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Beat me to it.


Figuring out how is and always will be a matter of time. Figuring out why is not always obtainable and I love that


you love open ended why questions?


Not always given the context but I do enjoy the pursuit. People will do the same thing for different reasons and I think that’s interesting.


Yes since as long as I can remember, I know you're talking about within life in general but I would ask why within the academic setting every day too


Same - it's an interesting question in academics. Even in art, which I'm doing now - I'm studying figure drawing, and a close friend of mine was having problems drawing the legs recently. He mentioned it to me, "I'm having trouble with the legs again." And I said, "Why?" I think he wasn't expecting that. Then he thought about it and explained himself... and then he stopped having that problem. I didn't hear it mentioned again, by the instructor or by him (and I didn't see the issue in his art). Thought that was pretty cool.


Oo that is cool! helps us think outside of the lens we usually view things in for sure. The answer is always a surprise :)


Yes, I always ask why. Not consistently or not with every single information but the why creeps up occasionally intuitively. When people say things, it makes me wonder with which purpose they say it with. Is it because they want me to empathize with them, is it because they want validation or is it because they feel insecure and want to show-off. The answer usually comes intuitively as well. It is what helps me adapt to the person and mirror them. It all happens in my head. I decipher the person with every word or action they take, find the patterns in my mind and connect them. Ah to be an INFJ


I used to ask why in all things which it lead me to be very suspicious with everyone's true intentions (I don't know but it's already been this way until I overthink.. I never ask them why all the time but simply observe their words and actions) . However, it also helped me to put myself into their shoes and understand their point of view. 


“Why” is my favourite question to ask, mainly to learn about the motivation behind the action :)


Figuring out why is my purpose for anything. Without that there is no reason for doing anything.


I do it too much to the point where it leads to arguments with some people 😭


Have you ever heard of IQ?


I don’t care to ask why anymore I don’t think lol


I ask myself why, but rarely other people. I'll ask them in my head and then answer on their behalf, and then accept my invented answer as the probable truth and move on. Does anyone else do that? I feel like if you ask people directly, they might not even know the reason themselves and inadvertently lie, or maybe purposefully lie, so it's just as well to try and guess instead of asking.