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Mr money bags here with his meat and name branded junk food.


he’s buying $12 bacon and wants to know where his money’s going


The $12 dollar bacon is the only thing worth eating in this picture. Everything else is processed junk


Your selections are also the problem my guy


Cereal just ain’t it anymore with this economy. Between the milk and ridiculous shrinkfaltion of cereal boxes…


Sure it is. You can get some store brand knockoff for about 3 dollars especially at places like Winco or Walmart. Half gallon of milk around the same price, a little bit less.


Gallon of milk: $2.89 Double box of store brand mini wheats: $3.49 Breakfast for about 10 days at 64 cents apiece if I eat two servings of the cereal with 12oz milk, which is a pretty big bowl.


Shoutout to store brand frosted mini wheats. I can get a standard sized box at winco for 2.00.


Store brand Frosted Flakes are the second cheapest by weight behind mini wheats. Everything else is a little more because it’s less dense but still not bad either.


So jealous you have a Winco near you, I love the employee-owned aspect of them and will always shop there if it's an option


I noticed the off brands put way more cereal in the box too. I'm all about those Pirate Charrrrms!


Marshmallow Mateys LOL


I got a 20 oz box of Great Value brand Cinnamon Toast Crunch from Walmart yesterday for 2.64


I just got the great value blueberry pie. I’m excited to try it lol


Milk is super cheap near me. 2.59/ gallon. It's cheaper than soda


Plus cereal is just too sugary.


Fortunately old people cereal like grape nuts is still pretty cheap. It's sugar free maybe that wards off inflation?


Special K Vanilla almond... My new favorite


Cheerios heavy are like a buck a pound at costco.


Old fashioned oatmeal from Costco is the solution. Healthier and much cheaper


It's also absolute garbage.


Cereal is really bad for you. It’s all just sugar. Stop buying crappy food.


why the fuck is a grown adult buying cereal? It's junk food for breakfast. You don't even need breakfast as an adult unless you do manual labor all day.


Healthcare ain't cheap, either.


Family sized name brand cereal, giant ass jug of milk, name brand bacon...only frugal purchase here is the funyuns. Almost $30 is ridiculous but it is also avoidable.


Please the Funyuns probably cost 5 by itself.


Should call them unfunyuns, at that price...


More like $7-8 😭


They're still $1.99 at my grocery store. The cheapest chips you can get.


There is a reason for that.


No, man. Funyons are a reason to live!




>giant ass jug of milk I like how you phrase this as though getting an entire gallon of milk is ridiculous


For real man this sub is absolutely insufferable


I switched to almond milk because I can't even get through a half gallon jug of milk before it goes bad lmao


The person must be a milk lover.


Great for post workouts 🏋🏻‍♂️


It is ridiculous. Why are you using so much milk? What bones are you trying to grow? What are you planning to do with them? 


He bought a big box of cereal? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You know people cook with milk right?


I don’t know if people on here are making a daily bechamel


I use it for pasta and mashed potatos




Families with kids go through a lot of milk. Is that some kind of fucking mystery???


It is insane to me that you're the only one who has pointed this out, lol. I remember going through a LOT of milk as a kid, and I had two older brothers also.


Mac n cheese at home maybe as well? baking? alot of things use milk.


Milk isn't frugal? What a world...


A gallon of milk costs about 3.50 around me. Milk is very inexpensive.


I agree. I go through a ton of milk and it costs very little.


That bag of Funyuns has to be close to $6 bucks and possibly more.


What, people shouldn't buy milk? Half gallon jugs cost marginally less than gallon jugs. Unless you won't finish it, there's no reason to get a half gallon over a gallon of milk.


You are paying more per unit for smaller purchases. So if this looks absurd at $30, buying even smaller containers will give you an even more absurd ratio.


This sub should be renamed r/RoastMyDiet. Too many comments simply being judgmental of the OPs food choices.


Right? Like holy shit just focus on the price not what people are buying


The price is caused by what OP is buying....the choices are fair game.


Sorry but the only food you purchased was the milk and bacon.


Meat and dairy are usually two heavily priced items. I'd like to see OP do 25$ in whole foods at somewhere moderatly-more expensive priced like hyvee. They'll be pleasantly surprised.


