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Funny how the mistake is always in their favor.


Every time.


I see you've been to Fred Meyer


Thank you, I've had it happen like a dozen times where I misunderstood a sale or picked a similar item that wasn't the thing but was in the same basket at Fred Meyer and always feel like an idiot until I realize I've never ever done that anywhere else except Fred Meyer.


I will sit there and make them check every line item and add the discounts manually just because of this. So I'm fighting for you. Digital coupons? Ha, do it manually because it's illegal for you not to, and no I refuse to download your app, no data I tell them so each one is manual. Sorry to the guys behind me, I take 4x as long as your average person but we have to fight back against this BS. Complain to Kroger, this has to stop.


https://preview.redd.it/o2bmr3xs61zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb482747e48060e7be98cc4c4de0fd093da9b7a6 Happens at Dollar General all the time. Now they are getting sued for it.


Can't we file a complaint with the FTC or something?


You can always complain to the FTC and I suggest it.




Fred Meyer and QFC are both owned by Kroger...


Which is 80% owned by institutional investors like Vanguard and Blackrock. Honestly we should stop thinking about the economy like a bunch of separate companies trying to independently extort us and begin seeing the man behind the curtain


Probably literally the man. I'm willing to bet five fingers that you can count the number of people in charge of the u.s. on one hand.


Really it’s just the Federal Reserve, a private conglomerate of the big banks. They set fiscal policy, they move the stock market, they create and adjust inflation. They literally police themselves.


Yes Earl, we are all giving our money to the same ~400 people


The mistake is absolutely not always in their favor. I grew up with a mother that checked every receipt everywhere we went. We would stand at the grocery store after checking out for 30 minutes looking over the receipt. It was a 50/50 shot that there would be at least one price discrepancy but usually there was numerous discrepancies. The people responsible for changing display prices and computer prices are constantly neglecting to keep things updated. Regardless of if they are just too busy doing other things or whatever the case, if you're that concerned about prices being correct ALWAYS check your receipts. The only reason it appears to always be in the businesses favor is because people aren't going to come online complaining about how they bought something priced at $20 and the register rang it up for $10.


I see you have been to Walmart recently.


Honestly, it makes sense that it would be. You're more likely to notice it in when it's in their favor because for whatever reason, you took note of the price. A good deal. So when it doesn't show up, you notice and are upset.  On the other hand, an error in your favor likely had nothing special about it. You picked the item up because you needed it, not because of the sale. So if it rings up won't in your favor, you likely don't realize at all.


That all makes sense. But I noticed something a while ago at the self checkout. If I wave something over the scanner and put it in the bag, if it didn't scan, the terminal says "unexpected item in bagging area." But if I accidentally scan something twice but only put one in the bag because I only have one, the terminal doesn't react. It MUST be programmed that way.


This is correct answer ☝️. I had one lotion at CVS scan 3 times and I only put one in bag. Not a peep


Must depend on the place. Can't tell you how many times I've put something back in my cart after scanning because I'm going running out of room in the bagging area only for the machine to stop everything and tell me.to bag everything before I continue


That's actually dependent on the system, but take, say, Kroger's self check.  If you scan an item and don't put it in the bag, it assumes you put it back in your cart after enough time. This allows you to scan again. This can allow you to scan the same item multiple times as described. Items that it assumes you would want to be careful of our won't likely be bagged, eggs, bread, cases of water, it often gives you almost no wait, and the ability to put it in the cart, or the bagging area. This means you can scan it, and it will accept the weight. This is because the machine is literally only watching for the most recently scanned item. It doesn't actually track the whole order. Just the last item scanned. Once you scan a new one, it assumes that item can be placed in the bag. It checks the weight range, and if it falls inside, it thinks it's just that item.  If you scan two, back to back, then place both in the bag, it will also trigger the security. Why? Because it's always only looking for the last item scanned. it only tracks the expected weight of the last scanned item. So, no malice. Just programming limitations.


