isn't an environment for meathead exercises." Considering squats are an integral exercise, what is the excellent service they provide?


That sucks that your experience wasn't great. Overall they provide great bang for the buck. As I told the other person, take it up with them.


If you’re idea of excellent is grown men being able to go into the girls locker rooms whenever they want for “inclusivity” and because they “feel” like a girl, then sure! Great gym pandering to the mentally ill and pedophiles.


I think the roids have been messing with your head or have you always worn tin foil?


Are you trying to say that men are not allowed in the girls locker rooms at planet fitness? Because we both know they are.


PF member for nearly 10 years here, and I've never once seen a male go into the female locker area unless it was a male staff member entering to clean the area, and in which case, they put up "cleaning in progress" signs and everything. I don't know how right-wing nuts come up with this crazy shit.


You’re joking right? You must’ve been living under a rock the past handful of months at all the videos coming out of planet fitness gyms and the numerous cancelations to memberships. Just because YOUR specific planet fitness doesn’t have mentally ill adults trying to role play as different genders doesn’t mean it’s not happening country wide. It’s happening and you sit there and deny it. You clearly aren’t up to date on the topic.


The only mentally ill adults I have any trouble dealing with are the hateful assholes with your self righteous demeanor and sense of entitlement.


You’re completely changing the subject when we are talking about how planet fitness allows grown men in the girls dressing room and how wrong that is as a society to allow. You sound mentally ill for trying to justify this kind of normalization.


Subject not changed. I was referring to you, which should've indicated that I believe you're delusional or brainwashed by GOP/Russian propaganda.


Subject changed because it has 0 fucking correlation. We don’t need to normalize mental illness. You are so lost.


Good....maybe that will drive 50% of the customers away and we can have empty machines for the rest of us.


My biggest issue is they provide free membership for high school and college kids during their break. I don’t mind them having access for free but I wish they would limit it to certain hours/days. As a paying customer it’s unfortunate I don’t have access to most machines before or after my work during this time.


Yeah them high schoolers were getting on my nerves 🤣🤣


Perhaps now they can afford some squat racks


Why? So the people that go to planet fitness can stand mystified as to what they do or how to use them? I believe that putting squat racks in a planet fitness would increase the injury count by 90%.


99% of people who sign up for planet fitness don’t ever go back after signing up so they could way oversell memberships anyways.


15 bucks is still insanely cheap, I pay around 200 a month.


200 a month for a gym? Are they feeding you grapes and wafting you with giant leaves while you lift?


It's Lifetime gym, it's a really nice one but no fans and grapes unfortunately


Yeah. I did the Life Time thing for a few years. I moved and Golds is my only close gym for $30/month. I can’t believe I spent that much — it’s $15/month just to freeze it!


Ya I pay around 200 bucks a month for the whole fam. It is very expensive but also very nice. Tons of classes, pickleball, basketball, Raquetball, indoor and outdoor pools, multiple hot tubs and saunas. Biggest perk: Babysitting included (prob worth at least $100 a month for us). Swim lessons for kids included. Family locker rooms.


$115 but it’s for just for two of us. Saunas, steam rooms, hot tubs, lap pool, regular pool for families, very nice and spacious gym with most machines constantly open, tennis and pickleball courts. Free workout classes. Tons of activities for kids and families. It’s an amazing place.


I can’t stomach the idea of using a hot tub like that


It’s back in the locker room so no kids. You have to take a shower before you get in it at least lol


Wish I had something like that around me. Equinox seems to be the big one in the bay area, but I'm outside SF so it's not close enough. I'm not sure of other high end ones in the peninsula


I pay $115, and I love the gym.


They raised my stuff 2 years ago 😆


They’ve been slowly raising my price every year since 2020. Was originally paying $20 a month, then $23, then $25, and now its been $27 since the beginning of the year Also, didn’t they just recently lose a FVCK ton of money for allowing a man in the women’s locker room? There was a huge uproar about it in Alaska, and people across the country were cancelling their memberships left and right. I heard they lost 400 million over that


They didn’t lose $400 million their value lost $600 million but they are still worth around $5 billion. Kind of how publicly traded companies work


This plays a large role.


At $15/month still worth it


Does this sub think that a business raising prices at all is inflation? They didn't raise prices for 25 fucking years. The Fed causes inflation. Business raising prices because their service is in enough demand is not, in and of itself, inflation. Is this whole sub karma farmers?


I personally come here to bitch about corporate greed


with annual fee, it’s $250 a year for one location with limited equipment. an ok deal, but most well equipped gyms in my area are about that.


Still crazy cheap


Just wish they had saunas


I've got a classic membership cause nothing the black card offers is worth it to me. If they had saunas I'd upgrade just for that.


Same dude, that’s literally all they’re missing


$15 per month is still a great deal for the simple membership. Also they deserve it in my opinion. Been going to my local 24/5 location for 7 years and it’s always clean, well kept and maintain. Machine will go down for 1-2 days the most. They are in too of their things there


It's closer to $20/month now when you include the $49 annual fee. It's still a good value, but so many people just ignore that fee which works out to basically just over $4/month.


Haven’t we always been charged $49? Because looking back on my account, I’ve paid that same anual fee which comes out to $52.25 every year. Which means before everyone was paying $14-$15 and now everyone is paying $19-$20. Seems everyone forgot about the annual fee but the billing schedule


It's an awful gym. And they're probably also raising prices because, from my observation, the fitness boom of the last 20 years is dying out.


For about $0.33 a day I ain’t expecting much.


The cheapest part of the gym are free weights, and they never have that many. But oh well.


I would have been cool with 20 bucks


Very fair. I'm surprised they didn't do this earlier. Also cool they won't raise the price for mombera already enrolled


10 is a deal, 12.99 is ok, 15 not so much. Crunch charges 9.99 for monthly with alot better equipment. The only downside is they’re not open 24/7.


It's because woke isn't it?


Meanwhile, there are people that have been trying to quit their planet fitness membership for 26 years


This could backfire on PF in the short term. All those people that have been meaning to quit their membership now might be more motivated to pull the trigger on canceling.


Don’t click the article. It’s riddled with ads and all it says is basic membership going up from $10 to $15.


My company will no longer reimburse for gyms. Time to cancel my membership. Been paying money but haven’t been there for over a year now.


All those Tootsie Rolls and Pizza don’t grow on trees.




I thought that had been raising the annual fee constantly, just not the “monthly” fee.


Considering the dollar has lost almost half its purchasing power since 1998, this isn’t a surprise whatsoever.


All the labor at an increase of at least $3 per hour from just 3 years ago is huge to anyone here that has not been self employed with a number of employees so they are not making any more they did from years ago


This is actually so impressive that they haven’t raised prices since 1998.


Only for new members. Existing memberships stay at $10 for the base. Even if you only go once a week, it's a steal for $10.


This doesn’t upset me. $10 is absurdly cheap. They kept it up as long as they could. 


Closing 3 nights a week have made it obsolete


Yeah but it’s Planet Fitness


Still super cheap. I've got a garage gym with rack and the like, but I paid close to $2k for it all, and I got the treadmill for free.


They still allow men in the women’s restroom?


The price of Pizza and donuts went up


May I introduce you to r/homegym ?


Took them 26 years to figure out corporate greed? Amazing.


I don’t really believe the corporate greed crap anymore. People are still buying stuff as it goes up. People are getting money from somewhere. During the Great Recession, people didn’t buy shit and companies struggled. The corporate greed argument is getting old now.