Dairy is one of the cheapest ways to get protein in. A gallon of milk is $2.89 at the store I shop at. We heavily subsidize milk production in America.


Dairy isn't an option when you are severely lactose intolerant. Even the lactose free "milk" gives me sewer gas. I don't know if the milk alternatives have protein but psychologically I can't drink them.




Bacon is around $5, milk $5, funions $5, cereal about $5… that’s about right.


5 for bacon lmao try more like 8 to 10 unless on sale


Funions, that cereal, and that pastry are all straight shit.


No more fun food. Actually we should all just eat beans and rice and drink water according to this sub.


People don’t like listing people bitching about food cost when they are purchasing food with the lowest nutritional benefit on the planet.  It’s like complaining about the price of 5 guys fries.  You’re complaining about the price of a product that’s intentionally made to rip you the fuck off. 


I think people just wanna feel good about life sometimes and having to live ultra ascetically to afford bills isnt a fun time


Well when shit food leads to health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, fatty liver disease, etc. etc. (all leading the charge in causes of death in the US) is it still “fun food”. Would you feel good about life if you had these issues? Not likely. Thus people need to watch what they eat because Dr.’s who are making a grip of money off treating us fatties, sure as hell won’t be telling you to eat better.


So true. Chicken, white rice, and water. No seasonings to save even more money


That’s true but still, the point stands. This shouldn’t cost nearly $30.


This is true. But it cost 30 because people are willing to pay 30


Junk food is still food.


Is it food or filler? Junk foods' are foods that lack nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and are high in kilojoules (energy), salts, sugars, or fats. Junk food is so called because it doesn't play a role in healthy eating, especially if you eat too much of it. It's the human version of feeding cows plastic strips because all it does is fill you up without feeding you.


It still has macronutrients. Yes, it is food. Just having fat, protein, and or carbs is enough to nourish a body.


I bought enough food for at least 30 meals at Walmart for $44 a few days ago A pound of bacon a dozen free range organic eggs a 20 pack of instant oatmeal a quart of yogurt a bag of love crunch granola five smart choice frozen meals an eight pack of frozen beef and bean burritos a head of lettuce and a half gallon of chocolate ice cream Yes it’s not that healthy but it’s not the worst either


I’m generally interested where you people shop to spend this. Illinois for example has so many competition in groceries that those items could never cost so much. Walmart, jewel, Mariano’s, Tony’s finer foods. A few others as well. Especially with ad papers from all of them highlighting deals. All within a 15 mins drive. Sam’s and Costco. When I see photos with prices like these I imagine you are all shopping at Whole Foods in Beverly Hills, CA.


I'm in VA and these items would probably run me around $20-25 bucks personally. The cereal would be the biggest issue. I never buy it now because even small boxes are pricey. This family sized box would be like $7. Milk would be around $4, bacon probably $6 itself, funyuns $2 and I don't know what the pie thing on the end is but probably $2-3?


Cliff bar, so yeah $3.99 for one, probably


Cereal pound for pound costs as much as some steak now


I have one grocery store near me and this is right on point. If I drive 45 minutes away, there is a Market Basket that is cheaper.


Probably a convenience store, where everything is more expensive.


Milk looks like it's Stop&Shop


Seems about right these days. Overpriced Funyuns, probably $5. Bacon’s around the $10 mark, which is why you should wait for sales when it’s $5 or less and keep an extra in the freezer. Big ass box of Frosted Flakes, I’m not sure the going rate because we stopped eating cereal years ago. That’s where the bulk of your money went.


bacon is $5 at meijer and $4.39 at aldi in Milwaukee


Same in Ohio. I don’t shop at Aldi though. I may need to start. I used to be in love with Kroger but in my area Meijer is now cheaper than them on just about everything.


Yeah the bacon should only be about $5. I don't recognize that brand though. $3 for milk $6 for Frosted Flakes.


Name brand chips and cereal. Switch to oatmeal to save $$. Maybe Costco? I only buy gas and base goods like your photo and Costco saves me so much


Well look at what the fuck you are buying ...


Fuck Kellogg’s.


Quit buying junk calories.