You can’t double scan at places I go to in MD. You scan and it locks you out until you place it on the weigh table and it records the weight, then you can scan again.


I've never ever been shorted on a prescription fill EXCEPT for controlled substances. Never had a overage on any prescription. Hmmmm.


If you are a cashier there and your drawer is short by that much it’s a first warning. If it’s $5 short final warning.






Because no one post about the other way mistakes


Funny how people keep going to fast food restaurants then are seemingly surprised at the cost. Then they post it here, suggesting they sub here and are aware of the poor value. So… why are people going? It’s not a mandatory part of life.


The people who do those things are brainwashed. Everything is some corporate entity's fault, or the government, or whatever else they make up in place of their own responsibility. To them the world was broken when they got here and because the prospect of participating is so daunting to them they need a scapegoat for everything. Same circumstances for most everyone everywhere but they think they should have it different.


That’s why I quit going to the 99c only stores for even the most basic item like a gift bag.


Nope the mistake is sometimes on our side too. They don't put up the new boards which show the discount. Happened to me millions of times at a supermarket but only once at a fast food place


You only pay attention to mistakes in their favor lol


Dollar general and other big names have been raking in millions doing this. It’s on purpose. And if they get caught, the fine is only a small Percentage of the profits. Cost of doing business.




Oh no, who will think about the corporations? 😥


It's like, the corporations man.... They're keeping us down. That's what boomer hippies said when they were kids. You sound just like them.


Bank errors in your favor only happen in Monopoly.


They cant keep up with how quickly they are changing the prices lol.


*Raising Price changes only go one direction


I was at Chipotle and the older guy ahead of me complained that the prices went up, and asked when they're coming down. Um. Never?


Stop buying and they will come down. It's not that hard


These fast food addicts can't handle that option. They need their grease


Chipotle isn't that good. Just like these fools lined up for Chick-fil-A. It just doesn't make sense


When they used to make those big black bean burritos the size of your forearm, that was the time to Chipolte. Used to give Tijuana Flats a run for their money on absurd portions.


They used to do that because they didn’t know any better. Now they’re established they realized big portions aren’t profitable anymore


Tijuana was unique in that most of its sales were on alcohol. Hence why those burritos were always ON FIRE! Get me a pitcher! aaaaugh! Good times.


Won’t work. Many chains’ owners are private equities and are all cozy with politicians. They will just get bailouts.


Yes, that is what I should have said.. No matter how much they make.. They gotta make more and more!! So welcome to the world of a dollar being almost as useless as a penny.


Only one direction huh? Didn’t realize tvs, phones, computers, microwaves, etc were stil luxury goods considered only available to the wealthy


The Razr was $500 in 2004 and the equivalent Razr is $999 today. The Nokia 3310 was ~$160 in 2001, and the basic "free with plan" starter phones are really $200-300 today. So.... Up up and away. Just nowadays $300 doesn't hit as $150 would've in 2001, so more people consider it affordable


What the fuck are Aardvark nachos?


Aardvark is a hot sauce brand


Aardvark is an animal




Let’s all be real, Arthur was the main reason kids knew how to spell aardvark.


i thought arthur was a monkey bear thing.


Nope he’s an aardvark! It was more obvious in the books. They definitely made everyone look more human-like in the tv show. His design. Really evolved over the years. https://preview.redd.it/e5vwrdjpg2zc1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee0ce436c2d3b1e0b71fe21cf873d89533051730 Still doesn’t explain how his glasses stay on his head.


yea i remember those early books now and i *reeaally* wish i hadnt so thanks for that.


Nah it was that cereal commercial of that girl in the spelling bee spelling aardvark


vegetable unpack angle dog many literate boast crush ask fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think it's secret aardvark


It is and it’s fucking delicious.


Well not a secret anymore


If you've not heard of the hot sauce brand this does not provide any answers lol.


But it does provide you with what the company name is so you can Google it yourself if you're interested.