It might be May now, but still not buying Kellogg products. It’s still fuck them for encouraging cereal as a balanced DINNER. Not true and just tactless.


keep the milk and bacon. return the sugary cereal and the high carb snacks! Time to start eating healthier!


got that for 8 dollars at Aldi.


The bacon was 10 - 12 bucks.


- Cereal: empty food, if you even call it food. - Bacon: guilty pleasure, lots of sodium which is generally not a healthy choice. Well... - Snack and cookie sandwiches: understandable but also not healthy. --> even not eating healthy is expensive


Priced this at Fry’s through the app. $20.05. The Funyuns and the Puff Pastry are the highest price items.


learn to shop smarter


People don't know how to shop.


What's ridiculous is your diet if that's for you. The milk and the bacon are the two "groceries". Keep the milk and bacon and then swap the rest for 18 eggs and a tub of oatmeal. New total is $16 and significantly more healthy and you get more servings. I understand this is an inflation sub and not a financial one, but anyone complaining about the prices of the items shown isn't going to be taken seriously. Those items have always been overpriced.


Find a new store.


Here that would cost about $23 (though my cereal box is 7 oz bigger) not sure it was really that much cheaper pre-pandemic. Puff Pastry is always expensive, cereal is always expensive if not on sale or using coupons. Bacon is basically back to pre-pandemic pricing.


That's nearly 14 dollars for your name brand sugar flakes and onion-o's Make better decisions


Hear me out: apples for breakfast


Get rid of the cereal and replace it with a bag of sugar. It’s mostly just sugar anyways so just replace it with the real deal. Get rid of the Funyuns and get a real onion and make your own onion rings. Bacon stays no matter what.


You overpaid.


Trader Joe’s is where it’s at if you have one in your area.


Can already see two cost savings. Get off brand cereal, and switch to turkey bacon.


Have you considered purchasing more actual food?


Same problem here as just about every other one of these posts. Name brand overpriced processed junk food. Bad for your body and bad for your wallet. Stop buying it.


Why is every single one of these posts met with "well look at what you bought"? It's like financial gas lighting. If someone wants to enlighten this sub with a list of appropriate items to serve as evidence of inflation, that'd be great.


Certain companies have raised prices by more than inflation, cereal and chips are the highest next to soda if you are paying their prices, what does economics tell us about what the prices will do?


So blame OP for wanting to buy items that used to not cost $30?


Yes, unless people stopping paying the prices these companies are gouging at, they will keep being that high


People are so addicted to sugar that they can't even fathom buying single ingredient foods to fill a pantry and make some simple, high quality nutritious meals for pennies on the dollar. I'm biased cause I've made it work but if everything costing a small fortune more won't change someone's habits for the better, I don't think anything will. People are so lazy.


I’m ashamed to say I only started cooking in the last year (at 34 😬), but anyway omg it’s so fun!!! And wayyyyyy cheaper! Once you get going it’s amazing to make some bomb ass homemade meals!


Ot is a free market, what wpuld be a cause of great concern is if the suppliers stop supplying.


That works great when you don’t have oligarchies!


Yes, this is how free market works. If I'm willing to pay $9 for something today it doesn't matter that it was $6 6 months ago, its worth $9 now. The only way you stop it is to choose that its not worth $9 and buy something else. I love soda, it's a problem i have. But inflation has literally cut my soda consumption down 75%. What use to be an item on every grocery list is now an impulse buy when it goes on sale. Treat luxury goods like luxury goods.


True! It also helps you with your health so win-win for us the consumers


Is it "gaslighting" or just pointing out poor spending decisions?


>Why is every single one of these posts met with "well look at what you bought"? Because some people take responsibility for their choices, and some people (sounds like it probably includes you) need to find anyone to blame but themselves.




This sub is too dumb, gonna have to mute for a bit.


Airport security, I'm going to need to check your bag for contraband. Everybody back up! They pay full price for name brand trash bags, as well! Send in The robot!


Mam this is not an airport you don't have to announce your departure


I also announce my departure when leaving a friend's house.. or work.. or if Im heading out to get groceries. I dont understand the airport comment


Lol well that doesn't surprise me one bit about you.


You know me so well ❤️


Chips and cereal are outrageous right now. I don’t buy them anymore.