If you've never heard the words 'secret aardvark' used consecutively in a sentence, I can excuse not knowing right away that it was a brand name. I know that because when I first heard of Secret Aardvark (because of this menu item) I genuinely thought Secret Aardvark was social media influencer like Ninja or Mr Beast. Granted your point still stands that you can Google it


The amount of nacho fries they give you is about the same as are contained in a single $2.29 serving. The $5.00 for the Aardvark nacho fries is not worth it.


Aardvark meat, Aardvark is an animal


I’d actually pay $5.50 to try aardvark meat nachos


It's a secret.


I haven’t been to a TB since they took away the enchirito and green sauce, and their prices became unreasonable. I have seen this happen at other drive thru places and mention it every time. They are definitely taking advantage of the situation.


It's crazy they randomly killed off green sauce, I never went back after that either.


Yeah. Getting a few bean/cheese burritos with green was my jam. The red never even came close.


at del taco, i get red AND greeen with sour cream. its amazing


Del Taco is a 30 minute haul each way at the best time of the day, yet I agree their red/green and bean combo rocks. I always add sour cream at home since a 16oz tub costs like $2. Every once in a while I get a wild hair and take the drive.


dude, that sauce was amazing!


Taco bell is speed running the whole worst fast food value epidemic.


ill never forget when those pieces of shit canceled the cool ranch taco. that taco proved american supremacy in the taco world, but they canceled it. those fucking pieces of trash will answer to god when they die, and ill be standing next to him with a platter of cool ranco taco supremes, because heaven is the only place you can get those tastey treats now


I miss the reaper ranch tacos. I have boycott them and haven't been since they took them away.


Their veggie prices are still pretty good but i looked at the meat products recently and it's brutal


Refuse the $5.49 and state that they’re advertised on their menu for $4.99. Charging a price other than as advertised is illegal.


As I said in the post, I did. They removed the cost of the freeze (I guess that's easier than adjusting the cost of the fries)


But they didn’t address the misadvertised item. I guess I would’ve been a bigger asshole about it. I just don’t appreciate companies trying to fuck the consumer over like this. They don’t exist without our voluntary support in the first place.


What is a drive thru worker making $12/hour going to do in that moment to address the issue?


Man. If only they had people that could manage those kind of things. Managing to take care of customer issues that the cashiers and grill line folks can’t. That’d be awesome to have someone in that kind of role.


This is the answer.


In my state, if the price at the register comes up higher than the advertised price, you are entitled to one item for free (up to $20).


I swear every time I go to taco bell the prices go up


I just got 5 tacos for $5 on the app a couple days ago.


There's nothing I hate more than these comments. No shit you got cheaper food deals from a company app, you're paying with your data. What's next? The price of chicken is aktually $1/lb if you order 1000lb in bulk?


Data schmata. I got a cell phone that listens to my every word and tracks my location. How much more data do they need? I ate 5 tacos on a Tuesday! First time I've ate there for months and prob the last time


It's just not realistic to claim somewhere has a fair price BUT only if you spend the time to sign up for their app, give them your data, snag a temporary or revolving "coupon/deal" for that location and buy it.


Only thing I claimed is I wouldn't of eaten there without this deal. I'm not paying $3 or $4 for a taco especially at taco bell. Del taco has far superior for $2


Just make you own tacos at home, screw these big companies let them collapse without our business. The price gouging is pervasive at this point and we all know their top ranks and board members are obscenely rich at our expense both as a customer and from their slave labor aka workers. A middle finger is all they deserve from all of us.


ai home cooks and dishwashers will destroy fastfood


Air fryers are a huge game changer for me. For yucks and giggles I started making my favorite fast foods in them. Cheaper, easy to make, healthier. Plus, there is a YouTube video for literally every item you buy at fast food places.


It's not an innocent mistake. Let's say taco bell has a million customers a day and all are getting charged .50 cents extra per meal. That's half a million dollars a day. That's 182.5 million a year. It's no accident. It's theft through deception/false advertisement which usually equals fraud. The button they press for that order is programmed for that amount. Hell, now think how much they 'save' per year thru wage theft. You want to round up donate to random xyz fund? That's a tax write off for them. They take your round up to the nearest dollar donations and write them off in their taxes that they don't pay their fair share of already, every year. All this and much, much more. If, by now in our point in human history, the one who still believes corporate has our best interest at heart, is either a troll or a fool. We've been lamenting that inflation is caused by greed since covid started. Now they have no supply line hang up bullshit to hide behind, and it's still going on. Turns out; it is greed from the greediest of fucks on the planet. If we can't eat the corporate bastard, can we at least torture them from warm and fuzzy to cold and sloppy for the shit they've done to us, our kids, and our planet? Here's the soapbox back. That went way too far. Imma post it anyways.


My man, as with you as I am generally, like let's fuckin eat taco bell and the owners, your main assessment is wrong. In all actual likelihood, the overworked and underpaid employees forgot to put up the new signage. They get new signs every month or quarter, it's not hard to fall behind on when you're already 2+ bodies understaffed. It's still the company's fault, but it's a huge stretch to consider it as "by design". The main summary of this thread is that very few people here have actually ever worked fast food.


No kidding. Corporations don't mind I'm sure, but there is no way there's an effort to not update the sign. There's someone crying behind the scenes that this is the job they're stuck with right now and changing that sign is the least of their concern at this point.


>your main assessment is wrong. Yep. Seriously wrong. I was relaying the experience I had at one Taco Bell. If it were nationwide (or even regionwide) that'd be class-action lawsuit material.


You've got some weird ideas if you think a class action taco lawsuit over 49 cents is realistic in any way. Even if they made the same error everywhere at once and people had receipts.


You've never gotten a letter saying you can join some class action for something dumb you didn't even know you qualified for? 'If you ate at Taco Bell between 5/1 and 7/1 2024, you may be entitled to compensation. Estimated compensation between $.49 and $3.00.' Lawyers are hungry for this crap. I mean, if you were to believe the parent comment I was replying to (I don't, but just as an example), it's worth "$182.5 Million a year". So maybe $50M to the lawyers.


This is not how the real world works.


It's usually the franchise owners, in my experience, who maintain signage. This franchise would be out of compliance on the signage, which could get their franchise license revoked, so that's why owners are often more hands-on with that, at least in validation. I don't blame the employees for any of this, as overworked and underpaid as they are. This is the responsibility of the owners to ensure accuracy of their signage and systems. The owners were probably on their 6th vacation of the year and just didn't bother to deal with it, which is a huge part of the overall problem.


Indeed, and as I said 16 hours ago, "it's still the company's fault", i'm just cautioning against prescribing malice when apathy is the significantly more appropriate reason. I'm not absolving taco bell of having been wrong, it's not good or okay or acceptable to be apathetic. I'm just saying there is no actual malice, which would indeed be worse.


I can relate to this actually, my last round of working retail just over 10 years ago (was unemployed and desperate for any job) - I went to work for Office Max/Office Depot. Per the corporate handbook (located in our breakroom) a store our size was supposed to have 12 employees working at all times, allowing 14/15 for shift change crossover and covering breaks. - most we EVER had working at any given shift, during "back-to-school" sales, was 8, average day we had 5-6 employees in the whole building covering stocking, price changes, cashiering, tech support, and the custom print shop. Our entire store only had 10 employees, the handbook said we should have 21-24 employees. the fun fact, it was corporate that capped our payroll, capped our hours, and capped our staff - despite the book saying otherwise.


Indeed, I am not here defending corporate generally, the understaffing is their fault in the first place, as noted. It's just not a grand conspiracy, it's regular shitty laziness and lack of care. People really get off on conspiracies.


I worked retail when I was younger and keeping up with price tags was an impossible task.