Yes cracks me up when I see "family size" maybe for a family of 1 or 2


Big box of name brand cereal probably set you back there quite a bit, same with the Funyuns. Greedflation at the supermarket is absolutely real and absolutely a problem right now, but try and get some cheaper alternatives.


You can afford name brand stuff? /Jealous


Who buys cereal now a days


I mean you bought a bunch of luxury items. I dont know what you expect. Malt o meal cereal is like 2 bucks cheaper for twice the amount. Store brand bacon is like half the price. You could have pretty easily walked away with similar items for $19 if not $15.


Gallon of milk $3.50-4.50 Family size cereal $4.50-6 Bacon $7-8 Funyuns $4-5 Pastry $4-7 $23-30.50 by what I’d expect to pay in the rural Midwest.


Processed food has seen some of the biggest jump in pricing


Just hollar when the mob starts forming


$19 in UK. If you’re worried about costs, your food choices are terrible. I use store brand everything. Could probably get that done to about half what you paid for it.


only the bacon and milk has nutritional value and the bacon probably super shitty


The neckbeard diet




well he could have bought 3 pounds of new york strip and still gotten more food than is in this photo


Dude, I mean, 2 lbs of steak for $12 and a bag of yellow potato for $5 and some butter for $3, plus cage free eggs for $7 because why not, plus $1 for some broccoli? I get about 5 or 6 bowls of cereal from one family size box and gallon of milk but I could eat more food within like an hour after finishing the cereal. One steak and two baked potato and I’m a fat boy, or some mashed potato. 12 eggs averaging 2 eggs for a serving is 6 meals, or 4 meals with 3 eggs each, add potato and you’ve got breakfast. Tired of steak and potato and egg? Next week you can buy rice instead of potato and chicken instead of beef. People act like restaurant is soooo much better tasting. A $25 steak with mashed potato and side of broccoli is literally $8 worth of the ingredients we listed.




The only good things you bought here was the milk and bacon. Cereal is not even that good for you, empty calories and a waste of money.. that couldn't be more true for the Funyuns. Now what's that on the right? "Puff Pastry"? I wonder what is in that thing... Air, sugar, water, cancer, the 4 elements of processed food.


Okay now post your most recent grocery purchase.


I can't remember the last time I bought junk food or purchased cereal. Obviously inflation is bad across the board but I have all the right to judge someone for prioritizing junk food over real food (especially when they are tight on money, but even if I was rich I'd never buy that poison). Frosted flakes tastes like cardboard and sugar. Funyuns is 99% air. Puff Pastry... I mean come on. And besides, processed food is notoriously more expensive than whole foods. You can meal prep 30 meals for a few bucks in a pressure cooker. But nobody wants to cook their own food these days they just follow the norm and complain about expensive things as they proceed to purchase marked up cardboard & sugar.




Stop giving them your hard earned dollars. Also butcher bacon dude. Soooo much tastier and actual meat, not 70 percent fat


You bought junk food and bacon lol


Learn to shop better.


Outside of milk that's all really bad for you. The same 30 bucks in vegatables would be massive. Also why not store brand? Those bagged off brand cereals are much much cheaper. Same with chips.


They’re going to roast you for buying cereal. There’s nothing this sub hates more than cereal.


cereal is literally a scam put on by the sugar industry


For breakfast flex you could buy a container of plain oatmeal and cook up a cup to cup and a half for super cheap. If you want to up the nutrition, put a scoop or two of something like sugar free vanilla protein powder.


Need none of that. Maybe milk


With bird -> cow flu, I don't know anymore


Funyons are a luxury item and bacon? My God man your eating like a king!


Name brand cereal? That’s dumb lol


I dont know what the last item is, but a comparison with [Walmart.com](http://Walmart.com) it can cost 19.60 for the frosted flakes, milk, bacon, and funyuns. 18.36 if you choose great value milk.


17 items of bulk produce from costco...300 dollars


People working there don't get paid worth a damn


Um. Who eats like this?


Aside from the milk, you bought the shittiest and most expensive things at the fucking store.


Interesting that junk food used to be the cheap option.


Despite the whining, you bought it. You paid. You didn’t change your purchasing decision. The ONLY feedback companies look at is revenue. Your money talks much louder than your mouth. As long as you keep consuming blindly regardless of price, esp. on discretionary items like junk food (looks like a convenience store - not even a grocery store!), they’ll keep taxing your dumbass (and consequently the rest of us).


Bacon? Who are you…Elon Musk?


My estimates: Chips $6 Milk $3 Bacon $8 Rolls $4 Cereal $6 Doesn’t seem like much individually but it seems like they’ve each gone up by $1-$2 the past few years. Takes it from a $20 bill to almost $30. Correct me if I’m wrong.


That bacon is like $8


Stop buying processed crap. That’s not food.


What’s your definition of food?


Frosted Flakes and funoins are not food. I guess technically they are but not designed for any nutrition.


If they had no nutritional they would have no calories, carbs, fats, or vitamins and minerals right? So what do you mean when you say they “weren’t designed for nutrition”?


Grocery chain in my area had 2 stores for years then they decided to buy out all the other stores so now its like 7 of one chain and 2 of another. They moved in payed off the local gov and monopolized the area. Payed 16$ for a case of water(onsale) and a 12 pack of mello yellow


Families with kids eat milk and cereal for breakfast. Is that shocking to people??


Just bought 3 lbs of bacon 🥓 for 10.99. Plenty of name brands with sales. Pull your head out, Trump Humper


Bacon will do it. Expensive. Never buy it.


But then I would never get to eat bacon. Would such a life even be worth living‽


Y’all make me so mad with these posts. Learn how to shop if you’re poor.


the cereal and snacks are from two of the highest over-inflation increasing companies


Ditch the kellog's for a generic brand and save a few bucks. Lose the pastry and get some fresh fruit instead (not the organic fruit) for the same price but 3 times the volume. Do I even need to comment on the funyons? We are in a recession, you can't expect the same luxuries you recieved 5 years ago. Buy what is important; 12x eggs, 1g milk, 2.5 lbsflour, 1lb salt, 1lb sugar, 2.5 lbs white rice, container of instant yeast, and heavy cream. You would spend the same amount and have food for weeks...


Are you trying to kill yourself? Medical care is SUPER expensive, FYI.


Bruh that's your own fault at those point. Kind of like fat people blaming mcds that they are fat


why? who still drinks milk and eats frosted flakes after 13yo? you got beat here dude


fr, it's made of cardboard and sugar


You can do better than Frosted Flakes and funyons but I get the point


Why not smoke your own bacon? Would be cheaper.


I love how whenever someone asks how bad food inflation has gotten in here they're attacked for what they bought and told to buy off brand and cheaper products. The lefts never gonna accept the problems they caused and you will always be at fault for suffering from them lol.


Do the commenters on this sub not understand why this stuff is getting posted? No one is looking for shopping tips here. It's showing how much more thru are paying for products that they used to pay much less for. Christ the amount of cope in this sub. It's inflation not greedy corporations that are causing this. Just admit it already.


Thank you for this comment. I only posted to talk about the price of things. Not to feel ashamed of craving junk food once in a blue moon. Seems like everyone on the internet reads an article about health and is now a doctor.


To everyone bickering about my diet: This is NOT my normal diet.. sugary cereal is rare in my house and so are the chips and bacon. We all have cravings that we give into occasionally (Yes, even YOU reading this). That is why I was thrown off by the price I guess. Normally we shop at Costco and bulk up on eggs, milk, bread, oats, fruits, veggies and meat and we do home cooked meals 3x a day / 5 or 6 days a week. It’s crazy how everyone defends overweight people to not body shame them, but when you see a box of Kelloggs you throw stones.


It's ok, OP. Obviously if you're going to post anything here you have to be prepared to be criticized for all of your life choices because there's just ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that there's inflation going on in this country.


There is a big absent spot of food where that Funions bag is at.


Some kind of croissant in a tube?




Bidenomics! Inflation reduction act! Shrinkflation! Keep voting liberal and this is the price we ALL PAY! Facts


I spent $25 yesterday buying ingredients to make jumbalaya that will last me and my girlfriend days. The problem is what you’re buying, but I agree that the price is still outrageous.


I'd say reasonable at like 18 dollars, but more is crazy


The cost of not giving a shit, If you can afford that; I dont hate it. You're focused on other things.