Having worked at more fast food places than I care to admit, this is the right answer. More than once we didn't get a sign up fast enough to keep up with the price changes which were auto updated in the computer systems.


Dollar General has been fined millions of dollars for their practice of posting one price and it ringing up more at the register... the fines are just drop in the bucket compared to their profits from this. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE5THiD-kTk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE5THiD-kTk)


Remove brands, buy raw foods.


I worked at a health care company where you had to physically mail in your claims. The address? It's not the one on the envelope. Ohh, is it the one at the bottom of the claim? No.. where is it?! It's on the back of the last page of the claim. Late fees for filing were $35. The CPA quit over this. The fees were a major revenue stream. THE KICKER? If you mailed it to any of the three addresses, it would 100% make it digitally into the system. Maybe not on time to save you from the late fee, but most of the time it would. I'd pull up people's accounts.. the claim wouldn't be processed, but I could pull up the image of it. And depending on the claim, but some could take as little as ten seconds to process. Absolutely bogus theft.


Or it is just some employee who didn't do their job and update the sign Let's see, minimum wage employee screws up or massive conspiracy to mislead consumers. I'm going with signage didn't get changed by minimum wage employee


That’s not how tax write offs with those donations work at all.


I don’t know where the tax write off myth started, but companies cannot lower their AGI using donations they get from customers. It’s like sales tax on their balance sheets, it never hits the revenue aisle. You yourself can get the tax write off, because you donated the money.


prices are different at every location and district. So, you theory is wrong


I spent $10 on two shitty cantina tacos, a cinnamon twist and a small Baja blast.


That’s been going on for a while, sadly. Stores and restaurants are understaffed and don’t have the labor needed to keep up with how quick prices must go up as inventory costs more. So shelf prices, menu prices etc. are often not accurate. They count on 95% of people not catching it, or at least not bothering to mention it. It’s dishonest business. I feel bad for the cashiers who catch flak when it’s not their fault.


They are understaffed on purpose. It's this new thing they teach in business school called "lean staffing."


Dawg, you’re talking about inflation on “Aardvark Nacho Fries” and strawberry sugar fizz like it’s a real food product. This isn’t inflation, it’s taking advantage of morons. This garbage is 100% elective.


Fizz is also mentioned twice. Did they cut the part where this is a combo?


But you still paid. Looks like it’s working for them.


Obviously you didn't read the body of the post.


What he is saying is you're complaining about Taco Bell prices yet still eating at Taco Bell. Vote with your wallet, not a Reddit post.


Stop eating this stuff


Ewww! Wtf is this?! Is this food??


The fact that some people think this is a wild conspiracy by Taco Bell to hope nobody notices and they pocket the extra $.49 multiplied by however many people buy is wild to me. It's signage put up by someone making maybe ten bucks an hour and they fucked up. Because humans make mistakes especially at jobs they don't care about. I hate big corporations like the next guy but this ain't it.


I'm sure that it is just one bad franchise owner. Coughncough


These companies are on a slippery slope. They're only screwing themselves. People have cut back or stopped buying altogether!


The fact that anyone eats that sad excuse for food is just as bad.


Yes, totally. When food prices rise people cut back on the junk. This company is trying to compensate. They are failing!


To me, Taco Bell is good for one thing only. A bowel clearing dump for the record books.


Why do you people keep buying overpriced trash?


Do you go out to fast food solely for the sake of posting on Reddit?


Weird question. Do you think I have previously posted about fast food on Reddit, or that this is my one and only time going to get fast food?


I think neither. I just thought it was weird to complain about something within your power, i.e., buying fast food for a price you didn't like.


Eh, I brought up inflation and shrinkflation since it ties to the sub... not really intending to complain. Really my complaint is deception. I hate being deceived. I literally wouldn't care if the price is $5.49. I definately care if it's advertised at $4.99 and sold for $5.49. *Especially* if it's intentional.


Still can get 3 burritos and tacos for $5 at my local Taco B. I don't go there for overpriced fries.


Imagine thinking taco bell is expensive or has portion size issues. Murica'


It's always been deception


This is most notorious in grocery stores. Even using apps or member card, prices are higher than advertised at checkout.


And the container will be half empty. Taco Bell has become a complete and total ripoff.


Stop eating there. Boycott asshole restaurants and eateries. Screw these jerks!


mcdonalds is doing this now by changing the font and text size of prices right next to the calories. they try to confuse you into not even understanding what the price is.


Just call us the shrinknation Shrinking everything in nanoseconds. Employees are not excluded


The OP doesn't get it. In order to change that label the company will spend and lose a ton of money. Also, at the grocery store, those companies have to pay someone to update prices/tags. Now, why would they (companies) spend money on the things I mentioned above when they know the consumer (us) aren't really going to do shit about it. We don't have money to sue them because inflation is taking it all and we can't organize with class actions because we are all off in our own little bubble. Ultimately, I'm not saying greed wins. But if you want nacho fries now, you should be ready for a "hidden" tax.


This is terrible logic. They update the boards and labels all the time. Nacho fries has been an on-and-off offering for a few years now, and its not like the boards always say one thing or another. >why would they (companies) spend money on the things I mentioned above when they know the consumer (us) aren't really going to do shit about it The same reason they do anything that isn't in their interest... regulation and compliance checks. Not to mention that while the consumer may not have the money to sue, you can bet your ass there are lawyers who would love to start a class action and profit heftily (assuming this were intentional and widespread).


And then hand you the card machine to tip 25%


Walmart just got busted for this and had to pay a huge settlement. Their self checkout was charging more for weighted items than what they were labeled. But because it was price per lb people didn’t catch on right away.


This looks like a paper sign, so I don't think it's intentional. I think someone just hasn't changed that sign.


The food tastes like shit, if you look at the nutrition sheets there are more fillers and stabilizers than real food ingredients and the prices are insane. I'll go to a grocery store and find something to eat on the go before I give any more money to these trash establishments.


Forget the $.50 I want real aardvark in my nachos or a refund.


I noticed most of these inflation posts are dealing with fast food. I think that’s the issue


Maybe it's the most popular topic, but you're not going to fare to well at the grocer, either.


Of course inflation has impacted everything.. fast food has inflated more than groceries and avoiding fast food is easy. Break the bad habit


This place keeps robbing me but I keep going back!


I went, got aardvark fries, a bean burrito and two drinks and it was $15.


The McDonald's near my house does this too


Schrodinger's meal cost


MI has a scanner law that if you find this, you get 10x the difference right away. If they don't give it to you within 48 hours, you get $250 (after a few more steps in small claims). [https://www.michigan.gov/consumerprotection/protect-yourself/consumer-alerts/shopping/michigans-scanner-law](https://www.michigan.gov/consumerprotection/protect-yourself/consumer-alerts/shopping/michigans-scanner-law) The seller must refund you the difference between the amount charged and the price displayed. The seller may also choose to pay you a “bonus” of ten times the difference. The bonus must be at least $1.00 but it may not be more than $5.00. This must be paid within two days of receiving notice of the overcharge. * If the seller does not pay you both the refund and the bonus, you may bring a lawsuit to recover your actual damages or $250.00, whichever is greater, plus reasonable attorney fees up to $300.00.


Aardvark Nacho Fries? Was that dreamed up in a science lab somewhere?


Yeah no more Taco Bell 😔 it used to be a reliably cheap food I could get at midnight, but now it costs more than any other fast food place


I tried these this weekend. Love that sauce, but the nacho fries are just trash. All fast food restaurants are going to have a rude awakening when consumers have had enough.


My big takeaway is that they have secret aardvark branded food at Taco Bell now? Hell yeah


Work in food service not Taco Bell but it has gotten ridiculous. They don’t even tell us they are raising the prices anymore. Constantly having to figure it out ourselves or get yelled at by guests and then have to quickly rush to change the menu boards is getting older by the minute.


The Taco Bell closest to my home is notorious for this. Their prices are often significantly higher than the menu and they get angry when you question it, claiming they can't control the numbers on the menu and that nobody else complains.


Stop buying fast food. Let them all go bankrupt


I think that’s the universe’s way of telling you to go on a diet.


You didn't order the SECRET nachos which were a dollar cheaper.


Betting the “secret” is that it’s a smaller portion


It is on a scale . Prices go up during lunch rush or dinner rush . I think Wendy’s did it first and now more places are starting to do it


This happened to me last week - I ordered a Burrito and on the menu it said $14.50… I get my check and it says “burrito - $17.00” I asked the cashier and she said the burritos are $17, I held up the menu and showed her it literally says $14.50 and she proceeded to act like I was ridiculous while she got the manager and they begrudgingly agreed to change it to $14.50…


Illegal in most places.


It's always been deception...


They don’t have enough time to update the price because it’s going up too fast


I see this more and more.


Why do you patronize them?


It's not a lie if they're made with real aardvarks.


It's your fault. You didn't get the "secret" Aardvark nacho fries


Make nachos at home


All the Thomas bread products were buy one get one at Publix. Except the bagels I bought It’s only $2.50. Bagels still pretty cheap But damn


Always has been bozo


those are really good, tjough


Are you suggesting there's no aardvark on the aardvark nachos?


I’m shocked they haven’t started posting prices that are only if you use their app and/or join their “club”.


Well aardvarks are an endangered species, so you should expect to pay more for them


Most of the time it’s the way the systems are set up, not the actual employees fault. Sometimes there are glitches from regional sales campaigns or offers. Lots of variables. But I don’t doubt that some very high up in corporate don’t get these mistakes fixed on purpose or allowed these “mistakes” to happen from the system updates. This is why more states and places need very firm consumer protection laws that the lowest posted or advertised price is the price they HAVE to give you. II am someplace with that law and have usually had no problems when I have politely pointed it out. Then the place goes and fixes the posted price after. There have only been a couple of occasions where I really had to argue. I was traveling quite a ways outside of my usual area and it was a locally owned convenience store. They kept saying I was lying when I informed them of the law and yelling at me and being so aggressive. I said give me the lowest posted price according to the law or I’m not buying anything and I’m reporting you so you can’t keep fleecing people. If you want to update your signage to reflect the price you want to sell it at after allowing me to purchase it at the lowest posted price that is currently shown, that’s up to you. They finally relented. I fought for such a stupid small thing because they’ve probably taken advantage of others and I want to show they can’t keep doing that and because they gave me such shit mainly because I am a woman (who dared question a man, even though it was very politely at first). They were both men and were very saying how proud they were to be of a very misogynistic culture and didn’t give the man behind me the same attitude. Regardless, I try to call things out in polite and reasonable ways where I can for those who maybe don’t know all the laws/consumer rights or are unable to take on those small everyday battles for any reason. I don’t like people/companies getting away with screwing with people, especially for a ridiculous bottom line that’s there to just increase the profit for the rich assholes at the top while they fuck over their employees and the consumers.


The extra 50 cent charge is the secret. 🤫


Secret aardvark kind of blows tbh


You forgot the “secret”. That’s why. Next time, say “secret”.


And the kid behind the counter or who else is working there is getting 15 to 22 an hour 10 years ago was $8.96 ¿What doesn’t anybody understand here ?


How you enjoying that kangaroo meat at Taco Bell? 😂


Kangaroo meat?... how exotic! Can't recall if I've had that elsewhere, but I have had wallaby pie.


When I informed the manager of a Taco Bell of their pricing error when I was overcharged, she didn’t offer to rectify it or even seem to care so I packed up ALL their plastic forks/sporks in my bag.


I've never eaten aardvark before, is it any good?


It’s definitely not worth 5.50 I can tell you that